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How Brand Loyal are you?

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posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: nerbot

You are a victim of advertising brainwashed by greedy parasites who fight over tiny percentages of market share, let me explain...

It's SOAP in many forms in many smells in different packets folks. It ALL gets disposed of to mother nature when it's served it's purpose.

You make a lot of assumptions. Many of the products I use do not have an equal generic counterpart.
Also, not sure you’ve read some of my other posts, I am a super smeller/taster. I can make out notes in products that most can’t. That being said I simply can’t just use any one product because it will give me a migraine if it is too fragranced. Some people can’t use things because it make them breakout or there are allergies. There are a lot of reasons for being brand loyal beyond falling for commercial or being brainwashed as you say.

I am a long time home cook. I know quality ingredients. Some companies do rebrand, I can think of cereals and basic products like that, things I typically don’t buy. I’m sorry but that simply does not happen for every product.

edit on 7-4-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 11:38 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: ratcals
I was very loyal to Gillette until they started that toxic masculinity campaign. There’s not a single one of their products in my house anymore.

>>>> This. I thought that was one of my posts until I saw your name. I liked their razors but make do with Schick and I like the shave gel better than Gillette. I had a bad experience at a Hyundai dealer when shopping for a new car and I can't see a Hyundai without feeling resentment towards that company. Hyundai is one car brand I'll never own. LOL, I own a KIA though which is owned by Hyundai. Love that brand. Most trouble free car I ever had.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: InwardDiver
I'm certainly not downgrading my healthy diet for foods loaded with high fructose corn syrup.

Nor should you. There are plenty of healthy options for people who are not lazy and can cook instead of just dumping out the contents of a box or cartoon and hitting 'cook' on the microwave.


Food prep is an art form.

For some reason, we largely have equated convenience, excess quantity and salt to better food (I still love Top Ramen though on very rare occasion - because, well, Ramen). I don’t commit enough personal time to cooking - but I’m fortunate my wife loves to cook healthy stuff and she’s good at it - and I appreciate when someone properly prepares a meal (namely her!).

Get good, raw food. Get seasonings. Get good cookware.

Then make delicious stuff.

PS - for my diet, which typically includes at least 14 hours of fasting a day, I have experienced zero food shortage (other than being out of the liquid stevia I put in black coffee - which is sacrilege for good coffee - I’m not perfect).

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 10:18 PM
I just brought this up the other day with my wife - I’m not all that brand loyal because brands change over time to attract new and more business.

I’m loyal to my cars and some clothes in terms of brand - and my golf ball (PV1 or bust). But otherwise - I’m pretty much a cheater.

My wife and I, from our conversation, landed on the idea the more interesting conversation is about brands you now DON’T use/lost loyalty to and why.

There’s a lot of power in the inverse of a question at times.

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