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I pose a simple few questions

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posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: Lora73

You may have read about some landmarks mentioned in the Rig Veda. The Sarasvati River for instance was said to be a mighty river that flowed into the sea, The remants of that river are now known to have dried up some 6000 years ago. The Ghaggar tributary that flowed from the Sarasvati into the sea dried up some 8,000-10,000 years ago.

posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n

The remark is obviously made in light of the context:

According to Professor Carl Raschke of the University of Denver, New Age thinking is essentially “an afterglow of the counterculture of the Sixties.” Other analysts also point to the 1960’s, with the hippies’ search for freedom and truth, as the beginning of the New Age movement. Many former hippies, now in their 40’s and 50’s, are still searching for that elusive truth. But their search is no longer dismissed as the capricious whim of teenagers. Many of them are professionals in reputable fields of knowledge, are politically active, and are now viewed as sensible community members.

Hippy teenagers in the 60's were generally not viewed by the general public as sensible community members, unlike when they grow up and become "professionals in reputable fields of knowledge" and "politically active". Then "their search is no longer dismissed as the capricious whim of teenagers" but instead they "are now viewed as sensible community members." (unlike before when they were still hippy teenagers)

It's just how society works.
edit on 23-4-2022 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 11:24 PM
These things are known as "Not Self" form, feeling, perception, mental activity and consciousness.

Investigating form there is no self found in it are you the eyes the ears the nose the mouth the bones the skin the hair the nails the teeth? Not individually and not as a whole means formlessness. Feeling or sensation sensation is discriminated as pain or not pain any further discrimination becomes "emotions" but looking into what is called pain there is a point it turns around and ceases to exist, perception obviously fallible and a falsehood otherwise there would be no duality over any topic previously settled or determined what was true last week isn't true tomorrow etc mental activity can you see someone grasping at phenomenon with mental arms and know what that phenomenon is, can you look at another being and know if they are actually present or thinking last week thinking two weeks from now etc? Nope. Consciousness there is an argument about how many a person is said to have no matter the number they are not self impermanent and attaching to craving only give rise to suffering due to the held delusions that there is form, feeling, perception, mental activity and consciousness.

Ever see a child running around not knowing all the forms around them, not discriminating feelings, not having any mental activity of running not conscious of other people being "conscious" of them? It is a phenomenon that is just occuring and the interesting thing is you see it but don't say there is grass there are trees there is sky there is running and there is child and here sit me watching or seeing all of this... meaning none of that exists to you either. However when questioned later? There had to be grass, there had to be trees there had to be sky but the only person that could validare that would be that "child running" unaware of all those things including "you".

So what the blank is being experienced? A whole lot of nothing that from some indiscernible beginning what we term "beings" have become dependent on... and uphold to be true as if "all light in the sky" depends on being called a "Sun" or else it won't work... but like said about the child running; before questioned you and that child didn't exist to the person asking; no more than you did to that child running.

Light if you look in your OP "Photons" the quote you have says "Protons" photons are said to only move at right angles I'm not sure if that's something Pythagoras knew... when people have said they have seen ufos move at right angles? Photon is the only possible answer... even though photon is just a made up monkey noise that other monkeys don't understand that being the case to them monkey doesn't exist either... so it could honestly be said that what is called "human" is just an over complicated self and other deluding species if "we" even exist at all.

edit on 23-4-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 08:36 PM
What is light.

Light in that context is light ... it makes us see. Darkness is absent of light ... thus we can not see.
A shadow is just less light thus we see that. Religion is wrong to say that light is good and darkness evil.
For neither light or darkness is evil ... only a human can be evil ... and that starts when one is just a toddler

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 08:40 PM
Perception :

What one sees is what ones sees with all the knowledge one knows.
What do you see ?

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

"Photon is the only possible answer."

Think in religous sense "light" refers to Shakti. The feminine energy is the bride that rises to the bridegroom.

"Not Self form"

it is the self before the self. I nickname that my "watcher".
edit on 25-4-2022 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: JimmyNeutr0n
Radiant Presence.

Light is what is.

Concepts divide the light into separate things.
The belief in separate things veil what is appearing in plain sight.

edit on 26-4-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: glend

Light is more akin to the elements and "becoming" the light of blue leads to the human realm, the light of red leads to hell, the light of yellow/orange leads to hungry ghosts, the light of green leads to animals, bright blinding white one's own heavenly abode, the admixture of all of those is clear or simply put as "space" white smoke is rising from one abode or frequency to another and black smoke is descending from one abode or frequency to another.

