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The Reactionary conspiracy 2. The Main Plan

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posted on May, 13 2023 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

Do not use my threads like a chatroom, please. Ask any serious question you may have about the reactionary conspiracy or leave my threads.

Bye bye

posted on May, 13 2023 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I am somewhat perturbed by the Notion " Die Young , Stay Pretty " . Human Life was Meant to be Lived to the Fullest by All of Us , and which also Incudes Living to a Considerable Age if Possible . Musing on about a Supreme Creator made that Self Evident to me . Your Purpose , Experience the Now for Eternity . Once China Decimates it's Middle Class , it's back to an Orwellian Welfare State where Total Control of their Masses will Eventually Lead to Insurrection and Self Destruction All because of a Flawed Ideology ....

posted on May, 13 2023 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

One thing we do with our abstract abilities is to easily match up patterns even when none exist. I wonder if we randomized the numbers you have used such as changing 55 to 43 would you not still have a connection somewhere? On the simple side, I refer to all this as seeing bunnies in clouds, but I do take my hat off to you for the level of effort you put into it all.

So the fact that both Randolph Churchill, the only son of Winston Churchill, and Robert F. Kennedy, brother of one American President and himself senator and presidential candidate, died the same day, on 6 June 1968, the anniversary of the Normandy landings, is just a coincidence?

And that the assassin of RFK was someone called Sirhan Sirhan (S.S.) is another coincidence? And that day of 1944 was called the D Day and a day has twenty-four hours and that day of 1968 was the twenty-fourth anniversary of the D Day is also another coincidence?

And that Lee Harvey Oswald used the nickname “A. Hydell” to buy the murder weapon is just an irrelevant fact? And that he said the president of the fake local chapter Oswald claimed to belong to was “A.J. Hidell” is just something without importance?

It’s too late in Spain. I won’t respond anymore till next afternoon/evening.

posted on May, 13 2023 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

originally posted by: Xtrozero

One thing we do with our abstract abilities is to easily match up patterns even when none exist. I wonder if we randomized the numbers you have used such as changing 55 to 43 would you not still have a connection somewhere? On the simple side, I refer to all this as seeing bunnies in clouds, but I do take my hat off to you for the level of effort you put into it all.

So the fact that both Randolph Churchill, the only son of Winston Churchill, and Robert F. Kennedy, brother of one American President and himself senator and presidential candidate, died the same day, on 6 June 1968, the anniversary of the Normandy landings, is just a coincidence?

And that the assassin of RFK was someone called Sirhan Sirhan (S.S.) is another coincidence? And that day of 1944 was called the D Day and a day has twenty-four hours and that day of 1968 was the twenty-fourth anniversary of the D Day is also another coincidence?

And that Lee Harvey Oswald used the nickname “A. Hydell” to buy the murder weapon is just an irrelevant fact? And that he said the president of the fake local chapter Oswald claimed to belong to was “A.J. Hidell” is just something without importance?

It’s too late in Spain. I won’t respond anymore till next afternoon/evening.

Have you ever watched the movie number 23?

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 01:02 PM
An updated and unified version of three posts from the previous page:

On the Beach is a post-apocalyptic film released on 17 December 1959. Set in 1964, it tells the story of an American submarine taking shelter in Australia after a nuclear war has devastated much of the rest of the world.

The 222 is a reference to February 2022 and the other 22 plus the two actors on screen gives us a 24. The mentioning of the R.A.F. (Royal Air Force) seems strange since they are in Australia, so this RAF could be a hint to the Russian Air Force, the current name of the Air Force of Russia, which in 1959/1964 was part of the Soviet Army and had another name.

Therefore, the deciphered meaning of this scene is an allusion to the day the Russian invasion of Ukraine started: 24 February 2022, thus showing a previous knowledge of this war.

It takes place at minute 18. The 18 almost always means AH (Adolf Hitler) in this conspiracy, but in this particular case I think is a reference to the letter R for Russia.

This film was titled “La hora final” (The final hour) in Spain.

From the party scene:

nine times = nine H bombs

Eight people on the screen = eight cities attacked.

The scientific mentions it again in a very revealing manner.

A sign with the name of Chelsea on it, a centric area of London.

In the billboard it can be seen the number 413 twice. 4+1+3 = 8, so this could be a hidden 88 = HH = Heil Hitler. And I believe the F and D do not mean Führer and Deutschland either, like I had assumed initially.

