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'Pizza Hut has gone full woke, now we must make them full broke'

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posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
When my kids were little they used to love parading around in adult shoes. It generated a lot of laughter to see my two year old daughter trying to walk in her father's cowboy boots, or my three year old son parade around in my high-heeled shoes.

It has been pretty much accepted for many generations to be a natural form of play for children, and we never once saw it as an expression of transgenderism. Kids (being the little hams they're noted for) enjoyed the reward of making everyone laugh.

Like most stages of learning-play kids go through, the novelty of prancing around in adult shoes soon wore off and they advanced to the stage stage of their development.

I guess we could have taken it as our cue to 'develop' such traits had we so desired, but we just enjoyed their antics and the laughter it brought. We never made it an issue, and it never became one to address.

When I was a kid we used to play cops and robbers a lot, along with war. The adults let us play with sticks as pretend guns, and let the natural progression of growing up take its course. I'm glad they didn't feel the need to get involved and feel the need to develop the shooting/violent aspect of our play.

What you are describing is not this, 100% not this. Most normal toddler boys put on dads shoes and toddler girls put on moms shoes.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: SeaWorthy

You don't say

Yeah not that many seem to care anymore. The parents are more interested in their selfies than their children.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 07:29 PM
they have ALWAYS EXISTED and ALWAYS WILL EXIST.......the gay agenda? yes the gay agenda is they just want to be their real selves, not live in shame, find another adult to love....there is only about 3% that are gay in the usa out the total population of 327 these teachers who are the only ones with this MAGIC power to use the gay agenda to turn children gay are doing a damn lousy job of it!!!

being gay is NOT A LIFESTYLE choice if it was it means they CHOSE to be beaten, killed, shamed , humiliated, thrown out of their families...WHO WOULD ACTUALLY chose THAT??? and why did parents force their gay offspring into these horrible abusive conversion therapy that doesn't work???
transvestites enjoy dressing up as the opposite sex they put on shows sing and dance...they don't want to to be or think they are the opposite sex and many are not gay.

some on here seem to think that actual sex acts are happening on the stages during these shows???? REALLY???

originally posted by: The2Billies
Just as I cancelled Disney+, guess I'll have to stop ordering from Pizza Hut, which I have done nearly once a month for ages.
My principals that little children should not be taught the ABC's of LGBT stand firm.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 08:40 PM

I guess we could have taken it as our cue to 'develop' such traits had we so desired, but we just enjoyed their antics and the laughter it brought. We never made it an issue, and it never became one to address.

This is the point I believe, these parents feel it's their job to push onto children ideas which would never develop on their own.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: research100
they have ALWAYS EXISTED and ALWAYS WILL EXIST.......the gay agenda? yes the gay agenda is they just want to be their real selves, not live in shame, find another adult to love...

There is nothing wrong with that and I feel as though they can do that fairly easily now without being harassed.

Honestly, the people pushing these agendas aren't even gay for the most part. They are social justice warriors with nothing better to do than force the majority to conform to the minority.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 09:47 PM
story just came out today BREAKING: “A Florida woman was charged with manslaughter after her 2-year-old boy found a gun in their home and accidentally shot his father dead.”

the parents were convicted felons were on probation for child neglect and narcotics charges.

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Phage

A toddler would have a hard time killing someone with a hammer.

I wouldn't let a toddler have either... The difference is the toddler could not pull the trigger, but could drop a hammer on your nice glass table.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: nugget1
When my kids were little they used to love parading around in adult shoes. It generated a lot of laughter to see my two year old daughter trying to walk in her father's cowboy boots, or my three year old son parade around in my high-heeled shoes.

It has been pretty much accepted for many generations to be a natural form of play for children, and we never once saw it as an expression of transgenderism. Kids (being the little hams they're noted for) enjoyed the reward of making everyone laugh.

Like most stages of learning-play kids go through, the novelty of prancing around in adult shoes soon wore off and they advanced to the stage stage of their development.

I guess we could have taken it as our cue to 'develop' such traits had we so desired, but we just enjoyed their antics and the laughter it brought. We never made it an issue, and it never became one to address.

When I was a kid we used to play cops and robbers a lot, along with war. The adults let us play with sticks as pretend guns, and let the natural progression of growing up take its course. I'm glad they didn't feel the need to get involved and feel the need to develop the shooting/violent aspect of our play.

