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Multiple Children with Liver Inflammation - Cause Unknown?

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posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: Infinitis

Honestly, from what I’ve looked into about micro plastics I’m not surprised, as terrible as that is. I actually don’t think that has to do with the “vaccine” so much as it does with the amount of plastic we have polluted our entire planet with. The worst part is they didn’t even know about micro plastics till a few years ago I believe. You should look into it, it’s terrifying stuff actually

If I were to venture a decent guess though, I would imagine that in babies and young children micro plastics may be getting through breast milk? I’m not sure, and am not an expert in this field, so I can’t say with any kind of certainty
edit on 18-4-2022 by Narvasis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Dae

I’m sorry but I read through your entire source that you posted and nowhere in it does it say that the children were not “vaccinated”. If I missed it please clip and quote it! This link and source is from the same site though.

Vaccine Trials in UK on Children Under The Age of 10

That was PUBLISHED on December of 2021. So for EVERYONE in this thread saying that the UK wasn’t “vaccinating” children under the age of 10 you are wrong. What you all seem to be talking about is, made available to everyone, “vaccinations”.

Yes, it’s a long shot, I’m not delusional. However there is nothing in any article about this, whether or not the children were “vaccinated”, even if it was part of a trial or study. The best you are all doing is venturing a guess. As am I.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I know exactly what you were talking about in the other thread AZ, you were comparing a clergyman raping children to Pfizer being a clean company as a whole, that was the context, stop trying to make what you said excusable,

Why not link to the comment, let everyone else read it for themselves?

You are saying that the kids weren’t “vaxxed”? Prove it with actual sources.

As requested. 60 cases in the UK. None of them were vaxxed.


and another
edit on 18-4-2022 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: Dae

I’m sorry but I read through your entire source that you posted and nowhere in it does it say that the children were not “vaccinated”. If I missed it please clip and quote it! This link and source is from the same site though.

Vaccine Trials in UK on Children Under The Age of 10

That was PUBLISHED on December of 2021. So for EVERYONE in this thread saying that the UK wasn’t “vaccinating” children under the age of 10 you are wrong. What you all seem to be talking about is, made available to everyone, “vaccinations”.

Yes, it’s a long shot, I’m not delusional. However there is nothing in any article about this, whether or not the children were “vaccinated”, even if it was part of a trial or study. The best you are all doing is venturing a guess. As am I.

60 children in the UK aged between 2 and 5. None of them vaxxed.

edit on 18-4-2022 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

And another
edit on 18-4-2022 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Thejaybird

“ long have you been holding back on that logically fallible, and ultimately, misguided response?”

I actually haven’t been holding back on it at all! Haha I have said most of that to AZ in a different thread, but they have never had the stomach to reply to me because they almost never post sources or links for things, and just say things that they believe are facts when they are opinions.

Thank you for your massive contribution to this thread though! Very insightful

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Thank you for actually posting links AZ! Good job!

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Ok? As requested, the link to what you yourself typed in… don’t really know what you’re trying to prove. They are literally the words you typed in not out of context. Why you said such a thing is beyond me, but hell, if you want to try and rationalize that statement, you’re more then welcome to.

Your Clergymen Pedophile Comment

In regards to your other links, you may have us on this one! We shall see though.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: Thejaybird

they almost never post sources or links for things,

They're in my signature. Literally on every post I make.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Ok? As requested, the link to what you yourself typed in… don’t really know what you’re trying to prove. They are literally the words you typed in not out of context. Why you said such a thing is beyond me, but hell, if you want to try and rationalize that statement, you’re more then welcome to.

Your Clergymen Pedophile Comment

In regards to your other links, you may have us on this one! We shall see though.

You might want to read the comment again, you've clearly not understood what I was saying.

In brief. It's all about scale.

If you have an organization that has 100 people in it, and only one of them turns out to be bad, then the other 99 people aren't bad, and by definition the organization itself isn't bad.

You can't take a handful of incidents over the course of decades and use it to demonstrate anything other than the fact that these things are the exceptions.
edit on 18-4-2022 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Thank you for actually posting links AZ! Good job!

