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The Reactionary conspiracy 2. The Main Plan

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posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 10:28 AM
I can’t edit my previous message, even though four hours have not yet passed since I posted it. So I will write the correction here.

From my above post:

175 days = One will come the 30 (7 x 5), a reference to the 30th of May. (We deduce May from the above “5 months”).

Obviously I made a mistake, 7 x 5 is 35, not 30.(I live with two relatives who always try to distract me when I’m writing a post regarding the conspiracy).

So, the real form of deciphering this figure would be 7 - 1 = 6. Thus, 6 x 5 = 30. Then, we take again the 5 (May) from “5 months” and end up with the same result: an allusion to 30th of May. They used here the subtraction to better conceal the coded message.

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

More evidence related to the “92 months” stage:

On 23 September 1992 the United States of America conducted its last nuclear test in the Nevada Test Site at 07:04 a.m. local time. This test is full of symbolism pointing to the conspiracy:

• The 23 is a hint to 2023, the start year of the fifth phase. 1992 is an allusion to the “92 months” of the 2nd stage of this phase.

• This test was code named Divider, highlighting the partition of the 5th phase in two stages: The first one with 28 months and the second one with 92 months.

• The bomb had a yield of 5 kilotons, a reference to the 5th phase.

• It took place 47 years after Trinity, world’s first nuclear test, carried out on 16 July 1945. This 47 is an allusion to Adolf Hitler, since his signature has a 47 on his first half:

• Divider was part of Operation Julin, a group of seven nuclear tests (consisting of nine explosions) conducted in 1991–1992 by the USA.

• The disparity between tests and explosions is because they exploded three nuclear devices simultaneously in the same hole on 23 June 1992. The names of the three devices are: Galena-Green 3, Galena-Orange 2 and Galena-Yellow 1. This countdown symbolizes a beginning, while the numbers gives us the date in reverse: 123 = 1/23 = January 2023, the planned start of the fifth phase.

• Seven is a reference to the Book of Revelation/Apocalypse of Saint John, since the number seven appears many times in this work. Nine has the biblical meaning of fruit.

• Green Orange Yellow = GOY. Goy a Hebrew word meaning “gentile” (non-Jew) or, in Biblical Hebrew, “nation”. But some extreme-rightists say it means “cattle”, so as this test was ordered by the reactionary conspirators, this last one could be its real intended meaning.

• The name Julin is alluding to July, but it also looks like a wordplay in Spanish. Let’s remember that Julio (July) is also a given name in Spanish, so “Julin” would mean “pequeño julio”, that translates as “small July”, whose intended meaning seems to be “es mal julio” = “it is a bad July”, probably a reference to some attacks this month of 2023.

• Oddly enough, the Atomic Heritage Foundation reports 1,032 U.S. nuclear tests in total, but this database says they were 1127.

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

On 23 September 1992 the United States of America conducted its last nuclear test in the Nevada Test Site at 07:04 a.m. local time. This test is full of symbolism pointing to the conspiracy:

The time 07:04 is a hidden reference to the 28 months of 5th phase’s first stage (January 2023 – May 2025), since 7 x 4 = 28.

7:4 seems to have a biblical meaning too: “For having committed the seven deadly sins, I punish you all with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”.

I have been suspecting for a while that the conspirators think they are God, and this sentence would confirm it.

posted on Oct, 9 2022 @ 06:29 PM
From the opening post of this thread:

My point of view is that the conspirators designed this plan mainly between the 1860s and the 1880s and started the execution of it in the summer of 1914. This plan consists in creating a continuous world war while trying to keep everyone else (from outside the conspiracy) ignorant about this fact. Its major phases are: […]

Based on evidences like the date of founding (1769 to 1823) of the Spanish Missions in California:

I have to push my previous estimation back by at least a century and change my above statement by the next one: Given my current knowledge of the conspiracy, it is my conviction that the conspirators designed this plan in the first half of the 18th century, between 1700 and 1750.

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 02:15 PM
Another proof supporting the division of the 5th phase (January 2023 to January 2033) in two consecutive stages of 28 and 92 months:

The House on 92nd Street, is a film about a nazi spy ring operating in the USA during the Second World War. It was released on 10 September 1945.

