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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Even if a coordinated attack intended to overwhelm local defenses was launched, it would be detected at least 10-15 minutes out, as cruise missiles are slow subsonic. 250-500kg of hexogen warheads pose little risk to mobile targets, even if AA was jammed, or neutralized by special forces on the ground, the targets just slip away.

That, plus Putin could have leveled the place, or even nuked it by now. So the idea where such action would be impolite or unnecessary makes sense.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Hospital admin is panicking

About the cancer you mentioned, or something else?


posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Cheers for the response and feedback, Fowlerstoad!

To build a little:

What concerns me equally, beyond the medical healths angle, is the character and "soul" changes I've witnessed in friends and family!

Characters seem to be INVERTING... from my local reference points:

a) Previously extremely caring people are becoming extremely selfish, to the extent that it's almost like they don't even recognise the existence and needs of the rest of us, e.g. brother #1,

b) Previously extremely selfish people are becoming extremely caring, e.g. brother #2 and a drinking buddy,

c) Previously balanced people are remaining pretty much the same but are swinging the opposite way where they are slightly "off centre", e.g. granddaughter was introvert and avoiding connection but her expressions and eye connection show how that is positively changing.

One might argue that these are the result of lockdowns but that doesn't explain how the swings consistently follow a sliding scale in magnitude of change. On another level one might see this as people being pulled "magnetically" towards 3D or 5D?

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 04:40 AM
There appears to be some kind of market reporting manipulation going on with Bitcoin and Ethereum? I've never seen prices of both moving but within a very small bandwidth for 9 hours, even if overnight!



Feels to me like these two have already collapsed but the information is being held back, awaiting some other event?

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 06:39 AM
Here's a subtitled meeting - from late last Year ... Don't know where this has been hiding but worth the look

CCP meeting to wipe out US population and US military via mRNA Vaccines.
It rolls into another worthwhile vid ....



edit on 6172022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 06:50 AM
Dropping this as an audit trail record, from History of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General

The Office of Attorney General first came into existence at the admission of the State of Illinois to the Union on December 3, 1818. 42yrs after Independence...

The powers generally understood to belong to the Attorney General at common law have been summarized as follows:

" * * *

* * * 1st. To prosecute all actions, necessary for the protection and defense of the property and revenues of the crown. 2d. By information, to bring certain classes of persons accused of crimes and misdemeanors to trial. [3rd.] By scire facias, to revoke and annul grants made by the crown improperly, or when forfeited by the grantee thereof. 4th. By information, to recover money or other chattels, or damages for wrongs committed on the land, or other possessions of the crown. 5th. By writ of quo warranto, to determine the right of him who claims or usurps any office, franchise or liberty, and to vacate the charter, or annul the existence of a corporation, for violations of its charter, or for omitting to exercise its corporate powers. 6th. By writ of mandamus, to compel the admission of an officer duly chosen to his office, and to compel his restoration when illegally ousted. 7th. By information in chancery, to enforce trusts, and to prevent public nuisances, and the abuse of trust powers. 8th. By proceedings in rem, to recover property to which the crown may be entitled, by forfeiture for treason, and property, for which there is no other legal owner, such as wrecks, treasure trove, &c. (3 Black. Com., 256-7, 260 to 266; id., 427 and 428; 4 id., 308, 312.) 9th. And in certain cases, by information in chancery, for the protection of the rights of lunatics, and others, who are under the protection of the crown. (Mitford's Pl., 24-30, Adams' Equity, 301-2.)

The rider used to explain it away, outside of the formal documentation:

While many of these powers now have a statutory basis, the significance of the common law powers still must be understood from the perspective of the interests represented. Representation of the Crown is translated in our system to representation of the People thus, serving the public interest is established as the paramount obligation of the Attorney General.

Apparently, most AGs had the same on their websites but have now removed crown references.

edit on 17-6-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Its kind of interesting that he seems to be more visible now with this Elvis movie he did. I don't remember seeing many headlines or appearances about his last few movies that came out.

