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NJ parents outraged: Second-graders will learn you can 'have boy parts but feel like a girl'

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posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: interupt42

Can't fix stupid

No, but at least now we can identify it.

We are seeing the same influx around here. The mouth-breathers still wear the masks, I assume so others cannot see they're mouth breathers.

I've now ordered one person off my property for wearing a face mask. Came up selling something... not sure what. I told him we did not allow face masks here, he said he wouldn't remove it, so I told him to get off my property. I'm looking for a custom sign printer to make the following sign for my driveway:


Face Mask Usage Is


Beyond This Point!

On-Duty Medical Personnel Only
May be Exempted on a Case-By-Case Basis.

Two weeks is up.


posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

My initial thought was that I feel like a woman when I have to deal with female (biology/anatomy) related things. But that's not really true. I just know that those things are because I have female biology/anatomy.

I guess I don't "feel" like a woman at all. It's just the word designated for being an adult human female.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Don't think I'm preaching here, I don't consider myself Christian however I do believe there are a lot of good morals to learn in the Bible.

These evil creeps are not only targeting children they are also targeting Christianity, the very moral foundation of our society.

They don't believe a word of that book so they have no book to guide them. Not even the 10 commandments, they can't even agree on those. Evil.

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Wait until you found out how those surgically created vaginas are "self-lubricated."

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: Boadicea
I asked a friend last night to feel without thinking....if he felt like a male or female.....he is 48 years old.

He went silent as he searched......then said neither......I don't feel like anything.

Then I said maybe that's what it means in the bible:
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Whatever my friend experienced when he went quiet before answering is what everyone truly is.

No thing there.....not any thing.

edit on 13-4-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Boadicea
I asked a friend last night to feel without thinking....if he felt like a male or female.....he is 48 years old.

He went silent as he searched......then said neither......I don't feel like anything.

What a great way to approach this! More often than not, at least for me, I've only considered the question while already thinking or talking about the subject, or at least an aspect of it, so there is always context attached, and probably some confirmation bias. I suppose though that the fact I never think about it -- or feel anything about it -- any other time is probably telling in and of itself.

Then I said maybe that's what it means in the bible:
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

I tend to think of another passage -- "God is no respector of persons" -- but the two go hand-in-hand.

Whatever my friend experienced when he went quiet before answering is what everyone truly is.

No thing there.....not any thing.

I think so. Our sex is just something we know, like our left and right, it's not something we feel. What we feel deep inside is of the spirit, not the flesh. We do not have the words for it.

Thank you for this very thoughtful and thought-provoking reply!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
The only answer I have to this is Romans 1:18-35. This is exactly what we're seeing take place. For years now the cultural shift has been to allow, then affirm, then celebrate violence and perversion. People wanted it, or at the least didn't speak out against and and fight it, all in the name is "tolerance." Now they get it, and they'll get a belly-full. And it'll rot them from the inside.

Have a heapin' helpin' 'Murica. It's what you wanted; it's what you got!

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. ~Romans 1:18-35


Ahh, there is nothing more loving than a god who kills humans because they don't behave the way he wants to.
Maybe he should check his blueprints next time he makes things.
This text shows only two things.
One is that this is clearly written by humans or this god is an impostor, behaving in a human like fashion. Showing anger when not worshipped is a dead giveaway.
Do the religious folk really think an omniscient, omnipresent being, larger than all universes gives a flying toss about some monkeys on one of trillions of planets?

That said, whilst homosexuality is quite normal in all species, I refuse to acknowledge geezers with their tackle intact forcing their way into women's places.
But that's from a common sense position, not some mad creature pretending to be loving whilst killing human beings who don't obey HIM.

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

These evil creeps are not only targeting children they are also targeting Christianity, the very moral foundation of our society.

I disagree -- profoundly -- on both counts.

Christianity is not the moral foundation for our society nor our nation. Natural Law is the foundation. The forefathers came here for religious freedom from Christian persecution and our Founding Fathers based the founding principles on Natural Rights, including religious freedom from Christianity.

