a reply to:
There have been different points where society went through a big change.
While there are big changes, subtle changes happen too.
Really? Wow, I never would've thought of that. So you are saying, historically speaking, both BIG and SMALL changes have happened? Oh, wait. You are
using the wrong antonym for some reason, like switching horses mid-stream. Why are you changing 'SMALL' to 'SUBTLE'? They are not synonyms.
That's the problem of antonyms - sometimes a word doesn't really have a complete, and proper one, since a specific meaning's opposite can be very
unspecific sometimes. 'Subtle' is a good example, as 'BIG' is definitely not its full antonym (if at all), but other words are problematic, too, as
they don't convey the full meaning of 'not-so-subtle', but how about 'obvious', 'crass', 'inexact' (a lazy antonym of 'exact', just put 'in' in
front..), 'rough'?
In any case, BIG change can still be a subtle change, so your train of thought is trying to run on two separate tracks simultaneously and can only
CRASH as the result.
Small changes are also not necessarily subtle at all. Are you talking about big and small changes, worldwide stuff vs. 'personal' stuff, or what?
In any case, don't you think typing something like this is like typing 'there have been variations in history'? I mean, we're supposed to be able to
have deeper conversations here, without having to state the obvious. Yes, history has had all kinds of changes, big, small, subtle and coarse. So
I am of the belief that words have power.
Ah. This explains a lot. First of all, belief is one of the most dangerous and useless things people on this planet have been conditioned to adopt as
their 'method of processing information' for some reason. This bypasses rational processing, it bypasses criticism and counterpoints, and rushes
straight into your emotional manipulation your heart is already full of.
I would advice to stop practicing this dangerous and self-defeating behaviour that only renders you easier to hypnotise, condition, brainwash and
indoctrinate - suggestion come from all directions, you can't just 'believe' things. Process them at least, first.
I have often stated that I don't believe. It's not that I don't "believe in anything", which has a slightly different connotation than its literal
meaning would be. It's more that I just don't believe, not "in" anything or "out" anything (english is so weird) - I don't believe tales, stories,
anecdotes, even facts. I don't believe feelings or emotions, I don't believe any authority, and so on.
There's no need to belief, when there are better alternatives; from faith to research, from intuitive insight to 'leaving something open to study more
before making up my mind', and so on. There are ways of knowing things this planet's superficial nihilistic 'science' does not want to admit even
exist. There are things like 'faith and trust', if you want to go that route, so 'belief' lands squarely inbetween the cracks of useful and wise
things to do. It's a dumb thing to practice, I suggest stop being addicted to this destructive habit.
As far as 'words having power' - oh, no. I can't slap my forehead any harder while groaning and feeling a deep cringy emotion.
Really? You think if you put words on a table, they will create a planet full of life? No?
If you put words on the floor, will they gather massive armies and go to war, and soon the whole building will burn down from explosions and such?
Do you think you can just put a word on a wall and have it cure the sick?
What kind of 'power' do you think words have? I can tell you they have NO power whatsoever.
After all, words are just advanced animal noises, just waveforms, just utterings. Even if you blast a word very loudly so it creates massive
soundwaves, the WORD ITSELF still doesn't have any power, it's the soundwaves - you could replace it with any loud enough utterance, a word or a
non-word, or any other sound for that matter, and the soundwaves would still have the same power. So it was never the word.
If someone gets offended by a word, it's not the WORD that has any power, it's the offended entity that has the power to decide what to feel and so
on. Maybe even the anger has some kind of power. The word, however, has none - and even if we say it does, it only has it because this entity GIVES it
the power. Inherently, words are just lying there, doing nothing, until PEOPLE (that have the actual power) react to their abstract mental construct
they decided to make based on their interpretation of certain photon fluctuations or pressure changes some broken-rhythmically moving air has caused
in their skull.
There are no words that have any power. Try putting a word in a tiger's cage and see how much power that word has.
Try piling every single word ever invented or written on this planet on some other planet's surface and see how much power words really have.
Bullets have a small amount of power, due to having explosives in them. But even they don't kill - it's the entity that makes the decision to pull the
trigger that kills.
The same way, word has no power, it's the people and meaning behind the word that does.
I am aware of the 'water freezing experiments' that tried different words while water was freezing, and if you said a politically-incorrect word, the
water would freeze 'all ugly', and if you said a politically-correct word, the water would freeze 'all beautifully'.
However, I don't think these experiments were done in a controlled fashion at all; they should've used some speech synth to construct those words to
eliminate the human emotion and bias factor completely. If someone is just saying words, they might FEEL something while saying those words, and THEIR
FEELING is what changes the water, not the word itself.
They should've made some kind of process, where the typers of the words don't know the full word, only part of it, and multiple different people would
be involved. This way, even the text that's fed to the speech synth would be pure of any emotional bias effect.
If they had done the experiments this way, I am sure all words would've gotten 100% identical rection, the water would've frozen 'identically'. Water
can't react to some human invention, like 'putting these utterances in this order creates this meaning'. Water doesn't have the intelligence for that
kind of processing.
Water, like everything that exists on the physical plane, CAN react to feelings and emotions, however - after all, they're simple, straightforward
impulses all nature recognizes as communication format (this is often called 'instinct' animals have, or lower-level telepathy or spiritual
In any case, if someone angrily screams 'hateful language' towards you, and you decide to feel hurt by this, it's not really the words that have the
power (after all, you are the one with the agency, not inanimate words), but it's the meaning BEHIND the words. The angry entity could've used 52
different ways of screaming the same anger at you, and it would hurt you just as much.
Maybe they could've done it telepathically, I am sure done that way, without any words, would've hurt you even more, as there's no shred of the anger
left for interpretation and it's fully expressed instead of trying to find clumsy words to express it.
Words have no power, belief is a bad habit.