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I guess we get to see if they are real and care .

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posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

Ha ha?

I am considered spiritually gifted to the extreme right side of the bell curve by the Catholic Diocese of Charleston and an MD. I don't wear religion on my sleeve nor do I go around pushing stuff on others. All I can say is that a God does exist so you might want to reconsider your position in life as to your beliefs. So go laugh and blow it off. I could care less where you end up.

You can read much of my personal exchange with Sled735 in the Paranormal forum from 2018-2019. One thing I didn't discuss with the Church was many UFO's were also in that area at the same time and I have another chronological diary case with "The Black Vault". I didn't want to dump that stuff on them as they also have no clue as to what Sleep Paralysis is. They have to follow Rome and tow the line.

Sled735 is RIP.

edit on 3-3-2022 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 3-3-2022 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

"It took me decades to understand what it was, what it wasn't, and how
to differentiate between human concepts, my own biases, and what
might remain after all that."

I am too tired at the moment for proper thought but, I am intrigued by this statement. I would very much like to better know what conclusions you may have reached regarding nature, intent, motivation, etc. of whatever... intelligence... lies at the core of this mystery.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

Beyond the never ending struggle for survival, aside from the dazzling lights in the black depths above, what else WOULD entertain the mind of primitive humans? I contend that, not only were the spangled cycles in the night sky of great interest to our ancient ancestors, early observations thereof formed the framework of our spiritual development.

Of course, that's not discounting the occasional external nudge, the refocusing of humanity's early interpretation of celestial phenomena by an intelligence with less than altruistic intent for our inquisitive young species. At least, this is where research has steered me with fair regularity.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: CharlesNPope
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I'm just messing with you, Kev, chill out (haha). I don't need to channel anything. Like I said before, there has already been a reasonably complete disclosure of ET history and current activity. We have simply chosen to ignore it. Perhaps ET is messing with us too. Not like we can do anything about it.

"We don't know ... but we've been told"

Everytime I press you on a point, you retreat from it.

When i was young, and starry eyed, I'd have given 50 years of my life
to someone who could 'summon', who had died and come back to
report what was observed.

and.. in fact I did just that... gave EVERTHING.

And, as is the nautre of such things, it was only good for me,
becuase nobody else can benefit from such things...

that's why religion and spirituality almost don't work at all..
the gap between the curious and the initial dude or dudette.

Now a days, even the curiosity is mostly gone.. it's all about
tribalism and confirmation bias.

Anyway... yes... 'ha ha' .


posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

So go laugh and blow it off. I could care less where you end up.

Humanists tend to be the most loving people I have ever met.
Since they don't believe in afterlives, they don't talk this way.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: ChayOphan

It's dead simple, awe-inspiring and more terrorizing than imaginable.

but it's like with math.. if you don't do the homework yourself,
the number 42 at the end is meaningless.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Kev, if you want to know what I know, then my ten books on human history and cosmology are posted on-line. I'm not going to use this forum to market them. I'm just enjoying a little blogging banter. Is that ok with you or not??? Religion is a personal thing and people will believe what they want to believe. That's human. We don't make very good scientists (lol). I don't find that evangelists or humanists or narcissists or atheists or sadists or agnosticists (haha) or any other -ist is any better human than another.

"Du bist ein Hamburger, Ich bin ein Frankfurter."

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: CharlesNPope
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Kev, if you want to know what I know, then my ten books on human history and cosmology are posted on-line. I'm not going to use this forum to market them. I'm just enjoying a little blogging banter. Is that ok with you or not??? Religion is a personal thing and people will believe what they want to believe. That's human. We don't make very good scientists (lol). I don't find that evangelists or humanists or narcissists or atheists or sadists or agnosticists (haha) or any other -ist is any better human than another.

"Du bist ein Hamburger, Ich bin ein Frankfurter."

As I've said 3 t imes so far, I'm just having fun discussing things.

Howver I don't have much of an 'off mode'

The world is burning and all our names are Nero.

BTW... took 2.5 years of German.. won't even try to use it anymore..


PS: on the humanist thing..

admittedly huamns are a mixed bag, even humanists
(not a lot of pro-human people in the human race..ironic
that you need a movement to promote what even dumb
animals know from birth),

But my point there, as I said very clearly, is that since
humanists don't believe in afterlives, they have no
ability to wish people would go there..

Puffing oneself up in 'false piety' and wishing people
to hell, is really obnoxious in my view.
edit on 3-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear


Regarding, chiefly, the aerial component of paranormal phenomena, would you agree that it exists in conjunction with a purposeful, cognizant intelligence? I'm not exactly suggesting that this hypothetical intellect is necessarily manifesting or animating apparent physical objects with conscious intent. At least not at this point in conversation.

For simplicity's sake, I'll delve only so far as tangential cause-effect relationships between intellect and detectable objects. I would rather, first, ascertain what (if any) mutually accepted positions may exist between you and I. This serves to better narrow focus allowing more expedient and precise selection of material with greatest relevance.

