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Former WHO Employee Jane Bürgermeister Warned In 2010 Of Planned Respiratory Pandemics

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posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

These people clearly anticipated a vast number of traffic accidents

It was clearly a 'plandemolitionderby'.

You mean seatbelts made of razor blades? That kind?

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: Nothin

I wish I could keep on starring this post. Thanks for the good laughs, Nothin

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Thanks Zos.
( Despite my grammar ineptness, and my serial punctuation-abuse... LoL !! )

It really is my pleasure, because am chuckling the whole way through, thinking-of, composing, and writing posts like that.

Satire seems to be my default state these days, to skate-around the mind-numbing stupidity of 2022.

What else can we do, in the wake of the potential sadness of the OP ?

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

These people clearly anticipated a vast number of traffic accidents

It was clearly a 'plandemolitionderby'.

Sigh. The difference is that seatbelts clearly work and prevent someone from being projected through the front windshield. Unlike these gene-therapy 'vaccines' that carry more risk/side-effects than a 99% survival rate gain of function bio-weapon. Also, the way the same people who are responsible for the plandemic are pushing this 'vaccine' makes me very suspicious. I do not trust these 'people' at all. They do not have our best interests at heart.

Neither do the seatbelt/car manufactures, but they were losing money so they had to.

The vaccines are not gene therapies.

They are also vaccines by US dictionary definition (not that it actually matters).

According to the Johns Hopkins data, in July 2020, COVID-19 in the USA had a pre-vaccine case fatality ratio (CFR) of 5.8%, which is a disease survivablility of 94.2%. Now after the vaccines, and new variants, the CFR is 1.193%, which is still higher than the 1% you suggested. Since the start of the pandemic 1,007,685 have died in the US with COVID-19 coded as cause of death. That is 1 death from COVID-19 for every 334 people in the US.

There is no actual hard evidence that suggests that any gain-of-function research was done. Nearly every 'investigation' in the media centers entirely around funding, as if funding research was the same as gain of function.

Additionally, if it were a bio-weapon, and it is only 1% effective, it is a total failure. But you don't even seem to be aware of the contradictions in the things you allege.

The people who made-up the movie "Plandemic" are not in any way associated with those who made the vaccines.
Wrong on everything.

The mRNA vaccines are gene therapy, by definition

The latest antivax false claim: mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are not vaccines but “medical devices” or “gene therapy”

Are mRNA Vaccines Gene Therapy?

Chance That COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy? 'Zero'

Pfizer-BioN Tech And Moderna mRNA Vaccines Are Not Gene Therapies

What is Gene Therapy?

FA LSE: A Bayer pharmaceutical executive admitted that messenger RNA vaccines are cell and gene therapies.

, and literally. And not only that there are multiple studies that show they modify nuclear DNA.

Then link to one. A real one, peer reviewed, and not an opinion piece, letter to the editor, or unreviewed preprint.

Futhermore, every Covid death isn't caused buy Covid just because they tried to inflate the numbers by using died WITH covid versus died FROM covid. You are using every single debunked narrative from a year ago.

When people get sick with COVID-19, most of them have symptoms. Although some of the symptoms are similar to other diseases, there are symptoms that seem fairly specific to COVID-19, like loss of smell and taste. And, we also now have diagnostic tests which are fairly reliable, and which can differentiate between COVID-19 and similar diseases.

Some of the people who get COVID-19 develop severe symptoms and go to hospital. It is normal these days to test every hospital inpatient for COVID-19, so there is no doubt about the infection status of anyone who is hospitalized.

Some of those who are hospitalized with COVID-19 develop very severe symptoms and are admitted to ICU. These people have difficulty breathing and if their condition worsens and they do not respond to therapeutics, they may even be intubated as a last resort. It is these people who are in ICU and are worsening, that die of COVID-19.

Although there are a cascade of biologic failures that may lead to death from COVID-19 (called comorbidities), it is pretty obvious what the cause of death is.

