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Israeli special forces veterans arrived in Ukraine

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posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

The job fell through. What was promised and what was offered not even remotely comparable.

Once I'm over being pissed off it'll just be laughable.

What a bunch of jokers!

I am loathe to ask too many questions of you for obvious reasons so I won't... but I find this very curious... and perhaps even more disturbing. Why would anyone serious about making such an offer be disingenuous with the offer. At the very least, they should expect that the best candidates would reject it, and -- like you -- be pissed about it. Which leaves them only the dregs to accept their offer... And why would they ever want the dregs???

Just doesn't sound right to me. But I don't know the whole story, so there's that!

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: didntasktobeborned
Dog off leash! Just what I was wanting, but dared not hope. I know its not the entire IDF..but its a start. HAGANAH!! The lights are growing dim for old Poo Poo. He's got a Mitzvah on the way..coming from UZI city.

Maybe... maybe not.

It occurs to me that if and when Israeli soldiers are face-to-face with the Ukranian neo-Nazi soldiers, Israeli soldiers may reconsider their contribution to this conflict.

It also occurs to me that Israel may need Russian favor more than Ukranian or western favor (think Syria), and they aren't really there to protect and defend Zelensky's Nazi-loving-regime forces at all.

And I'll take my tinfoil hat off now...

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 07:49 AM

It occurs to me that if and when Israeli soldiers are face-to-face with the Ukranian neo-Nazi soldiers, Israeli soldiers may reconsider their contribution to this conflict.

Ive been reading, some reports coming in from Jews who were actually members of ASOV..No issues (actual Israeli troopers may be a different story)..Check out Jews gearing up for war in Ukraine..Theres a lot more than You would think. I think a lot of the differences are pushed aside when bombs are falling on everyone.

Israel has a huge investment in Ukraine.
edit on 7-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: content

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

I would LOVE if this were true. Your first story is the only one to discuss Israeli special forces. The only other thing I can find on it is some random YouTube video.

However I have seen multiple stories of retired Israeli military (not specific special forces) volunteering and fighting in ukraine.

Some interesting side notes. As a country they need russia to look the other way in Syria so they cannot speak out or do as much as others. As a population they speak out very vehemently and very willing to fight and die on ukrains behalf.

Saw russia, well Putin, threaten that foreign volunteers will be treated as criminals with no Geneva convention rights. Though so far he isn't having the luck staunching the flow of volunteers as he intended. People do not like power hungry dictators attempting to hold the entire world hostage.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: didntasktobeborned

Ive been reading, some reports coming in from Jews who were actually members of ASOV..No issues..Check out Jews gearing up for war in Ukraine..Theres a lot more than You would think. I think a lot of the differences are pushed aside when bombs are falling on everyone.

Yup. I've read lots of stuff also. And it can't all be true. Such as those who declare "But Zelensky's Jewish! He wouldn't work with neo-Nazis"... when the truth is that in fact and in deed, Zelensky is not just working with the neo-Nazis, he's also promoting and rewarding them. Right alongside the stories about Jews fighting and working with the Azov. It does seem as well that at least one Jewish oligarch has funded and supplied the Azov. So I'm not saying that it's not happening (Jews fighting/working with the neo-Nazis). I just don't think it's as simple as some want us to believe.

Generally speaking, younger generations are not as devout as their parents and grandparents, of any faith. So it would not surprise me if many of these Jews are not especially devout, or even practicing Jews. They might be quite happy to work with their "enemy" when that enemy (neo-Nazis) is also the enemy of another enemy (Russia).

But what happens when the Israelis are expected to target their fellow Jews in eastern Ukraine? What happens when they witness Ukraine's neo-Nazi forces targeting their fellow Jews? Will they be so happy about aiding and abetting the neo-Nazis?

We'll just have to wait and see how it works out with these Israeli Jewish soldiers.

Israel has a huge investment in Ukraine.

Huge is relative. And right now, Israel is in a very delicate position. Israel counts on Russia's friendly assistance in keeping Syrians from dropping bombs on Israel. Obviously, Israel cannot afford to anger Russia and lose that friendly support. Taking Ukraine's side over Russia will put an even bigger target on Israel's back.

Nothing as simple as some would have us believe.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 08:34 AM

"But Zelensky's Jewish! He wouldn't work with neo-Nazis"

Nothing as simple as some would have us believe.

Thats pretty funny. He's a politician first, he will work with ANYONE..The only simple thing is 'Bullets don't discriminate'.
I feel like Its Russias bumbling that has enabled the Syrian regime, thus creating the bigger threat for Israel.

Ive been out of the Middle East Loop since Aleppo..Playing catch up now. Just learning that Iran has become a bigger threat to Israel than it already was...What if Israel decided to do what Putins doing? Hell, Israel can't even defend itself from rockets hitting their coffeeshops without the whole world getting all butthurt.
edit on 7-3-2022 by didntasktobeborned because: oooo

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 08:37 AM
Will end up with Russia sending their troops and weapons to Palastine, to help against their occupiers,

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: didntasktobeborned

Thats pretty funny. He's a politician first, he will work with ANYONE.