After giving it a second thought I am totally sure the F and D have the following meanings:

F = Fusion. Since the thermonuclear weapons are also called fusion weapons.

D = Deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen present in the second stage of a fusion weapon. That’s why this kind of weapons are colloquially known as hydrogen bombs or H-bomb.

I was confused because they almost always put a reference to Adolf Hitler in their works, but (and I didn’t realize it yesterday) they never use three figures to mean 8/H, as far as I know. So the way of putting the 8 in this scene (413) seems to me like a hint to some of the characteristics of deuterium, like for example it being 0,0312% of all the naturally occurring hydrogen in the oceans.

In conclusion, the hidden meaning we can find in the background of this scene is a reference to the eight cities they plan to attack with H-bombs.

Here the conspirators left a (hidden in plain sight) message for the alleged victors of the Second World War. Victoria bitter = Bitter Victory.

Rue de Rivoli is a street in central Paris that is related to Austria. Hitler was born and raised in Austria.

Chelsea and Rue de Rivoli would be clearly referring to London and Paris, the first two cities the conspirators are planning to attack on next 12th of June, if they don’t change their plans.

Scene in the social club:

The 400 is a reference to the 400 million people that would be alive after the conspirators had killed 95% of the current world population. The “5 months” is a hint to the 5th phase.

The running time is 50 minutes, a confirmation that my assumption about the number 5 is not just a coincidence.

By repeating the number 5 twice and then mentioning “one year” they are making a coded allusion to the ten years (2023-2033) the 5th phase is planned to last.

The three men that can be seen in this scene represent the only three countries that would exist in the whole world at some point after 2033 if the reactionaries succeed: The Spanish Empire, the German Empire and the Japanese Empire.

Another scene:

One character owns a Ferrari with a 5 painted on it. All the cables and machines that can be seen here are references to the electrical phase. So the overall meaning of it is another allusion to the 5th phase of the conspiracy’s plan. The lamp from the ceiling means that what is below it is important.

The conspirators very often use a lamp in films and series to mark the importance of something within a scene..

Definition of “fase” from the RAE dictionary:

Third and fourth meaning are also related to electricity.

Continuing with the same scene:

I think that “100 quid” is an allusion to the 100 megaton yield the thermonuclear bombs are planned to have each one. Running time is 1 hour 03 minutes, a hint to 103, meaning 2023, since 1920 (year of NSDAP foundation) + 103 = 2023. The two persons present in this scene represent the two bombs the reactionaries are planning to detonate in Australia.

It’s mentioned August, the month of the planned attacks in Sydney and Melbourne. Let’s remember that this movie is set in Australia.

A scene from when the submarine arrives to San Francisco:

That SP is a clear reference to the Spanish Empire, the future ruler of that area if the conspirators succeed.

Towards the end of the film we can see the submarine diving into water:

623 is alluding to June 2023.

Afterwards, it is shown a city with empty streets:

In the right side we can see this sign:

H = a reference to the 8 cities they are planning to attack with fusion bombs.

W = 23

COSS = carried out by the SS (Schutzstaffel)

So with these scene the reactionary conspiracy claimed responsibility for the attacks 64 years beforehand. Note how this 64 is a hint to 1964 (the year in which this film is set), so this would be a confirmation that my hypothesis about the meaning of 623 is correct and not a mere coincidence. Also, 64 is backwards 46, an allusion to the 46th presidency of the USA.

Main protagonist was played by Gregory Peck, who passed away on 12 June 2003, a clear reference to 12/June/23, since the conspirators say the zeros don’t count. As I have said in other occasions, many conspirators die in preassigned dates, in some cases for sending a message, and 12 June 2023 is the exact date of the first planned attacks (on Paris and London).

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
Main protagonist was played by Gregory Peck, who passed away on 12 June 2003, a clear reference to 12/June/23, since the conspirators say the zeros don’t count. As I have said in other occasions, many conspirators die in preassigned dates, in some cases for sending a message, and 12 June 2023 is the exact date of the first planned attacks (on Paris and London).

Holy crapI I'll be in Europe on that date. But I think I'll be far enough from Paris and London to avoid any train travel disruptions that might affect my vacation.

posted on May, 15 2023 @ 01:47 PM
Another revealing scene from the film On the Beach:

225 = 2+2+5 = 9 thermonuclear weapons.

All ahead = reference to “warhead”.

