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Former WHO Employee Jane Bürgermeister Warned In 2010 Of Planned Respiratory Pandemics

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posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Probably from one of the blockbuster disaster movies that broached the topic even up to decades before, or from the fact that she worked for an agency of the UN, set up in 1948, to deal with exactly this type of thing:

And it’s never occurred to you that there are Hollywood insiders who get the downloads from their friends before the rest of us, or are already aware of new technological advances.
Vanilla Sky, Minority Report to name just a couple. Then there are those who promote the typical Progressive ideologies such as Climate Change ( The Day After Tomorrow ).
Outbreak, by the way, promoted the old green monkey narrative. Maybe they can bring that back for the monkeypox.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
a reply to: chr0naut

Probably from one of the blockbuster disaster movies that broached the topic even up to decades before, or from the fact that she worked for an agency of the UN, set up in 1948, to deal with exactly this type of thing:

And it’s never occurred to you that there are Hollywood insiders who get the downloads from their friends before the rest of us, or are already aware of new technological advances.
Vanilla Sky, Minority Report to name just a couple. Then there are those who promote the typical Progressive ideologies such as Climate Change ( The Day After Tomorrow ).
Outbreak, by the way, promoted the old green monkey narrative. Maybe they can bring that back for the monkeypox.

What's the point of having some super-secret conspiracy to dominate us all and then to broadcast ahead of time (potentially allowing us to foil the dastardly plan, or at the least not fall for it), via Hollyweird? Your premise is self-contradictory and serves in no-one's interest from a motive point of view.

Has it never occurred to you that these themes have existed in history and fiction even prior to the founding of the Interwebz, Hollyweird, and even 'Murricah, and that none of it requires any sort of 'secret insider information' to figure out?

When Pandemics Arise, Composers Carry On

Ancient Greeks Also Blamed their Leaders for the Plague Pandemic

The Decameron (Penguin Classics) Paperback

A Journal of the Plague Year (Penguin Classics)

The Plague

12 examples of pandemics and epidemics in fiction and literature

And yet some still don't learn, but instead go off with their kooky conspiracy theories, and loudly shouted and public-safety irresponsible ignorance. The same as ever was.

edit on 5/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

I dug into the first link provided. The one that brings you to, Most of the related email addresses listed are redacted that are affiliated with this site but there's one that isn't. It starts with Melinda.

posted on Jun, 5 2022 @ 08:40 PM
Interesting article despite there's not much on the internet regarding Jane Burgermeister. Seems quite a bit of info on her has been scrubbed.

Journalist accuses WHO of plans to commit mass murder

When a Czech scientist tested their seasonal flu vaccine, he found that they contained live H5N1 and live H3N2 viruses. Burgermeister’s charges include evidence that Baxter deliberately sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu virus, supplied by the WHO in the winter of 2009.

In the 134-page document4 listing the alleged charges, Burgermeister claims to have decisive proof that drug companies and government agencies are actively engaged in distributing deadly biological agents in order to trigger a pandemic. She also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination, alleging mandatory vaccines will be purposely contaminated with diseases.

And, even though this was in 2009, it’s still true today. In fact, while Burgermeister’s internet presence has been all but erased from social media and the internet, she renewed her fight against the same organizations in 2020, when COVID-19 took over, and came forward, calling this pandemic a Trojan Horse for forced vaccination.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

So ancient Greeks also had bio-labs within which they were conducting GOF research on deadly diseases? Who knew?

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 03:38 PM
I remember Jane back in 2009. Even I back then was a bit more skeptical about this stuff than I am now. The reason I'm not as skeptical anymore is because.... everything she said has come true 10 years later.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: chr0naut

So ancient Greeks also had bio-labs within which they were conducting GOF research on deadly diseases? Who knew?

Maybe not bio-labs, but biological and chemical warfare is certainly not new.

Poisoning water and food, diseased blankets to Native Americans, forcing opium on the Chinese, fleas, rats, bats, there are many examples throughout history.

The nice thing about using biological and chemical agents to decimate the enemy is that it keeps the infrastructure intact. Plus it gives you plausible deniability.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom
Good point.
Though genetic engineering which I'd say is a game changer in its precision and control is a fairly new concept.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: zosimov

So was the atom bomb. Humans excel when it comes to new weapons and tactics of war.

posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 07:47 PM
She released the info on the live virus in the vax they tested in ferrets in Czechoslovakia (?). They all died after re-exposure to the virus after inoculation. Around 2009 if I recall. H1 N1 mb?
edit on 6-6-2022 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
But the truth is that COVID-19, the disease, has killed more people than are affected by adverse reactions to the vaccines,

No, that is just the narrative, and in fact it is absolutely a lie.