Shiva and Shakti have to do with birth a white "snake"(father) and a red "snake"(mother) that can only reach the heart as an indestructible drop they are knotted three and a half turns around the perineum(muladhara) or the two that muddle the heart... thus released shakti can go all the way to the top or crown or be reborn in the heavenly abode as a goddess instead of on any other plane of existence once released she places you in the immortal womb and out of the generative force of your two parents coming together... However; one still has to live out the remainder of their earthly existence or incarnation before joining her there... the Sushuma or central channel is like the elevator, why anyone else wants in there is selfish or the no-self, they have had their own or have had their opportunity and instead like a parasite try to claim any "attainments" as their own... happiness is such a fleeting experience in what gets termed Samsara; I guess such a thing can't be helped if they never learned anything other than delusion instead of taking to the task and learning the truth for themselves.

Lost in translation, description and path(depending on the religion)such a thing has been called or referred to as an "immaculate conception". Both are said to be always connected or entwined by "the red thread of fate" after such a release has occurred... not really having any clarity in religions all the rites and rituals sort of make a mockery and cover the truth up placing all of that in the realm of myth and fables where it takes faith and belief and subjugating others until they have faith or belief instead of someone actually experiencing the truth as it is by practicing... not knowing not practicing is part of all of those pretending and don't really know themselves or think they know and try to interfere with others practice... However all of that is just greed, hate, and ignorance. Pitiable are those beings as they have not put those things aside due to delusions that have arisen via attachments and desires that have stemmed from the senses.

No one can release those three and a half turns for you; one has to take to the task and accomplish it for themself but then not grasp once released and go about the rest of their life; how easy or hard that is; is typically where morals and ethics are practiced based on where one lives... when people have hounded me about church etc. human laws are typically enough to live problem free until death so abiding by them is enough; why get all complicated or add even more unless something weird has occurred people know what being a good person is from the time of birth to the end of their life... mortification of the body would want to go go extremes or make things more difficult.

Some people have been hit with the "Not Self" and get it, some with "Impermanence" and get it, someone that has grasped the impermanent nature of all compounded conditioned things? Chasing them around with "Not Self" is redundant, as someone that has grasped "Not Self" is as liberated as someone that has grasped "Impermanence" and vice versa... both have suffering involved as a direct pointing from the third truth to the fourth or the path; as I mentioned trying to not make however many more years left more difficult on anyone in the Gautama Buddha's time that path was called the eightfold. Impermanence, not self and suffering points that there is existence and wherever there is existence those things exist... in every realm hungry ghost realm and in heaven realms. Seeing equanimity means there is no realms or borders or rising or falling they are existent all around everywhere and the only one your responsibility; Hopefully practices.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Thank you crowfoot. You are a wealth of knowledge.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: glend

Ugg wading through all of that stuff in learning was never fun; interesting but not fun truth in orthodox as it may be in descriptions that path leads to godhood not liberation so remembering the goal of liberation if that was the original intent is crucial oops I wanted to be liberated not achieve godhood liberation of being a hellbeing, a ghost, an animal or human but not liberated liberated from the entire cycle oh sure it still exists one just isn't bound to it or any realm once really liberated from it.

Pick a mantra repeat it non stop; eventually a light will appear recognizing it as one's own mind is the difficult part... recognizing it as mind and either it enters you or you enter it(very hard to discern which) then one is then said to be enlightened; not all beings appreciate someone appearing as a bright blinding light as it can kill some of them so learning to control it's intensity and appearance is just another form of practice... However; doing body in body meditation means not traipsing all around the various realms like an OBE and staying put.

There is a point of no more learning that occurs as far as what anyone that has not experienced some things can teach... where it's entirely experiential most say they are on the path to "enlightenment" there is more path beyond that but knowing the intention or goal and having a resolve to meet that; but when that occurs and there's more? The trope of the Spanish Inquisition arises... Oh there's more to enlightenment than just being that way? Well, shicks I thought that'd be the end of it.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

I remember reading in kabbalah. That we already exist in an enlightened state in the timeless. That Creation was created so we can experience that enlightenment through our sensations. If that be true, then life itself is not a maze we need escape. But is in itself, a means of growth (wisdom). It is not your triumphs but your defeats that have gaven you wisdom. Wisdom that you kindly share with others.