I am trying to find the video of him from back in 2019 or Early 2020 when the rumors of him being arrested really peaked and it showed him in some kind of apartment or office. His glasses looked like the type you would get issued in prison and the steel door frame had a barcode label on it. I want to say it was from when he did show for SNL and it was really weird.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 10:24 AM
404'd already.
Anthony Fauci and Rand Paul had another duke it out session yesterday. Makes me wonder if Fauci has "Covid" for a reason.

Rand Paul pressed on Fauci asking if there was any evidence or studies that showed a reduction in deaths or hospitalizations for children who had boosters.
Fauci "There is not enough data that has been accumulated, Senator Paul, to indicate that's not the case."

Rand Paul also asked why the government was withholding data on pediatric Covid cases. Also he was very concerned that the studies that were done were only using antibody status. More jabs/ more antibodies doesn't mean that more is better.

How can Fauci claim this??? > "The optimal degree of protection after infection is to then get boosted."
Why am I not surprised that the FDA has approved the jabs for the 5 and under crowd. Now the CDC just has to go through the formality and give the final green light.>politics>fauci-not-enough-d-... 404
But I found it under something else>>health>fauci-covid-19-origi... Fauci says Covid-19 origin evidence points strongly toward... click on the right audio Q&A of Rand Paul and Fauci

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 10:30 AM
I know first-hand of an emergency room where people were in the waiting room at 9pm during a normal day during the week. They were not seen until 8am the following day because there were no doctors, and nobody told them there were no doctors until the doctor arrived. They could have left and gone somewhere else. No doctor for approximately 12 hours. In an emergency room. And this is no little hospital. It is one of the grand ones with halls you could drive a tractor trailer through.

a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

edit on 6/17/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 10:37 AM
Listening to the Q&A between Senator Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci this just hit me as strange. Why would there be such strict controls over the amount of time that can be used, especially in this case where we need to get at the truth if that is possible.

When the question of royalty payments being redacted for NIH scientists and Fauci himself, suddenly the time is up? < Not a good look.
But maybe it is inversion. By cutting off the response it leaves the people following wondering?

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Caled

Caled I have a weirdness to share with you. I thought it was my imagination but fortunately neighbors felt the same.

The number of ambulances and firetruck sirens going off continuously. We have never seen or heard so many. The chatter is circling around that something odd is going on. I have bad feelings about this. Maybe the tip of the iceberg?

I checked with friends in other states and they are seeing the same. Are you seeing the same?

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 10:49 AM
That is weird. I wonder where they are going. I've been seeing and hearing crazy things. Like when we get thunderstorm warnings and the "thunder" goes on for a minute. Or when I'm driving down the road and people just stop their car in the middle of the road. Bicyclists riding around corners straight at you in the wrong lane. Kids riding bicycles in the middle of busy roads and around cars and giving people the finger when they are told to get out of the road. Two people in the last week or two that I know personally that were diagnosed with Bells Palsy.

Just wait. You ain't seen (or heard) nothing yet.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Caled

Caled I have a weirdness to share with you. I thought it was my imagination but fortunately neighbors felt the same.

The number of ambulances and firetruck sirens going off continuously. We have never seen or heard so many. The chatter is circling around that something odd is going on. I have bad feelings about this. Maybe the tip of the iceberg?

I checked with friends in other states and they are seeing the same. Are you seeing the same?

edit on 6/17/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 11:30 AM

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Listening to the Q&A between Senator Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci this just hit me as strange. Why would there be such strict controls over the amount of time that can be used, especially in this case where we need to get at the truth if that is possible.

When the question of royalty payments being redacted for NIH scientists and Fauci himself, suddenly the time is up? < Not a good look.
But maybe it is inversion. By cutting off the response it leaves the people following wondering?

Perhaps my tinfoil is on too tight, but I think at this point we can assume that absolutely nothing is exactly what it appears to be.

If the conspiracy theories surrounding Covid and the vaccines are even 25% accurate we are facing the most horrendous, destabilizing truth-bomb in history. Bigger than a stolen Presidential election. Even bigger than aliens. Governments and the entire medical industry could fall. There could be mass riots and panic. The economy and essential services would collapse into chaos. Civilization itself could be at risk.

As unbelievable as it is that we could be in the midst of a genocide, it is absolutely certain that were that true it would be the most highly classified information in existence.