The best way to deal with people like that is to call their bluff.


posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: Narvasis

Ahh really sorry, I did post the wrong link but I had a look, and Arrrghzombies posted it.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 01:45 AM
What you mean look it up ? Which country ? It is a GLOBAL PANDEMIC last time I checked.

Anyway, while you figure that out. I will remind you I actually deal with all deaths, , And while most are old, there are far too many in their 40s 50 and 60s to ignore. Especially when many only had medical issues like a bacterial infection, or a condition that was being managed.

These people had a good 30 - 5 years left. In one wealthy western country, and average of 11 years was taken off peoples lives. This is a country that brags about how great it was going to handle the Pandemic. It is instead side by side to some emerging economies.

Also, many of the older males were business owners or from the same families. Males tend to hold onto the power in a company until they are almost dead. Literally destroying families and companies. And more than a few with kids still at school. I know it has left more turmoil behind that most people think.

My peers in other countries are reporting much lower ages depending on their location. The world is a big place and many factors are involved in the death stats.

Eg.... Right in the beginning in Wuhan it was all over the place. Lots of middle aged people. But once you know 1 in 3 people in Wuhan have TB, it makes sense.

Many countries like the U.S. and U.K. you have Obesity and Type2 diabetes ( same in my country and in my district )

As far a children are concerned, a variant was killing children and causing amputations, luckily that particular Delta variant seems now extinct ( which is common during the first 3 years of the initial outbreak of a Pathogen while it mutates out )

If that have travelled further, we could have been looking at a different scenario.

So maybe you didn't care enough to notice those deaths and disabilities, but I did, and it should remind people not to rest on todays stats and be arrogant.

a reply to: anonentity

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 01:58 AM
Really not sure what mental issue Narvasis has got, but is definitely not in charge of anything let alone himself like he claims. The way he puts things is muddled and shows no maturity.

I would say just a lot younger than he claims. Or he is American. I do know idiots can run companies in the U.S. . I mean complete morons.

a reply to: chr0naut

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: Narvasis

Before I start this, my interest in Pathogens , Pandemic and Human Behavior is a natural progression that started at 9. The first day I started helping out in the mortuary.

Ok. Just to show others on here what a try hard you are Narvasis .......

I live in a Country / City that is the central hub of the Pacific Islands. Where many diseases you probably think no longer are around, are indeed around. There are just over 3000 Islands in our catchment area our country has taken responsibility for.

Many are inhabited but only have rare contact with the main Islands. .

Anyway, they are flown into my country to get treatment, but many die, as often it is too late . Now unlike what this clown says many Pathogens only die with a body if left for a few days or refrigerated for 48 hours. Just depends on the Pathogen.

But because I am a Mortician that specializes in embalming these cases and making sure they can fly back to where they came from, they can not be left for a few days in a fridge. And almost all are autopsied to help understand the progression of these diseases ( some are rare enough Meds want to get a chance to see the damage personally )

If I want perfect distribution and preservation ( plus they will be an open casket Funeral back home, which can take up to 4 months because it can be multiple boat trips to outer Islands ) and sign it off for the airline and ferries , they have to be sterile and perfectly done. And by perfect, I mean not a single thing can go wrong.

So basically I get the case as fast as possible. They are as open ( literally ) and as dangerous as any body can be after death. And I do my thing. If they are put in a fridge it can compromise the tissue.

When it leaves me, it does not need to have make-up ( which most use to cover up bad work ) , and it does not need any further work later on ( which is also how many others cover up their mistakes ) . No once I sign it off, that is it.

The body is then dressed by the family and an FD ( something most FDs would never allow because they have zero faith the case will not do something horrible.) Or sometimes it is washed by the family , then dressed. Placed in a casket and never have to be touched again. As long as it stays above ground, it will not change.

Now when I say Specialize. I mean I actually invented some of the processes I do that make what I do possible. That allows me to guarantee no issues. ( which others will say is impossible. But that is because they do what they have always done ) When I was young it simply was not done, as any attempt was always meet with some kind of disaster. Just too much can go wrong. Closed casket.

