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Multiple Children with Liver Inflammation - Cause Unknown?

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posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I have no idea! According to the shills on this thread they have already found it out! To hell with your facts good sir!

They only cherry pick certain comments and threads. I've already burried them with evidence.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Ya man, the problem is that they are akin to moles and the like. THEY LOVE THE DIRT! We bury them, and they thrive in it because they have nothing better to do

edit on 17-4-2022 by Narvasis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Not vaxed or not considered vaxed. You can have the shot and not be considered vaxed, you really have to have all the boosters and be up to date with them. These are all loopholes for point-scoring, in a controlled information environment. Shedding and close intimate contact will give you the spike protein whether you want it or not. Then until that is put to rest, and proved, either way, to be occurring or not. Healthy suspicion and gut instinct is always a good idea when confronted by rich do-gooders. The fact still remains if you have had the shot you should be safe, and it shouldn't matter if another person has had it or not.
The kids have no risk of the virus, so it cant be the virus causing the symptoms.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: Narvasis
What about the plastics they are finding in the blood of babies and children.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

" I do find the plan for the media to only talk about the jab while firing doctors that looked at cheep, safe and effective treatments losing their job as disgusting."

The reason for this issue GLOBALLY ( you know the U.S. is only 4% of the population, right ? ) , is yes, some drugs can help, but they are VERY timing specific. Dose specific. Drug mixture specific. etc..... In other words a jab in the arm was the only way to make sure people took it properly ( and even then people miss the second shot .... )

With the well known prescription and OTC drugs that have worked in disciplined environments in the past, like the Armed Forces and Hospitals, were tried as outpatient programs , they failed ( a few scammer Drs claimed otherwise but got caught faking the numbers . Or as one famous Doctor said 100% were cured , stated " I do not consider them my patients until they have come back after 9 days "

Hint : With Covid 19, China and India ( who make the generic versions of all the most talked about "cures" tried them on the masses and it failed. And they really wanted it to work. Hell they own the factories and needed another way to fight Delta badly.

" If you do care about the kids, whats up mycarditis and pericarditis becoming the new normal for kids that have been jabbed?"

Well not normal. But yes a certain % were going to get the exact same symptoms the wild virus gives you. All Adults know that they often replicate the exact same symptoms and damage the Pathogen would give.

.( It is why people "feel" like they are getting the Flu after a Flu jab. )

And so far ALL the side-effects are things Covid 19 already does. ( or didn't you read ANY news in 2020 BEFORE the vaccinations came out. )

Even Multisystem inflammatory syndrome was recorded in early 2020 in Adults AND Children.

About 10% triggering an aberrant innate immune response . Including Systemic inflammation, intravascular blood clotting, damage to the cardiovascular system, and altered the immune system in a way that made them more likely to inhibit T cell responses. ( plus a whole bunch of related immune system issues )

It is exactly why you are not meant to try and do cardio after an actual virus or vaccination. But like so much old school info

The biggest problem here is simple, lazy people who decided at some point to ignore just the basic general knowledge known about Pathogens and Vaccinations. And even their own immune system. Stuff I know was covered at school in all western curriculums.

They spent their days filling their head with rubbish and right when common sense and general knowledge was needed, they had none. So relied on others to give them that information... Like the Press, Politicians, Drug companies, Scammers online who make money selling supplements, or worse getting paid to come up with lies. ( masks will kill you ....anybody ? ).

Too little, too late. People set themselves up to be scared and scammed.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 02:31 AM
" Since the covid is riskless to children "

Who told you that lie. Or did you just make it up ?

a reply to: anonentity

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 03:04 AM
No. You have a comprehension problem. I stated I was...

"mortician who specializes in deadly and dangerous diseases"

Which is true. But because you probably have zero understanding of global issues and customs you had to jump to another conclusion and accuse me of saying I was a "FORENSIC PATHOLOGISTS " .. Which is a lie, I did not.

( I bet you live in the U.S. Only Americans are that myopic and uneducated. )

I wont bother boring you with the details of what I do, and what I had to learn to be safe for 40 years + now. But because of what I do I have to keep up to date with what is going on communicable disease wise, I read a huge amount of info. Because ....risk assessment.