None of the people who die from COVID-19, inside a hospital, or outside of it, are symptom-less. The death from COVID-19 is the last of a worsening progression of symptoms and there is no confusion over what killed them.

Also, there is no disease ever, that is not made worse by other disease or contributing factors. To suggest that people are dying of everything else, and just being marked as having COVID-19, is moronically stupid.

The people who write up the death certificate data are not some special master administrator hidden in the tunnels of healthcare, the death certificates are usually filled out by the attending doctor. To have these people pointlessly lying about the death certificate data, would make that data useless for planning healthcare resources or in prevention of disease. It would also require hundreds of thousands of qualified medical personnel, worldwide, to knowingly lie in some sort of incredibly convoluted conspiracy.

In short, if you are still using that same old and very flimsy excuse to not evaluate the data, you haven't put much thought into it.

The mRNA drugs have a negative efficacy according to ONS data.

How can that happen? That would imply that the vaccines give people COVID-19. There is no indication that the vaccines do so.

COVID-19 was spreading to more and more people before the vaccines, and has continued spreading in a roughly similar manner. This does not mean the vaccines are a failure, because uptake is very poor and took some time to get to where it is today. The ONS data shows that more people were vaccinated but still got COVID-19. At some stage, this was likely to happen as the vaccine campaigns progressed and fewer people were un-vaccinated.

No matter how much they try to manipulate or hide the data by not reporting it, the vaccines have less than a 50% efficacy which is what is required for an EUA. And by less than 50%, a negative percentage is lower than 50%.

Basically you're just copy pasting fauci's narratives like you always do.

All the vaccines against COVID-19 used in Western countries are above 70% efficacy for all strains of SARS-CoV-2:

COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Monthly Update

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

These people clearly anticipated a vast number of traffic accidents

It was clearly a 'plandemolitionderby'.

You mean seatbelts made of razor blades? That kind?

Perhaps like the 3 inch spikes on the inside of your avatar's helmet?

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 11:58 PM
If anyone had told me in the spring of 2019 that by 2021 I'd be branded an anti-vaxxer, I would not have thought it likely. Since then, I've awakened to the erosion of civil liberties and massive monetary extraction from nations via mass vaccination agendas, driven by control of the mainstream media in collusion with governments and mega-corporate entities.

What amazes me the most, is how many people still don't see it — they've bought into the sales pitch hook, line, and sinker. I quit a fairly popular radio show & podcast about the paranormal because the owner-operator believes the MSM propaganda and began censoring anything to the contrary. Now I'm also the black sheep of my family.

BTW: I noticed Jane Bürgermeister's Twitter account has been suspended.
edit on 2-6-2022 by iconmatrix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

These people clearly anticipated a vast number of traffic accidents

It was clearly a 'plandemolitionderby'.

Sigh. The difference is that seatbelts clearly work and prevent someone from being projected through the front windshield. Unlike these gene-therapy 'vaccines' that carry more risk/side-effects than a 99% survival rate gain of function bio-weapon. Also, the way the same people who are responsible for the plandemic are pushing this 'vaccine' makes me very suspicious. I do not trust these 'people' at all. They do not have our best interests at heart.

Neither do the seatbelt/car manufactures, but they were losing money so they had to.

The vaccines are not gene therapies.

They are also vaccines by US dictionary definition (not that it actually matters).

According to the Johns Hopkins data, in July 2020, COVID-19 in the USA had a pre-vaccine case fatality ratio (CFR) of 5.8%, which is a disease survivablility of 94.2%. Now after the vaccines, and new variants, the CFR is 1.193%, which is still higher than the 1% you suggested. Since the start of the pandemic 1,007,685 have died in the US with COVID-19 coded as cause of death. That is 1 death from COVID-19 for every 334 people in the US.

There is no actual hard evidence that suggests that any gain-of-function research was done. Nearly every 'investigation' in the media centers entirely around funding, as if funding research was the same as gain of function.