Personally, I see God, all of creation, even the chakra's as a projection of conciousness. Less real than the unreal. So rather than partake in any of that. I try to enter the void of the unreal. To bathe in those waters. Come what may. I suspect batheing in the waters is no different than Buddha's eightfold Path. Both result in a collapse of our local partition of conciousness to achieve the 144,000 petals of full conciousness. That for me is not a personal goal. But if achieved I will only use that to help others (aka bodhicitta) as witnessing others in joy is the only real joy I experience.

You have done your eye good Crowfoot.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: glend

Interestingly enough; Ch'an/Zen masters have said the same thing as you have surmised very succinctly of the Kabbalah... Seeing that as truth seems to be the goal otherwise one would always be troubled by doubts... when one says they have faith it's safe to say they don't have the time or wherewithal to see it as truth for themselves and saying belief is sort of akin to saying I have retention and knowledge of that experience but best to leave it to the qualified orthodox as knowing or truth would say in direct experience of the truth it does not deviate that only in what you called the "unreal" is where it deviates.

Buddhist doctrine or law(Abhidhamma) there are two truths that are spoken of as orthodox; that which is the unreal or projection of others pointing at truth as the relative instead of the absolute. The absolute the Gautama buddha pointed to was that suffering and its cause had no discernable beginning atman, god or creator. However focusing on the causes and effects one produces can be minimized, reduced, and the root causes of it removed altogether or not dependent on the origin of suffering to remove it...poison arrow sutta like; Oh no I need to know everything about the splinter before it can be removed... prolonging their own suffering and by association those that say I have faith but no time or the wherewithal.

Diving into the wreck or seeing the fruit of those that have had some direct experience but not quite how to put it... seems to be that "void" you're speaking of and searching for.

I have yet to find the key to that vehicle of being able to relish the joy of others as joy itself... it is said to be one of the inexhaustible brahmaviharas; Maybe you could create a thread an teach the method if you haven't already? As nowhere have I ever looked has anyone lay a good path or method on how to go about the direct experience of such a thing... most I have encountered seem to prefer Jhana and meditative absorption as a source of contentment and ignore to the "four heavenly abodes" as a topic.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

I will write you tomorrow, work calls me,

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 01:56 AM
There is only one "vibration"' that exists within all known creation
Everything else is "resonance" born of the source of that primary vibration

To those who would consider infinite things, from within a finite perspective
It can never amount to anything more than self, in reflection to self

The simplest way to put it, is that the question itself, is the answer

The Kabbalah is a list of perspectives of self-reflection

These align with the numbers. Same as with the Om and founding teachings within just about every
other religion

In the Bible they are called the 10 plagues. But this story is horribly mistranslated

They are detailing the 10 layers of perspective

It is talking about how perspective bleeds through into this world, which is why it was mistranslated to be someone asking to be let go

Most people don't understand the layers of perspective as they relate to "mind" (Ra / ⵙ / Sun / or Kabbalah "Keter")

So they don't realise that they speak from within certain layers of perspective, against other people who.are speaking from a different layer

These layers literally correlate with the symbols we use for our numbers, that correlate directly between the symbols we use for our letters, which in turn correlate between the planets

Which all correlate into the calender

I learned exactly what these symbols mean and how they all intersect perfectly when you write them down, as part of my 10 years being taught (tortured) in the (Eleusinian) mysteries

But I have sworn not to give certain "keys" to this world, until very specific events have taken place in this world. The reason being, that it puts an unstoppable force behind making sure these things will come to pass

An important part of what I learned was;

Theists put God and existence first in perspective
They themselves, are reflection, in actualization, to/of God
Gnostics put themselves first in perspective
As the only knowable centre capable of projecting the source of creation

The reason the Theists fear the Gnostics, is because actualization of the true centre/source, born into this world, could end the world for everyone else

This is why they have the story of the true "centre" source (Jesus Christ), giving up his true potential in this world, so that all the varied life "versions" of him, could continue to exist

Basically, if the Gnostics gave understanding to someone who was the true source, they would grow to become everything and everyone, as they aligned the source of their creation, through them, to actualization

But if they were denied such understanding, or they disregarded what was theirs to have, if they only realised ... They would not become

Unfortunately, the mirror is a trap of its own undoing

The want to stop such beings knowing their perspective, will be the very thing which brings them to it

It is what the Church refers to as "The Great Apostasy"

When someone born centered to the sun, realises that this world and all within it exists just for them (if they want it) ...

