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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Then throw it in deep water.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel I have been thinking about the Pool post with the flashing light bulb. I can't find it now but I wonder if this might be related to something that I saw.

This involves military base airport runway lights. No doubt this will sound odd and maybe someone with a military background could clarify or explain what I saw. I did ask a man who was watching the lights at the same time and he could not explain it and he had lived on a military airport base. That was awhile ago and maybe things have changed.

The runway lights were going completely on and then completely off at aprox. 7 second intervals. I am not sure how this on/off switch would help the piolets navigate a runway. Didn't Pool show a light switch turning on and off. We were in a unique viewing spot so could look down at the entire runway which is not visible from any other direction.

We mused over it and I said it reminded me of an SOS signal being sent to someone high above.

Could it be # 2222
Are we alone?
Highest Classification.
Consider the vastness of space.

Since there is so much oddity nothing will surprise me at this point.>...Airport Operations

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:23 AM

Abstract involving HAARP:

Auto nomous Underground Microborer for Characterizalion of Deeply Buried Underground Facilities.

Using HAARP to beam ELF waves at Underground facilities (UGFs) to detect Nukes & other WMD's, hidden chambers, etc. using DARPA R&D "Rock-melting" microboring penetration, space sensors & convert comms. This doc only contains unclassified info so put on your tinfoil hat and imagine the capabilities they have now, 24 years later!! Perhaps the mission or one of the missions of that secret Air Force Space Plane (X-37B). The PDF includes many illustrations and GPR details.

Lockheed Martin acquired Orincon in June 2003, which became Lockheed Martin Orincon Corporation, a systems integration and information technology company that supports Lockheed Martin's position in the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) industry. Oddly, one of their customers is the National Cancer Research Institute, specializing in cancer markers in blood.

Orincon: New Products Spring from Cold War Technology Advances

Generation & Global Propagation of ULF Waves [PDF]

This report presents the measurement and stUdy results of Ultra-Low-Frequency (ULF) electromagnetic waves generated by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility located in Gakona, Alaska. The following sections assess the performance of ULF generation by HAARP, compare ULF amplitudes at HAARP, distant monitoring sites, and from satellite, present current limited understanding of ULF propagation, discuss the fundamental science issues yet to be resolved, and recommend future efforts to improve our understanding on ULF generation and propagation by high frequency (HF) heaters.

The study documented in this report was performed by BAE Systems - Technology Solutions in Arlington, VA, under DARPA contract HROOll-08-C-0009, and directed by Dr. Chia-Lie Chang. The performance period was from January 7, 2008 to January 7, 2010.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:28 AM
Wow. This is awesome information. Great find!!!

What if the vaccine is intended to counter white hat efforts to find underground facilities? Like, whatever is in it will react negatively to increased ELF/VLF and stall efforts? Not that it has. The global hum is off the hook today, as it is most days. Although on the rare occasions I can't hear it, I get worried...

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Abstract involving HAARP:

Auto nomous Underground Microborer for Characterizalion of Deeply Buried Underground Facilities.

Using HAARP to beam ELF waves at Underground facilities (UGFs) to detect Nukes & other WMD's, hidden chambers, etc. using DARPA R&D "Rock-melting" microboring penetration, space sensors & convert comms. This doc only contains unclassified info so put on your tinfoil hat and imagine the capabilities they have now, 24 years later!! Perhaps the mission or one of the missions of that secret Air Force Space Plane (X-37B). The PDF includes many illustrations and GPR details.

Lockheed Martin acquired Orincon in June 2003, which became Lockheed Martin Orincon Corporation, a systems integration and information technology company that supports Lockheed Martin's position in the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) industry. Oddly, one of their customers is the National Cancer Research Institute, specializing in cancer markers in blood.

Orincon: New Products Spring from Cold War Technology Advances

Generation & Global Propagation of ULF Waves [PDF]

This report presents the measurement and stUdy results of Ultra-Low-Frequency (ULF) electromagnetic waves generated by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility located in Gakona, Alaska. The following sections assess the performance of ULF generation by HAARP, compare ULF amplitudes at HAARP, distant monitoring sites, and from satellite, present current limited understanding of ULF propagation, discuss the fundamental science issues yet to be resolved, and recommend future efforts to improve our understanding on ULF generation and propagation by high frequency (HF) heaters.