Natural Law and Natural Rights are completely compatible with the teachings of Jesus. Perhaps not so much those of Saul of Tarsus aka "St Paul" though.

Likewise, they are targeting Natural Law and Natural Rights to grow up and make their own lives, feeding their heads and hearts with nonsense -- literal non-sense! -- corrupting/compromising their minds and spirits.

I am Christian... but I don't want a "Christian nation," especially not how too many Christians practice their version of Christianity. I prefer Natural Law and Natural Rights, which respects everyone's freedom of conscience and freedom of religion for themselves, while likewise respecting everyone else's freedom of conscience and freedom.

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Great timing, right after the teacher gets arrested for masturbating in the classroom, in the same state..

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: face23785

This is true, tgey removed or are going to remove gender dysphoria from DSM which is a medical book that has a list of serious mental disorders in order to treat patients. Let me just say many people were not happy about that.

In order to get a sex change you have to be evaluated mentally, and if you have gender dysphoria you don't get the surgery. So by removing it fromthr DSM anyone can get the surgery done. Honestly I know 1 person who went from a guy to a female. He did not havegender dysphoria, so he was given hormones to be a female. Let that sink in for awhile. Crazy huh?

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: InfoSponge

Hi, I had a daughter that went through a phase where she thought it would be better to be a boy. She wanted a sex changeat the age of 12. My husband and I were like nope, notgonna happen, plus no doctor would do that. I finally got the truth out of her asto why she would rather be a boy. She hated having periods! I was like okay everyone woman hates their period. After 6 months she finally embraced the fact that she is a female and she was fine with it. She lolks back sometimes and says that was one of her many dark periods and is actually embarrassed about it. I feel every girlgoes throughthat period where they think maybe being a guy would be easier, doesn't mean we actually want to be male. Imagine if she had woke parents and she wanted it, I don't think shewould be happy today.

posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

There is little doubt that the principles upon which the United States was founded are indeed found in the Bible.

Some of our founding fathers actually proclaimed to be Christian. MOST of the people in the beginning of this country WERE Christians therfore they make up the foundation of this country and thus my statement. I too believe in freedom of religion, however the facts speak for themselves.

Insidious evil will creep into the spirit of a people without a good moral foundation, wheather it be the Bible, Hindu, Buddhist teachings or wherever it may come.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

ok you have gone so far off the rails not only on the topic but how the country was founded it ISNT EVEN FUNNY .

first YES IT WAS FOUNDED ON CHRISTIAN VALUES.. not the religion per say.

the founders were men of faith AND SOME ACTUALLY TAUGHT IT. With a smattering of ministers.

hence why they said "God given rights" (and other words to this effect).

they were christians in what today is called "non denominational" and a few with specific sects beliefs.

HOWEVER they DID NOT WANT ONE RELIGION (OR ANY) to dominate aka "you have to follow xx sect"

hence why they had in the FIRST amendment "freedom of religion"

as for your second point they wanted "freedom from religion" that is a BOLD FACE LIE perpetuated by the radical anti religious types.

no where did they say that nor is it in the FIRST AMENDMENT..

you had the freedom to WORSHIP as you pleased (within reason, no human sacrifices for example) or NOT WORSHIP.

but you didnt get to tell someone they could not worship or even talk about their faith.

now on to the third and BIGGEST MISCONCEPTION..
you dont have rights coming from religion (principles) but Natural Law is the foundation.

do you have ANY IDEA what "natural law" is?

let me enlighten you..

"natural law" is also known as "law of the jungle"..
that means concepts like right, wrong, good , bad, murder, personal possessions , personal property, courts , ect ... DO NOT EXIST.

it means (as the animals are) if you want say a female, you take them no matter what the other mate or female thinks.
if you cant defend her and/or she defend herself then the male takes what they want
this includes homes, items/property, ect.

if your not fast enough, smart enough, armored enough, strong enough, can fight better, ect then your SOL
there is no "court" to come to your aid and tell the other they cant and push them if they did.

be individual creatures or groups on groups.. hell even within groups if you are (ex) the alpha and want a lesser female who is there to stop it much less defend the "natural right" of the weaker one?

so the "rights" and "laws" we have come from a "religious" view because NATURE HAS NO SUCH CONCEPT.

