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Do You notice this at the Grocery Store

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posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:22 PM
I usually pick up my things from the gutter,
but I'm with you dad.

I have noted a precipitous drop off in the use of luxury items.
Normally, for every 100 nic dildos you will find an abandoned cannabis cart
maybe two. Usually after the snow melts you see scads of baggies,
pot containers with some decent homegrown strains, especially
along the highway exit ramps, or by high schools.
This year, almost nothing. Even the nicotine wands
are drying up. There are, however, more and more erection aids showing up.
They come in a little plastic egg, with faceted sides, what I had initially surmised may be brown heroin.
Then weeks later found a complete package with the same egg container.
It's so you can get aroused, last longer. wtf?

I did have a bit of luck circumnavigating the post office a few days back.
It was serendipitous since this was an unplanned route.
The chain slips off a lot but whenever you have to go uphill it is guaranteed,
so I went downhill instead which led me behind the civic center.
Along the way I had to stop to put the chain back, when there alongside the parking lot curb
was a white plastic tube, crushed, but a tube nonetheless.
Is it from a cigar...maybe a It's a tuning fork with plenty of juice!
They even put the rubber cap back on for sanitary reasons. Glass is so good because
nothing gets wasted even when it's been run over a few times.

Usually at the off ramp for the local Hooters there are hundreds of syringes
and even lighters. It would seem persons are abandoning lighters rather than
having to explain why they have a live flame ignition source in their car.
I haven't purchased one in years!

Most the beer selection.
When I was a kid we always partied with premium beer. All you see now are these cheesy
cannonball candy flavored shots strewn everywhere and Corona longnecks if they living large.
This morning I picked up a few Miller Lites chucked alongside the country club.
When I locate a beer stash it's always the same. Busch. Lite, utter swill.
This is what the kids are drinking. I think they have low T since the systemic poisoning
of our world has affected them badly in their formative years. Maybe something in the water.
Margaret Sanger would love them because despite the lessons in K1,
they can't even masturbate. Instead they go to the woods across from the hs,
according to police, and offer anal to strangers for steroids, pot, and coke.
There's no need for functioning glands to do that. One minute they're playing tennis during gym class
the next they're shagging the ball that went over the fence, across the street, into the trees...and if they
should get caught they say they were doing homework, or ask for extra credit.

Twiggy legs and faces without feature or conviction.
I am glad these subnormal specimens cling to their masks and fear.
I'd rather not have to look at NPCs.

This morning I rode miles against a chill wind but there was not a single remnant of weed.
Even the fentanyl is gone, and this is Park Ridge, a hub for drug abuse which gangs would fight over
for control until they just moved right in. Last month, another daylight shooting
in front of a townhouse over an unpaid tab. No one can determine who did it since
the renters are all illegal and always transient. A body just laying there dead, steps from
the flower shop I used to safely visit! The victim is from Colombia, maybe Nicaragua.
I guess he figured he could just walk away, broad daylight, Park Ridge.
What are you gonna do homie, shoot m...
Bang Bang Bang.

Just a few more golf balls, another ratchet socket,
and a VW center cap which is worth 10 bucks online, used.
Let me tell you, last year I was tripping over these things.
The day after the coup, there were half full cartridges strewn everywhere
especially where the Biden signs were, on Elmore street, where the teachers live.
Now there are Ukraine signs in their place, big surprise there.
We support the current thing.

I'll try again later on, but I better put air in my rear tire because I may be pedaling at length.

This is thewhiteknights street talk so you can bank on it.

# 1576

edit on 14-4-2022 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: Annee

For fresh products farmers markets are great for that, locally owned, if you have the luck to be around a place that have them.

Yes. I am in an agricultural area.

Surprisingly, it's difficult to find fresh produce cuz its shipped out as soon as it leaves the field.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

What in the hills have eyes......

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:24 PM
You can tell who's on EBT (food stamps), their carts are full. Everyone else just had the bare necessities.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Annee

My 14-year-old boy likes veggies and fresh food. Not a junk eater. Doesn't even like spaghetti.

Very good for him. I am a super smeller/taster. I can tell you straight up what they are advertising as organic is tasting different to me. During the growing season I eat from my garden but in the winter I rely on the grocery store organic romaine/lettuce etc. I can really taste a chemical taste lately. I don't know if it is sprays put on after, or from the water they are using. I think they are trying to get things (esp organic) to not decompose so quickly. Something has changed for sure.

