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The Reactionary conspiracy 2. The Main Plan

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posted on May, 31 2023 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
Spain is a fascist, genocidal state disguised as a democracy, so you don’t need to contact the CNI to inform them about me because they know me since they were called CESID.

And you don’t want to contact the FBI because you are probably an account managed by the reactionary conspiracy trying to do damage control.

Ok, today I uncovered some information you are not going to like but it makes a lot more sense compared to some of the misinterpretations you have made.

First off, I believe you are right that there is a reactionary conspiracy and it involves the islamists and others that you have identified as well as many you have completely missed like Olivia Newton John, Barry Manilow, and Trace Adkins. And it will not be the Spanish empire that rises. It will be an Argentine empire!

But by far the biggest error you have made is identifying AH with Adolf Hitler. AH is used when the conspirators give a date to make it clear that they are using the Islamic calendar rather than the Gregorian. That is very lucky because it means we have a lot of time to prepare. We are nearing the end of 1444 AH in the Islamic calendar. We have about 578 years before the beginning of Year 0.

So nothing will happen in the near future, not because you are wrong about the existence of the reactionary conspiracy. It is very much a real thing. But you have so badly misinterpreted the clues that you completely failed to recognize the obvious fact that they were telling you to use the Islamic calendar every time the used an AH!

Maybe you think I'm wrong but the world will know if I am right or you are on June 12! If 100 megaton nuclear bombs go off I guess you are right. If they don't then I will know that my interpretation is correct and we don't need to worry about the conspiracy in any of our lifetimes.

edit on 31-5-2023 by skeptical808 because: Typos and minor additions

posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
As I have said in other occasions, many conspirators die in preassigned dates, in some cases for sending a message, and 12 June 2023 is the exact date of the first planned attacks (on Paris and London).

The fact that the attacks did not happen today proves I am right and you are wrong. You have misinterpreted the clues. You need to go back to the beginning and reinterpet everything recognizing the important roles of Olivia Newton John, Barry Manilow, and the emerging Argentinian empire. Only then will you truly understand.

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 02:33 AM
Marxist, you have alot of skeptics here but I believe you have uncovered something significant even ifyou have made a lot of mistakes. The fact that London and Paris are still standing serious undermines everything you have been saying. But I understand why. You simply misunderstood the calendar. I hope you will address this. I am sure you have an explanation but I am sad to see that others have dismissed you because of your failure to address flaws like this. I would truly like to help you.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 04:09 PM
Crossposting to this main thread...

Marxist, you have pledged to answer serious questions. Why are you failing to answer Mr. Carpy's and Mr. Cymraeg's questions about the Midatlantic Ridge and legal coverage? Others have pointed out that Jacksonville is a poor choice for an invasion militarily but you have failed to address that. I myself have proved to you that you are using the wrong calendar but you have not presented any counter evidence. You have also failed to address your errors regarding attacks on London and Paris on June 12.

It is becoming hard to take you seriously when you do not address questions as you promised.

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 05:27 PM
Can you explain why the attacks on Paris and London did not happen on June 12? Is it because you were wrong about the date or is it because I am right that they use the Islamic calendar and you are wrong by about 578 years? This is a serious and important question.
edit on 16-6-2023 by skeptical808 because: typo

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: skeptical808
Can you explain why the attacks on Paris and London did not happen on June 12? Is it because you were wrong about the date or is it because I am right that they use the Islamic calendar and you are wrong by about 578 years? This is a serious and important question.

Marxist, can you please respond? This is a serious question and you promised to answer those.
edit on 20-6-2023 by skeptical808 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 05:53 PM

Your credibility is in the toilet as evidenced by comments from others on other threads. You really need to explain your huge failures if you want anyone to take you seriously! You were very wrong about June 12th so why should anyone believe you about anything else? I believe you are mostly right but just got the calendar system wrong but you seem to reject that and ignore me! Why is that?

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 01:29 PM
This conspiracy can be independently proven by using the logic.

Why a painting in a Denver airport is so suspicious but the fact that Randolph Churchill, the only son of Winston Churchill, and Robert F. Kennedy, the brother of John F. Kennedy, died on the same day, 6 June 1968, isn’t even worth mentioning it by any of the so-called conspiracy theorists?

These two men died on the 24th anniversary of the Normandy Landings, an operation known as D-Day, being that a day has 24 hours, and yet not a single American or British conspiracy theorist has anything to say about this?

Why would they do something like that?

Answer: Because all of them are members of the conspiracy I am denouncing here on ATS.

I am writing these threads with the hope that this information arrives to the people able to defeat the conspiracy: The U.S. Armed Forces, the Russian Armed Forces and the People’s Republic of China.

Concretely, the information that I am telling on this thread should be transmitted to the military intelligence of the United States as soon as possible.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 03:18 PM
I have discovered a very important part of the conspiracy: Many deceased famous people would be alive and been cryopreserved on an uninhabited island of Canada named Somerset.