Clues related to the conspiracy:

• It has a duration of 88 minutes (or 1 hour 28 minutes), pointing to 88 = HH, and to the 28 months of the first stage.

• Its title is a clear reference to the 92 months of the second stage.

• The initials of the director are H.H., his surname, Hathaway, is an anagram of the English word “halfway”, symbolizing the split of the 5th phase in two parts.

• Its declared box office is $2.5 million, an allusion to 2025, the year in which this divide is going to take place.

• Screenplay was written by Barré Lyndon and John Monks Jr.

Barré Lyndon died on 23 October 1972, a reference to 2023 and to the ten years the 5th phase is planned to last.

John Monks Jr. was born on 24 February 1910, exactly ten years before the foundation of the NSDAP, and died on 10 December 2004. 10 December is 10/12, and 10 x 12 = 120, an allusion to the 120 months (ten years) of the 5th phase.

The screenplay is based on a story of Charles G. Booth, who died on 22 May 1949, a hint to 2022, their year zero, and to the month of 2025 (May) where the 5th phase will split.

• Main characters were portrayed by William Eythe (who died aged 38) and Lloyd Nolan (who died aged 83). Since there are conspirators who die on pre-assigned dates, this reversed numbers are one of the conspiracy’s signatures.

• Actress Signe Hasso (SH) died at 86, same age than director Henry Hathaway (HH). SH = Sieg Heil, HH = Heil Hitler.

• Actor Gene Lockhart was born on 18 July 1891, exactly forty-five years before the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

• Actors William Post Jr. and Harry Bellaver both died aged 88, moreover Bellaver on a 8 August = 88 = HH.

• Two characters are named Adolf, symbolizing the planned return of Adolf Hitler (either in person or through some sort of proxy) on May 2025.

posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 05:13 PM
The World, the Flesh and the Devil is a doomsday movie released on 23 April 1959.

• The 23 is a reference to 2023, first year of 5th phase.

• It’s about three survivors of a cataclysm provoked by a radioactive cloud that killed everyone exposed to it during a 5 days period, after which it decayed and turned harmless. A subtle allusion to the 5th phase.

• A map of northeastern USA is showed in the minute 15:00 (15 = AE = Arriba España = Up with Spain). The hands of the actor seem to point to Washington and New York City:

• Just a few seconds later, we see a truck with the inscriptions “New York City”, “7”, “SU” and “55” painted on its door. 7 seems to be an allusion to July, “su” is a basque word meaning “fire”, and Hitler was the 55th member of the NSDAP.

It’s the same bridge that the one from Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, a movie released in 2015.

Still from the 2015 dystopian science fiction film Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, in which the conspirators announced these attacks in a transition that only lasts a few seconds:

This bridge is the George Washington Bridge situated between Manhattan and New Jersey. […]

• At 15:36 there is another truck with a number plate “154 - 132”. The dash between the two figures tells us that they are two different concepts, so if we read it from right to left: 132 is a reference to January 2023, the beginning of 5th phase, and 154 is 1 + 5 + 4 = 10, a reference to the ten years this phase is planned to last.

• At minute 30:10 there is a sign with the inscription “E 33”, a hint to enero (January) 2033, the planned end of the 5th phase.

• At about minute 57:55 a voice in the radio says “we don’t speak English, only French, Spanish and German”.

• At minute 1:30:15 there is a sign with the inscription “25 Fine”, a reference to 2025. If we take the two 1s from this time (as showed in the first truck, from the 2nd image above, “1155) we get the day and month (30 May). And if we combine both findings, we decipher the date 30 May 2025, in which Adolf Hitler is expected to return, either personally or symbolically.

• At exactly minute 1:32:00 it can be seen a 22, a clear reference to 2022, their year zero.

• The three protagonists behave and talk to each other in a strange way, this symbolizes (and I learned this while investigating the conspiracy) that they represent non-human characters, concretely I think they stand for three areas: The black man represents the District of Columbia, the woman represents Manhattan and the white man represents Brooklyn.

