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I guess we get to see if they are real and care .

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posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I'm not trying to defend my work. I'm just here shooting the breeze with the rest of you at this point. Besides personification, animals and other natural things are definitely used to communicate cosmology and knowledge in general. I deal mainly with Classical (Greek & Roman) Mythology, as well as Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite and Biblical forms. Tribal and shamanistic wisdom is an entirely other pursuit. The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby was an interesting read, but I leave the ayahuasca experience to others. I didn't find it essential for my own research path and can't comment upon whether it is a way to find out if ET really cares. That said, I do think that the ancient understanding of nature bordered on the supernatural, but not through "tripping" per se, but as the product of an ET analysis, not only of the physical properties of our planet and solar system, but also its many life forms. Only a "broad understanding" of that detailed survey was imparted to mankind ("Adapa"), or so the story goes. Regardless, I do find evidence of that "starter package" in all of the ancient literature I've studied. That's not to say humans can't figure things out on their own, and are not expected to start figuring things out on our own. But, we should not be so prideful, as many of our self-proclaimed scientists are today, to think we are the very first to ever do that in the universe (lol).

When I was young I attended a Bill Gotthard seminar and was enthralled by his "character studies" of animals.

Ancient stories wove together many forms of knowledge and in ways that are foreign to us now. It's still fascinating to separate out all of the various threads again. The modern world is increasingly out-of-touch with that ancient mindset.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

I'm just here shooting the breeze with the rest of you at this point.


the stuff I write here, I'd be embarassed to present it in such a format
for a university or international conference.

Have lots of fun with some conversations however.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

but as the product of an ET analysis, not only of the physical properties of our planet and solar system, but also its many life forms.

you don't think that common human neurology as influenced by natural
fields and the architecture of the space-time continuum itself
could have massaged our nervous systems to show a common
'mythological core' in all humans?

Let's say that the 'gods' were 'boltzmann brains' embedded
in spacetime, would there have to have been any sort of
physical visitation?

Even if such hypothetical critters did not consciously try
to influence anyone.. just the resulting 'waves' might
have had a 'seeding type of influence' on sentience
in general.

I don't feel there is any need to be so 'nuts and bolts'
with theories like this.

I mean, gnostics might wave around the ENNIAD for
example, or even the demiurge, in language that
a quantum physicist would understand.

Just 'having fun jawing'


posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Brainstorming is good. Until a couple of posts ago, it had never occurred to me that ET might just be indulging in a trip down memory lane by creating mankind. Why not?

The people I've known over the years that thought of themselves as geniuses shared a tendency to use their brains to avoid work (lol). I can appreciate wanting to avoid unnecessary work, but avoiding all work is a character fault.

Shortcuts like Wormholes, Akashic Records and Boltzmann Brains are attractive to the type of intelligence that thinks it is too smart for labor. Also popular are things like "Free Energy" and "Free Lunch". Unfortunately, it looks like space travel and colonization is hard, even for those that have been at it for millions of years.

Another increasingly popular shortcut is the use of psychoactive substances. Why do hard work if you can just access everything through an altered state of consciousness? I guess it's worth a shot (lol), but I'm not volunteering to be a guinea pig. I'm killing myself fast enough already (lol). That said, there is an aspect of shamanistic use of "sex, drugs and rock-n-roll" that defies explanation. How did they learn to make ayahuasca in the first place? It's a complicated process and probably not one that could have been discovered a priori or even by coincidence. However, if someone (like ET) chemically analyzed enough plants, they would determine which ones contained psychoactive properties, such as D-M-T, and how to isolate/extract it. This type of knowledge might also have been a part of ancient man's "care package" from ET. And, if so, then it arguably must have been considered of some value to mankind.

