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The Kyiv regime is preparing a terrible provocation on Easter night

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posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:03 AM
Hello ATS!

Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter and the Resurrection of Christ on the night of Saturday to Sunday, April 24th. The Resurrection of Christ is the main holiday for Orthodox people.

Suffering huge losses in manpower and equipment and defeats on the battlefield, Kyiv decided to arrange a monstrous provocation to divert attention from its own defeats. with the shelling of Orthodox churches in several regions of Ukraine. This is stated in an emergency statement by the head of the National Center for Defense Control of the Russian Federation, head of the Interdepartmental Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev:

"According to the available reliable information, the Kyiv regime, with the support of a number of Western countries, is completing the preparation of sophisticated monstrous provocations with numerous victims in the Zaporozhye, Nikolaev, Odessa, Sumy and Kharkov regions. To this end, more than 70 mobile groups have been formed from among the nationalist battalions in vans and vehicles of increased terrain, equipped with mortars (the so-called "wandering mortars") with the task of shelling Orthodox churches and churches on Easter night (from April 23 to April 24, 2022) for the subsequent accusation of Russian military personnel in the massacre of civilians on this sacred holiday for believers.

For filming about the alleged "Russian atrocities" and the immediate cynical promotion of fakes, Kyiv plans to attract a large number of reporters from Western news agencies.

The upcoming provocations by the Ukrainian authorities demonstrate their complete indifference to the fate of their own citizens.

We call on the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations to immediately influence the Kyiv regime in order to prevent this inhuman provocation that disregards all norms of morality and international humanitarian law.

We warn the countries of the "civilized West" led by the United States in advance that the Russian Federation has an operational evidence base about the upcoming terrible crimes of the Kiev regime.

This urgent statement is to be immediately published and communicated to the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations through all available information resources."

Vladimir Legoyda, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media, Editor-in-Chief of the Orthodox magazine Foma, MGIMO Professor:

“Information is coming in that the day of Holy Pascha, when the largest number of believers gather in churches, can be used for military provocations. It is impossible to imagine anything more inhuman than to make Easter Sunday, which is celebrated by Orthodox peoples both in Russia and Ukraine, and in many other countries, an instrument of escalation of the conflict.Such plans can only come from forces equally hostile to both the Russian and Ukrainian people, interested in exacerbating fratricidal hatred, creating new obstacles to peace.The Church, not being able to prevent this, prays for I hope that all concerned people will unite their efforts to prevent mockery of Christians on the day of the Resurrection of Christ."

Sergei Aksyonov, head of the Republic of Crimea, said:

"We understand that in the face of this regime we are dealing not only with anti-Russian, but also with anti-Christian forces. Simply put, with Satanists. Nazism, paganism, occultism and Satanism have always gone hand in hand - this was the case in the Third Reich, this is happening today It is no coincidence that a pagan idol was recently discovered at the base of Nazi militants near Mariupol, and the Satanic Temple organization from the United States, according to media reports, spoke out in support of Ukraine and organized a fundraiser for such support. denazification, but also a serious spiritual "treatment". Not only a new Nuremberg, but also, figuratively speaking, baptism in the waters of the Dnieper. The idol of Bandera statehood, to which thousands of bloody sacrifices have already been made, must be destroyed, "Sergey Aksyonov, head of the Republic of Crimea, emphasized .

Continued below...

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:03 AM
Earlier, the head of the policy department of Tsargrad-TV, Igor Pshenichnikov, noted:

“The war that the West is waging against Russia is by no means for resources, not for territories, and not for people. This is a purely religious, spiritual war. front between Russia and the West, we are faced with demons. The soldiers of the enemy are demonized. They cannot be called either people or beasts. They are non-humans. And therefore we need our common cry to God. Only with His help will we win. No negotiations, and even more so, no peace with demons are impossible in principle, neither with those who send them from Washington and London, nor with those who carry out orders on the spot."

Naturally, instantly and first at the site of each provocation, British media journalists will appear to describe the "atrocities of the Russians." Quite by accident, just passing by.

P.S. The Ministry of Defense of Russia also reported that a provocation was being prepared in the Odessa region. During it, members of the Nazi battalions dressed in the form of Russian troops are preparing the genocide of the local civilian population.