Additionally, if it were a bio-weapon, and it is only 1% effective, it is a total failure. But you don't even seem to be aware of the contradictions in the things you allege.

The people who made-up the movie "Plandemic" are not in any way associated with those who made the vaccines.

Are you being paid to shill for the pharmaceutical companies? There is definitely proof that gain of function was carried out and that Fauci and the NIH sponsored it. There is proof that Bill Gates was involved in the planning of it's release and his involvement in the vaccines which are totally ineffective and have insane side effects. Either you're asleep or a shill. Which one is it?

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: PorteurDeMort

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

These people clearly anticipated a vast number of traffic accidents

It was clearly a 'plandemolitionderby'.

Sigh. The difference is that seatbelts clearly work and prevent someone from being projected through the front windshield. Unlike these gene-therapy 'vaccines' that carry more risk/side-effects than a 99% survival rate gain of function bio-weapon. Also, the way the same people who are responsible for the plandemic are pushing this 'vaccine' makes me very suspicious. I do not trust these 'people' at all. They do not have our best interests at heart.

Neither do the seatbelt/car manufactures, but they were losing money so they had to.

The vaccines are not gene therapies.

They are also vaccines by US dictionary definition (not that it actually matters).

According to the Johns Hopkins data, in July 2020, COVID-19 in the USA had a pre-vaccine case fatality ratio (CFR) of 5.8%, which is a disease survivablility of 94.2%. Now after the vaccines, and new variants, the CFR is 1.193%, which is still higher than the 1% you suggested. Since the start of the pandemic 1,007,685 have died in the US with COVID-19 coded as cause of death. That is 1 death from COVID-19 for every 334 people in the US.

There is no actual hard evidence that suggests that any gain-of-function research was done. Nearly every 'investigation' in the media centers entirely around funding, as if funding research was the same as gain of function.

Additionally, if it were a bio-weapon, and it is only 1% effective, it is a total failure. But you don't even seem to be aware of the contradictions in the things you allege.

The people who made-up the movie "Plandemic" are not in any way associated with those who made the vaccines.

Are you being paid to shill for the pharmaceutical companies? There is definitely proof that gain of function was carried out and that Fauci and the NIH sponsored it.

See, there you go, concentrating on whomever sponsored what, as if financing was the same as gain of function research.

There is no physical proof of the significant physical resources, and number of researchers, and time dedicated to iteratively repeat the same task (hundreds of thousands of times, and to test if the changes had worked (You know how it took a few days to get a PCR result? Times that by a few hundreds of thousands, and that is just for the testing part), and a paper trail of academic write-ups, and logs of the process, all required to do effective gain of function research. None of it exists.

There is proof that Bill Gates was involved in the planning of it's release

Nope. He funded and participated in some discussions about the possibility of a disease outbreak, but he is essentially just an investor.

Again, it's mainly about the money being misread as if it is evidence of something else.

and his involvement in the vaccines which are totally ineffective and have insane side effects. Either you're asleep or a shill. Which one is it?

Do a bit of research about the vaccines, away from the kook websites and social media. Look at national and international statistics, and the actually peer-reviewed papers, and real-world clinical trials.

Also, I'm not sure that we have full disclosure of what Gates has invested in, so the suggestion that he was 'behind' all the vaccine research has to be just speculative BS.

All the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines are the same or even less, than other vaccines. And they are also very very rare.

Similarly, there is data, from around the world, that the vaccines have had a major reduction on severe hospitalization and deaths.

And I'm talking real data. Not some BS article that came out in the same week that the Israel was contemplating a third shot, that said the vaccines hadn't worked (despite the fact that most Israeli's hadn't even had their second shot yet).

edit on 2/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

These people clearly anticipated a vast number of traffic accidents

It was clearly a 'plandemolitionderby'.