Try to have him grow some at home if you can.

Yeah, he's high functioning Autistic - with a touch of OCD.

I like the smell test/taste. Think I'll have him try that.

Really not in a place that I can grow my own.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

I usually pick up my things from the gutter,

I've thought about joining my local roadkill hot line notifications.
Nothing like possum on the half shell( armadillo) stew.
There are states that do that.
edit on 14-4-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:31 PM
When we go to the grocery stores, we take the small cart and it is not usually even close to full. Except, when there is a good sale on cat litter, then we have like four or five twenty pound jugs in it.

But depending on the day of the week, cart fullness varies. If you go on a Friday, many are full here, same with when you go on a Social security payday. Lots of older people go out shopping after they get their checks...I think those are the first and third Wednesday of the month. We like to go shopping then too, because we always run into a friend or ten in the store and chat.

We might not have a full cart at a store, but we usually combine trips to various stores when we go out and often go to a restaurant too if we go to Marquette shopping which we do maybe once a week. We stop at Menards to get sale stuff on those trips after rebates is nice, we bought three grill brushes and two grill mats last time we went to Menards, free after rebate of course. Those grill mats are great to put on the side of the grate on the firepit to keep them warm.

So no, around here people are still buying full carts of food and supplies at the bigger grocery stores. The time of the day is the deciding factor here, and the day of the week. We try to go in the morning and there are less full carts and parking closer to the doors. People here have stocked up pretty much over the last two years, most people I know stock at least a month of food, they are not serious preppers like we are. We stock enough to feed my kids and grandkids families, about seventeen people, for about three months. That is all we can do, we cannot rotate the food properly if we try to expand our stocking of supplies. Our reason for stocking is the three the commercial. When pork chops are a buck a pound on sale we stock up, when chicken is on sale we restock the freezer section...which we now have fifteen birds plus ten pounds of leg quarters in. Sounds like a lot, but in the last two and a half weeks, we went through eighteen pounds of chicken making chicken soup for the kids and their we made pineapple chicken out of another whole chicken...about twenty four pounds of chicken total. Thank god flu and covid season is coming to a close. I hope I don't need to make another batch of soup before our Easter Turkey dinner on sunday we are having. One of our stock frozen turkeys will be used for that, the other one I will put in the grill this summer, that is smaller, only thirteen pounds..

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Mark08

So you're outing the OP as being on EBT?

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: Annee

Wow that is nice, here in my are we get the farmers market on Saturdays, during the summer months, that's where the local small growers bring their goods for sell at one of the city parks, plus we got a few markets around, that works year around, I live in rural GA.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:38 PM
I recently visited relatives near Seattle, and was pleasantly stunned to find a string of grocery stores called "Grocery Outlet".
Organic free range eggs, $3.50 a dozen. Premium cheeses were 40-60% less than the average grocery store.
We had a cookout the other day. I found some primo bratwurst, packs of 5 for 3.99, buns for 2.00 (bag of 8), and some really good deli mustard for 2.29 a jar.
I was blown away. The prices in their main grocery stores like Safeway and QFC stores are scary. I have a cousin who is fairly well off, and ignorant, so she blows her money at Whole Foods and the PCC markets. She brought a few side dishes to the cook out. Whole Foods stuff. Nothing really gourmet or high-end at all. I saw the receipt in her grocery sack when I unloaded the stuff. $67.00

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

I usually pick up my things from the gutter,

I've thought about joining my local roadkill hot line notifications.
Nothing like possum on the half shell( armadillo) stew.
There are states that do that.

I do stop for wildlife. It rends my heart to see something like a stranded worm
or half dead butterfly bracing against the curb for warmth and shelter.
Thankfully I haven't seen an ailing bird in a long while.
Those take time and I don't have it.

# 1577
edit on 14-4-2022 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: Annee

Wow that is nice, here in my are we get the farmers market on Saturdays, during the summer months, that's where the local small growers bring their goods for sell at one of the city parks, plus we got a few markets around, that works year around, I live in rural GA.

They had that when I lived in Redondo Beach CA.