Other aspects of Myth are even more difficult to appreciate now. Why was there so much emphasis on "fate" and "recursion"? Were these memes from the "starter kit" that simply devolved into superstition over time and repeated trauma? The commitment to incest is another one of those tragic misapplications. Controlled incest among animals is a part of creating a "new breed". Pure breeds have unique qualities but usually also have their peculiar weaknesses. Nature doesn't prohibit incest among humans, but as practiced by royalty it served to perpetuate harmful mutations, a.k.a., "the royal sickness". After "The Fall", mankind seems to have known only enough to be dangerous (haha). There was the memory of a more advanced and enlightened time, i.e., the "charmed and coddled childhood" of modern humans, but the ability to reproduce it was gone or at least gone awry.

"Power to the Protons, Free the Electrons, Walk Away From Your Atomic Bombs!!"
edit on 1-3-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

Boltzmann Brains are attractive to the type of intelligence that thinks it is too smart for labor.

Just an FYi, when I wrote up a boltzmann brain theory
for a paid 'occult scientist' he'd never considered the

So hardly a 'lazy' idea, it's an uncommon one.

Tromping around to compare animal-headed men from one
culture, and comparing them to animal-headed men from
another culture, is to me --- "uninspired" at best.

Most mythologists I've known either say:

1) The aliens who seeded humanity were animal headed
(downside to that theory: no evidence for that).

2) 'Primitive' man admired the traits of animals, and wished
for them to 'rub off on them' (why a Lakota Sioux might wear
a bearskin for example).

I find both explanations lackluster.

One man's 'lazy' is another man's 'brilliant' and vice-versa.

That said, there is an aspect of shamanistic use of "sex, drugs and rock-n-roll" that defies explanation.

I have never tried drugs more than aspirin. In Yoga, you tune the controls inherent
in the body, that can communicate with disparte types of intelligences
(in your body) and, if you go 'all the way', there are even more interesting

But that's a good question -- it's also an appeal to incredulity The 'lazy' answer to that
is that ancient peoples (modern ones too) stick random crap in thier bodies to hope
it has a positive effect. I mean, people take horse medicine and attribute magical
properties to it in the USA. It's also an appearl to irreducible complexity..
I mean, the first 'version' of the psychotropic only gavae a buzz.. then if you then 'zag'
after 'zigging' it has this additional effect. Evolution works that way.. most things
are evolution, and very seldom does design need to be invoked.

Why was there so much emphasis on "fate" and "recursion"?

It quells unrest caused by not knowing how to control your own fate
is the general answer.

But.. I had 'visions' of a 'kaleidoscope' stamping out worlds, when I was 8,
and had never read any mystical books. There COULD be a reason for it,
but it would not require 'aliens' in any way.

Now.. since you were a good sport and talked about Mythology,

and to let you know i'm not 'trying ot debunk you' or anyting negative
like that..

When i was about 14 I kept having nightmware about crododile-headed
men sucking fluids out of my body.

So... the mind is an interesting thing... did I accicentally see a picture of
Sobek in National Geographic? Or where did that image come from.

Those dreams launched me on a path, to understand 'Evil' (capital E intended)
and in some ways led me to who I am today?

National Geographic in 1969? Something else?

I saw a 'gray alien' looking thing in 1981, many year before 'communion'.
Where did that image come from? It should not have been possible to see
that.. Whitley Strieber hadn't invented it yet. But see it, in normal waking
consciousness I did.. well, 'excited' normal waking consciousness anyway.

People think that I'm a materialist... I'm really not... a reductionist.. I'm
really not.. I like to think that i give everyting a fair shake, as we don't
know everything yet.. hell.. even gravity is a real problem in physics..

All that said, simple answers are often the correct one. And many of
those answers are discernable with high-school level science...

I do love the topic of archetypal images..
edit on 1-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Well, this is probably a better use of time than listening to Biden brag about the millions of pills that Big Pharma is producing for us around the clock. Talk about a chakra khan buzz killer!

One of my biggest gripes about the Ancient Aliens series is that they don't produce anything other than videos. It would be awesome if they could codify many of the subject areas that are covered. But, they probably won't, because then they would have to stop making more videos of the same stuff over and over (lol).