Sigh. The difference is that seatbelts clearly work and prevent someone from being projected through the front windshield. Unlike these gene-therapy 'vaccines' that carry more risk/side-effects than a 99% survival rate gain of function bio-weapon. Also, the way the same people who are responsible for the plandemic are pushing this 'vaccine' makes me very suspicious. I do not trust these 'people' at all. They do not have our best interests at heart.

Neither do the seatbelt/car manufactures, but they were losing money so they had to.

The vaccines are not gene therapies.

They are also vaccines by US dictionary definition (not that it actually matters).

According to the Johns Hopkins data, in July 2020, COVID-19 in the USA had a pre-vaccine case fatality ratio (CFR) of 5.8%, which is a disease survivablility of 94.2%. Now after the vaccines, and new variants, the CFR is 1.193%, which is still higher than the 1% you suggested. Since the start of the pandemic 1,007,685 have died in the US with COVID-19 coded as cause of death. That is 1 death from COVID-19 for every 334 people in the US.

There is no actual hard evidence that suggests that any gain-of-function research was done. Nearly every 'investigation' in the media centers entirely around funding, as if funding research was the same as gain of function.

Additionally, if it were a bio-weapon, and it is only 1% effective, it is a total failure. But you don't even seem to be aware of the contradictions in the things you allege.

The people who made-up the movie "Plandemic" are not in any way associated with those who made the vaccines.
Wrong on everything.

The mRNA vaccines are gene therapy, by definition

The latest antivax false claim: mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are not vaccines but “medical devices” or “gene therapy”

Are mRNA Vaccines Gene Therapy?

Chance That COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy? 'Zero'

Pfizer-BioN Tech And Moderna mRNA Vaccines Are Not Gene Therapies

What is Gene Therapy?

FA LSE: A Bayer pharmaceutical executive admitted that messenger RNA vaccines are cell and gene therapies.

, and literally. And not only that there are multiple studies that show they modify nuclear DNA.

Then link to one. A real one, peer reviewed, and not an opinion piece, letter to the editor, or unreviewed preprint.

Futhermore, every Covid death isn't caused buy Covid just because they tried to inflate the numbers by using died WITH covid versus died FROM covid. You are using every single debunked narrative from a year ago.

When people get sick with COVID-19, most of them have symptoms. Although some of the symptoms are similar to other diseases, there are symptoms that seem fairly specific to COVID-19, like loss of smell and taste. And, we also now have diagnostic tests which are fairly reliable, and which can differentiate between COVID-19 and similar diseases.

Some of the people who get COVID-19 develop severe symptoms and go to hospital. It is normal these days to test every hospital inpatient for COVID-19, so there is no doubt about the infection status of anyone who is hospitalized.

Some of those who are hospitalized with COVID-19 develop very severe symptoms and are admitted to ICU. These people have difficulty breathing and if their condition worsens and they do not respond to therapeutics, they may even be intubated as a last resort. It is these people who are in ICU and are worsening, that die of COVID-19.

Although there are a cascade of biologic failures that may lead to death from COVID-19 (called comorbidities), it is pretty obvious what the cause of death is.

None of the people who die from COVID-19, inside a hospital, or outside of it, are symptom-less. The death from COVID-19 is the last of a worsening progression of symptoms and there is no confusion over what killed them.

Also, there is no disease ever, that is not made worse by other disease or contributing factors. To suggest that people are dying of everything else, and just being marked as having COVID-19, is moronically stupid.

The people who write up the death certificate data are not some special master administrator hidden in the tunnels of healthcare, the death certificates are usually filled out by the attending doctor. To have these people pointlessly lying about the death certificate data, would make that data useless for planning healthcare resources or in prevention of disease. It would also require hundreds of thousands of qualified medical personnel, worldwide, to knowingly lie in some sort of incredibly convoluted conspiracy.

In short, if you are still using that same old and very flimsy excuse to not evaluate the data, you haven't put much thought into it.

The mRNA drugs have a negative efficacy according to ONS data.

How can that happen? That would imply that the vaccines give people COVID-19. There is no indication that the vaccines do so.