Anyway the rest of your post makes no sense to me. I will just assume you have a reading disability.

I gave my OPINION based on 40 years of work , and put up some of my older posts so people could see this kind of stuff has been happening since early 2020. Because some dishonest people like to make out it is "NEW" news.

If people want to trust my opinion on how it could all be linked, then so be it.

If people want to trust a Life Insurance salesperson, then so be it.

a reply to: Narvasis

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 03:07 AM
Micro-plastic is #2 on my old list for immediate risk for a large % of life on earth. ( that is not bacterial or viral )

Re... Global Warming is #8.

So zero surprise. And its only getting started.

a reply to: Infinitis

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

Micro-plastic is #2 on my old list for immediate risk for a large % of life on earth.

Sounds like jellyfish do ok with plastics. As for all the other heavy metals, radioactive compounds and active ingredients in the food chain and EMF experimentation? Should end up with some colorful ones that make it? Not the fist time Earth has been hit with an extinction period, crocodiles made it through the last one.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

Deah rates and age groups look it up.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: lordcomac

It's not the fact of the routine testing that is of interest - it is the fact of what that routine testing is now finding in large numbers of cases! Sheesh, some people just don't want to see what's right in front of them.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: Narvasis

Another disease originating in the USA.

Perhaps they will call this one the 'Ukranian Flu'?

Most cases are actually in the UK.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Gee, I wonder what could be causing it.

Vax is ruled out, more cases reported in the UK, all in unvaxxed children

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Hi AZ! This is the first time you ever had the stomach to respond to me! I'm so thrilled.

"That's like finding one pedophile in a clergy, it proves that the organisation as whole is clean" That was you that said that AZ, remember? So when you come into another thread, changing your "facts" every single post, and say things like that about children, that if just one religious or spiritual leader rapes children that's ok, then proceed to talk about them, you should really just stop typing, go smoke some wacky tabacky, and do some self reflection. You are nothing but a troll who defends big pharma companies, and apparently pedophiles for no reason, lost in their fixed echo chamber. Both you and thedeatruth should get together in a bunker somewhere! So, your first reply to this post was that it's occurring in children that weren't "vaxxed"? I have tried checking and can't find that anywhere so please post your source for this! Unless you're just saying things like usual. You then go on to say that children were only "vaxxed" under rare circumstances? What are these rare circumstances? Please post your sources. You then go onto say that it is children with comorbities or traveling? This is a joke right? Hahaha, there ya go, you got a laugh!

You have absolutely no idea what I was talking about, do you. Why not link to the thread so that everyone else can read it in the correct context.

As for the facts, different thread, different subject, so different facts. You know, how it is. Two unrelated situations and all that.

There is no big pharma connection here, and no pedophiles to defend. The facts are pretty clear. Most cases of this were found in the UK, and most cases were among 1-6 year olds. This age group is not vaxxed by default in the UK so having non-vaxxed children isn't unusual. Under 10s in the UK are only given the shot if they have a comorbidity that puts them at additional risk or if their parent specifically need them to be vaxxed. For example if they are travelling internationally and will be going to a country where a vax is required for entry for children.

You can find most of the information that you're looking for Here except for what are the "rare circumstances". These circumstances are pretty much identical to those for adults. Which you'd know if you'd watched Fauci's briefings.

Fact of the matter is that as of the latest count none of the children in Scotland or Ireland were vaxed, I don't know about England but it's probably a similar story.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

Laughable, you’re just digging yourself a deeper hole haha…

“I wont bother boring you with the details of what I do, and what I had to learn to be safe for 40 years + now. But because of what I do I have to keep up to date with what is going on communicable disease wise, I read a huge amount of info. Because ....risk assessment.”

If you actually had any experience in mortuary sciences you would know that most diseases and viruses die with the person when they do. This is one of the most basic things when learning about that stuff. Dead bodies actually aren’t that dangerous like you are making them out to be. If you were an expert at anything you claim, you would know this, but you don’t? You keep showing that you are a blatant liar and a fool, but keep going! I’m gonna keep eating my popcorn.