100 feet = allusion to the 100 megaton yield of each weapon.

Again, the three men on screen represent the three Axis powers: The Spanish Empire, the German Empire and the Japanese Empire[u].

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

This scene represents the explosion of a thermonuclear weapon (also called hydrogen bomb).

At the left of the clock it can be seen a number above the word “ALARM”, it’s 10:00 , it gives us the yield of this weapon: 100 Megatons

How do we know it is not 10 megatons or 1000 megatons?

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

So here we decipher again the exact date in which Adolf Hitler is expected to return: 30 May 2025.

One thing we do with our abstract abilities is to easily match up patterns even when none exist. I wonder if we randomized the numbers you have used such as changing 55 to 43 would you not still have a connection somewhere? On the simple side, I refer to all this as seeing bunnies in clouds, but I do take my hat off to you for the level of effort you put into it all.

Yeah, and even at that he is missing 90% of the conspiracy! I showed him the obvious connection to Olivia Newton John but he completely failed to understand it or see the evidence but instead accused me of spreading disinformation. I'm just glad we have less than a month before nothing happens on June 12.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
A scene from when the submarine arrives to San Francisco:

That SP is a clear reference to the Spanish Empire, the future ruler of that area if the conspirators succeed.

No, it is not. SP is the sign on the Southern Pacific building. There is a connection that I pointed out to you a couple of weeks ago but you failed to follow up. The Southern Pacific Railway was the southern railroad route through the United States favored by the confederacy and pushed by Jefferson Davis. There is a connection to the Spanish empire in that much of the route is through land acquired from Mexico that was once part of the Spanish empire.

How do you expect to have any credibility when you don't follow up on evidence provided to you and misinterpret the simplest signs?

Dude, time is running out. You are going to get 95% of us killed if you don't do a better job of following up on information given to you so you can stop the conspirators!

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: skeptical808

How do we know it is not 10 megatons or 1000 megatons?

Because we have to analyze each piece of information in connection to other parts of the conspiracy, not as a isolated data.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: skeptical808

Yeah, and even at that he is missing 90% of the conspiracy! I showed him the obvious connection to Olivia Newton John but he completely failed to understand it or see the evidence but instead accused me of spreading disinformation. I'm just glad we have less than a month before nothing happens on June 12.

Then stop bothering me and leave my threads.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 01:30 AM

edit on 25-5-2023 by moscowbell because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
Then stop bothering me and leave my threads.

Sir, I'm sorry if you think I am bothering you. I have read your threads and your evidence and am convinced you are on to something and there is a serious conpiracy here that you have uncovered. Isn't that your goal, to spread awareness so that enough people are aware of the reactionary conspiracy and the conpirators are defeated? You are not going to get very far if you keep attacking your supporters.

I am trying to help you because, frankly, this is too big and important to all of us to leave in the hands of someone like you who doesn't even see all of the evidence and repeatedly fails to follow up when evidence is brought to your attention! You've already said you are overworked and distracted by the efforts of the conspirators in your family. So why would you turn down and become hostile with an offer of help?

I'm going to continue to investigate on my own and post here so that others can do their own research. If you believe I post something false then please bring it to my attention and I will provide sources and supporting evidence. I will also correct you when you post factually incorrect information because any conclusion you draw from false information will only lead you to the incorrect conclusions. And we cannot have that given how little time we have left!

Once again, if you would like me to provide sources for the factual information I have posted, I will do so if you only list the facts you wish me to back up.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: skeptical808

I am trying to help you because […]

With comments like this one? (quoted from above):

[…] I'm just glad we have less than a month before nothing happens on June 12.

I don’t need this kind of “help”.

If you really want to help, inform the FBI about my threads.

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 12:08 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

originally posted by: skeptical808

I am trying to help you because […]

With comments like this one? (quoted from above):

[…] I'm just glad we have less than a month before nothing happens on June 12.

I don’t need this kind of “help”.

If you really want to help, inform the FBI about my threads.

I have already told you that until a few days ago I just thought you were crazy. After I started looking into your theories and finding all the connections you have missed I decided you were really onto something! So don't use old posts to justify your negligence in following up on the new information I am providing you.

I don't think the FBI will do anything and it would be difficult for them to talk to you to get further information. I will contact the Spanish CNI on Monday so they can talk to you and get the additional information you have.