How about we make our own list of all the ways that ET cares so much about humans. Here's a start:

1) Teaching us right, as a joke. ("The Kung Pow Corollary")

2) Making us despise each other by giving different groups distinct languages, each with a complete grammar. Human languages have non-organic aspects.

3) Cluttering human culture with the Imprinting of useless information in the form of religions, such as cosmology. ET cares about cosmology, humans not so much. The obsession with stars would not have arisen organically, i.e., as an inherent aspect of evolution. Primitive humans should have been obsessed only with terrestrial matters and survival. Head down, not head up!

4) Causing confusion through transmission of mutually exclusive universal branches of philosophy, e.g., Transcendentalism/Aristotle-ism (Thought/Mind over Matter), Empiricism (Model and Test), Skepticism, Pantheism, Neo-Platonism/Monism, Dualism, Atheism, Humanism, Hermeticism, Sophism, Deism, Theism, Gnosticism, Hedonism and Nihilism. Forms of all of these schools (and more) existed fairly early in human civilization and are likely another legacy of ET influence. (Yes, there are probably things that are unknowable even by the most advanced intelligences, such as what is going on in other galaxies (like Andromeda) and even other universes, if there is such a thing. Humans have little use for any of these ideas. But, because the mysteries of the universe are important to ET, ET is determined for it also to be important to earthlings. Seems like a losing battle.)

5) Giving the most elaborate mythology to a people (the Greeks) that are ridiculed for having no history of their own.

6) Trying to instill the idea that diversity matters. There is more than one way to speak and think. Monoculture is badong. Humans don't appreciate this. We prefer to only grow one type of potato. We prefer to make quick profits not slow prophets.

Ok, I'm being rather facetious, but you get the idea. Humanity is all messed up, but it's only because ET cares enough to give us the very best "space junk" (haha). Lord, help us to endure our blessings!

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: CharlesNPope


The way you presented that, made it look 100% that all
this madness is human-originated & generated.

I couldn't have made a better case.

Well, other than this.

The obsession with stars would not have arisen organically, i.e., as an inherent aspect of evolution.

I 100% disagree with that. The obsession with stars (the 'stars WERE the gods to many ancient
mystery schools/peoples).. not organics from the stars. the stars themselves.

The 7 pole stats, as overserved for 52,000 years or so due to the precession of the equinoxes
fed mythology.. the Egyptians documented 2 such occurrances (supposedly).

(pole star not going below the horizon, always being there.. made them 'greater gods').
but yes, ever 26,500 year or whatever there was a new 'god' (pole star).

Welcome to 'real mythology'.

You must admit that the milky weight galaxy ecliptic is awe inspiring, and without light
pollution was very bright.. and made huge impressions on early man.

it might have fed their sense of wonder, which evolved the brain.. possibly even pushing
it to full sentience...

it's the human animal interacting with the environment that causes evolution,
not 'aliens' in all great likelyhood.

Now.. were there sentiences that possibly helped shape the 'noosphere'...
to use a really crappy term... not entirely out of the question.

As said before, they needn't even have been on our planet.

All indications being, that real 'warp drive' may not be doable for most
technological species, or maybe any of them.

So dealing with the vast separation might well take different directions..

I know there's a bit of an element of 'sparring' at play here. ..but hopely
being friendly and having fun is more the motivation.. it is for me.

I can go decades without having a real conversation.

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear


I no longer have a god in the fight (lol).

The night sky would have been a curiosity to ancient humans for sure, but I can't see them ever catching on to precession without external prompting. It has absolutely no value to an earthling. Left to our own devices, we certainly wouldn't have had any need or motivation to build a structure to track lunar standstills. The symbolic conception of constellations also had little correlation to anything useful to an earthling. These were things important to space-faring races, not to an earth-bound species. No way we invested the resources necessary to build the Great Pyramid totally on our own initiative. Like an "ugly duckling" we were imprinted by ET. And, of what benefit has that been to humans thus far? We seem to exist for someone else's pleasure, not our own. Are they up there (or down here) reminiscing about the time when the Ursa Minor and Draco civilizations were once locked in a cold war of mutual assured destruction? Isn't it way cool to see that re-enacted on Earth? Isn't that what video gamers now like to do, as well? Boredom in Space (or Suburbia) could make you do some crazy stuff (lol). I don't see ancient man having enough "free time" on their hands to care about outer space. Very few humans care about it even now (haha). That's not the type of consciousness they're looking for.
edit on 2-3-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

We seem to exist for someone else's pleasure, not our own.