Also, yup, years ago, I started as a life insurance salesman. After years of actual education (unlike you, obviously) and experience, I am a VP with my company, so I no longer do sales. I oversee 34 agents and advise them as well as our policy holders.

Perhaps you don’t know what insurance is at all, since you are trying to talk to me about “risk assessment”. If you actually understood what insurance is you would know that it is pretty much all risk assessment you moron! Haha, risk assessment is my specialty not yours bud. Get out of here with your obvious BS

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I know exactly what you were talking about in the other thread AZ, you were comparing a clergyman raping children to Pfizer being a clean company as a whole, that was the context, stop trying to make what you said excusable, IT’S NOT. You’re the one who gave that exact example and I’m not gonna let you get away with that because it’s a disgusting example, and shows the way your mind works as you jump right to children being raped by a religious or spiritual leader to defend a big pharma company. That’s exactly what you did, like I said, go reflect on it cause you are warped in the mind saying stuff like that.

I read your source you posted, it’s literally nothing but “vaccine” info. Please post your sources for everything you’ve said in this thread, that you have stated as facts, as you don’t 80 percent of the time. You are saying that the kids weren’t “vaxxed”? Prove it with actual sources.


posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Narvasis

The UK Gov website is what tells us that none of these children have been vaccinated, all under 10 years old.

UK Health Security

I am anti covid vaccine but I don't think this is evidence of vaccine harm.

Maybe mask wearing harm? From the same link, bold is mine.

Normal hygiene measures such as good handwashing – including supervising children – and respiratory hygiene, help to reduce the spread of many of the infections that we are investigating.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I know exactly what you were talking about in the other thread AZ, you were comparing a clergyman raping children to Pfizer being a clean company as a whole, that was the context, stop trying to make what you said excusable, IT’S NOT. You’re the one who gave that exact example and I’m not gonna let you get away with that because it’s a disgusting example, and shows the way your mind works as you jump right to children being raped by a religious or spiritual leader to defend a big pharma company. That’s exactly what you did, like I said, go reflect on it cause you are warped in the mind saying stuff like that.

I read your source you posted, it’s literally nothing but “vaccine” info. Please post your sources for everything you’ve said in this thread, that you have stated as facts, as you don’t 80 percent of the time. You are saying that the kids weren’t “vaxxed”? Prove it with actual sources.

At the time, the vaccines in the UK were only approved for adults, so none of the kids in the UK that had the condition were vaccinated against COVID-19, because the vaccines were only given to adults and not kids.

edit on 18/4/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: Narvasis
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Hi AZ! This is the first time you ever had the stomach to respond to me! I'm so thrilled.

"That's like finding one pedophile in a clergy, it proves that the organisation as whole is clean" That was you that said that AZ, remember? So when you come into another thread, changing your "facts" every single post, and say things like that about children, that if just one religious or spiritual leader rapes children that's ok, then proceed to talk about them, you should really just stop typing, go smoke some wacky tabacky, and do some self reflection. You are nothing but a troll who defends big pharma companies, and apparently pedophiles for no reason, lost in their fixed echo chamber. Both you and thedeatruth should get together in a bunker somewhere! So, your first reply to this post was that it's occurring in children that weren't "vaxxed"? I have tried checking and can't find that anywhere so please post your source for this! Unless you're just saying things like usual. You then go on to say that children were only "vaxxed" under rare circumstances? What are these rare circumstances? Please post your sources. You then go onto say that it is children with comorbities or traveling? This is a joke right? Hahaha, there ya go, you got a laugh! long have you been holding back on that logically fallible, and ultimately, misguided response?

Oh, my goodness...that was one of the best examples of "verbal diarrhea" to put forth to others who engage in that in the future.

AZ, keep at it, and keep posting.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 10:07 AM
Pretty strange how all these global health problems began in 2021, and no one can seem to "figure out" what's causing them.

Hmm, let's see here, even forb es is curious.

Looks like it's happeni ng around the world.

I'm sure it's just some new mysterious virus. Couldn't be something that everyone in the world did in 2021.

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