It would be a tremendous challenge to keep the truth from coming out all at once and at the same time incrementally prepare the population for the inevitable reality.

As such it would be expected that government would manipulate every single aspect of our existence in preparation. There would be a maddening tension between concealing and revealing, between keeping people alive and keeping them brutally under control.

One conceivable approach, as horrific as it sounds, would be to actually go along with the depopulation in hopes of getting the head-count down to match the lifeboat provisions available.

The most desperate situation ever would require the most desperate measures ever.

Or maybe I’m once again just straining myself trying to find one box to fit the extraordinary amount of current weirdness into.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 12:02 PM
I am really, really suspicious of the Supreme Court Roe vs Wade leak. Part of the Plan???

Tin foil hat is firmly in place.
During the plandemic telemedicine was used by women to request the abortion pill Mifepristone. This drug has been endorsed and promoted by non other than Dr. Robert Califf the current FDA commissioner. This drug has been associated with many adverse events but reporting now only includes death.

"Dr. Robert Califf as a troubling record of corrupting data to prioritize partisian interests over health and safety of vulnerable women." He has also significant big Pharma holdings so hardly impartial.

Here is where it gets interesting...
December 16, 2021 the FDA made the decision to permanently permit Mifepristine to be distributed by mail and to continue to be prescribed via telehealth.

December 16, 2021 the FEA approved GenBioPro to produce a generic for Mifepristine. It's all about supply, lots of supply.

Trying hard not to be suspicious but where have we seen this before?

May 11, 2022. Hua Lian Pharmaceutical Co in Shanghei has been contracted to make the raw compound in Mitepristone for export. < Nothing to see here.

The FDA has been busy...They expanded providers to include pharmacies. But these pharmacies have to be certified by the drug companies Danco Labs and GenBioPro so the FDA is waiting to see what they plan to do.

What are the odds that this chemical abortion pill will be available in late 2022.

It is expected that if Roe vs Wade is overturned than there is a mechanism in place ready to go to supply women in states that will revoke abortion availability. Drs. may not be able to practice in other states but that will be difficult to enforce when using telemedicine.

All I can think of now is who is going to receive royalty payments and then we have a big issue over the manufactruing of the raw ingredient from a friendly source.>2021/12/16>health>abortio... FDA Will Permanently Allow Abortion Pills By Mail- The New...>Blog Dr. Robert Califf's Record Coronates Him as King of Chemical...>Health>story Ru-486 Manufacturer Disclosed-ABC News>women's-health-policy-fact-sheet Danco Labs and GenBioPro>2022/01/06>bidens-big-phar...

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

We both have our tin foil hats on real tight and mine is getting tighter. I am feeling the same as you are.
I am hearing and seeing more and more people with failing health and it is really noticeable when one doesn't see them for a month or so.

The situation is really heading downhill. The local pharmacy is now closed for lunch hours. Any time I go by there is no line up so I feel that people are trying to cut back on any unnecessary drug. But still where are all the regulars?

The ambulances and firetrucks escalating appearances is not random imho. I have seen homes where they have gone going up for sale a couple of days after and poof the people are gone and new people move in. It has been a hot housing market though but still not normal.

For what it's worth considering inflation, but I was at Home Depot the other day and could not believe my eyes. There was so much nursery stock. When I say so much I mean even bushes and trees were plentiful. More worrying only 2 customers browsing. With temperatures hovering around 100F we are well past planting season.

Since I play evil Sudoku I automatically link incidents like when I link numbers and sequences. What you and others are seeing is not random. This may sound crazy but I feel that when the plan was executed the players had to ensure that they were 100% successful but they were confronted with obstacles such as non compliance and delivery system failures in countries like Africa. They had to have back up plans such as Monkey pox but now I see that they have also targeted the abortion pills which will cause some women to become sterile. They have to double down because they have nothing to lose now. They know we know.
Now they have approved the mRNA vaccines for the babies. At some point people have got to wake up and fight back because they will not stop.
Desperate times indeed.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: cimmerius

We both have our tin foil hats on real tight and mine is getting tighter. I am feeling the same as you are.
I am hearing and seeing more and more people with failing health and it is really noticeable when one doesn't see them for a month or so.