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 03:23 AM
This week we witnessed an important event in Guam, part of the Spanish Empire until the United States put that empire down in 1898. Just as MarxistDebunker predicted, Guam was hit by a powerful super typhoon that developed rather suddenly. The conspirators are clearly telling us that Spain is still impotent against any attack. Spain is not the successor empire from the Spanish-speaking diaspora. They are clearly telling us it is Argentina!

Today (May 26, 2023) there was a major 6.0 earthquake in Tonga as a depth of 223 km. If we subtract 223 from 2023 we get 1800. On May 26, 1800 Thomas Jefferson sent a letter to James Monroe, both US presidents, discussing atheism, and the need for secrecy about it. This is clearly a message from the conspirators, both the catholic church and the islamists that atheism is not to be discussed!

It is also important to note that Jefferson Davis was imprisoned at Fort Monroe after the civil war. You also mentioned the importance of Monterrey. Jefferson Davis rose to prominence due to his military success at the battle of Monterrey during the Mexican American War. Yet another clue you were close to but failed to recognize!

How can you have any credibility when you are missing all these important clues? Seriously? How?

Let's figure out how the conspirators are going to raise up the Argentine Empire and what role Olivia Newton John and Barry Manilow played or are still playing! Once we figure that out we can stop them!

If you think any of this is untrue I can connect you with sources but I will of course expect you to publish your sources as well so I can research the connections you have made.

Maybe the CNI can begin to sort everything out when they talk to you next week.

edit on 27-5-2023 by skeptical808 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-5-2023 by skeptical808 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-5-2023 by skeptical808 because: typos

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:31 AM
Today someone turned the Grand Canal in Venice Italy green. This is clearly a reference to the Argentina involvement because it recalls when Argentine artist Nicolás García Uriburu did the same thing in June 1968, 55 years ago. Uriburu died on June 19, 2016 but clearly someone is sending aa strong message that we should look at the emergence of an Argentine Empire.

June 19, 2016 was the 170th day of that year. Ignoring the zero we get AG, the chemical symbol for silver. I realize that the common Spanish word for silver is plata but argenta is an older word that would still be understood. I am not an expert on romance languages but I know that the modern distinctions between Italian, Spanish, Catalonian, Galician, and so forth are somewhat artificial and there is really a spectrum of languages. Argento is the word for silver in Italian. I'm sure that somewhere between Venice and Madrid there is a place where argenta or similar is the local word for silver. This would be a very important clue to find this place.

Until the late 1800s Argentina was a very wealthy country, wealthier than the United States at the time. It is not at all surprising to me that whne the conspirators began planning in the 1800s that they would focus on supporting the rise of an Argentine Empire. I am becoming more and more convince that thi is the plot you have uncovered. Please understand the urgency of this and reanalyze the evidence you have with an open mind to this possibility. Today's signal of dying the Grand Canal green almost certainly marks the beginning of the "hot war" period where we will start to see more attacks. It fits well with your identification of June 12 since it is exactly 2 weeks ahead of the date when things will happen.

Please give this the focus it needs for the sake of all of humanity!

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: skeptical808

I don't think the FBI will do anything and it would be difficult for them to talk to you to get further information. I will contact the Spanish CNI on Monday so they can talk to you and get the additional information you have.

Spain is a fascist, genocidal state disguised as a democracy, so you don’t need to contact the CNI to inform them about me because they know me since they were called CESID.

And you don’t want to contact the FBI because you are probably an account managed by the reactionary conspiracy trying to do damage control.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
Spain is a fascist, genocidal state disguised as a democracy, so you don’t need to contact the CNI to inform them about me because they know me since they were called CESID.

And you don’t want to contact the FBI because you are probably an account managed by the reactionary conspiracy trying to do damage control.

I am a regular guy living in Hawaii. I am NOT part of the conspiracy but I am beginning to think that you are working with the conspirators since you are not following up on all this important information I am finding for you. Instead you are pursuing these clues from movies and video games from long ago.

Wake up! Things are starting to happen mostly as you have predicted even though you have gotten a few things wrong that I have corrected for you. It seems like now that serious events are starting to occur in the next few weeks you want to abandon the work of stopping the conspirators. You seem to want me to take over the work. That would suggest you trust me yet then you accuse me of working with the conspirators. How dare you.

When things start happening it is going to be your fault! I will do what I can to put on the brakes but you really should have worked harder and listened to me while there was still time.

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