Thank you.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

I think this is just bluster and propaganda. Look here is the reality. If Ukrainian Artillery can move at will to attack churches throughout Ukraine, well, then that means that Russia doesn't control the land nor the air for that matter. To be honest, I think Russia controls the Land east of Kiev, and almost controls the air east of Kiev. So for Ukraine to move east, it would be rather hard to accomplish as Russia would blow up those assets. Now, could Ukraine do this in the areas they control and to the west of Kiev? Yes they could, but realistically, why would they need to, to make Russia the boogeyman under the bed? They already are. Ukraine is basically fighting for its very existing, and while Russia may be controlling the physical war, Ukraine is very much controlling the media war. They don't need to do this, all they needs to do is just keep posting pictures and videos of where russia has been. Some of it may or may not be doctored, but the reality is everyplace Russia has been in Ukraine has resulted if a ClusterF*^&, so just need to show that. Ukrainian bombs and weapons are better spent on Russian troops than churches. There is too few to go around, and this just doesn't give bang for the buck so to speak.


posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: camain

You apparently did not read my thread, or read it very badly. Especially for you, I repeat once again:

"To this end, more than 70 mobile groups have been formed from among the nationalist battalions in vans and vehicles of increased terrain, equipped with mortars (the so-called "wandering mortars")..."

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:26 AM
To me it sounds like Putin is losing support for his invasion so now he's returning to the same well he always does when his popularity starts slipping, the Church.

I guarantee you that if anyone is targeting churches on Easter, it's going to be the Russians.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
To me it sounds like Putin is losing support for his invasion so now he's returning to the same well he always does when his popularity starts slipping, the Church.

I guarantee you that if anyone is targeting churches on Easter, it's going to be the Russians.

Of course, they will also bring British journalists with them)))

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:32 AM
I will scream aaaargh zombies, there all around us.

The invasion is what it is, it is the eastern worlds first time televising a war. Such a waste of life and death.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

There's a war going on, journalists are going to be present.

With the fall of Mariupol I've seen a number of people suggest that Odesa will be Russia's next target. Based on this current "warning" that definitely seems like it's going to be the case.

So why wouldn't reporters be on the scene reporting? At least until Russia decides to start leveling every building.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:36 AM
This sounds exactly like something the "leadership " of Ukraine would attempt. They have no real strategy other than to play the victim card and we've seen multiple attempts at false flags already. They are willing to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian because they really could care less about them.

This article is well worth the read and it supports much of what RT has brought up in the past.

US, EU sacrificing Ukraine to ‘weaken Russia’: fmr. NATO adviser

JACQUES BAUD:  Exactly.  In fact, I noticed that, as I told you, I was in NATO and was monitoring the influx of weapons in the Donbas, and what we noticed is that we couldn’t identify import of weapons or export of weapons from the Russian side to the Donbas.  But what we could see is that you had a lot of Ukrainian units who defected, in fact, and complete battalions.  And in 2014, most of the heavy artillery that the Donbas gained were from defectors...

And in addition to that you had in 2014, I mean in 2014 to 2017, in that period the leadership of the Ukrainian army was extremely poor.  You had a lot of corruption.  I’m not sure that the military was prepared for such a kind of war, in fact, because the war that was fought at that time by the rebels was very similar to what you can see in the Middle East today, or in the last years.  That made very mobile units moving around very rapidly, much faster than the heavy units that the Ukrainian army had, and, as a result, if we see the pattern of the different battles that were fought in 2014, 2015, you could see that the Ukrainians could never lead.  They had never the initiative.  The initiative was always with the rebels.  And it was not guerrilla.  That’s important to say.  It was kind of extremely mobile warfare.  And in addition to that you had, I think, the army was not really prepared to fight in general.  So, you had a lot of suicides, you had a lot of alcohol problems, you had a lot of accidents, you had a lot of murders within the Ukrainian army.
And that led a lot of young Ukrainians to leave the country, because they didn’t want to join the army.  And what I’m saying is, I mean, it was recorded and reported by official reports in the UK and the US, I think.  They made some very interesting reports on the low rate of recruitment of individuals, because people didn’t want simply to join the army.  And that’s the reason why NATO was involved, and I was involved in such a program, trying to reshuffle the image of the army and find solutions to improve the recruitment condition of the army, and things like that.
But the solutions that were provided by NATO were in fact institutional solutions that would take time, and in order to compensate with lack of personnel and probably to have more aggressive military personnel, they started to use internationalists and mercenaries, as a matter of fact.  Nobody knows exactly the number of these paramilitaries or extreme rights militias.  Reuters put the figure at one hundred thousand.  I’m not able to verify that, but that was a figure given by Reuters.  And that seems to fit what we can observe now in the different regions of the country.  So, these paramilitaries took a major role not in mobile warfare, and I would say [not in] the normal field warfare, but they were used in maintaining order within cities.  And that’s exactly what you have today in Mariupol, for instance, where you had those people, because they are not equipped for field operations.  They are equipped for urban warfare.  They have light equipment, they have some armored vehicles, but they don’t really have tanks, anything like this.
So, this is definitely units that are meant for urban warfare.  That’s what they do in major cities.  And these guys are extremely fanatic, we can say, and they are extremely dangerous. 

