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Pfizer Is Delisting Itself From The NY Stock Exchange

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posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 07:20 AM

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posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

No they're not. They bought out a company and that company will be delisting as they are now part of pfizer. That's all this is.

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

They off the Exchange yet? Any timeline you want to put down in writing?

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: inert
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

This is simply the retirement of corporate debt. If you look at their 10-k filing, they have a class of shares called PFE22. It was scheduled to be repaid in 2022. So, it's natural that the debt would be retired on-time and no longer an investment choice. Nothing to see here...

The simple, rational, prosaic explanation is the one least likely to be beleived on ATS!

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 10:35 AM
Those that so poorly understand these financial filings so as to draw wildly incorrect conclusions may want to reevaluate how well they understand medical science and regulation.

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: nataylor

Really, ATS is full of Dunning-Kreuger effect armchair

Hell, that applies to me as well, in financial matters,
in global politics - all sorts of areas.

There's no shame in admitting you aren't god's gift
to a portion of human knowledge.

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 12:52 PM

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posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 01:01 PM

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posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: AcerM

Pfizer Inc.

Perhaps you might explain, if the claim in the OP were true, how come the share price is up?

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
Pfizer Inc.

Perhaps you might explain, if the claim in the OP were true, how come the share price is up?

Obviously people are looking to buy more stock since when it gets delisted they will have no money to show for it. That's called 'sound investing'.

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Obviously. That's why I'm selling everything and buying roubles.

posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 09:28 PM

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posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Obviously. That's why I'm selling everything and buying roubles.

Make sure it is real.. Roubles are not a real currency. Rubles may not be either in a few days.

posted on Mar, 11 2022 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: nataylor
Those that so poorly understand these financial filings so as to draw wildly incorrect conclusions may want to reevaluate how well they understand medical science and regulation.

Well, medical science and associated regulatory agencies have virtually zero credibility left following the covid-19 pandemic.

posted on Mar, 11 2022 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Trading is about to start for the day and they're still listed. Any idea when the delisting is taking place?

posted on Mar, 11 2022 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I’m guessing at some point in the future.

posted on Mar, 11 2022 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
I’m guessing at some point in the future.

Like 2000 and never or do you think he has an exact date? Because at the moment they seem to be business as usual.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:39 PM
Be careful jumping the gun spreading this information. This is NOT the SEC's most recent version of Form 25 that's in use today.

Wait for it to be confirmed by the actual delisting.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The market bell is about to ring and Pfizer is up in pre-open trading. Any update on when the delisting is taking place?

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

The SEC form in the OP is referring to this bio company that PFE just acquired and is in process of delisting them.

edit on 14-3-2022 by ApCadmus because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

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