The study documented in this report was performed by BAE Systems - Technology Solutions in Arlington, VA, under DARPA contract HROOll-08-C-0009, and directed by Dr. Chia-Lie Chang. The performance period was from January 7, 2008 to January 7, 2010.

edit on 4/9/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

XtM the #4498 post. Were the # of periods discussed? I my have missed that.

Mental institutions & therapists> program specialists.....

There are 5 periods. I was thinking maybe 5 categories of mass shootings. Schools, theatres, shopping venues, churches/places of religious worship and police.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:59 AM
Since I am back in the mental health arena ... #310 sealed>Unsealed

I had had a really long day dealing with my adult child who was now safely housed in another psychiatric unit, or so I thought. I decided to go to bed early and around 2 a.m. the doorbell rang. I was alone with my dog and had sent the family on a trip so that I could tackle the complexities of this issue.

Two police officers were at the door. Of course my first question was has something happened? One asked me if I was alone and of course I was. They asked if they could check the house and I agreed figuring this was for my safety because when one goes of the deep end safety is an issue.

Well I was quite wrong. They told me that they were arresting me. For what, who knows. Me??? Anyway I had to change and just couldn't decide what outfit to wear. We all decided on something warm since apparently it is chilly in jail. Of course I had to make my bed. I told them I never leave the house with the bed unmade. Then we had to deal with the puppy giving her food and water.

Finally they cuffed me and we headed out. Where is the police car? They hid it so we had to hike over and I got my first real ride in the back seat. Fun times. Of course they refused to tell me what was going on.

I don't know how any of this can be legal.

Anyway the jail cell had some really interesting women, many who were in for the stoopidist reasons, like having an argument with her husband and he called the police. When asked I had no clue why I was there. We had sooo much fun with the potential intrigue.
Since everything is always weird I was suddenly taken to a room and a woman came on screen and asked me why I was there. Good question. Do you know why I am here?
I got to wear a fancy orange jumpsuit and we were all shackled together. At this point we were all laughing because I just couldn't figure out how to walk with the gang.
Continued...and it gets better if that is possible

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 12:15 PM
Comic relief continued...
Finally we were in the court room with the judge who gave us papers detailing what serious crime we had committed. I didn't have my glasses so when the judge asked us if we understood the charges I spoke up, which must be unheard of, and asked exactly what I was charged with. Ha. The judge was shocked. Anyway my paper was passed around amongst us serious criminals and I got some whistles. "You did that?"
Meanwhile the family were in flight and were being questioned by the air marshalls. Ha.
Everything is just so weird.
The judge told me to get a lawyer which I did. Suddenly my case came up and no one would let me attend the court proceedings. The lawyer gave me a refund.

How can any of this be legal?
The charges, whatever they were, were dropped and then they sealed the records. Not so fast. I want those records unsealed because I want people to know that all of this was illegal plus I want to know what strings were pulled to execute this. They refused.
Anyway my psychotic daughter was dating a celebrity and he was none to happy about my efforts to break them up and keep her in a psychiatric institution. Just a possible motive.

I have had sooo much fun in this arena and at this point I feel the crazies are saner than the caregivers.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Might be something or maybe not but the clock is ticking.

Eye of Ram > ER > Emergency
77 hrs remain > You tube by the group '77 > song > Last Chance.
Define Anti Christ > DAC> Digital to analogue converter. > "Translates digitally stored information from
a laptop to analogue sound that we can hear."

Emergency Alert system to be activated? # 279

Considering that Biden has been exposed to Covid the hrs could possibly represent Health Recovery Solutions which is remote patient monitoring or is just hours left before it is announced that he has it.

The You tube song Last Chance has the band singing on railroad tracks and we know how much Joe likes his trains and there is the Catholic nun symbolism. 72>use>blog>what-...>watch '77 Last Chance

originally posted by: Biglywin
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

McAfee is back posting on Telegram

Eye of Ra
77 hrs remain
Define Anti Christ


Yes I find it very intriguing after all this time they suddenly post again....and a countdown no less.....
McAfee is all about release of info....
He claims his product gave him a hidden backdoor to many computers around the world and he has a huge collection of incriminating info.....
Dump it already..............

One thing is for very certain....Biden is now painted into a corner both criminally and his health.....
What happens when he is no longer POTUS will be very interesting to watch.....
I think ALL will be outraged.....especially by the pardons that happen.....