The situation is really heading downhill. The local pharmacy is now closed for lunch hours. Any time I go by there is no line up so I feel that people are trying to cut back on any unnecessary drug. But still where are all the regulars?

The ambulances and firetrucks escalating appearances is not random imho. I have seen homes where they have gone going up for sale a couple of days after and poof the people are gone and new people move in. It has been a hot housing market though but still not normal.

For what it's worth considering inflation, but I was at Home Depot the other day and could not believe my eyes. There was so much nursery stock. When I say so much I mean even bushes and trees were plentiful. More worrying only 2 customers browsing. With temperatures hovering around 100F we are well past planting season.

Since I play evil Sudoku I automatically link incidents like when I link numbers and sequences. What you and others are seeing is not random. This may sound crazy but I feel that when the plan was executed the players had to ensure that they were 100% successful but they were confronted with obstacles such as non compliance and delivery system failures in countries like Africa. They had to have back up plans such as Monkey poxbut now I see that they have also targeted the abortion pills which will cause some women to become sterile. They have to double down because they have nothing to lose now. They know we know.
Now they have approved the mRNA vaccines for the babies. At some point people have got to wake up and fight back because they will not stop.

Desperate times indeed.

Hi Thoughtful,
Just wanna reply to you about the monkey pox, i'm not sure if you guys have talked about this yet, but remember Event 201? Where they did an exercise about a corona virus pandemic, then magically a month later we had the covid pandemic.
They did another one of these table top exercises in March last year (2021). It involved a Monkey Pox virus.

In March 2021, NTI partnered with the Munich Security Conference to
conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats.
The exercise examined gaps in national and international biosecurity and
pandemic preparedness architectures—exploring opportunities to improve
prevention and response capabilities for high-consequence biological
events. This report summarizes the exercise scenario, key findings from
the discussion, and actionable recommendations for the international
"NTI recognizes the critical importance of strengthening the global biosecurity and pandemic preparedness
architecture. To that end, NTI is focused on catalyzing the development of stronger international biosecurity
and pandemic preparedness capabilities so the world is better able to prevent and respond to future biological
risks. To address important gaps in key areas, NTI is working with international partners:
• To establish a new global biosecurity entity dedicated to reducing emerging biological risks that
can accompany certain technology advances. Its mission will be to reduce the risks of catastrophic
consequences due to accidents, inadvertent misuse, or deliberate abuse of bioscience and
biotechnology by promoting stronger global biosecurity norms and developing tools and incentives
to uphold them.
• To explore the possibility of establishing a new Joint Assessment Mechanism to investigate highconsequence biological events of unknown origin. This new mechanism would operate at the
“seam” between existing mechanisms—including World Health Organization (WHO) outbreak
investigation capabilities and the United Nations Secretary-General’s Mechanism for investigating
alleged deliberate bioweapons use—thereby strengthening UN system capabilities to investigate
pandemic origins.
• To advocate for establishing a catalytic, multilateral financing mechanism for global health security
and pandemic preparedness. The goal is to accelerate sustainable biosecurity and pandemic
preparedness capacity-building in countries where resources are most needed"

"The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus
that emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months. Ultimately, the exercise
scenario revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered
in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight. By the end of
the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities

Scroll to page 12 for timeline. Ironically the first cases would appear in May 2022. With an end date of Dec 2023.

I think this is why they are changing the name, as a lot of people have probably seen this.

Keep on rockin!

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 01:49 PM
"Fight For You" by Five Times August. Thought this to be a very moving song/video.

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 03:24 PM
UK approved extradition of Assange to the US
I’m gonna need a bigger bag of popcorn

posted on Jun, 17 2022 @ 03:37 PM
Hmmmm, interesting.
Ukraine won the recent Eurovision Song Contest. This means they are the hosts for next years competition.
Britain came second.
But guess what? Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, Britain is looking to host it instead.
That gives us some timeline as to how far and for how long they expect this to continue.

The BBC is in talks with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) to potentially host the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest in the UK - not Ukraine.

The show's organisers decided, after a "full assessment and feasibility study", that the event cannot be held in the winning country, Ukraine.

BBC link

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