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NJ parents outraged: Second-graders will learn you can 'have boy parts but feel like a girl'

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posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Child abuse is top of the heap regarding acts of war.

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Having 'boy parts and feel like a girl'..'s weird, how no one EVER teaches that 'you can have whatever 'parts' (though they're a SOLID part of the body, not you, but whatever), but feel like a HUMAN or feel 'genderless' (because that's what you REALLY are, being just a pile of energy visiting a physical body temporarily).

Why can't there be people that don't care about bodily qualities as much as the HUMAN qualities of an entity?

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: didntasktobeborned

I got a u2u that this was a reply from you to me in this thread, but it's apparently been deleted by you...

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Question to the self proclaimed female participants on this forum, what exactly does it feel like to be a girl or woman? How do you identify elements as being pertinent or essential to the categorization of "female"?

Just a fun thought exercise. We might learn something new today (I hope).


This is the same question I've asked self-proclaimed transgenders on this board a few times in the past. What does it feel like to be a woman? How do you know that you really are feeling like one?

Because I don't "feel like a woman".

There is NOTHING like this song at all. I'm just me.

Are you saying there isn't an answer? The female condition is largely a harmless but persistent psychosis that doesn't exist in objective reality? Or is there more that you can share from your perspective?

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 12:46 PM
I want everyone to stop and feel right you feel like a female? Or do you feel like a male?

Feel....... don't think.....just feel.

Can a you actually be felt?

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

I'm saying it's a red herring. How should I know exactly what it is? I only know what my personal experience of it is.

Part of the answer lies in the fact that I'm comfortable in the skin I'm in. Transfolks demonstrably are not, so much so that they mutilate their own healthy bodies trying to force reality to conform to their own fantasies. Then rather than exist inside that delusion they've built, they try to force the rest of us to conform to it and play with them.
edit on 10-4-2022 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I saw a video recently (Chicago Med, Oliver Platt is a treasure) about a guy who was convinced his arm belonged to someone else. He was willing to amputate despite the limb being perfectly healthy. He just hated the sensation of being attached to an arm he allegedly doesn't own. There's no actual medicine or therapy for that condition.

I hope someday a female is able to explain the mechanics of their identity so I can finally appreciate how gender anatomy doesn't correlate with identity. So far all I've been told is stereotypes associated with social programming that have nothing to do with biology and science.

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Imagine being that deeply unhappy being you.

If you were that unhappy being yourself, do you think it stops merely with chopping off that arm?

Or in the case of transpeople, does it stop merely by attempting to force the inner fantasy into outer reality?

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Species have males and females, is all part of nature, the purpose is, you know the continuation of the species, is that soo hard to understand.

Human are very special we enjoy the act of procreation without resulting in offprints.

Is all part of our make over. Do you know that gender mutilation does not help when the problem if is a psychological one.

Are you against the female of the human species? Why will a man want to be a female, that is the biggest question to be answer, we already have genetical females in the species.

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: marg6043

I can't tell which of my comments you are responding to or why. I mentioned stereotypes because there are so many activities that call to mind a gender specific occupation and lifestyle, but aren't gender requisite. However, menstruation and childbirth are definitively gender specific and that's as close as I've gotten to "what's a woman". So I occasionally toss it out to a community at large to say what their female identity is rooted in, apart from social programming.

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Humm soo me been born a female is because of social programing, not because nature have males and females in the species.

Interesting, I always been a girly girl and happy to be one too.

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: TzarChasm

Humm soo me been born a female is because of social programing, not because nature have males and females in the species.

Interesting, I always been a girly girl and happy to be one too.

Perhaps you could define "girly girl" for me and how that's a gender specific lifestyle?

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

I never wanted to be a boy that is for sure, how about that,

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: marg6043

It's a fair answer but not as informative as I was hoping for. It kind of sounds like you don't really have an answer. That's also fair.

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

I am good as it comes, now, why any man will want to look like a woman, when physically will never ever be one, no matter how much plastic surgery they get is no going to happen soo why mutilate the body just too look like one what is the purpose of such drastic methods, why children should be lied about been able to switch gender with no repercussions for life, it is a lie that will hunt them for ever as adults.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I’m glad I’m in Florida where they banned this garbage.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Hiiii! Been a "Lurker" since FOREVER on this site, but felt I needed to join just to add my two-pence to this conversation!