(Somerset Island highlighted with a red circle in the above map)

I deciphered this part of the puzzle gathering clues from the following sources:

Mars Attacks! is a science fiction film released on 13 December 1996.

In it we can see this map of the world:

A closer view:

Another scene with the same map:

I noticed the strange shape of Greenland on this map. I also noted that the Canadian Artic Archipelago didn’t look like that at all. A closer view of this fictional map:

That strange Greenland seems like a seahorse pointing to a place in the center of the Canadian Artic:

Then I checked a real map of that area:

And noticed the Somerset Island, in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, seemed to occupy a central position on that zone. Then I remembered the second source of information:

• The Flight 93, the hijacked plane on 9/11 that was crashed by the terrorists in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. This county is marked with a black circle in the following image:

• The biographical film Man on the Moon was released on 22 December 1999. Andy Kaufman is played by Jim Carrey, an actor of Canadian origin.

On it we can see this scene in which there is a globe on the left side of the screen:

(That character is wearing a purple jacket, a color commonly associated to the Papacy)

If we look closer we can see a blonde doll looking at the North of Canada.

The protagonist’s wife, played by Courtney Love, wears a characteristic oversized sweater:

At the end of this film, when Andy Kaufman has passed away already, we can see one of the characters he played, a singer called Tony Clifton, performing in a stage. But the other artist (marked with a blue square in the below image) who also played Clifton is watching this show in the audience:

So, this means there is a third unknown (for us, the spectators) artist playing Tony Clifton.

A map on Nunavut:

The flag of Nunavut:

It’s quite similar to the flag of the Vatican:

Map of Somerset Island:

Navigation chart of the area surrounding this island:

A closer look:

In conclusion:

The conspiracy has a secret underground facility on the Somerset Island where it has kept in cryopreservation an undetermined number of deceased famous people (clerics, artists, presidents, etc) who belong to the conspiracy. I do not know the exact figure, but I estimate it could be hundreds or thousands.

One of them is Kurt Cobain, who officially died circa 5 April 1994.

Additionally, Justin Bieber was born in Canada on 1 March 1994, thirty-six days before Cobain’s demise. This 36 would be a reference to 1936, the year the Spanish Civil War began. This would mean that Justin Bieber is also a member of the reactionary conspiracy.

edit on 10 9 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: Corrections

edit on 10 9 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

So not only will you slander Lloyd Kaufman, but you will dishonour the memory of Kurt Cobain with this asinine, non-existant conspiracy? Is nothing sacred to you?

edit on 1092023 by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

I have found more information about this part of the conspiracy in three interconnected motion pictures:

The Arrival, a science fiction film released on 31 May 1996.

At the beginning of it we can see this scene in a snowy place:

This garden in the middle of the ice symbolizes the Somerset Island. This assumption is confirmed by the next scene:

Many Xs means: pay attention, this is very important.

We can see Baffin Island and Devon Island, two of the islands surrounding Somerset Island, which is marked with a red circle in the following map:

At one moment we see this screen on a computer:

Y = 25, so this 25 would symbolize 2025, the year of the planned return of Adolf Hitler.

The protagonist freezes the aliens with liquid nitrogen:

That 20 is an allusion to the MEF (Maximum elevation figure) we can find in the navigation chart of Somerset Island:

Afterwards, this is how the frozen aliens end up:

By how their gestures look, it is easy to deduce that they represent artists singing or playing a musical instrument.

Finally, the protagonist arrives to the underground facility in which the aliens get their human appearance:

He sees an alien watching a pod:

Then we see a closer view of the backside of this alien:

That strange head symbolizes the veil of a nun, a reference to Nunavut.

These aliens have reversed legs.

These reversed legs symbolize the real life conspirators are reactionaries.

In all these three films there is a secondary character played by a black person. The one from The Arrival:

Arrival II is the sequel of the above film. It was released on 6 November 1998.

On it we can see this card:

I think this surname is alluding to the word “sarcophagus”, which in turn would be a reference to the pods where the conspirators are kept cryopreserved.

We can also see these keys:

They are a reference to the two keys found in the Vatican emblem:

This train plays a role at some point of the movie:

It’s a hint to the Council of Ephesus, which took place in the year 431 of the Common Era.

The protagonist couple has to go to Canada:

They find an alien device that creates a map of the Earth:

Then we see another hand, like the ones I have explained in this thread:

These hands represent the inner level of the reactionary conspiracy.

Later, they find an alien computer:

That symbol that looks like a sideways T is a hidden reference to the cross/emblem of the Opus Dei, an institution of the Roman Catholic Church.