• The end is very eloquent. I think the doves represent symbolically the destruction of these areas.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 11:18 AM
This two scenes from “The World, the Flesh and the Devil” (1959) seem to be a second confirmation of the exact hour of the planned attacks in Manhattan and Brooklyn I deciphered from “The Night of the Generals” (1967).

Quote from the previous page:

The conspirators used another fictional work to announce the attacks of June/July in the USA.

The Night of the Generals, a mystery film set during the Second World War, about the investigation of the crimes of a serial killer.

• Shortly afterwards, two characters repeat the time 12:42 twice, and then one of them looks toward a clock and says “yes, yes”. This could be the exact time of the two nuclear attacks in New York City..

• First scene:

We see in the first line of the trucks door inscription: “210-12 WEST”.

To decode its meaning, we have to read it from right to left:

TSEW = Time subsequently explosion Washington.

Blank space and the WE (from WEST) and the EW (from NEW), tells us we have to read the next part of the message in a different way.

12 = 12

210 = 21 x 2 = 42 (The meaning of the 0 = x 2 is deduced from the next scene)

truck in the road means it happened in the movie (or will happen in real life) during work hours, so it’s “pm” and not “am”.

Result: 12:42 pm

• Second scene:

We know where to start due that big spot in the lower middle of the sign. Note how the second A (meaning “attention”) from “VACANCY” is pointing towards this big dot.

VACANCY = VAC A NCY, an anagram of “Washington D.C. and New York City”.

Thus, to the left of that big spot there is a encrypted message between the two points of ST. and Pl.

So again we have to start reading it from right to left:

TS = Time subsequent

DR 33 = DR CC, an anagram of the District of Columbia

E = Explosion

102 = 12

0 - 4090: The O indicates us we have to pay attention to the next two zeros. Then, we remember that the number nine has the biblical meaning of “fruit”, so as the V from “STEVENS” is pointing to this 9, we deduce it has the meaning of victory and we take it off. Then, we note the word EVE (also from “STEVENS”) is above the two zeros from 4090, so as Eve was the first woman according to the Bible, then each zero equals to one, so 1 + 1 = 2, which combined with the 4 gives us 42.

As it’s a commercial sign, it’s implying it’s pm and not am.

Result: 12:42 pm

I suspect that it comes from here (this bedrooms sign) the Spanish verbal phrase “hacerle a alguien la cama”:

(loc. verb. = locución verbal = verbal phrase)

“Hacer la cama” means to make the bed, but “hacerle a alguien la cama” (literally: to make someone’s bed) means to work in secret to do harm.

An I didn’t know that cama (bed) also meant “sepulcro” (sepulcher). See 13th meaning:

(desus. = en desuso = in disuse)

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 03:38 PM
The Quiet Earth, a post-apocalyptic film set in Hamilton, New Zealand, was released on 18 October 1985. It’s considered an unofficial remake of The World, the Flesh and the Devil.

• Like its predecessor, it is also about three survivors of a cataclysm.

• At minute 3:23 we see superimposed images of the Sun exploding and an alarm clock.

This scene represents the explosion of a thermonuclear weapon (also called hydrogen bomb).

At the left of the clock it can be seen a number above the word “ALARM”, it’s 10:00 , it gives us the yield of this weapon: 100 Megatons

The time in the clock indicates us the day and month of the attack: 12th of June.

• At the beginning of the movie, first survivor is riding a car with this number plate:

X = 10. 8 = H = Hitler. 5 = 5th phase. And 33 is a reference to 2033. So this number plate is alluding to the 5th phase ending in 2033 after 10 years of duration.

• At minute 21:01 we see another clock:

It’s pointing to 6:12, and this clock is totally painted in red, not like the first one from above, which only had one button in red. It means that on this date, 12th of June, there is a second planned attack.

Also, the alarm hand is pointing to 7, so this gives us another date: 12th of July.