They will have the option to take it and end this world (within about 800 years)

It is already being done

The Church refused to do something very important that they were ordered to do (bring balance and restore the divine feminine) ...

So the apostasy is being enacted

The truest born alignments on/in this Earth are being collectively taught the mysteries (many, such as myself, unwillingly or by force) ...

And it is being done using an ancient method often referred to as "pole shift or pass over, where their conscious is polarised over a 10 year period (through self-annihilation and/or ritual death), so that the dimensional cross-flow cannot be mirrored, altered or disputed

Basically, it has already happened. Even though, It is still taking place. Because the subjects were polarised on/about 2012

What this all means, essentially, is that the illusion is being disempowered and forced into alignment

People are being (forcefully) woken up to the lies around them

All religion is losing its collective power. None will be around in 40-50 years, unless they realign themselves with the original teachings their texts are corrupted from, to create something new

Those within the mysteries are (mostly), at the moment, being shielded and hidden from the world. As is their understanding and things they have to teach and offer (or "give back" to the world in most cases)

They are being protected by their polarisation in this world

It gives them and what they know, the appearance of being relatively powerless

But just wait until the serpent finishes its transit through them and is fully reversed ... They can change the world just by thinking it
edit on 28 4 22 by Compendium because: corrections

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Compendium

The people you speak of that plan "futures" when one holds life needs to learn heedfulness as the next breath isn't guaranteed for anyone.

You say you have a bindu or bond or unwilling yoke placed on you due to some association with others as agency or former allegiance which swears secrecy... when people are born with a "bindu" and have yet to shed such a bondage and see the truth of it any more of course as you state becomes a bond one is quick to despise... that energy of despising the bond is a direct cause for what you say becomes unrest in populations that are being "polarized".

The generative force is equally a creative and destructive power it is most witnessed in parts of the world where spring occurs where things go into bloom the bare or nearly bare storehouses are being ready to be filled again; the "May-December romance" as it has often been referred to. Such a force is about the same you speak of as well as certain people are set aside for specific purposes like the storehouse.

Cause and effect it is one thing to because it is another to see those causes and how they affect the world in various scales from arms length to ahhh whos arm is that! In fear. Not recognizing one's own arm of cause and effect is typical and the conscious level of "guilt" is why fear arose instead of some other response. Sitting on a meditiational seat for hours and hours and days and days on end; What is the cause and effect of just sitting? What one assumes is "their" mind at first runs off to do something else and body at ease just sits there the two are not in synch... after practice one tames that "mind" that has ran off countless times past where it submits; but not before it beats the body half to death with: what? I'm not in pain but you are stupid body and racks it with a near constant pain and torture for being yoked in such a manner.

When one sees pictures of meditational forms and there is someone standing on another; that's an image or a wraithful mind doing exactly what I described to the body beneath its feet. In some images it has blades and swords and world destroying weapons lighting and thunder bolts at its disposal; and the body just kinda under there like no matter what you do or where you go mind or who you think you are? You're still attached. I wouldn't get too deep in the argument as both can settle and be at peace and when that occurs fruition and joy is the result... what some translators have called rapture. When that result occurs mind runs off again and body trying to find out what occured starts digging into the conceptual graveyard chasing it as you stated in "reflection". Over time and practice that chasing the reflection stops; the mind that looks identical to you in form will be right there looking at you and empty awareness of the body looking back at it even though they are essentially "one" it is seen as another trick to run off and see what that was.

The idea of the body being a cup and mind filling it is an old analogy... how many "cups" just sitting is something I can't answer how many minds running away from body and untamed? something else i cannot answer even though such a thing seems disproportionate that someone is always either out of their mind or out of their body.