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

I ask for the "Stevie Wonder" inspection for my car.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
10:00 minutes, skip the ukraine stuff before. He makes some interesting quiet points. One, he says he hired Durham, but we know Sessions did. What he says about the laptop is fascinating if you factor in that Joe had to win no matter what. Curious time for a book to come out.

Hilarious to me at around the 13:00 mark - Brian Kilmeade asked, regarding the 51 "intel experts" who called the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinfo:

Kilmeade: "Why would 51 people, many of them very respected, put their name on a letter like that?"

Bill Barr: "Because they're political whores."

OMFGosh - I LOL'ed
I really needed that this morning!

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 12:30 PM
Back to business...The Pharma Wars
Medicare Won't Cover New Alzheimer's Drug.

Awhile ago we covered the Biogen drug Aduhelm, which was approved by the F* Dumb Association which resulted in three experts quitting citing that it was the worst drug approval in history. Biogen was going to charge $56,000 a year and I was wondering how we the tax payers were not going to get hosed again by Big Pharma. But Medicare had a plan.

They will only approve it if Biogen has the seniors enrolled in a clinical study since who knows if any real clinical study was conducted or valid. Biogen is signaling that they are planning to withdraw it from the market.

Feels like some winning for the good guys.


posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Maybe thinkabout the flashing pol light being relevant to POTUS45 taking off on AF1 in the evening as per #35?

To save space:

Pretty sure it's been raised before but seems very timely now!

Does Follow the Pen (6 posts) refer to:

Marine Le Pen about to become French President?
From IET17 telegram

France Election is 4/10/2022
Here’s where the polls stand as of yesterday:

France, Atlas Politico poll:

Presidential run-off election

Le Pen (RN-ID): 50.5%
Macron (EC-RE): 49.5%

If she wins, it will crush the EU Deep State

Listen to her in 2017

5 of the 6 posts with Follow the Pen encode April 10th in their timestamps!!!

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel, sorry to be a pest. Do you have that "recently reactivated" McAfee telegram URL ?


posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Does Follow the Pen (6 posts) refer to:

Marine Le Pen about to become French President?

Since you also mention AF1... would that make her Marine One?

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

"Marine Un"


posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 01:24 PM
So I think what Storm Rider was referring to was the "Mcafee Afterlife" channel on t-gram. But I thought we were looking at a different supposed McAfee channel on t-gram just about a week ago or so.


posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 01:46 PM
Worth a listen. Seems to be from 2019, compare to today, SWIFT, Sanctions, Iran, Gas, etc.

Notice how Vlad controls the room, notice his confidence, notice how everyone is listening intently. He has purpose.

Now compare.

Which represents the changing of the old guard, the death, the destruction, the Dark to Light?

Whether you pick the NWO is coming side and we're all doomed, or the NWO is coming and liberation is near, the change is in fact undeniable.

Anons were at the forefront, period.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 02:26 PM
Just how far along are we into the 'End Times' ?

we, the planet is still in 'Beginning of Sorrows' & 'Early Birth Pangs' stages...
the Flood the Dragon spewed to kill the Mother & Child is still with us in the form of COVID+Corona - - -in 04/2022
but the rest of the Rev 12: prophecy is still playing out since 09-2017 to present

the Sealed Books of Daniel & Revelation will be crystal clear somewhere after 03/2024

Russia-v-Ukraine is the re-alignment of governments process to allow the 10 toes of the Final Global Empire to emerge, probably achieving unity-as-a-Beast after that same 7 year window of 09-2017-2024

the Great ReSet will require several additional regional Wars for a 10 horned, 7 headed Beast to become a World Hegemon or Singular Uni-Polar Entity

2024-&-beyond, is when to expect another progressive Event in the Prophetic Timeline because the Wonderous Sign in the Heavens (Virgo 12 stars/Sun-Moon had the full 7 year window of fullness, to expire)...

no-one knows how long the forces of evil can hold off the Invasion of Earth by the Spirit Army from Heaven,,,
the 7 year Israel Peace Plan and the Final 10 horned Empire will Enter the World Stage together ?

(which marks a timeline-of-prophecy known as the 70th Week )

i think i'll plant cherry tomatoes sunday the 10th
edit on th30164953245409272022 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 04:21 PM
A Torrential Floodgate of Criminal Investigations Will Hit Washington DC After Midterms

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!

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