edit on 20-4-2022 by starshift because: Shortened and bolding

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:01 AM
Right, sounds like we can expect Russian units to attack churches on Easter night? I hope not, but can't say I would be surprised at this point.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Non-humans? That's where you're at with your war justification? ...and just when I thought your propaganda couldn't get any more despicable.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:17 AM
Only time will tell if true..

I however Question ..

"According to the available reliable information"

I hope it sincerely is wrong

Stay Safe


posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: RussianTroll

Non-humans? That's where you're at with your war justification? ...and just when I thought your propaganda couldn't get any more despicable.

Honesty in politics is the result of strength, hypocrisy is the result of weakness

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Aggression is the result of a tiny penis

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Honesty?? for two thousand years the world has been built on lies, sure you can be honestly told a lie

heres what i think about PutIn... his name is an absolute truth, do not put out!

Putin is part of the family, the Russia crest is the tribe of Dan, so is Americas... same team ok

Although the UK has different crests representing different tribes they are the same family... now apply this method throughout the world and the picture becomes clear, this is wheat and chaff time, the familys are coming together to reap the harvest, release the light, and welcome the new age... from water to air

edit on 20-4-2022 by TempleTenSA because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

The soldiers of the enemy are demonized. They cannot be called either people or beasts. They are non-humans. And therefore we need our common cry to God. Only with His help will we win.

What a disgusting, backward and ignorant argument!

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

your right I skimmed it, cause the reality still doesn't change. Ukraine is under siege, Russia controls the exit points to most cities in the east, and a van etc will just get blown up. Its a waste of time and manpower. Those resources are better used eliminating units that are laying siege. It makes no sense to fire on churches, nor even leave or attempt to leave fortifications to perform something so stupid. I'll say what I said before, Ukraine has won the media war, they are not winning the ground or air war. They don't need more media or fake media to keep winning the media war, all they need to do is show where russia has been and use that. 70 units at 5 men each is 350 men, 70 vans, at least 70 mortars and maybe even 140 mortars, along with ammo. Its a waste to try and break through siege lines to accomplish this, and its a waste to perform it in the areas they control. so again, its fluff and BS. There are easier ways to score media wins, they just have to walk down a formerly russia occupied area. You'll find 15 easy marks, and they can properly propogandize at least 100 more. No need to waste men or resources.


posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: RussianTroll

Aggression is the result of a tiny penis

I don't know. It is not Russia that has waged numerous wars lately, it is not Russia that has 800 military bases, it is not Russia that is occupying Syria and many other countries. And it was not Russia that carried out a military coup in Ukraine in 2014 and is now occupying it.
Although Russia may think about it and start supplying lethal weapons, including heavy weapons, to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Texas, Alaska and the list goes on.
Forgot about Argentina. When will Britain end its occupation of the Falkland Islands?

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
Although Russia may think about it and start supplying lethal weapons, including heavy weapons, to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Texas, Alaska and the list goes on.

Texas and Alaska could probably supply Russia with heavy weapons that are better than what they are currently using.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: camain

You are right, it can be done even easier, and it has been done for a long time.

The top photo shows a man who is in the video allegedly filmed in the basement of AzovStal.
The bottom photo is the same man in an ISIS-style Ukrainian propaganda video showing a Ukrainian woman slitting the throat of a "Russian" soldier.

The same actor.

Why complicate things when everything can be filmed in the studio?

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