The vast majority of people who died in the hospital during the plandemic died from either a total lack of treatment - this in fact was the official recommendation - NO treatment - or improper treatment from the one and only drug that was approved for treating CV19, remdesevir, a drug well established by all of the former trials to kill people in precisely the way these people in the hospitals died.

not to mention the chronic long term effects of the disease,

Not to mention the long term effects of the gene therapy

so the disease also must be taken very seriously.

Yes, if nothing else, you are an amazingly excellent narrative-parrot.

What is also wrong is to negate an effective tool against a deadly disease,

Both of these claims are totally false with respect to CV19. The jab is extraordinarily ineffective, and this is now beyond doubt, and the disease is extremely easy to survive, even for those in the high risk category, if proper treatment is applied as early as possible.

Now, by all means, feel free to parrot the narrative some more... I doubt anyone here is falling for it so you're just wasting your time.
edit on 8-6-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-6-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
a reply to: chr0naut

Probably from one of the blockbuster disaster movies that broached the topic even up to decades before, or from the fact that she worked for an agency of the UN, set up in 1948, to deal with exactly this type of thing:

And it’s never occurred to you that there are Hollywood insiders who get the downloads from their friends before the rest of us, or are already aware of new technological advances.
Vanilla Sky, Minority Report to name just a couple. Then there are those who promote the typical Progressive ideologies such as Climate Change ( The Day After Tomorrow ).
Outbreak, by the way, promoted the old green monkey narrative. Maybe they can bring that back for the monkeypox.

This was actually raised back in the day regarding UFOs, and whether media reports and pop culture events such as movie releases on flying saucers followed UFO waves sightings.

The data came back and it was clear that out of all of the different events, such waves and flaps, the only real incidence of the media preceding the event was with regards to Gray alien sightings in Europe.

This being that after the book Communions and movie Close Encounter the percentage of Gray Alien reports went up. With everything else the media followed public interest, and not vice versa.

It's similar with the things that you're mentioning, those movies were cash grabs based on existing concepts and trends. They made movies based on things that were already trending in the public consciousness. For example, the Day after Tomorrow was both one in a long line of similar environmentally themes disaster movies going back decades, and a cash grab based on the trend for global disaster movies in the run up to 2012.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
But the truth is that COVID-19, the disease, has killed more people than are affected by adverse reactions to the vaccines,

No, that is just the narrative, and in fact it is absolutely a lie.

The vast majority of people who died in the hospital during the plandemic died from either a total lack of treatment - this in fact was the official recommendation - NO treatment - or improper treatment from the one and only drug that was approved for treating CV19, remdesevir, a drug well established by all of the former trials to kill people in precisely the way these people in the hospitals died.

How bizarre, hospitals full of doctors, nurses, equipment, and medications, and you think they all stood around just watching people die? Everywhere in the world?

Here's details about the recommended treatment protocols from credible sources:

COVID-19 Treatments and Medications - CDC

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines - NIH

not to mention the chronic long term effects of the disease,

Not to mention the long term effects of the gene therapy

It does not alter the patients genes. It causes an immune response to the live virus, when it works as expected.

so the disease also must be taken very seriously.

Yes, if nothing else, you are an amazingly excellent narrative-parrot.

I have heard your narrative before, too.

That doesn't mean that the narrative you parrot is credible.

What is also wrong is to negate an effective tool against a deadly disease,

Both of these claims are totally false with respect to CV19. The jab is extraordinarily ineffective

No, the jabs are effective in more than 80% of cases for every strain of SARS-CoV-2 and for every different COVID-19 immunization used in the US.

But they only work if people take them. In the US only 31% of the population have had their booster dose.

, and this is now beyond doubt, and the disease is extremely easy to survive, even for those in the high risk category, if proper treatment is applied as early as possible.

If that was the case, why are people still dying from COVID-19?

Last week, in the US, 1,1892 people died of COVID-19. That was less than the weeks before, and the lowest weekly number of deaths for 6 months.

Almost every one of them died in hospital under acute care by caring medical staff, so they weren't dying of motorbike accidents or gunshot wounds, or any of the other stuff people have been claiming.

1,010,347 US citizens have died, to date, with COVID-19 as a primary cause of death coded on their death certificates. That is one in every 334 of the US population that has now died of it.

Now, by all means, feel free to parrot the narrative some more... I doubt anyone here is falling for it so you're just wasting your time.

You are parroting a narrative. An anti-vax one - parroted on social media and propagandist kook sites - probably more so than any of the official or credible sites.

edit on 8/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: VictorVonDoom
a reply to: zosimov

So was the atom bomb. Humans excel when it comes to new weapons and tactics of war.

