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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 09:36 PM


>The collapse of KM rule in the West may be the trigger for something that has never happened before in our history. Russian, Asian and Secret Space Program sources say some sort of earth-shaking, mind-blowing event may happen soon, with some predicting it for this week. As usual with such predictions, we will believe it when we see it but, as we will report below, there is some extremely unusual project blue beam-related stuff going on in Antarctica and elsewhere.

edit on 8-6-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao


China and Russia issued an ultimatum to the US military: either destroy the Khazarian mafia or face all-out nuclear/scalar weaponry warfare, multiple sources agree. The US sent a large delegation to Russia in response and an agreement was reached to kill all known members of the KM on sight, Pentagon and MI6 sources say. This has already begun and will accelerate this week, the sources say.

edit on 8-6-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2022 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Chief NASA clown reminded me of this drop.


Legal claims shed light on founder of faith group tied to Amy Coney Barrett

Examination of People of Praise comes as supreme court seems poised to reverse Roe v Wade.

The founder of the People of Praise, a secretive charismatic Christian group that counts the supreme court justice Amy Coney Barrett as a member, was described in a sworn affidavit filed in the 1990s as exerting almost total control over one of the group’s female members, including making all decisions about her finances and dating relationships.

The court documents also described alleged instances of a sexualized atmosphere in the home of the founder, Kevin Ranaghan, and his wife, Dorothy Ranaghan.

The Washington Post reported in 2020 that a People of Praise 2010 directory showed Barrett served as a “handmaid”, a female adviser to other female members. Barrett also served on the Trinity Schools board, whose members must belong to People of Praise, from 2015 to 2017, at a time when the schools effectively barred admission to children of same-sex parents and – according to the AP – “made it plain that openly gay and lesbian teachers weren’t welcome in the classroom”.

"faith group"🧐

National Catholic Reporter (Oct 3, 1980)

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: Caled
Crazy event of the day:

"Additional radio traffic indicates at least four people are dead as a result of a military aircraft crash in the Imperial County area of California near Highway 78. Rescue teams are still searching for a 5th person that remains unaccounted."

"Imperial County officials are assuming all five people aboard a crashed military aircraft near Highway 78 are deceased. It’s unknown what caused the aircraft to crash at this time. Additional details about nuclear material aboard are not known. The military now has the scene."

Message? Crashed near Glamis, California.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 01:03 AM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: Caled
Crazy event of the day:

"Additional radio traffic indicates at least four people are dead as a result of a military aircraft crash in the Imperial County area of California near Highway 78. Rescue teams are still searching for a 5th person that remains unaccounted."

"Imperial County officials are assuming all five people aboard a crashed military aircraft near Highway 78 are deceased. It’s unknown what caused the aircraft to crash at this time. Additional details about nuclear material aboard are not known. The military now has the scene."

Message? Crashed nearGlamis, California.

You just made Onehuman/Yig's day.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I'm way behind here and catching up slowly. But thanks for this, Cranky. It helped me.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 07:59 AM
Rel about the 'SRIKE' this might fit...the T is missing> T minus is a countdown. A count down to a rocket launch. Do they do that when launching missles? There seems to be a few posts that have T-2. Usually these countdowns have lots of lengthy pause periods but in the case of a missle launch the strike will be fast.

I agree with you that the pronunciation fits too and as you say there is always more than one meaning.

Maybe the launch will take place at night and there are two primary targets [the 2 large 'X's'] and 4 smaller 'x' targets.

If we consider the 3 lines in the North Korea/South Korea perspective the middle line would represent the border and the 2 other lines would mark the demilitarized zones.

So the MOAB would strike on target one on each side of the Koreas as well as the 4 smaller ones with 2 striking on each side.
I'm not sure about the Palm tree connection but maybe Pool is pointing out that the UN will get involved as the situation between North Korea and South Korea continues to escalate?
There is much brewing around North and South Korea at the moment.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, nice connect on the 8 missiles to #859 STRIKE 99999999!

Tell me, how would a Korean pronounce "STRIKE"? SRIKE perhaps?

Now think to Mr Pool's multiple SMILEY pictures with 2 X's for the EYES:


X = Missile Target

EYE = i = MISSILE from KU posts

SMILE = BAY (think Bay of Pigs scenarios)


Black figure smiley = AT NIGHT

PALMS Smiley = Palm Islands, Dubai Dubai? NATO? UN?

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao

The "noisy meeting" paragraph is repeated. Do you think that's just a copy/paste error? Or perhaps there were 2 meetings?

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:49 AM
Ironic Link of the Day

Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register

People aged under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked because they may potentially be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

The syndrome, known as SADS, has been fatal for all kinds of people regardless of whether they maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.

SADS is an 'umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people', said The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, most commonly occurring in people under 40 years of age.

What Is Cognitive Dissonance?

Why are boosted Americans testing positive for COVID more than those without extra shot?

edit on 692022 by MetalThunder because: Stand Your Ground

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

I just assume everyone is an astrophysicist until I'm told otherwise.

Working with a few who are, or think they are anyway, I can say it is smarter to think the exact opposite until evidence is shown of such skills. It is "put up or shut up" in this world. We have to give them some of that proverbial rope and let them see what they do with it. In the case of the Dem and RINO's we get the rope needed to proverbially hang them, and likely will actually be hung after a fair trial.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:42 AM
I am so sick of hearing vaccinated people saying, "I tested positive for COVID, but I'm vaccinated so it shouldn't be that bad." They are actually the worst. One person who lives with someone who has COVID is just going to work and doing things like normal even though they likely have it themselves. Not that I really care, but they would freak out if an unvaccinated person did the same.