So, would you agree that there is, to some extent, a composite existence between an (as of yet understood) intelligence and the physically detectable phenomena of UFO/UAP? If so, we will have then tentatively established the cornerstone of a formidable foundation.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: ChayOphan

Here are some assumptions that I don't necessarily hold:

1) That there is a marked difference between 'physical reality'
and other possibility sets. Some difference. Not as much as
you might imagine.

2) As a result of 1), this 'here but not here', this 'real' conjoined
with 'not real' or 'not solid' is a logical error. But we need more
physics to get a handle on that.

3) Sometimes, something RELATED to the human mind gets
involved with some interesting "paranormal" phenomenon.

4) This 'phenomenon' sometimes appears like a ham sandwitch,
sometimes as the virgin mary, somtimes as a black triangle UFO.

5) But it's not completley detatached from humans.. it at a minimum
filtheres through and is colored by (obfuscated by) human "consciousness".
This sort of thing has been happeing since we were still in the caves/trees.

6) thnking in terms of an "ET intelligence" may be a dead end.. a cognitive

7) In my observation, and it's just my observation (not theory.. observation
with my eyeballs quite literlaly and other senses), this perceived
'intelligence' is something of a bleedover from both human neurological
systems, but from (possibly) 'other' systems. It certainly appears that way.

But differentiating what is due to human misperception, human bias and
coloring, and untangling it from the human imaginaqtion ... never an
easy thing.. not for anyone.

Now.. I could talk about post human existences, first races.. things I've
'seen' and 'communicated with' --- but thats' dangerous ground, that I
keep to myself. It's ok to have such experiences, but IMHO, only if
you can genralize them, to point you towards a hypothesis, then a
theory, and then to test them.


"Consciousness is the Trickster".

edit on 3-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Humanists tend to be the most loving people I have ever met.

Sure tell me all about them. They start off as Swingers then they morf into child trafficking like my neighbor. I heard from a the doctor across the lake they have the most kick ass laser light show when they have group performances on that stripper stage.

No they don't believe in God either as it conflicts with their fun

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:27 PM
The way I see it is that they would have no choice but to intervene "IF" they have underwater city's . A full blown Nuclear war would kill off most marine life and contaminate all the Oceans . I'm sure they have to eat and may need nice clean O2 .

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Humanists tend to be the most loving people I have ever met.

Sure tell me all about them. They start off as Swingers then they morf into child trafficking like my neighbor. I heard from a the doctor across the lake they have the most kick ass laser light show when they have group performances on that stripper stage.

No they don't believe in God either as it conflicts with their fun

Thank you for sharing your view.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

The USO (unidentiied subermged objects) thing
hasn't been examined sufficiently! It's a fun

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

When Greg Taylor at The Daily Grail ( won a prize from Bob Bigalow for an essay on the Afterlife, I wrote to Bigalow's people to thank them for that. Greg is an awesome dude and deserving of kudos on a number of levels. But, do I personally think anybody has a handle on the Afterlife? No. Do I think it is a waste of Bigalow's budget to explore it. Probably. Obviously he's getting older and wants to know. Yet, we need to develop some other tools first before we have any chance of understanding the spirit world. If I were to write an essay on the Afterlife (and I actually did start on one), it would likely conclude that humans aren't entitled to it. We can archive our DNA, but that's the extent of it presently. Does ET care enough to do backups of our "state-system"? Maybe, why not? But, I'm not sure what humans do that need to be preserved for all eternity. We are thinking of ourselves more highly than we should. But, of course that's being human! That's why its so easy to make fun of ourselves. We are so highly and delightfully delusional, well, most of the time.

We can't trust our "instincts" when it comes to an Afterlife. Our will to live is so strong that we naturally want to live forever. We are also preconditioned by certain religions to see an Afterlife as the reward for being good or at least believing what we are told. So, we have all this clouding our judgment.

If you look purely at the animal world, males will kill and die for the ability to breed. It's kind of like their "Afterlife" depends upon it. The Bible is contradictory about it. Ecclesiastes explicitly states that it can't be known. But, in other Scriptures it's considered a veritable certainty. What's wrong with it just being a surprise?

I grew up in a country where everybody served each other. Now everybody is trying to scam everybody. Caveat lector.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

it would likely conclude that humans aren't entitled to it.

Honestly, 3/4 of what you write, I eye-roll (i'm entitled to my POV
just like you are), but then you say something like above, and
that's why I'm enjoying talking to you.

Most people try not to think about it, but the concept of souls
as we know them, is a relatively new concept.. oh sure the
Egyptians had a system of multiparts and all that, while others
spoke more about manes, which decay over time. Western
occultists too, the ones that try to cheat death by possessing
another human as they die.. they will tell you all about
how 'souls' decay over time.

Now souls are one of my favorite topics.

When you do 'kundalini yoga' you feed 'something'
which you presume to be your 'soul'. If you feed
it long enough, amazing things happen.

IF you take it to the point of death, at least temporarily,
you come to learn what the fuss is all about.

But making full sense of it... that's quite challenging.

I msyelf call 'the soul', the final ignorance, the final
'golden handcuffs'.