But atom bombs get the job of killing done, way more effectively, quickly and cheaply. If someone wanted to kill people in large numbers, why wouldn't they have used a better method than a respiratory virus that only kills a single digit percentage, and can now be vaccinated against and effectively treated with monoclonals and other therapies?

edit on 8/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: VictorVonDoom
a reply to: zosimov

So was the atom bomb. Humans excel when it comes to new weapons and tactics of war.

But atom bombs get the job of killing done, way more effectively, quickly and cheaply. If someone wanted to kill people in large numbers, why wouldn't they have used a better method than a respiratory virus that only kills a single digit percentage, and can now be vaccinated against and effectively treated with monoclonals and other therapies?

Relatively few wars are fought with the intention of genocide, as was the US war against the Indians. The more common intent is to eliminate the target's ability to wage war, then exploit the people and resources. The British didn't force opium on the Chinese to wipe them out. There would be no profit in that. They forced opium on them to weaken them and make them easily exploitable. You only need to kill enough to eliminate resistance and induce fear in the remainder. Those you don't kill you can pretty much enslave.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: drewlander
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

the purpose of respiratory pandemics would be to force a near universal vaccination of society

For what purpose? To put your immune system on a subscription?

Canada under Justin Trudeau's leadership is clearly proving that point of pushing a universal vaccination of society they lied about the threshold for the covid vaccination.

To put your immune system on a subscription

Likely to lower your immune system for other viruses.

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: VictorVonDoom

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: VictorVonDoom
a reply to: zosimov

So was the atom bomb. Humans excel when it comes to new weapons and tactics of war.

But atom bombs get the job of killing done, way more effectively, quickly and cheaply. If someone wanted to kill people in large numbers, why wouldn't they have used a better method than a respiratory virus that only kills a single digit percentage, and can now be vaccinated against and effectively treated with monoclonals and other therapies?

Relatively few wars are fought with the intention of genocide, as was the US war against the Indians. The more common intent is to eliminate the target's ability to wage war, then exploit the people and resources. The British didn't force opium on the Chinese to wipe them out. There would be no profit in that. They forced opium on them to weaken them and make them easily exploitable. You only need to kill enough to eliminate resistance and induce fear in the remainder. Those you don't kill you can pretty much enslave.

But if you destroy all defense forces about the same, even your own, then there is no tactical advantage.

So, which defense force of which country, has remained unaffected by COVID-19?

Or, could the premise of using COVID-19 for military and/or economic advantage, be a little flawed?

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: tanstaafl
How bizarre, hospitals full of doctors, nurses, equipment, and medications, and you think they all stood around just watching people die? Everywhere in the world?

Dude, we agree!!! Yes, it is absolutely bizarre that this was in fact their official policy. Bizarre, but more importantly, homicidal.

Here's details about the recommended treatment protocols from credible sources:

Yes yes yes, a linky to the purveyor of falsehoods for all things Covid, posted by one the purveyors ardent supporters... nice!

They recommended the use of NOTHING in the first few months to a year, then the very first and only drug officially recognized and recommended for treatment was remdesivir - but worse, they also actively prevented Doctors from doing what they have always done in such circumstances - use what they think might help regardless, as long as it was safe. They demonized and vilified extremely safe drugs (like HCQ and Ivermectin), and worst of all, refused to provide even rudimentary suggestions for prevention, like getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine, and supplementing with D3, Zinc, Quercetin, C, etc etc ad nauseum.

I wonder if the wayback machine would prove this... but I honestly don't care, I was here, following the news, and know what I heard coming from their foul mouths.

It does not alter the patients genes.

Yes yes yes, tell that to the drug manufacturers whose own scientists described it (mRNA tech) as 'hacking the software of life'.

It causes an immune response to the live virus, when it works as expected.

It introduces the most damaging part of the virus - the spike protein - into the body, where it then travels throughout the body (contrary to what we were initially promised) and collects in many of the organs, where it causes massive damage.

why are people still dying from COVID-19?

Because the criminals in charge of our sick-care system refuse to issue common sense recommendations for treatment, including preventative treatment.

Last week, in the US, 1,1892 people died of COVID-19. That was less than the weeks before, and the lowest weekly number of deaths for 6 months.

Yes, it is sad that people in this country are a) so chronically sick and malnourished that they get hit hard by an otherwise innocuous virus, and even more sad that b) they refuse to take charge of their own lives and health and do what is necessary to survive it if/when they get hit by it.

The FLCCC protocol would have saved at least 90-95+% of the people that died, probably more like 99%.

Almost every one of them died in hospital under acute care by caring medical staff, so they weren't dying of motorbike accidents or gunshot wounds, or any of the other stuff people have been claiming.

No, they were dying from improper treatment - from chemical poisons like remdesivir, or having their lungs destroyed by a mechanical ventilator when that is the last thing they should have done to them.

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