When not wanting to be someplace or go some place is typically enough "cause" for out of one's mind or body to occur as an effect. For those not in such a stupid condition what can be said or done about it other than ignore it and go back to personal practice.

edit on 28-4-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

I really dont think I have much to offer in regards to the brahmavihara thingy. I just see it as an aspect of nature that I have always had. Perhaps its part of our true self that shines through conciousness when conciousness starts to thin a little. If that be the case then the key is the eightfold path.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 08:07 PM
Late to the party...

originally posted by: JimmyNeutr0n
*Sticking to religion forums, politics has become so cultish....ironic the religion form has become ... less ... cultish

I will pose very simple, but far reaching questions to you all. What IS light? Not what light does, but what is light?

Not to lead you on, but for time intensive purposes, would you agree with the following:

"Light is particles called Protons, which are part of the electro-magnetic sphere that carry a specific amount of energy."

Disagree. They're called Photons and not protons. And they're complex elementary particles with a set of qualities.

What is perception?
Again, not to lead you on, but but for time intensive purposes, would you agree they are your senses?

No, nor does the dictionary also includes mental understanding of something as well as physical sensations

Landauer's principle is a physical principle pertaining to the lower theoretical limit of energy consumption of computation. It holds that "any logically irreversible manipulation of information, such as the erasure of a bit or the merging of two computation paths, must be accompanied by a corresponding entropy increase in non-information-bearing degrees of freedom of the information-processing apparatus or its environment".[1] Another way of phrasing Landauer's principle is that if an observer loses information about a physical system, heat is generated and the observer loses the ability to extract useful work from that system.

Landauer's definition of "information" and your definition of "information" aren't the same (I am being picky here because information science is my field of study.) Landauer here means a processed, structured data A series of light switches set to 'on' and 'off' would count as information in his defisition.

Knowledge (which is what you mean) and information aren't the same. Knowledge requires human processing of information. Information doesn't require a human to process it. The lights in a building are information even if no human is there to observe or form conclusions about it.

Applying this to the human mind and the laws of thermodynamics, you can make any "memory" reversible, thus avoiding the need to erase "memories" and therefore use energy, but in turn, you end up having to store all sorts of junk memories because you're not allowed to erase it.

Uhm..... that's not how memory works. You've got two kinds of memories - short term and long term and the short term memory is designed to be very temporary. Transferring to longer term memory is more labor-intensive.

Thermodynamics doesn't enter into it. Thermodynamics says

First law of thermodynamics: Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be transferred from one form to another.
Second law of thermodynamics: The entropy of any isolated system always increases.
Third law of thermodynamics: The entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero.
Zeroth law of thermodynamics: If two thermodynamic systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third system separately are in thermal equilibrium with each other., while the entropy of the human brain would approach a constant value (zero) as you cooled a human body to absolute zero (-459 F)

Also, humans aren't an "isolated system" (nor are our brains.) We constantly have inputs (food, nutrients, sensations, etc, etc.)

MK Ultra employs techniques to use external forces outside your body, to manipulate, and coerce your perceptions of reality. Light, in the form of television. Hearing, in the form of music. Touch, in the form of gratification. Smell, in the form of toxicity. Taste, in the form of poison.

Kind of a limited bag there and on the road to immediate failure. Not everyone watches television/uses the internet/likes the same music/listens to the same radio(etc.) Falls apart there.

Reality is not real. Reality is merely your perception of what is real.

Something we've known since the time of Plato.

Lets talk about "Luciferians". Lucifer means the bearer of light.

This is philosophy. Has nothing to do with thermodynamics. Philosophy does, however, deal with logic (but not with information as Landauer defines it.

In this conversation, light is not "true", at least through our perception. There-fore, a person who "brings light" is a person who provides you with "false light". Not a disrespect to God, this is a human problem. But for argumentative sake, all light is false, considering. [/quite]
By this logic, then your "light" (ideas/information) are not true.

Evolution is a lie, darwnism is true.

There's no such thing as "darwinism."

The greatest civilization to have existed also ironically was one of the first. An empire, to this day, we envy for their sophistication and advancement, Ancient Egypt. We can be deceived through most of our senses, but we cannot defy some of the greatest architecture, mathematics and information collectively in Ancient Egyptian monuments, hieroglyphs and teachings.

And yet the people who say this actually don't know about monuments and can't read the writing on the walls of the temple of Karnak, have no idea what the mammasi at Dendera say, can't read the astronomical tables in Senmut's tomb...etc.

Astronomy, geometry, everything goes back to Egypt.

That would not be true. They weren't that good as mathematicians and were terrible astronomers. Look to the Babylonians for that. Also metalworking in Egypt was not as advanced as it was in India or Iran, etc.