COVID-19 was spreading to more and more people before the vaccines, and has continued spreading in a roughly similar manner. This does not mean the vaccines are a failure, because uptake is very poor and took some time to get to where it is today. The ONS data shows that more people were vaccinated but still got COVID-19. At some stage, this was likely to happen as the vaccine campaigns progressed and fewer people were un-vaccinated.

No matter how much they try to manipulate or hide the data by not reporting it, the vaccines have less than a 50% efficacy which is what is required for an EUA. And by less than 50%, a negative percentage is lower than 50%.

Basically you're just copy pasting fauci's narratives like you always do.

All the vaccines against COVID-19 used in Western countries are above 70% efficacy for all strains of SARS-CoV-2:

COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Monthly Update
You posted nothing but MSM sites, all sponsored by Gates & Soros themselves . I won't waste my time trying to talk sense with you , it's hopeless , just like with most lefties on this site. Can't reason with insanity

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 03:16 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

These people clearly anticipated a vast number of traffic accidents

It was clearly a 'plandemolitionderby'.

The vaccines are not gene therapies.

They are also vaccines by US dictionary definition (not that it actually matters).

According to the Johns Hopkins data, in July 2020, COVID-19 in the USA had a pre-vaccine case fatality ratio (CFR) of 5.8%, which is a disease survivablility of 94.2%. Now after the vaccines, and new variants, the CFR is 1.193%, which is still higher than the 1% you suggested. Since the start of the pandemic 1,007,685 have died in the US with COVID-19 coded as cause of death. That is 1 death from COVID-19 for every 334 people in the US.

There is no actual hard evidence that suggests that any gain-of-function research was done. Nearly every 'investigation' in the media centers entirely around funding, as if funding research was the same as gain of function.

Additionally, if it were a bio-weapon, and it is only 1% effective, it is a total failure. But you don't even seem to be aware of the contradictions in the things you allege.

The people who made-up the movie "Plandemic" are not in any way associated with those who made the vaccines.

The latest antivax false claim: mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are not vaccines but “medical devices” or “gene therapy”

Are mRNA Vaccines Gene Therapy?

Chance That COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy? 'Zero'

Pfizer-BioN Tech And Moderna mRNA Vaccines Are Not Gene Therapies

What is Gene Therapy?

FA LSE: A Bayer pharmaceutical executive admitted that messenger RNA vaccines are cell and gene therapies.

, and literally. And not only that there are multiple studies that show they modify nuclear DNA.

Then link to one. A real one, peer reviewed, and not an opinion piece, letter to the editor, or unreviewed preprint.

When people get sick with COVID-19, most of them have symptoms. Although some of the symptoms are similar to other diseases, there are symptoms that seem fairly specific to COVID-19, like loss of smell and taste. And, we also now have diagnostic tests which are fairly reliable, and which can differentiate between COVID-19 and similar diseases.

Some of the people who get COVID-19 develop severe symptoms and go to hospital. It is normal these days to test every hospital inpatient for COVID-19, so there is no doubt about the infection status of anyone who is hospitalized.

Some of those who are hospitalized with COVID-19 develop very severe symptoms and are admitted to ICU. These people have difficulty breathing and if their condition worsens and they do not respond to therapeutics, they may even be intubated as a last resort. It is these people who are in ICU and are worsening, that die of COVID-19.

Although there are a cascade of biologic failures that may lead to death from COVID-19 (called comorbidities), it is pretty obvious what the cause of death is.

None of the people who die from COVID-19, inside a hospital, or outside of it, are symptom-less. The death from COVID-19 is the last of a worsening progression of symptoms and there is no confusion over what killed them.

Also, there is no disease ever, that is not made worse by other disease or contributing factors. To suggest that people are dying of everything else, and just being marked as having COVID-19, is moronically stupid.