LOL -- exactly! If politics makes for strange bedfellows, war makes for even stranger bedfellows.

The only simple thing is 'Bullets don't discriminate'.

They sure don't.

I feel like Its Russias bumbling that has enabled the Syrian regime, thus creating the bigger threat for Israel.

Well, Russia's actions have definitely placed Israel between a rock and a hard place... or maybe that should be "bigger rock and a harder place." Either way, that's where Israel is right now.

And I don't think Zelensky's trash talk about Israel not being "wrapped in their flag" is helping anything.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

any proof outside of propaganda that there is a neo nazi group in ukraine? They are not part of the regular military and are frowned on by them i hear.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: Boadicea

any proof outside of propaganda that there is a neo nazi group in ukraine? They are not part of the regular military and are frowned on by them i hear.

Of course! Plenty of proof -- if one is willing and prepared to use critical thinking skills. It has been a concern and widely reported since before the Maiden protests. It has been long documented and well established.

Here's one example that I happen to still have the tab up:

Zelensky Nazi Feature photo strange bedfellows How Ukraine’s Jewish President Made Peace With Neo-Nazi Paramilitaries

Of course, folks have to have the eyes to see and ears to listen. Anyone can choose to reject and deny and ignore the proof if that is their choice.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Have you asked their Israeli friends about this?

They know actual nazis when the see them.

But sure, Ukraine is overrun with nazis.

I surrender to your employer's propaganda efforts.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: didntasktobeborned

But what happens when the Israelis are expected to target their fellow Jews in eastern Ukraine? What happens when they witness Ukraine's neo-Nazi forces targeting their fellow Jews? Will they be so happy about aiding and abetting the neo-Nazis?

We'll just have to wait and see how it works out with these Israeli Jewish soldiers.

Israel has a huge investment in Ukraine.

Huge is relative. And right now, Israel is in a very delicate position. Israel counts on Russia's friendly assistance in keeping Syrians from dropping bombs on Israel. Obviously, Israel cannot afford to anger Russia and lose that friendly support. Taking Ukraine's side over Russia will put an even bigger target on Israel's back.

It's a cluster Fck...

There are Jewish communities in Russia and Ukraine. ... Russian forces are mixed with Jews, those neo-Nazis in Ukraine don't have a chance... most people don't realize Russia has Jewish soldiers too.

Israel's move to support Ukraine is all about Syria... the Golan Heights.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: imitator

Israel has been quietly helping Ukraine for several years, this isn't new.

The nazi problem in Ukraine is MUCH smaller than the problem we have with black street gangs in the U.S.

MUCH smaller.

In membership, violence, funding, deaths, and arms.

Perhaps russia would like to peace keeping exercise us too?

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: imitator

Israel's move to support Ukraine is all about Syria... the Golan Heights.

Showing my ignorance now... I don't understand. Could you expand on this?

I understand the need for Israel to keep peace with Russia, because of the role Russia plays keeping (relative) peace between Syria and Israel. I don't understand how Ukraine is involved in Syria in general, or the Golan Heights specifically.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Israel interest is the Golan Heights... Israel was counting on being friends with Russia to obtain protection, or for attacks against Syria... They can't do that now, they have to support Ukraine or lose their biggest support from the West.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: imitator

Israel is aware that Israel's neighbors need permission from russia to launch large scale attacks on Israel.

Same for 50 years.

No other reason.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: imitator
a reply to: Boadicea

Israel interest is the Golan Heights... Israel was counting on being friends with Russia to obtain protection, or for attacks against Syria... They can't do that now, they have to support Ukraine or lose their biggest support from the West.

Gotcha -- thank you!

I really feel for Israel. Looks like they can't win here. If I were Israel, I'd be walking a fine line through this quagmire as well. As I understand it, Biden isn't quite the friend to Israel that his predecessors have been though. If Israel must choose between Biden's lukewarm indirect support and Putin's direct support, I really don't know which they would choose. I do think though that crossing Putin would have more dire, more direct, and more immediate consequences than crossing Biden. So there's that...

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Israel tried to remain neutral, which now has failed... they had to choose whether it is with the West or against it.

Plus, after Israel decided to support Ukraine... Russian and Syrian planes are stepping up their efforts to patrol the Golan Heights.

Now and probably forevermore, Russia will not recognize Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights.

edit on 32033231pm312022Mon, 07 Mar 2022 12:32:31 -0600 by imitator because: phone : P

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 12:31 PM
Well apparently it's not just Israeli ex-military entering Ukraine any more. Reports of South Korea and UK ex-military going there are also on twitter.

Curious to know who is going to coordinate all these vets? You don't need much of an imagination to guess.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: imitator


They try to remain neutral because russia controls when Israel's neighbors are allowed to attack Israel again.

Same for 50 years.

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