• The movie ends with a planet emerging in the background:

The mushroom clouds represent the 5th phase, and the whole scene means that after this phase, there will be a more religious Earth. The rings surrounding that planet are actually a halo.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

In The Quiet Earth, the three protagonists also behave unconventionally and talk to each other in a strange way, so they are representing as well non-human characters, in this case two cities: London and Paris.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 09:09 PM
The RS-28 Sarmat has been called Putin’s Armageddon weapon. It is a super heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of carrying 10 - 15 MIRV warheads. It’s expected to enter service this year 2022.

Its name has many clues related to the conspiracy:

R = 18 = AH = Adolf Hitler

S = Split

28 = The first 28 months of the 5th phase.

Thus, its designation is alluding to the planned return of Adolf Hitler (either in person or symbolically) that will split the 5th phase in two consecutive periods of 28/92 months respectively.

Sarmat is named after the Sarmatians, a people from classical antiquity who called themselves “aryans”.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

The Only Thing to Fear , is Fear Itself . Live Life to the Fullest while you can . If the End Finally Comes , Welcome it with Open Arms and Move on to your Next Eternal Existence ..........My Momma Always Use to Say .........*)

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

So both Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Randolph Churchill, Winston Churchill's only son, died on 6 June 1968, same day the Normandy landings took place in 1944, and you guys are taking the information you read in ATS as if it were just another type of entertainment or, at most, preparing for the not-so-distant future with individual actions that never considerate a scenario in which a well-armed, well-equipped and well-organized invading army of religious bigots is trying to conquer your country.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 11:56 AM
This is the most extreme case of playing with numbers I've ever seen!

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

I think I have found the real origin of the expression “hacerle la cama a alguien” and it’s related to (and serves us as a confirmation for) the findings from the movies: “The World, The Flesh and the Devil” (1959), “The Night of the Generals” (1967) and “The Quiet Earth” (1985).

The 23 Waffen SS Division, also named Kama (2nd Croatian), was a unit briefly active in 1944 and composed of German officers and Bosnian Muslims. It was named after a small dagger used by Balkan shepherds.

The number 23 is a reference to 2023.

This division was formed on 19 June 1944 and was dissolved on 31 October 1944, so it was active only for 4 months and 12 days, which in reverse is 12 4, and combined with the 2 from “2nd Croatian”, it gives us 12:42.

This division’s commander Helmuth Raithel died on 12 September 1990, at the age of 83. So this twelve is also a clue that we are in the right track with the above deciphered time. Also, he received in January 1942 the German Cross in Gold and in August 1942 was transferred to the reserve for an extended period of time. The gold means “attention” and the time off he took in 1942 is pointing to forty-two. So, if we combine both numbers, we get a second 12:42.

This Division’s insignia:

The Sun is a symbol often associated to thermonuclear weapons, also called fusion bombs, because the Sun generates its energy from nuclear fusion.

Excerpt from this webpage explaining how nuclear fusion works in the Sun:

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

In The Quiet Earth, the three protagonists also behave unconventionally and talk to each other in a strange way, so they are representing as well non-human characters, in this case two cities: London and Paris.

I have found more evidence supporting this finding:

The book Down and Out in Paris and London is the first full-length work by English author George Orwell, it was published on 9 January 1933.

First clue: His pseudonym is an anagram: [King] George or [to the] well.

George is a reference to King George III, whose reign spanned for 59 years (from October 1760 to January 1820) and whose coronation took place on 22 September 1761. During his reign the Thirteen colonies got independence and formed the United States of America. So his pseudonym is an indirect threat to the USA.

Also, the surname Well/Wells is often used by the conspirators, probably because in ancient times throwing someone to the well was a common form of punishment used by the monarchy and nobility.

Well is Pozo (plural: Pozos) in Spanish, in Catalan/Valencian it is said Pou (plural: Pous).

Second clue: If this photography of George Orwell from the 1920s is real (link to Wikipedia), then he used this picture (and concretely his mustache) to confess he was a follower of Adolf Hitler.

Third clue: It was published 21 days before Adolf Hitler was made Reich chancellor (prime minister) of Germany by the President of this country, Paul von Hindenburg. Thus, this publication date would prove Orwell had prior knowledge of the exact day the nazis were going to take power in Germany.