So when I went through the hardcore 'kundalini mastery'
process, I learned what humans are, how it works, and
for whom's pleasure we exist, and our 'function'.
(answer: not 'aliens' per se at all.. but it's hard to
describe in words).

After 'soul death' and 'physical death' you learn these

I don't talk about the details really... I can't 'prove it'
(I could.. but few people want to experience soul
and physical death to verify).

But anyway, all that was simply said to show that I
actually agree with your quoted statement.

I don't want to argue the details EXCESSIVELY,
as of course, as it is with such experiences (right or
wrong mind you), I''ve been burnded by fire.. so
if someone wants to waggle their tonge about having read
about fire.. it's not likely to mean much to me.
(that's the problem with 'religion' of course; to some
degree it's unavoidable).

Not saying that I'm not maybe wrong. And there's
always fun and interesting things to learn from
others.. But it's why I don't push my 'personal
religion' based only on non-verbal 'real' events
on anyone else.

"Life is a group project" and all ya know.

I guess I'll just leave it at that for the moment..
but anything you ever want to discuss, would
be my pleasure.

Even if I jerk your chain a bit. You may also
jerk mine.

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: CharlesNPope
Left to our own devices, we certainly wouldn't have had any need or motivation to build a structure to track lunar standstills.

Speak for yourself, I'm the kind of person that would do that.

I'm always looking for things around me and trying to understand them and find patterns that can help in the process.

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: ArMaP

Give this blogger a star!!

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

I nearly universally star him. He's rational. and still
manages not to be mean to loony people like me.
(I actually view myself as sane-ish, but the insane
person can seldom see it.. so it's often better to
just admit to something to get it off the table
and at least be likable and approachable).

edit on 2-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 06:07 PM
So here's one for the thread...

A lot of (non-wackadoodle) scientists say that our Universe seems
to act like a Quantum Computer. There's a lot of debate about it.
But it's a very valid question, with much brighter minds than mine
in favor of the notion.

Now.. let's not ask if we re in a simulation or not.. and throw in
gnosticism at this juncture.. that's a valid subject and all.. but
i'm leaning somewhere else for this one response.

So, if I were to say "blah blah blah quantum mechanics... blah
blah blah boltzman brains blah blah blah"

then people's eyes would glaze over or they would say that it's
unfalsifiable (probably true at present)... etc.

that would go nowhere.

But as an example of our 'mythological centers'..

If I wrote a couple sentences about our Universe
acting like a quantum computer (whether it is or not
is up for debate.. but at the very leat it somewhat
(at a minmum) acts like it might be)...
then ask this question..

"If the Universe is a quantum computer, might it
be infected with a computer virus"?

Now that question in those exact terms, struck
MY 'mythological center' anyway.

When I lay dead for quite a while, after all the heat
drained out of my body from the toees upward..
until I lost the ability for consciousness...

awareness still remianed... (science Kevin says
my brain steam / RAS was likely still alive and
I'd not suffered too much oxygen loss yet)

I saw something.

Damndest thing.

But what I saw, makes that question I just asked
ring me like a bell.

I have no idea if others feel a 'hit' from that question,
or if it's just me.

Maybe you need something from nature, something visual
as one of the components, or you don't feel that 'realer
than real' 'hit' from the 'mythological core' of humans.

Just a thought.

edit on 2-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Quantum effects apparently do exist in nature. I personally cannot confirm nor deny. Quantum (Mechanics/Computing/Entanglement) is a buzz word right now, so of course people are going to let their imaginations go wild with the idea. But, maybe those brainy Arcturians figured out how to make quantum computers eons ago and then also genetically encoded quantum effects/computing into a biological brain. That seems reasonably to be within the reach of a civilization that is millions of years ahead of ours.