The people who write up the death certificate data are not some special master administrator hidden in the tunnels of healthcare, the death certificates are usually filled out by the attending doctor. To have these people pointlessly lying about the death certificate data, would make that data useless for planning healthcare resources or in prevention of disease. It would also require hundreds of thousands of qualified medical personnel, worldwide, to knowingly lie in some sort of incredibly convoluted conspiracy.

In short, if you are still using that same old and very flimsy excuse to not evaluate the data, you haven't put much thought into it.

The mRNA drugs have a negative efficacy according to ONS data.

How can that happen? That would imply that the vaccines give people COVID-19. There is no indication that the vaccines do so.

COVID-19 was spreading to more and more people before the vaccines, and has continued spreading in a roughly similar manner. This does not mean the vaccines are a failure, because uptake is very poor and took some time to get to where it is today. The ONS data shows that more people were vaccinated but still got COVID-19. At some stage, this was likely to happen as the vaccine campaigns progressed and fewer people were un-vaccinated.

No matter how much they try to manipulate or hide the data by not reporting it, the vaccines have less than a 50% efficacy which is what is required for an EUA. And by less than 50%, a negative percentage is lower than 50%.

Basically you're just copy pasting fauci's narratives like you always do.

All the vaccines against COVID-19 used in Western countries are above 70% efficacy for all strains of SARS-CoV-2:

COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Monthly Update
You posted nothing but MSM sites, all sponsored by Gates & Soros themselves . I won't waste my time trying to talk sense with you , it's hopeless , just like with most lefties on this site. Can't reason with insanity

I have been through your last 20 or so posts. You posted no supportive links to anything except to a single YouTube video.

Perhaps you could be forthcoming and support your argument, rather than deride others who at least make an effort.

Because I strongly doubt that Gates and Soros spend massively on MSM websites.

Soros invests in Europe, where the SEC can't touch him, and Gates concentrates on medical humanitarian investment.

Not only that, but I did attempt to utilize a fairly wide spread of sites and I'd hardly describe medical advice sites like goodrx and webmd as 'newsy' MSM ones.

edit on 2/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 04:51 AM

For what purpose? To put your immune system on a subscription?
a reply to: drewlander

How about money and compliance.

edit on 2-6-2022 by enament because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: chr0naut
"Because I strongly doubt that Gates and Soros spend massively on MSM websites."

The Gates Millions and Der Spiegel

In the fall of last year, "Der Spiegel" received 2.9 million dollars (about 2.5 million euros) from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This is not the first time such money has flowed in. Google also provides massive support to the Hamburg-based media company. How compatible are such payments with independence?
Link (german)

Gates Foundation Supports Der Spiegel with Another $2.9 Million

The purpose of the support is "to report on social divisions worldwide and to provide an understanding of how to overcome them," the foundation says.

Seattle/Hamburg - The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says it will support the news magazine Spiegel with another $2.9 million in the coming years. The purpose of the support is "to report on social divisions worldwide and to convey an understanding of how to overcome them," .

The payment to the online edition of Spiegel is for 41 months. Spiegel had already received a payment from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2018.
Link (german)

After Der Spiegel recieved the additional 2.9 Millions these presstitutes switched to 100% pro vaccine and even the blindest, deafest and dumbest citizen noticed this.

Documents show Bill Gates has given $319 million to media outlets to promote his global agenda

A look at the database of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation reveals how the oligarch influencing the global pandemic response has bankrolled hundreds of media outlets to the tune of at least $319 million.

‘Saint Bill’ Pumped $319 Million to Access Gates of Media: Report
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s donations to media outlets raise “conflict-of-interest” questions.

Gates Foundation Awards $20 Million to BBC World Service Trust

Conflict of Interest?

Bill Gates Gave $319 Million to Major Media Outlets, Documents Reveal
According to MintPress News, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated at least $319 million to fund media projects at hundreds of organizations including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic, raising questions about those news outlets’ ability to report objectively on Gates and his work.