What you are describing is not this, 100% not this. Most normal toddler boys put on dads shoes and toddler girls put on moms shoes.

Yes, they do. If I had been a 'woke' mom I would have done everything possible to encourage him by rushing out to buy him some dresses, his own heels, taught him how to apply makeup, put him in a tutu and entered him in a pride show at a local bar.
But, not my fault he didn't have all of those experiences; it was a different time.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 01:51 AM

originally posted by: research100
story just came out today

So I been told already... Hard thing to do... How many 2 year-olds have killed with a gun in the last 200 years?

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 03:24 AM

originally posted by: research100
they have ALWAYS EXISTED and ALWAYS WILL EXIST.......the gay agenda? yes the gay agenda is they just want to be their real selves, not live in shame, find another adult to love....there is only about 3% that are gay in the usa out the total population of 327 these teachers who are the only ones with this MAGIC power to use the gay agenda to turn children gay are doing a damn lousy job of it!!!

I get the feeling that they want everyone else's "real self" to be the same "real self" as them.

And I don't mean all gay people, or even very many gay people. Just the activists (who are a minority within the group). I live in Portland, OR. I actually know quite a few homosexual people. Most of them would never do this crap.

Most homosexual people do not consider it to be any of their business what anyone else does in the bedroom, and only ask for the same consideration in return.

But this woke stuff, is not that.

being gay is NOT A LIFESTYLE choice if it was it means they CHOSE to be beaten, killed, shamed , humiliated, thrown out of their families...WHO WOULD ACTUALLY chose THAT???

That's like arguing that a heterosexual male who falls in love with a girl his parents object to, or who lives in a place where people are required to marry within their caste and she isn't. And consequently society reacts badly.

Arguing that he didn't choose that girl. His preferences were predetermined at birth.

Of course he chose her. The heart wants what the heart wants, and sometimes it could be argued that it's only half a choice, but it is still technically a choice.

A homosexual man is simply choosing a girl who isn't a girl.

And who am I to tell him he's wrong? Nobody. But it's still a choice. A choice he has EVERY RIGHT to make, if he wants.

To argue it is not a choice is to sidestep a more important question : would a person who had a choice, have the right to make it?

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Thejaybird

I have a child who goes by "they", and has changed their name. We respect it, their friends respect it, and it has been no problem whatsoever (this started when they were in fourth grade...they are finishing their Freshman year right now). I accept and love my child, not matter what they come to me with, and I assume most people do as well.

Talking in a neutral way, your child was taught that, it wasn't something that materialized from some inner desire or feeling. I really don't care what people want to be called, have fun, but its the in thing right now to do it. The part I'm a little concerned about is who is doing the teaching? Teachers are assuming too much of a roll these days getting deep in to more personal areas and using what they believe to be correct and there are a lot of nutty teachers out there that think on the extreme side of things.

That's a really good way of stating the issue.

You can sue a psychiatrist for malpractice if they give bad or unprofessional advice. What do you do if a teacher gives bad advice? What guarantee do we have that a teacher will only give good advice?

Plus I have a problem with a person who goes to college becomes a teacher and thinks they know what is best for kids as if they happen to be the smartest and most experienced person in the room who in the end really knows very little about anything.

It's like learning Spanish, and thinking that makes you able to communicate in Russian.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 06:56 AM
I think the food is much worse for your children's health than some book or trans event.

But, of course, the religious are going to see this as the end of the world and make a huge thing about it.

Guess what?

If your kid has access to the internet, they've probably already been exposed to transgenders.

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: research100
they have ALWAYS EXISTED and ALWAYS WILL EXIST.......the gay agenda?

originally posted by: The2Billies
Just as I cancelled Disney+, guess I'll have to stop ordering from Pizza Hut, which I have done nearly once a month for ages.
My principals that little children should not be taught the ABC's of LGBT stand firm.

You get me all wrong.

I don't think little children should be taught the ABC's of LGBT just as they were, not taught the ABC's of heterosexuality before puberty, until recently because of the woke demands. I think discussing masturbation with K-3rd graders is not the business of the state (i.e. public schools). But the woke liberals demanded it and now they are teaching it in CA. Teaching the ABC's of sexuality before children are ready for it, destroy's innocence and gets them curious to try sexuality before their bodies are ready for it. i.e. grooming

If you think I "hate" LGBT, you are wrong. I simply disapprove of any and everyone who insist on being flamboyant and in your face about who they have sex with and what kind of sex they have. These days LGBT seem to be insisting on people cheering on their choice of sex partners and methods of having sex. That is gauche, rude, and insensitive to those who feel it is none of their business and don't want it to be their business.