I also specialize in Morbid Obesity cases and stillborn babies. Or even under- gestation babies. All of which can travel and were unthinkable at one stage in the past.

I literally get sent cases from around the country other Morticians turn down.

This clown thinks because he knows some Funeral Directors in the U.S. he knows something. Or has some limited knowledge on bodies and viruses. What he knows could go on the back of a postage stamp.

Note: Covid 19 I do not considered dangerous compared to other stuff I deal with, but even so the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens categorized SARS-CoV-2 as an Hazard group 3 organism.

Other viruses within HG3 rating. Rabies, Poliovirus, Dengue Virus, Hepatitis B, C, D and E, HIV 1 and 2 ...So yea, all harmless stuff.

All based on pathogenicity to humans, and their own risk assessments "after death". But I am sure Narvasis knows more than them as well.
edit on 11/19/09 by thedeadtruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/19/09 by thedeadtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

I have no doubt you are who you say you are and certainly have the style that suggests you are confident and well researched and good at it. But i doubt that you have seen that many Covid 19 cases as to a great extent the central Pacific has been spared especially the outlying Islands.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 10:49 AM
No I have a large number of cases due to South Auckland being fill of religious groups who preached God would protect them.

Needless to say, their God, did not.

But it is true I have not been tested like many of my peers overseas have. Because our Govt swore to follow ESR recommendation and ignore the polls. And they actually stuck to the deal ( much to ESRs surprise. )

We actually went 300 days of zero cases while Delta tore other countries to pieces.

Luckily those extremists trying to spread the virus we only a small group. And because they always reverted to lying to prove their point , it was easy show others they were NOT the good guys they claimed to ne ( good people with good and honest motives do not need to lie ) .

So they lost and LOST respect from people like me. Who fully understand why the general public do not trust drug companies, plus the replication crisis and the arrogance of Academia has put an huge trust issue between science and the public.

And the press are a big part of the problem as well.

Vaccine hesitancy I see is a logical and natural progression from all these issues. But once anti-vaxxers crossed the line into fabricating "facts" to scaremonger people. That was the sign they had no deep respect for the truth.

Just rebels without a clue.
a reply to: anonentity

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Just a heads up for you, those don’t seem to show up when I use mobile ATS (which is what I usually use because I am at work 85% of the time, have an iPhone, don’t know if that matters) They are there on my computer though after I checked.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Ok? As requested, the link to what you yourself typed in… don’t really know what you’re trying to prove. They are literally the words you typed in not out of context. Why you said such a thing is beyond me, but hell, if you want to try and rationalize that statement, you’re more then welcome to.

Your Clergymen Pedophile Comment

In regards to your other links, you may have us on this one! We shall see though.

You might want to read the comment again, you've clearly not understood what I was saying.

In brief. It's all about scale.

If you have an organization that has 100 people in it, and only one of them turns out to be bad, then the other 99 people aren't bad, and by definition the organization itself isn't bad.

You can't take a handful of incidents over the course of decades and use it to demonstrate anything other than the fact that these things are the exceptions.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

Ok, so the reasons I doubt you are 1. You don’t seem to have an understanding of what the average flu could possibly do to the human body (you didn’t respond to this and the cdc link I provided) 2. You say that people that receive bodies “freak out, and give them to you” if infected with something, when most of the time they don’t know what the person died from when they receive the body, and like I said that’s the reason those people do the autopsy. Dead bodies are relatively safe. It takes something rare. “ Most agents do not survive long in the human body after death. Human remains only pose a substantial risk to health in a few special cases, such as deaths from cholera or haemorrhagic fevers.” showing again, why I doubt what you’re saying, for being an “expert”. Here is the link to that -link explaining rare occasions dead bodies are dangerous.
I don’t understand how you claim to be an expert in the field and do not understand these basic basic things. Also, you seem to think that I think that Covid didn’t actually happen when I know that it did? You are making assumptions based upon nothing I’ve said.

Also, I am a proud American! Age 29 years old, since you seemed so concerned with it. Also, I’d like to believe there is a difference between immature and drunk

edit on 20-4-2022 by Narvasis because: (no reason given)

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