When people want to get all spiritual with me, I ask

"Do you have a soul?"
"How do you know?"
"If you have a soul, does it belong to you, or to someone/something else?"
"Might you think it belongs to you, but in actually it doesn't?"
"Is the 'soul' a good thing?"
(and yes as you say, "Is it important that your random pains and foolishness
be preserved? Are you that important?"

Questions like that.

Now in Buddhism, the 'soul' seemed to be more like a nasty social disease
that you are better without.. there's talk of one burning ember lighting
the next one. I understand precisely why that is said.. I experiencd it

Really, all this futzing about 'souls' is at the root of 90% of all the evil
in the world, as people do the most outrageous things in their names.

To use your own mindset, one could actually say that it's
'souls' which are the evil imprinted on us.

Or, you could view them as an industrial waste-prouct actually...
Rather like a WWII Cargo Cult.

I actually have extensive notes on this topic, but since it's so
touchy a topic, I keep it to myself. I may or may not submit
it to the Unvieristy archive.

You do spit out some real gems...

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

"Now.. I could talk about post human existences, first races.. things I've
'seen' and 'communicated with' --- but thats' dangerous ground, that I
keep to myself."

Yeah, intrigued poorly serves as description but serve it must...

I've wrestled with notions closely aligned with what you've presented here but with nowhere near the clarity and cohesion. My related notes would, with glance alone, convince a casual observer that I'm either low-functioning autistic, insane or some discordant combination of both. That's another way of acknowledging your skillful presentation of rather complex material.

Your thoughts on the bilateral relationship between humans and phenomena... suffice it said, the subject itself has been the single most intriguing, yet absolute maddening, component of the enigmatic whole. Of this seemingly conjoined existence, one tinier fragment that has, with me, taken up permanent mental residence is the apparent operational evidence of the observer effect.

I have encountered reams of supportive data clearly indicating a reciprocal existential validation between UAP and observer. Time and again, objects maneuver with blantant declarative intent, exceeding mere demonstration of superiority, and, instead, ensuring capture and maintaining the shock-focused attention of observer. The message, glaring and unambiguous, fairly screams, "BEHOLD! BEHOLD THE DREADFUL MYSTERY! BEHOLD!"

But, further compounding incredible implications, there is considerable reason to indicate that the objects are aware of their own detection at the moment of acquisition. For all intents, UAP can apparently detect, acquire and, to some degree, lock the focal path of human gaze as if our sight line were literal beams of traceable energy emissions. So overwhelming was the vast volumes of anecdotal confirmation that I would eventually redirect much-needed time and resources to the pursuit of real-world technical validation. The results, yet ongoing, have been... enlightening?... yes, enlightening, as well as revealing completely unrelated, yet incredibly tantalizing and seemingly relevant, paths of research.

Ah, but life now demands my attention elsewhere... so begins the monumental task of returning thoughts to the normalcy of reality, frivolous and mundane. But, return I will, and sooner than hope allows...
edit on 3-3-2022 by ChayOphan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: ChayOphan

I have encountered reams of supportive data clearly indicating a reciprocal existential validation between UAP and observer. Time and again, objects maneuver with blantant declarative intent, exceeding mere demonstration of superiority, and, instead, ensuring capture and maintaining the shock-focused attention of observer.

When I summoned the 'black triangle ufo' in 2013, I put it through
some paces and tests. It rolled on it's back for me, so that I could
see the undersection.. it dipped down so I could see there were
no hidden jet exhausts...

It changed shape for me 3 times by request

Told me a joke..

(how mahy UFO researchers does it take to screw in a light bulb
---- ok, I made up that part, that didn't happen.. but it sure
had a nice little 'faerie giggle'.).

And despite all that?

I knew it wasn't an alien lifeform or ship.. not 'per se'.

So yep... you are right.. loves screwing with us, just like
faeries did for centuries.

The only reason that 'it' for the most part was so 'docile'
is that it already had a solid link built up with me..

it didn't have to make me afraid, or erotic, or to manipulate
my biochemistry in order to form the link, that would
allow it to manipulate me for the rest of my life,
like it has to do with most people..

So, more than anything, it showed up out of affection,
for a friend.

Now again... this whole 'anthorpomorphizaton' is a mistake..
calling 'it' a 'lifeform' is a mistake.

I can explain it for the most part.. but it's a bit rough.

Anyway, don't get star struck with me.. I'm just some
guy... autistic.. had an obsesson.. it could have been
trains.. it turned out to be this instead.

In the first cult I was a member of, I got thrown out
for suggesting that the 'saint' had Asperger's.

Asperger's really IS strongly correlated with the pursuit
of these types of subjects.



edit on 3-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

maybe they were planning on us wiping each other out all along so they can start using their planet terraforming tech to rejuvenate the earth after the nuclear apocalypse is over and we are all gone

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

good to see you posting again Kev

I enjoy your posts always make for good reading and leave me intrigued
the things you talk about are subjects I find interesting

I liked your thought about the computer simulation having a virus
maybe the virus is human consciousness

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