A related subject is: If quantum entanglement is real and perhaps the result of some of the unfathomably violent phenomenon in the universe, then it seems there must be a "cost" of that entanglement in terms of a lingering attractive force. Maybe quantum entanglement is even a component of the missing Dark Force/Energy that scientist theorize, but can't measure.

Stars Above!! We are definitely in the Twilight Zone now. But, it's only because ET cares (lol). Shout out to our always generous sponsors, whoever they may be. We've been picked up for another year. A toast to the host with the most holy ghost. Prost.

"Power to the Protons. Free the Electrons. Walk Away From Your Atomic Bombs."

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

I"ll have to look into 'Arcturians'.

I don't know if it was Russia's UFO jesus, the CIA
or someone else who first created this meme
of 'Arcturians'.

You can sometimes track these diseased-thinking
vectors on the internet and through the
to the original disinformation masters.

I did it with '' with their
vast claims.. it wasn't even hard.

PS: I realized that I may have offended you,
if I have, I didn't mean to. You said that you
'had no god in this game' a couple times,
and you seemed to be more interested
in 'ancient aliens' than a new age channeling


edit on 2-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Arcturians, associated with the Dwarf Galaxy Sagittarius and the Constellation of Bootes, are the "Joseph" ET race, and represented by Ptah, Ea, Enki, etc. They favor mammalian rather than reptilian biology, but they've got their issues too (lol). I'm currently not speaking with any of them, like they care (haha)!

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

What you outline has actually been well researched and has a theory about human psychological development( developed by humans not aliens as far as I know) and mental evolution over time, relating to the whole and the individual, classifying memes similar to what you mention. It’s called Spiral Dynamics

In fact, it's got the psychological developmental memes neatly color-coded You might want to check it out. There is a learning curve in it but it’s not nuclear or theoretical physics.


Spiral Dynamics describes how value systems and worldviews emerge from the interaction of "life conditions" and the mind's capacities.[9] The emphasis on life conditions as essential to the progression through value systems is unusual among similar theories, and leads to the view that no level is inherently positive or negative, but rather is a response to the local environment.[10] Through these value systems, groups and cultures structure their societies and individuals integrate within them. Each distinct set of values is developed as a response to solving the problems of the previous system. Changes between states may occur incrementally (first order change) or in a sudden breakthrough (second order change).[11] The value systems develop in a specific order, and the most important question when considering the value system being expressed in a particular behavior is why the behavior occurs.[12]

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Value systems (and pretty much everything else) have been imposed upon humanity by the institution of royalty. ET has allowed this institution to proceed largely unchecked and unchallenged for millennia. There's nothing spiral about it. It's just old school, top-down, bully-ball dominance!! Only the American phenomenon combined with the devastating effects of sustained extreme inbreeding by royals forced a modification of the ruling paradigm. But, it still isn't a very adaptive, innovative or inclusive system. It's still occult-driven in its strategies for full-spectrum dominance.
edit on 2-3-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

You find the words of channelers credible?

Just FYI, I have a tribe of pygmy unicorns that live up my
butt hole in hyperspace... those horns really chaffe me..
gives me roids.

And when I drop into my creative mind and listen to ''them'
I can spew forth endless platitudes and beautiful poetry

Perhpas I should write a book about it. It would probably
sell just as well as any of the others, and provide just
as much help for a hurting human race as all the rest.

I mean no offense to you wtih this response.. let's just
call it a metaphor.

I'm extremely familiar with channelers, and the mechanisms
involved. Visited some in person.. now that turned out rather
amusingly and informatively..

Thanks for the info!

edit on 2-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I'm just messing with you, Kev, chill out (haha). I don't need to channel anything. Like I said before, there has already been a reasonably complete disclosure of ET history and current activity. We have simply chosen to ignore it. Perhaps ET is messing with us too. Not like we can do anything about it.

"We don't know ... but we've been told"

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