I also find biological women who do things like wear a bikini as a wedding gown and dressing like prostitutes to be rude, gauche and degrading to themselves. I find biological men who do things like stuff their pants and then wear the tightest pants possible with no shirt or a super tight shirt to be rude, gauche, and degrading to themselves. I don't want to know that they are ready for sex, horny and looking for a good poke like a dog in heat.

I don't want to be forced into being part of the cheering section for LGBT and to know what kind of genitals people have and be waving a rainbow flag over them. But the woke are insisting I know and cheer on publicly everyones choice of sexual partner, the shape of their genitals and how they choose to use them. That is just plain gross, I don't want to know and loathe being forced to know by the woke liberals.

I have a gay "acquaintance" who is what I consider the "perfect" role model of a true gentleman with dignity. I met him while he worked part time in my bank. I had no idea he was gay then. I wrote to the company saying how good he was and that he should be made full time. He was promoted to full time. I then wrote to the company because the then manager was awful and told them that my friend should be made manager. I still didn't know he was gay. He was promoted to manager, not because of me, but because he was excellent at his job and very professional. Then he was promoted to manager of 3 branches. When I found out about the latest promotion, I saw a new wedding ring. I congratulated him on the promotion and wedding and asked how his new wife was handling the long hours. He said "my husband", I said, well how is your new husband handling your long hours. We chatted a while and I congratulated him again, he is still what I would consider a good acquaintance. He is also what I would consider a true gentleman and role model of how everyone should handle their choice of sexual partner, with dignity, unashamed, and keep private matters private.

But I suppose you will assume I am a bigot and he is wrong in handling his LGBTness in a dignified manner as befitting the very best of people. Because these days everyone is supposed to know everyone else's genital shape and who they prefer to use their genitals with, that seems to be what the liberal progressives are demanding as the "new morality" with asking ones preferred pronoun upon meeting a new person something everyone MUST do.

As for transvestites, they are making a mockery of women and degrading biological women with their flamboyant in your face stereotypes of the worst of womanhood. They portray women as 1950's-1960's sex objects. Their mockery of women is as bad as black face in perpetuating harmful stereotypes. Hopefully some day this behavior will be recognized for the unconscious condescending and borderline hate directed at women that it is.

Transgender who live their lives with dignity and don't make a mockery of biological womanhood I have no problem with. If they go "fully" female or male and one can not tell outwardly they are anything but who they claim to be, I have no problem. If they quietly behave like everyone else in a restroom and look like everyone else in the "sexed" restroom, I have no issue, because I won't know and it is not my business to know.

I do have a real issue with "transgender" biological males with a penis and testes, who have been convicted of rape of biological women being put in women's prisons. That HAS ended up with rape and pregnancies of women trapped by the woke in a cell alone with a rapist, on purpose, demanded by liberals/progressives. Saying they need protection from rape in a men's prison is saying that a biological male has the right to safety from rape but biological women do not have that same right, again putting biological women in their place in a biological male's world.

But again, I assume you think I am a bigot for saying when it comes to transgender issues, that biological women are firmly second class citizens to be discriminated against and put in their place. When it comes to the transgender issue this is what the liberal progressive woke are demanding we agree with, transgender biological males have more rights than natural biological women and we must all agree or we are bigots.

So I will not purchase Pizza Hut pizza as long as they have gone woke, just as I cancelled Disney+ and blocked Nickoldeon from my grandchildren being able to watch it.

edit on 6/7/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
I think the food is much worse for your children's health than some book or trans event.

But, of course, the religious are going to see this as the end of the world and make a huge thing about it.

Guess what?

If your kid has access to the internet, they've probably already been exposed to transgenders.

The problem is, you don't want an authority figure steering them down one particular path. Because you don't know at that age, whether they're really choosing it or just following their authority figure.

Then they get half way down that path, and realize they never wanted that in the first place, but they've invested too much in it and now they can't go back. Not all the way back, anyway. (Such as perhaps finding their greatest life happiness would have been to be intimate with one and only one person, after they've attended 20 orgies.)