Something that has always bothered me about all this transgender malarkey being introduced to children is the fact that I (a biological female) wished to be a boy for such a long time during my childhood in the 90s - it just so happened that all the kids that lived near me were boys, so when we used to play out, they were naturally faster at riding bikes, better at climbing trees, looked cooler in their nike 'bubble' caps and trainers that were all the rage, I loved to play basketball and hated dancing or anything 'girly' - I used to wish so badly that I could be a boy so I could be like them! I used to dress like them, act like them, I was mortified when I started to develop boobs...

However, at the age of 12 an older boy made a passing comment to me - he said "you're going to be really pretty when you're older" and just like that, an switch flicked and an influx of hormones surged and I became the girliest girl ever, everything was 'pink and fluffy' in my bedroom, my clothes/accessories etc - it was crazy how it changed!

So, back to the thing that worries me - if I was like that now, in this day and age, I fear that my school would almost be pushing me to change my gender, they'd be convinced I'd be born in to the wrong body etc and I worry that changing my gender would have been unavoidable after all the grown-up influence pushing me to be a certain way, to make their schools seem 'progressive' or whatever.

Now, as a 35 year old mother, I can't even begin to imagine being a man!!! I do still prefer male company as I find a lot of women can be really nasty and two faced, whereas most blokes are more upfront like myself and what you see is what you get.

In answer to the original question (and sorry I rambled on!), I wouldn't say I particularly "feel" like a woman, I just am one and I am happy and content with that and wouldn't think to question it! The 'wanting to be a boy' phase I went through was just that, a phase. It stemmed from envy towards the other boys and feeling less able than them, but it was just a mind frame and I certainly didn't want to change my gender, take away the ability to have children etc. I don't know if anybody particularly 'feels' like a certain gender do they? It's all a mind-set.

I don't think children should be told about these things at a young age, they should just let nature and hormones and growing up take its course without being influenced one way or another BUT they should be made aware that there are always people they can talk to if required about anything that worries them (without planting the seed that they can change their gender if they want to!).

On another note, my daughter came home from primary school a while back - when she was maybe 7 or 8? Saying she was a lesbian, turns out, they'd been learning about it at school and she thought it sounded cool and she really loves her friends so sure, why not be a lesbian
- I was furious that she'd been misled into thinking this is what she is, when it's clear to me that she isn't because she goes all silly and coy around certain boys in her school!

Poor kids don't stand a chance nowadays.

Anyway, really sorry for the rambling on - not the best introduction on my part but I felt strong enough about this to join so I could say my bit!

Take Care everyone

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: NightFlight

There are plenty of gays that are horrified by this. I happen to be one of them. My wife and I are truly sickened by all of the trans and grooming crap. I don't know any gay people that agree with this.

Me either. My gay friends just want to be themselves and of course we all had a hard time with it at first. Now we understand them but we never stopped loving them as our friends over their coming out to us and they know it. That is the best any can do, IMO. I don't understand this grooming stuff, but we learned it is a ME practice and the leftist like all those practice if they aren't victimize personally by those atrocious actions the "jihadi" teaches. We have soldiers Courts Martialed for trying to protect the children in Afghanistan IIRC. Sad.

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I’m glad I’m in Florida where they banned this garbage.

Alabama did the same. Governor Kay Ivey (apparently in an attempt to keep her job after falling in bed with Fauci) signed Alabama SB-184 into law on February 4th. It went onto effect on March 6. Any attempt to withhold information for parents about a child's sexual confusion is now a Class C Felony. That's 10 years in prison. Any attempt by anyone to encourage cross-dressing or to provide puberty blocking drugs to a minor is also a Class C Felony. That's 10 years behind bars.

And I personally believe this bill is too lenient.

I personally believe anyone who encourages a pre-pubescent child into a medical or psychological experiment that has medically empirical evidence of increasing that child's chances at suicide and potential for a lifetime of misery that cannot be corrected by any medical science known to mankind should themselves have their genitals removed and be forbidden by law from ever coming within 20 feet of a minor child for the rest of their life, under penalty of life imprisonment in solitary confinement.

Or make it capital. I don't care. These are not human beings; they are depraved cancers on the face of society and deserve no better treatment than the malignant tumor they are.

There are, according to popular myth, seven levels of Hell. But what that myth has forgotten is that underneath that seventh level there is a dungeon next to the furnace, for those who would hurt a child. In the bottom of that dungeon is a pit, reserved for those who would harm a child over politics.


posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: cmdrkeenkid

More legislation like this is going to keep pushing my real estate value in Florida up higher and higher.

As a fellow Floridian I'm concerned about the influx of the residents coming from Cali,New York, and Jersey . Some don't appear smart enough to have figured out why they are leaving their states.

Its the same ones you see still wearing masks down here in the parking lots, bike riding, at the beach, and in stores. Can't fix stupid

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