Fourth clue: George Orwell died in 21 January 1950, aged 46. This 21 is a confirmation of the above point, January is the month the 5th phase is going to start and end, the fifty is an allusion to the fifty states of the US, and the forty-six is a reference to the 46th presidency of the USA. As I have said in other occasions, many conspirators die in pre-assigned dates, and it seems Orwell was one of them.

Fifth clue: The cover of this book’s first British edition:

It’s quite strange to put a percentage in the cover of a book, so this 90% is a indirect reference to 100 Megatons, giving us a second confirmation of the yield I deciphered from the movie “The Quiet Earth”.

Furthermore, that 8/6 in the spine of the book looks like a reference to the three months of 2023 in which the nuclear attacks are planned to take place: June, July and August.

Sixth clue: The cover of its first American edition:

The two men and the woman seem to be an advance of the three characters from the film “The World, the Flesh and the Devil” (1959) and its two remakes: “The Quiet Earth” (1985) and “Z for Zachariah” (2015).

Seventh clue: The structure of the chapters:

We start with the one (symbolizing God), and then we make an X:

1 and 38 = 1 + 3 + 8 = 12

24 = 2+4 = 6

23 = 2023

With this we obtain the following date: 12 June 2023.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

I found another two companies that, like Teradyne, could be related to the conspiracy.

The first one is AOC International, an electronics company headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan.

Clues linking this company to the reaction:

• It’s thanked at the end of credits of Maze Runner: The Death Cure, the 3rd part of a trilogy very connected to the conspiracy.

• AOC means 103, a secret code used by the conspirators to refer to 2023, since 1920 (year of NSDAP’s foundation) + 103 = 2023. Furthermore, as I = 9, then its name could be an allusion to September 2023, the first month after the planned nuclear attacks of June, July and August of that year.

• This company was founded in 1934 as “Admiral Overseas Corporation”. Admiral Overseas seems an allusion to the “General Winter during Operation Barbarossa. Moreover, Admiral Overseas translates in Spanish as “Almirante Ultramar”, and the word ultra means “extreme-rightist” in Spanish.

So I think A. Ultramar Corporation is the real-life version of the fictional Umbrella Corporation from the Resident Evil franchise. The “u’ from Umbrella is pronounced like an “a” in Spanish, so this duality a/u is what connects these two names.

• AOC International is a subsidiary of TPV Technology, a company partially owned by the Chinese government and with ties to the People’s Liberation Army, the military of China.

And since the original 1996 video game Resident Evil ends with a missile being thrown, I suspect the conspirators could use this company to hijack the Rocket Force of China to launch both nuclear and conventional attacks against targets designated by them.

• Bird’s eye of the complex where the headquarters of AOC International are located (north is at the top):

A closer view:

There is a sun symbol resembling the fission bomb of a thermonuclear weapon (colloquially called H Bomb):

View of the western side of this complex:

There is a monument in the southwestern corner:

A better look:

It has a form similar to the George Washington Bridge showed in the film The Scorch Trials:

The three XXXs in that Taipei monument are a reference to the 30th Dynasty, the last native dynasty of ancient Egypt, symbolizing the United States of America. The number 3 indicates three nuclear attacks.

View of the southern side:

View of the eastern side:

View of the northern side:

In front of AOC International headquarters there is a pathway named Route 64:

64 is 46 backwards, so this would be a reference to the 46th presidency of the USA.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 01:25 PM
On the northern side there is a road named Jian 8th, in the eastern side there is another one named Jian 1st. So this is 18 = AH = Adolf Hitler.

On the southwestern corner, near the monument talked about in the previous post, there are the premises of a Japanese company named SKNET Corporation:

The name of this company is an obvious reference to Skynet, the fictional AI that launched a nuclear attack against Russia in the 1991 movie Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

The postal code has a 23 hinting to 2023, and a 55, a reference to Adolf Hitler, who was the 55th member of the NSDAP (The Nazi Party). This company is headquartered in Yokohama City, Japan:

It was stablished in 1995. 3F is an allusion to the Francoist motto “Franco Franco Franco”. 222 is a reference to February 2022, the month the Russian invasion of Ukraine started, and 0033 symbolizes that in 2033 the 5th phase will have end.