MOST religions share a common "morality" with some differences for how to act on your sect and a few "rights/morality" native to it.
the best example is the 10 commandments

outside of 1 have no other Gods and 2 keep holy the sabbath the rest make up our laws and rights YOU ENJOY.

the constitution says quite clearly you dont have to follow the two specific but the CONCEPTS of the other 8 is what your rights/laws are based on

if you follow your logic of "anti religion" then you (example) would have NO RIGHTS AGAINST SOMEONE MURDERING YOU.. since the concept of "thou shall not murder (again shared my many faiths)" is "christian/religious" thus under YOUR LOGIC should be banned.

the framers were wise men that realized to take the best CONCEPTS of christian faith that make good laws and leave the FAITH AND WORSHIP side to the public.. protecting your ability to practice your faith and someones ability not to practice yours.

now to get back to THE OP you do not have the right to teach YOUR VIEWS in school to children who DO NOT HAVE THE CAPABILITY to understand (much less decide life altering decisions) and THE PARENTS have the right to say YES OR NO...

Not some "teacher".


posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 12:54 AM
at this point people pushing this indoctrination / teaching CHILDREN about transgender and that they "can decide for themselves what gender they want to be i have one basic question

if a say K-3 or even say up to 17 doesnt have the maturity to
a. enter into a contract
b. join the military
c. get medical proccedures
d. buy a gun
e. get a tattoo
f. have sexual relations with ANYONE
H. hell get a cell phone contract.
(to name a few)


hey you cant have a gun but you want to take puberty blockers and cut off (or add) a ding ding.. go ahead third grader.

hell i can still remember my children one day saying they want to be a cat, then the next week wanting to be wonder woman (male cousin) then change their mind and go play football in HS.

SORRY but as AN ADULT you want to engage in this PERMANENT COSPLAY then all the power to you.
take hormones, cut/add something with plastic surgery, wear whatever you want and call yourself whatever you want.

but not a child.

but the last cold hard truth STILL IS and should be taught to ANYONE wanting to transition and those that have .

no matter what you do you can NEVER BE (let me say this again NEVER BE) the opposite gender you were born with.

your wants, demands, ect CANNOT AND NEVER WILL change that.


posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: Boadicea

There is little doubt that the principles upon which the United States was founded are indeed found in the Bible.

As I stated, the principles are compatible to Jesus teachings. But nowhere is the Bible found in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution or any other founding document.

However, religious freedom, including freedom from Christianity, and any/all religions, is part of our Constitution.

Some of our founding fathers actually proclaimed to be Christian. MOST of the people in the beginning of this country WERE Christians therfore they make up the foundation of this country and thus my statement. I too believe in freedom of religion, however the facts speak for themselves.

Yes, and the facts tell us that the European colonies which became the USA were founded by Christians seeking freedom from Christians, specifically Catholic Christians, and the Christian persecution of other Christians that did not practice their religion as the Church demanded.

Insidious evil will creep into the spirit of a people without a good moral foundation, wheather it be the Bible, Hindu, Buddhist teachings or wherever it may come.

Just as insidious evil crept into the hearts of Christians who committed absolutely vile acts against other Christians based on their own "moral foundation", informing our forefathers and founding fathers NOT to establish a "Christian" nation. Your Christianity is not necessarily my Christianity, or anyone else's Christianity. And you cannot force it upon me or anyone else.

So no, we do not have a "Christian" foundation by design. They knowingly and intentionally founded the nation on a foundation of Natural Law and Natural Rights that includes, but is not bound to, Christian principles.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: scrounger

ok you have gone so far off the rails not only on the topic but how the country was founded it ISNT EVEN FUNNY .

It wasn't meant to be funny. So good for me!