Also, I saw somebody yesterday that I know is vaccinated and just got diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. I knew what it was as soon as I saw him. He got diagnosed today. This is the second person I know that this has happened to.

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Why are boosted Americans testing positive for COVID more than those without extra shot?

edit on 6/9/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

I think qtsr posts are studied down to the last comma, so I think it's not accidental.
I have no idea, for now, what that means.
As you say: 2 meetings?

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Your posts of wisdom and logic are always appreciated.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:00 AM
There was a plan. 4 jabs for the 'Takers'.

From the CDC "Photos of CDC Covid-19 vaccination cards should not be shared on social media." The claim at the time was to prevent fraud but what is it was deliberate?

During Operation Warp Speed Covid-19 Vaccination Record Cards were designed. Labeled #1 for the first dose, then #2 for the second dose but then there were two additional lines after. That may explain why the CDC did not want any images out there sharing on social media because people may have wondered what's up with the 4 lines. There was so much speed around everything in 2020 that why would they design it with more jabs than necessary if the mRNA vaccines were working as initially marketed to the public?

Loop just recently posted the picture of the 3rd jab with blood dripping on popcorn so just wondering if the third jab is the tipping point.

A neighbor brought over his card after his first jab and said he was rather concerned that there were additional spots for more jabs. He said " I am really worried what they have planned because this looks rather ominous." He has all 4 now.>vaccines>vaccination-card Photos of CDC Covid-19 vaccination cards should not be shared on social media

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:21 AM
Weirdness Alert...

I just was checking out what Gavi thinks about Monkeypox because they have plans, no doubt big plans.

I went to is Behind the International Spread of Monkeypox?... Normally when I read a site it is highlighted in color afterwards so I know where I've been. This time it did not. I tried re-accessing it several times and it never became highlighted. This is a first for me.
Just really odd. Anyone else seeing this?

More weirdness...
Reading through the article I checked the hyper links and this one Aggressive Containment Measures was 404'd already! Like I suspect big plans for us.
A few of the other links just went to an article about pregnant women and Covid in Africa.

What does Gavi think about Monkeypox? "as the spread of the virus indicates we will need rapid and aggressive containment measures including targeted vaccination with small pox vaccine.'

Seems that this pox upon us was already wandering around in Israel, the U.S. and Singapore preplandemic 2018 and 2019. Just under the radar.
Fun Fact: 386,000 search results, and shock and awe Gavi has just 17 vaccines against infectious diseases.

Not to be left behind from the WHO >"Current cases are just the tip of the iceberg" and then follow the enemedia parroting the same phrase. Zero for originality. World is at risk without immunization/ Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:58 AM
North Korea and South Korea tea brewing.

2 days ago the U.S. joined with South Korea and conducted a massive air drill. What could go wrong? North Korea response?

This was conducted on June 7. Not certain if this works but 10 days of darkness would take us to Friday June 17th.

#97 clip
Paint the picture.
Disinformation exists and is necessary
10 days
Good v Evil

Possible fits:
nk= North Korea
DAR= Designated Area for Recovery, Disabled Aircraft
ESS= ESS Ballistic sunglasses, eye shields and googles for the military.
Watch the Water

5 days ago the U.S.S Abraham Lincoln Air Carrier joined South Korea staging rare drills in the yellow sea.
Just wondering if this connects to #846.

Kim Jong-un is standing with a backdrop of a brilliant 'yellow' backdrop.

Way too much going on over there and are we normally so involved in the exercises?>news>world>2022/06/04>us-south-korean-hold-massi...>business>aerospace-defense>meaning-of>DAR

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Caled

I so agree with you. Really hypocritical behavior, especially considering what they have put us all through. There does not appear to be any self reflection at all.

I am starting to see more and more of the triple jabbed people coming down with some really serious medical issues. Young women with fertility issues, sudden blindness and like you say Bell's Palsy which prior to this I didn't even realize existed.
The weird part is that they all claim that they are glad they got the third jab and the part I don't understand is that they don't seem to make any connection at all to the jab and their sudden medical condition.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:07 PM
It's probably like Voltron. You have to look at the components across all four jabs. Looking at one won't necessarily tell you anything.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
There was a plan. 4 jabs for the 'Takers'.

From the CDC "Photos of CDC Covid-19 vaccination cards should not be shared on social media." The claim at the time was to prevent fraud but what is it was deliberate?

During Operation Warp Speed Covid-19 Vaccination Record Cards were designed. Labeled #1 for the first dose, then #2 for the second dose but then there were two additional lines after. That may explain why the CDC did not want any images out there sharing on social media because people may have wondered what's up with the 4 lines. There was so much speed around everything in 2020 that why would they design it with more jabs than necessary if the mRNA vaccines were working as initially marketed to the public?

Loop just recently posted the picture of the 3rd jab with blood dripping on popcorn so just wondering if the third jab is the tipping point.

A neighbor brought over his card after his first jab and said he was rather concerned that there were additional spots for more jabs. He said " I am really worried what they have planned because this looks rather ominous." He has all 4 now.>vaccines>vaccination-card Photos of CDC Covid-19 vaccination cards should not be shared on social media

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Caled
I have been wondering about the possibility of a cumulative effect from the jabs. The first and second not a great situation but when crossing the line to the third it is the tipping point of no return. Then each additional one just makes it worse. So quite right that we need to look at the entirety of the vaccines, not any one in isolation. Maybe each one adds a little something extra or magnifys what has been introduced.

That is why I keep wondering about Loop posting the third jab as if making a real 'needle' point in reality.

Just thinking about the popcorn references we have our popcorn as the story unfolds but with inversion, they, the dasterdly ones, have their popcorn but it is covered in blood.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 01:05 PM

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