However, now I'm in the Sonora Desert -- #1 supplier of winter vegetables.

So, If you're in NY in the middle of winter eating a salad -- you're eating our lettuce -- but, we're not

edit on 14-4-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Mark08

So you're outing the OP as being on EBT?

I can assure you i've never been on EBT. I come from a family where we would work 3 jobs (I have)
before taking government handouts of any kind. I don't shame people from doing whatever they have to do to survive but
I was raised completely opposite.

Since we are touching on this subject, I was taught a government that gives is a government that can take away. We are seeing that with the student loan repayment delay. All kinds of people are now saying they can't pay it, but how did they pay it before. There are people living well off the government, stimulus, food, housing, and much more. What happens if any of that goes away? It is a means to control people and they don't even see it.

edit on 14-4-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

About 2 years ago my youngest brother called me at 4 in the morning. Wanted me to come and pick him up and to come in my truck. He hit a black bear on the way to work and was going to split it with me. He figured the bear totaled his car, so he should get the meat. FWC wouldn't let him.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

About 2 years ago my youngest brother called me at 4 in the morning. Wanted me to come and pick him up and to come in my truck. He hit a black bear on the way to work and was going to split it with me. He figured the bear totaled his car, so he should get the meat. FWC wouldn't let him.

Bear meat is a prize, the fat is apparently delicious. I've never had it but when the kids here go hunting and shoot one it is celebrated. I know that is not politically correct in other parts.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Strange I will trusted California organic veggies then these Farmers markets here in Indiana I wouldn't trust anything labeled organic here my god they use every chem in the book . Don't ever drive by a field with your windows down when a farmers on his tractor spraying .

Even the Amish how do they get such nice veggies if they are not using modern insect control .
edit on 14-4-2022 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: olaru12

My GF and I just took out half of her cash crop [asparagus] out of her garden and putting in produce. We won't be able to consume anything near what we can produce so it will go to our village food bank. Our elders and home bound are suffering. Blessed to be able to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

One thing i'm doing is helping young people learn to garden.
Unfortunately people get really weird when it comes to gardening for survival. Most want to do
things like Tomatoes and herbs like basil. That's great and should be part of a garden, but it won't do much in rough times.
I know potatoes and beans aren't sexy, grain crops, etc, this is what people really need to learn how to grow. Some of those crops can be tricky with pests, animals and weather. Heck even farmers lose those crops sometimes.
Growing with long term survial is another thing. Fruit and nut trees, weeds, bark etc.

I think intensive gardening should be taught in schools
I think butchering should be taugh in schools
Baking and cooking from scratch
Basics of sewing
Basics of Shop, wood shop, metal shop and small engine repair.

Most of the world is behind us in wealth but in a survival situation I think a lot of third world people would kick our butts!
Doing the things above is part of daily life.

The US is purposely being destroyed from within by domestic enemies, I don't think they are concerned whether or not our school system teaches basics/survival skills.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Oh, I never gave it a thought. The person I was replying to stated the only people with full carts are on EBT. Which would include you as you state you had a full cart. It was more sarcasm on my part for his stereotyping. I often have a full cart as well and I'm not on assistance either.

I of course have no problem with people who need assistance, get it. Hate to see a parent sacrifice a meal for their kid, or as a coworker said once he was surprised to hear that not everyone grew up eating ketchup packs in hot water as tomato soup.
edit on 14-4-2022 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: frogs453

I'm in my 50's and remember loving that Government Cheese block as a kid !

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: JAGStorm

Oh, I never gave it a thought. The person I was replying to stated the only people with full carts are on EBT. Which would include you as you state you had a full cart. It was more sarcasm on my part for his stereotyping.

I of course have no problem with people who need assistance, get it. Hate to see a parent sacrifice a meal for their kid, or as a coworker said once he was surprised to hear that not everyone grew up eating ketchup packs in hot water as tomato soup.

I didn't take it as such, more to the person that made that incorrect assumption. Not everyone with a full cart is on EBT, not everybody with a small cart isn't. It's unfortunate that, that IS the stereotype. Maybe there is some truth to it.

My father has stories of basically coming close to starvation because my grandpa wouldn't accept charity of any kind. Oddly, that same mentality was drilled into us. We never starved, my parents were lower middle class, but we always had food.

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