posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:36 PM
I dont know my iq
There are times when i process information at very fast speeds, and sometimes so fast that i fear it. I like it when my mind is presented with
powerful ideas, especially in mathematics and number theory. I like to solve hard math problems, and i compare this to an octupus finding a way out
of a small space or out of a jar. As the octupus "solved" the jar, i solved the problem.
I didnt really understand the interesting aspect of mathematics until i was in probably seventh grade. A little story: I got in trouble, and my
teacher made me do more homework in math. Now the extra homework was on equations that we havent learned yet. Like solving 3x+5=x+9. Now i
understand what the symbols meant, what x represented. And the solutions to "x" in each equation came to me, one problem after the other, i found
excitement in solving each one intuitively. Its hard to describe the reasoning, but i compared the weights of the numbers in front of the "x's"
and the weights of the numbers on each side of the equation.
It is hard to explain such thinking, intuition. Its like looking at everything as a whole at a very high level, without being aware of it really.
There were other instances when this has come to me, in calculus and in derivatives.
Now when a math or logic problem is presented to me, then i turn myself in high-gear and i try to solve it. This can be dangerous though, because at
times im worried about getting myself to think in this high- gear rather than actually focusing in on the problem.
In my example of solving the equation x+9=3x+5, there is sort of feeling of convergence to the answer that fits x in that condition. Now, many people
would estimate, but this may be because their mind didnt on that particular problem go as far as the people who get "x" exactly.