81 is 18 backwards, meaning AH = Adolf Hitler. 45 is 1945, the year the WW2 (the 3rd phase) ended, and 47 is an allusion to Hitler since his signature had a 47 on its first half:

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 02:51 PM
There is a park to the west of this Taipei complex:

There is a construction in the middle of this park:

If we look closer we find some familiar symbols:

They resemble the symbols found in the Vatican:

The Lateran Basilica in Rome, Italy:

The Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain:

And in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Mexico:

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 03:00 PM
I found more evidences related to the July attacks:

Lost is a science fiction TV series from the 2000s, in which these numbers appear profusely:

This series ran from 22 September 2004 to 23 May 2010. So here we have allusions to 2022 and 2023.

These Lost numbers hide a coded message:

The 15 and 16 indicate us we have to pay attention to the figures in the positions one, five and six, but starting from the right and going to the left: 42 8 4. We know we have to start from the right because 23:42 is 18 minutes to midnight, so as 18 = AH = Adolf Hitler, then we learn several things: we have to start from here, and that now we are looking for a time, and since 42 is higher than 12 and 24, this time is an hour of which 42 are the minutes.

So 8 and 4 must be the hour, so the next step is a sum or a subtraction. We get the solution by paying attention to the numbers closer to 42 and 8 respectively. After 42, we have a 3, and after 8 we have a 15. 15 - 3 = 12, and since 8 + 4 = 12, then we know the solution is to add eight and four, which is equal to twelve.

42 in reverse is 24, so this tells us that this time is from a 24 hour clock, thus 12:42 can only be pm.

So the meaning of this part of the puzzle is: 12:42 pm.

Then we go back to the 42 (because 18/AH is the one) and pay attention to the numbers between the second and fourth positions, from the right: 15 16 23. As they are three numbers and we already have an hour, then they must be a date. Since we decoded the 2022 and 2023, this 23 is a reference to the year 2023. The conspirators use the date format day/month/year, therefore the next two figures 15 and 16 must be the day and the month respectively.

We note that the four of 42 is repeated at the beginning (in the left) and next to this four there is an eight. So this is alluding indirectly to seven, and since 1 + 6 = 7, we learn here the month: July.

Then we observe the sequence 4 8 15 16. With the formula of adding 4 to the previous number, the sequence would be 4 8 12 16. So from this we learn that 15 = 12, so that’s how we get the last number of the date we are looking for, the day: Twelve.

Thus, the meaning of this second part of the puzzle is: 12 July 2023.

There is another meaning inside this inner capsule in red:

23 is W = Washington

1 + 6 = 7 = G = Great

1 + 5 = 6 = F = Fire

In addition to that, the numbers have another meaning also related to the conspiracy:

15 = AE = Arriba España (Up with Spain, a Francoist motto)

16 = AF (The first and last letters of the name Adolf), so this is a reference to Adolf Hitler.

3 - 2 = 1, which combined with the 4 makes a 14.

4 x 2 = 8, which combined with the other 8 makes an 88.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 10:04 PM

The date the series started (9/22/2004) indicates us the clue to decipher the above meaning and another one. We pay attention to the 9 and the 22 and note that we have the 8 and the 23 in this sequence, so this means the two numbers between the 8 and the 23 will show us the next step to follow.

Thus, with the 15 (positions one and five, in both directions) is how we obtain the 14/88 from the previous post:

Then, with the 16, we obtain another piece of information:

The 16 is alluding to the positions one and six, like this sequence only has six numbers, in this case the direction is irrelevant. Thereby, with these two numbers we get the following information:

42 + 4 = 46

4 + 4 + 2 = 10, 10 = J

4 x 4 = 16, 16 + 2 = 18, 18 = R

4 - 4 = 0, 0 + 2 = 2, 2 = B

The way in which we grouped this numbers to get the hour gives us the clue to decipher another part of the puzzle:

So, 231 means January 2023, the month in which the 5th phase is planned to start.

[to be continued]

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