As to the rest of your pathetic screed, you have perfectly exemplified the tyranny that too many Christians are trying to force on everyone else, and of which the Founding Fathers were well aware. The tyranny and persecution that was torturing and killing Christians all over Europe and which their forefathers had fled. The same tyranny and persecution that resulted in the Witch trials and numerous other assaults on people. The Founding Fathers (and founding documents) do not speak to a Christian God, they speak to Nature's God and our Creator. Specifically, the rights endowed by our Creator and Nature's God.

You obviously do not know what Natural Law is in this context. School yourself:

THE IMPORTANCE OF NATURAL LAW- and the brilliance of the Founding Fathers

Natural Law, Natural Rights, and American Constitutionalism

Natural Rights And The Founding Fathers

Christianity is for each of us to practice -- or NOT -- as we so please.

Natural Law and Natural Rights were endowed by our Creator... Nature's God... And these are the principles upon which our nation was founded.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

I think the confusion lies in what "Christian" really means. A great many people view Christianity as some sort of theological dogma that is handed down by preachers and ministers in churches; in many religions around the world, that is the way of things. Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Buddist... these all are based on strict interpretation of the written texts with no room for individuality.

Christianity is different. It is based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Christ is not Jesus' last name; it is His title. The word is untranslated from the Greek christos, which refers to an anointing (aka a special dispensation) from God. It stresses not action/consequence, but rather a personal relationship with God Himself.

That's why there are so many denominations. They are based on varying relationships with God as seen through the eye of strict religion. All are Christian, but there have been (and likely will be again) wars and atrocities committed in the name of these denominations.

The Founding Fathers wished a society that allowed freedom for each person to pursue that personal relationship with God. In order to accomplish that, they made religion exempt from all government control. We do not have this Constitutional right to be free from religion; religion has a Constitutional right to be free from us. Each person is free to seek God in their own way and to follow Him where He leads. That freedom, by its very nature, includes freedom of other religions as well.

The phrase "freedom from religion" has been bandied about historically and is the basis for the oft-touted "separation of church and state." Such a separation is not specified in our founding documents, nor is it intended... those documents refer to a separation only of church from state, not of church and state, and not even state from church. People may, obviously through their individual votes, control the state based on their faith if they so choose. I can, for instance, only vote for Christian candidates; others may choose to only vote for Muslim candidates... who are you or I or anyone else to tell another citizen differently?

So yes, the country was founded on Christian principles, but with one of those principles being that the government cannot interfere in an individual's personal relationship with their Creator. Thus, the "freedom of religion" clause in the First Amendment.


posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I agree with all you've said above, except this:

So yes, the country was founded on Christian principles, but with one of those principles being that the government cannot interfere in an individual's personal relationship with their Creator. Thus, the "freedom of religion" clause in the First Amendment.

Specifically, at the time of the Founding Fathers, it was NOT a "Christian" principle that government cannot interfere in the people's relationship with their Creator. In fact, the governments -- the monarchs -- were working hand in hand with the Church, and the Inquisition was as much governmental as religious. The Protestants were literally those Christians protesting the religious dominance and persecution of government hand-in-hand with the Church.

Under Queen Elizabeth I, England began a process of allowing religious freedom, but only after the horrors of her half-sister, "Bloody Mary," and wars were fought for centuries over the acts -- in complicity and collusion -- of Church and State.

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: TzarChasm

My initial thought was that I feel like a woman when I have to deal with female (biology/anatomy) related things. But that's not really true. I just know that those things are because I have female biology/anatomy.

I guess I don't "feel" like a woman at all. It's just the word designated for being an adult human female.

See, it's funny because women don't seem to know what being a woman means and what factors or elements that identity is rooted in. If you can't explain it, how am I supposed to comprehend it except by deferring to some amorphous gender model that contradicts itself every 5 minutes.

edit on 14-4-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Your Christianity is not necessarily my Christianity, or anyone else's Christianity. And you cannot force it upon me or anyone else.

I'm not Christian.

Regardless of what the founding documents say, MOST people in the country that founded the country were Christian therefore the countries foundation is built upon those principles wheather you like it or not that is a fact.

Yes the founding documents provide for freedom of religion and did not establish a formal religion however that point is moot and irrelevant to these facts.

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