It is astonishing that there are some grown people left who believe Saint Bill the Almighty (and Co) would not use his money to influence media to report positive about his evil deeds. Even more astonishing if the evidence is to find with a few clicks all over the web. But maybe the Gates Foundation has some people on it´s payroll who crawl through forums like ATS to do the saints good work for earth and humanity.

Ah, Soros, i forgot:

Billionaires Battle Over Media Influence: Koch Bros./Murdoch Vs. Soros/Buffett/GE

Why Is Soros Spending Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations?

Worthy Cause, Controversial Funding Source


posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 08:24 AM
I contracted H1N1 back in 2013 - I swear at that time it was no ordinary flu. I wasn't the only one with weird symptoms either. Right at the time I contracted it there was a mystery illness out break in Texas that they eventually blamed on H1N1.
(The uncle of Alex Jones died from it). There was also a mystery illness back in Alabama that they blamed on the flu - they originally thought might be a novel Corona virus.

Here's a link to it (the video talks about the 2013 Alabama illness they thought might be a new corona and the text is about the Texas virus.)

I read other patients accounts of it and I had the same weird pattern of sickness. Symptoms of the light flu and then a few weeks later just completely collapsing. At the time I went into the hospital by temp was 94 and my pulse was in the 50s. They didn't even suspect the flu until a few days later when my temp went up to 103 and my white blood cell count went to 30,000. I had the flu before and this was something entirely different. Two of my respiratory therapists didn't have the flu shot and they didn't get sick.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 11:28 AM
it was definitely a real vyrus. man made and all. they had to.

but it was man made so they could force people to get the faake vakzeenes.

gl0balists only want pr0fit, warz, loss of s0verignty, loss of freeedoms.
if you read the books, the literatures, they all protokoled for such gl0balism for centuries.

since i read this stuff, it is digusting to see it coming thru in my lifetime.
its sad. with so many mini0ns believing their mtv, im not sure we can save things.

the vaxzxes are just for money and control over the mini0ns, the less thans, the lower classes so they can stay home and live in their vr metaverse.
while the upper elitist class, get to party on a real beach, eating real meat, drinking real alcohol, living a real life, with clean bl00d.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

Yeah, not quite as stupid, but just as unConstitutional and tyrannical.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: chr0naut

I do not trust these 'people' at all. They do not have our best interests at heart.

Neither do the seatbelt/car manufactures, but they were losing money so they had to.

I'm fine with Congress mandating that all cars/trucks etc come equipped with seatbelts, just adamantly opposed to a law requiring that people actually use them.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:32 PM
Because I strongly doubt that Gates and Soros spend massively on MSM websites.

Soros invests in Europe, where the SEC can't touch him,


Really? You are unaware of how Soros has been funding the political campaigns of numerous DAs - and very likely Governors and other local/State offices - for many years now?

I'm sure and Gates concentrates on medical humanitarian investment.


Ok, thats worth at least a triple muttley.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

These people clearly anticipated a vast number of traffic accidents

It was clearly a 'plandemolitionderby'.

I suppose, if you use the legal definition of people, which includes corporations.
Corporations like the Insurance Industry giants, which spent tens of millions of dollars lobbying for mandated use of seatbelts. The truth is, is that they could care less if you lived or died, just as long as as they could show profit margin growth at the next shareholder's meeting.
If your intent was to show how the system (and personal freedom) can be manipulated for a profit, pat yourself on the back.

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Daughter2

That sounds awful. I didn't know anything about it. Thanks for sharing the information.

I can't wrap my head around this interview being from 2010. like a time warp and it's not

edit on 6 2 2022 by BelleEpoque because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2022 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Some people pushed for laws that require people to wear seatbelts in automotive vehicles.

These people clearly anticipated a vast number of traffic accidents

It was clearly a 'plandemolitionderby'.

The nice thing about seatbelts, they don’t enter your body (if you’re wearing them right). When you get out of the car, you take it off. Hardly comparable to a still experimental injection we need to bare every few months if we want to have the right to employment, participate in society etc. but keep mental gymnastics alive! It’s gained a real resurgence lately.

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