Pythagoras' famous theorem was actually conceptualized by the Egyptians way before the time of Pythagoras.

*sigh* They "sort of" did it by brute force. Pythagoras went one step further and explained how the equation worked, using square shapes

Modern medicine, science, all roots back to ancient Egypt.

Sorry, but they didn't have an organized system of knowledge (science) -what they knew was by trial and error. it was the Greeks with their foundation of logic that organized knowledge in such a way that we could make better progress.

See beyond the Veil of Isis.

Isis doesn't wear a veil. Nor is she/was she hidden. She was one of the goddesses of Magic (Heka was one of the other important ones) and the temples didn't hold secret knowledge (they wrote it on the walls for everyone to see and wrote it in scrolls that were shared among temples and kept in the temple "House of Life" (Per Ankh) -- a library in the temple.

Available to anyone who can read.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

I probably should message you this instead of posting it publicly, but ...

Not saying that any of what you are saying is wrong

But I think you are still viewing things from a term of perspective. Even if you look outwards, at yourself looking inwards. You are still looking first one direction, then secondly another

This is a closed, redundant cycle

It is not about learning to look at one and recognising it empty, from the other. It is about seeing in both directions at the same time

You have to see them both at the same time, fluidly. In phase

It is difficult to learn. But it is very possible

I mediate and I can be conscious I am in my body, with my eyes closed. Whilst also be looking at my body from outside. Whilst also seeing a floating 'celestial' image of my body, with its front and back halves torn in half, with dimensions stretching between them, like string pulling from a piece of pizza

I look at the sun, I am conscious of the fact I am looking at my own mind. I am looking outwards on myself, shining inwards on that which looks

I touch the Earth, I am touching my heart, which in turn feels the sensation of touching itself


I water my plants and look at them, it is the very same as looking at the planets of light in the sky. The light of those plants swimming in the waters above


These things are not "like" each other. They "are" each other

You have to see them as one-in-the-same, existing within phased-sync to each other

And you have to be able to see them fluidly with each other

You need to train yourself, not to look out and go "cause and effect", like you are consciously thinking about the fact you are looking out at them, then you are thinking about the fact that you are them, looking back at yourself looking

You look and you know it

You remove the perspective from the equation. Body, Sense and Mind, with you ... Are fluid to all versions of body, sense and mind, outside of you

You get good at this and the barrier between "you" and "others" breaks down

If you talk about the sun, you talk about it like it is one in the same with your "mind". Regardless of if you are speaking about with a physics "perspective" of the science attached to it

You primary consideration should not be "That is the sun", and then "It is the same as my mind"

It should be "The sun is my mind", and then "The physics of it are", as a perspective which exists within the former

You are the sum of all levels of phase

It is only when you examine them, that they are broken down

You need to be conscious of the fact that you are breaking down something which is, at all times, understood to be "whole"

Most people can't even imagine the sun and their mind being the same thing. So they are examining one, or the other, of these things, without the "connected" basis for properly understanding either of them

But it is not just the Sun, Earth or Moon, that you sync with in such a way

It works with people

It works with animals

I look at animals as being a form of myself and amazing things happen now, that never used to happen before I understood such things

I can make the native fish in my fishtank, such as rainbow fish "flash their colours" on command, by simply allowing myself to feel love

I look at them, think about how beautiful they are, allow the feeling of love to swell inside me, then consciously project it towards them, and when I do, they flash their colours

Every time, without fail

I meditate in the open and I literally end up with eagles flying in circles around my head

If such birds are around, I can do this intentionally. All I do, is visual the resonant frequencies of the planet around me, being the exact same as my heartbeat. Because the Earth is my heart. But not just my heart. It is the same as every individual "cell" in my body

As are all the other bodies and cells on this planet

I am merely sitting at the gateway, peering through at any and all layers

I visualise a vortex above me, from the atmosphere, down to my body

At first this was hard to do. It was strenuous and would leave me feeling drained. Then I realised, I did not need to strain to create such a large connection. All the power was already there in the Earth. I just needed to open the doorway to let it in and connect to me, rather than connect to it

I had to visualise both sides being fluid to each other. Opening to each other in harmony

Then, if there are eagles around, they will start to fly in circles around that electronmagnetic flux. Meaning it is very real