The cross of the Opus Dei:

Finally, they reach a nuclear power facility:

Note how the color pattern is the same than the one in the Vatican flag (shown above), which in turn is equal to the one in the Nunavut flag:

Deciphered meaning: The underground facility where the famous people are cryopreserved in Somerset Island is powered by a nuclear plant. It makes sense, because Canada is one of the few countries where Uranium can be found.

The exterior of this facility:

The black secondary character from this film:

Meet Joe Black is a fantasy mystery film released on 13 November 1998.

On it there is an scene where one character mentions, while pointing to a clock, the novel Bleak House:

This novel’s heroine is named Esther Summerson. The second sentence of that dialogue has the word “set” on it. Summerson combined with set would be an allusion to the Somerset Island.

The secondary black character from this film:

There is a party at the end of this movie, to celebrate the 65th birthday of Bill Parrish, the owner of the company and the mansion where almost all this film takes place:

This last gesture reminds of the one made by Joseph R. Biden during the last moments of the 2008 Democratic National Convention:

Biden was 65 years old when this Convention took place on 25-28 August 2008, in Denver, Colorado.

At the end of the party we can see fireworks:

In conclusion:

• This underground facility for the cryopreservation of top-level conspirators is powered by a nuclear plant.

• The party from the end of “Meet Joe Black” symbolizes the 2008 Democratic National Convention. The title of this film is an allusion to the “Black Pope”, the popular name of the leader of the Opus Dei. The official name of this office is Superior General.

• Joseph Robinette Biden is the Black Pope, that is the leader of the Opus Dei.

• Those three black secondary characters represent Barack Hussein Obama.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

Seriously, this is delusional nonsense?

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

There is a party at the end of this movie, to celebrate the 65th birthday of Bill Parrish, the owner of the company and the mansion where almost all this film takes place:

I forgot to say that this character’s surname is hinting to Parry Channel, a body of water to the north of Somerset Island.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

It is? How?

You are just stretching so much, it's beyond a joke.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 02:02 PM
edit on 20 9 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 02:55 PM
I leave here a map of the world with the position of the the three secret locations of the conspiracy I have discovered so far (Kingdom of Bhutan, Somerset Island and Sultanate of Oman), ordered in reading direction, plus the Hagia Sophia Mosque, in Istanbul, a mosque that could play a role in the return of Adolf Hitler.

1.- Somerset Island: See above for more details about how I solved this part of the conspiracy.

2.- Sultanate of Oman: See this post.

3.- Kingdom of Bhutan: See this post.

4.- Hagia Sophia Mosque: See page 5 of this thread.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

I was wrong with this one, the 92 and the 28 did not mean what I thought they meant. This numbers are not the duration of two parts of the Phase 5, they are related to some ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church.

There were five of these councils held in the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran (the seat of the Pope), but they are distributed in a curious way: they first four were held consecutively, while the last one took place after another five had taken place in other locations:

(This symbolizes a five inside a five)

Between the 1st and the 4th ones there were 92 years:

Between the end of the 5th one and the beginning of the next ecumenic council 28 years passed:

Notice how the conspirators marked this part of the puzzle:

First, with a X, meaning “you all pay attention, this is important”:

Then, using several figures that work as check digits, and that serve as a validation in order to proof that this is not just a coincidence:

A forty-two (blue asterisks), a twenty-three (red asterisks), and a eighteen (red underlining) repeated twice each one.

Additionally, between the end of the First Vatican Council and the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, also 92 years passed:

In conclusion: 92 and the 28 are thus another way by which the leadership of the conspiracy reveals itself and, at the same time, they unveil a new period about the existence of the conspiracy.

Therefore, taking into account all the evidence gathered so far, I have to push back once again my previous assumption about the beginning of the conspiracy. Based on my current understanding of the reactionary conspiracy, I think its starting point lies in the XI century, probably around 1054, the year of the East-West Schism, having been designed in the preceding decades or, more likely, in the preceding centuries.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

I was wrong with this one,


posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

The Muqatta’at (known in English as mysterious letters) are combinations of between one and five Arabic letters that appear at the beginning of 29 out of the 114 chapters (surahs) of the Quran. They are named that way because their meaning is unknown.

I am sure they are a code put there by the inner level of the conspiracy.

One and five are alluding to the numbers 1 and 5, thus they mean: 15 = AE = Arriba España

The number of surahs that have these letters is 29. If we read it from right to left, it gives us 92.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

Therefore, taking into account all the evidence gathered so far, I have to push back once again my previous assumption about the beginning of the conspiracy. Based on my current understanding of the reactionary conspiracy, I think its starting point lies in the XI century, probably around 1054, the year of the East-West Schism, having been designed in the preceding decades or, more likely, in the preceding centuries.

I wrote the above conclusion just four days ago, but it needs to be updated: Based on my current understanding of the reactionary conspiracy, I estimate it was designed in the centuries preceding the birth of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, who lived between the years 570 and 632 of the Common Era.

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