In a severe case, you wouldn't want a kid to get half way down the road to post op transvestite, only to realize they actually still want the pieces they've already snipped off.
edit on 7-6-2022 by bloodymarvelous because: (no reason given)

If you want your kid to have the greatest happiness they can have, that means leaving as many possibilities open as you can possibly leave open. We don't get our final version of a brain until it has stopped growing.
edit on 7-6-2022 by bloodymarvelous because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Phage

Clowns are scarier than drag queens, way scarier.

What's the difference?

posted on Jun, 7 2022 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium
a reply to: Phage

Clowns are scarier than drag queens, way scarier.

What's the difference?

Drag queens are just like blackface.
They are a jolly parody of the worst stereotypes of a class of people formerly oppressed and repressed.

Since we are embracing drag shouldn't we re-embrace black face parodying the worst stereotypes of black people?
NO? It's racist, so sorry.

Drag queens, and transvestites and flamboyant transgender are equally sexist and repulsive in their gross characterizations of of sexist stereotypes of biological women.

Here is the PERFECT example of a disgusting parody of biological women that I liken to as tasteful and "ist" as blackface. If you think this is just fun and not putting down biological women even though it perpetuates ugly stereotypes, then you must also think blackface is simply fun and doesn't put down black people. You would be wrong of course.

Another reason for boycotting Pizza Hut. Their support of ugly, regressive stereotypes of biological women when it supports flamboyant transgenders as normal and something children should emulate.

edit on 6/7/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: infolurker

This would be considered "cancel culture" if said in the same exact way on the other side. LOL

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies

originally posted by: Quadrivium
a reply to: Phage

Clowns are scarier than drag queens, way scarier.

What's the difference?

Drag queens are just like blackface.
They are a jolly parody of the worst stereotypes of a class of people formerly oppressed and repressed.

Since we are embracing drag shouldn't we re-embrace black face parodying the worst stereotypes of black people?
NO? It's racist, so sorry.

Drag queens, and transvestites and flamboyant transgender are equally sexist and repulsive in their gross characterizations of of sexist stereotypes of biological women.

Here is the PERFECT example of a disgusting parody of biological women that I liken to as tasteful and "ist" as blackface. If you think this is just fun and not putting down biological women even though it perpetuates ugly stereotypes, then you must also think blackface is simply fun and doesn't put down black people. You would be wrong of course.

Another reason for boycotting Pizza Hut. Their support of ugly, regressive stereotypes of biological women when it supports flamboyant transgenders as normal and something children should emulate.

Thanks for that challenging idea.

One of my interests in reading here, is being presented with ideas like these to consider.

Challenge all of the BS we are blasted with.


posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies

originally posted by: Quadrivium
a reply to: Phage

Clowns are scarier than drag queens, way scarier.

What's the difference?

Drag queens are just like blackface.
They are a jolly parody of the worst stereotypes of a class of people formerly oppressed and repressed.

Since we are embracing drag shouldn't we re-embrace black face parodying the worst stereotypes of black people?
NO? It's racist, so sorry.

What if you really are a black person at heart, born into a white person's body?

Surely you should be allowed to express this!!!

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 12:14 PM
well it is 2022 gay marriage is legal and STILL THIS HAPPENS a baptist preacher (pastor dillon awes) in Texas just got thrown out of the 2nd church becuase he told his congregation to kill all the gays during pride month..

originally posted by: booroot

originally posted by: research100
they have ALWAYS EXISTED and ALWAYS WILL EXIST.......the gay agenda? yes the gay agenda is they just want to be their real selves, not live in shame, find another adult to love...

There is nothing wrong with that and I feel as though they can do that fairly easily now without being harassed.

Honestly, the people pushing these agendas aren't even gay for the most part. They are social justice warriors with nothing better to do than force the majority to conform to the minority.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 11:59 PM
I don't care much about this, it's....whatever.

However, people should also be outraged about TV shows, corporations and anyone that promotes religion.

Christianity is a pedo cult.

posted on Jun, 13 2022 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

originally posted by: The2Billies

originally posted by: Quadrivium
a reply to: Phage

Clowns are scarier than drag queens, way scarier.

What's the difference?

Drag queens are just like blackface.
They are a jolly parody of the worst stereotypes of a class of people formerly oppressed and repressed.

Since we are embracing drag shouldn't we re-embrace black face parodying the worst stereotypes of black people?
NO? It's racist, so sorry.

What if you really are a black person at heart, born into a white person's body?

Surely you should be allowed to express this!!!

Don't you think many people do?

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