You should see what you can do to clouds in the sky, once you understand how to

Though, again, you need to be fluid when you sync in such ways. Move with the flows and forces, not against them

I learned very quickly, sitting on the beach one night, that if you try to force a cloud in the sky to move in the opposite direction to that which the sky is moving, it is not good

If you fold a cloud in half, it turns violent and instantly generates lightning

I've sat meditating, practicing these things for hours. To the point where I managed to turn the entire sky of clouds as far as I could see in all directions, around a point above my head, and generate a funnel vortex of cloud pulled down above me

But the more I pushed my mind outwards to "grasp" the sky, the more it felt like my mind was being torn inwards into my body out of my head. Like my eyes rolling back into my head, except this felt like it was my entire conscious being being pushed down my spine into my body

Granted, I did have some assistance with learning these things, from those who "forced" me into these rites

It was, apparently, part of the training, towards understanding how I am one with all things

How we all are one with all things in this way

It is not superpowers. Anyone can do these things. They just need to understand how

So they can learn, why they should never do them

Whenever I would do these things, I would have animals like owls and curlews appearing out of nowhere. Always very loudly voicing their apparent displeasure at what I was doing

The more I played with things, that should not be played with, the more they would hoot and carry on

There is one pair of barking owls in particular, that seem to turn up any time there is some type of violent disturbance

I would meditate on the night sky and try playing with the clouds, they would land in a tree across the road and take turns barking, as if in reply to each other, getting louder and more emphatic, the more I pushed my connection with the world around me

Or, I am meditating quietly on my friends balcony at night, thinking about how much I dislike particular people working at the pub behind their house and I hear a fight break out at the pub. And the more men I hear fighting and smashing things, and the more women I hear screaming, the louder the two barking owls get

Owls that appear out of nowhere, specifically because there is something violent happening

I have even heard the two owls moving around my suburb barking one night, following kids doing break-ins

I could tell exactly where in the suburb the kids were going, by where the owls barking was coming from

It is not just the Earth and animals you can sync with like this though

You can sync with people in the same way

Though, like the clouds, the sync does not always work the way you want, and can be quite volatile
edit on 28 4 22 by Compendium because: Corrections

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 08:56 PM
I have had to practice consciously limiting my emotions when in public, because they "overpower" others in a reflected sync, in ways which I am not doing intentionally

I am getting food and I am disappointed about something which happened last time I was at the shop (missing out on a promotion) and the manager of the store instantly starts falling over himself to explain "why" certain people missed out on that promo

I immediately realise, that my momentary emotional “bleed”, has overwhelmed his emotional state, to the point where it is making him noticeably stressed and/or agitated

I have to dismiss that disappointment, swell and project love and kindness, while reassuring him, in order to calm him. And when I do, I instantly feel his stress decrease

Or, an attractive woman will momentarily distract me. I look and think that she is probably too young for a man my age. As a type of excuse to instantly push the attraction "reaction" away and cease any emotion attached to it

When I do this, I find it usually draws that woman to focus in on me. Sometimes, in an almost dangerous way. One that I do not intend to do

When this happens, I can usually "push" an emotional sync to her, that severs their interest in me. But sometimes, when I do this, it makes it worse. Puts them in an almost trance-like enamoured state

It gets dangerous, when the emotional sync, and my attempt to placate it, stress/agitate them in the way it did with the male manager in the previous example

I sense them getting angry. And they don't seem to have any idea of why

I do not mean to overwhelm their emotional sync in such a way. But people, seem to often feel like they are being attacked

I have intentionally limited my interaction with people over the years, to avoid any type of sync like this. Because it can be quite unintentionally volatile

It can even be trying with friends of mine, though they seem to understand that I do not do things like this to them intentionally

Many of them I am now fluid with

I will seek answers to something, and they unwittingly feed me the answers. As if they are a personification of my question itself, as an answer

It is quite strange to experience, when you understand the sync and see them as a projected extension of yourself

Do not get me wrong. They are still themselves in their own right. And as they are a projected extension to myself, so too must I also be to them, as is necessary for such a phase-relationship to be balanced and sync

The difference is that they do not recognise the mirror

This is what I mean by reflection

I do not mean a counter-point to see yourself. I mean an extension of yourself, that exists opposite

That needs to be seen as both yourself. Not yourself. Both and neither. All at the same time

Once again. Not in a sequence of thinking about one, then the next, and so on … All at once. A multi-phase point of existence

Much like pulling the entire universe in to the point between your eyeballs while you are meditating. So that if feels like your body has shrunk down into an orb that is your mind

You feel your feet as if they are between your eyes. You feel your hands like they are between your eyes. You feel your entire body, completely shrunk down, all existing in the ball/orb of your perception, between your eyes (bindi)

Reverse this concept, and you have all planets, people, plants, life and material existence

Centred through you as the perception (Persephone) of such

I appreciate it may not be as easy for others as I make it sound, but it is all still possible

Death and polarisation has given me the advantage of literally being able to see things backwards to how most other people see

After I was forcefully initiated in such a way, I had a visit from a ball of light whilst meditating, which looked like a glowing dandelion with millions of tentacles

It told me it was going to show me the centre of the universe, after which I felt something stab me in the right side of my head

It stabbed all the way in to my pineal, which was not at all pleasant

Not long after this, my “Kundalini” hatched, inside my pineal

It emerged like a snake coming out of an egg

The pain of it hatching, was some of the worst I've ever felt

After this I could feel it moving out of my pineal, to coil downwards around my spine

Then it would retreat back inside the pineal, curling up into a ball

I could literally feel it coiling around itself in a ball, inside my head

Then it moved downwards and got bigger and bigger and bigger

I've never been able to find any documented accounts of others experiencing the serpent hatching in their pineal, but I can tell you, it is a long and painful process

I tried to force it down and out of my body. Instead, I seemed to get it “stuck” in my right shoulder-blade

I tried to push it out of my pineal, down my spine and out of my body. It pushed back trying to retract back inside my pineal, and eventually, the back-and-forth, saw it pushed down from my spine to the right, into my shoulder

Which has been horribly painful ever since. Like it is stuck there

In the years since. I've felt it grow bigger and bigger, to being massive, as it appears to transit through dimensions

It is not at all nice, to feel like you have an invisible tree-trunk slowly pushing through your head

Some of the pain is impossible to explain. Especially when pain killers can do nothing to stop this particular type of pain

But it not only grew bigger, it multiplied. Or at least that is how it seemed. Either there is more of them, or it grew more limbs

Perhaps, it is like the glowing dandelion entity I saw. Maybe it seeded my pineal, with another of whatever it is

I've felt something like an invisible snake, slice the inside back of my throat, so that it could push out, as if it was desperately seeking air

Then another. And another

Until it feels like I have the tentacles of an octopus, or some type of coral, growing out of my throat, pushing up out of my mouth to breathe

Not just my mouth. Every other hole in my body too

I feel them at night sometimes, wriggling around. I can literally feel what feels like tentacles coming out of my mouth, curling and wrapping around my face

The ones curling up around my thighs and stomach are far more unsettling though

I think it is some type of invisible entitie(s), which are to the body, like coral reefs are to Earth

I know they do not mean me harm (in fact, I think they are trying to help me) but it feels a bit like being raped none the less

I've learned to live with it, over the years. To the point where it has gotten so big, that I barely feel it or realise it is there any more

I believe it has grown to a size beyond my ability to feel in the way I did when it was being born and growing. But I am still synced with it

It is me. And I am it

More than this …

It is everyone. And all things. And I am them. As they are me

As I said. I do not fully understand what it is I am experiencing. Most of what I write is speculation based on my experiences

But the sync is something I do know. It is undeniable

I know it as well as I know myself

I may be wrong about how I am doing it, and how it works. But it does work

If you have any information you can offer about ritual self-annihilation, resurrection processes and a reversed “Kundalini” or serpent being born inside the brain, like a coiled snake … I would love to hear what you know

edit on 28 4 22 by Compendium because: Corrections

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: glend

They the four brahma viharas/immeasurables predate Buddhism and are considered the earliest spiritual teachings. Sympathetic joy as it is called is considered the most difficult of "attainments" than the other three, so it's pretty cool that you were blessed with it and not really knowing the why or how of it is just as cool. If you ever want any advice about the other three feel free to PM learning that one I have a feeling starts with "Ha" as an anticipation that occurs just above the throat chakra and being able to anticipate that occurrence gives rise to it... but that is just my intuition from meditation saying that; Experimentally? I have no idea if that's the case.

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