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I guess we get to see if they are real and care .

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posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: Proto88

What has happened here on Earth takes "tough love parenting" to a whole 'nuther level. Every kid is different, but we must be one bad apple to deserve this endless torture. It may be time to re-evaluate our thoughts on God. If we're going to make it, we need to be better than our ancestors and our gods. Can we do it? I don't know, but it's called initiative!
edit on 27-2-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

It may be time to re-evaluate our thoughts on God.

Typically, people are indoctrinated when young, to follow
their culture. Religion is also culture.

Now god concepts are merely idealized projections of both
the best and the worst of human nature.

If any god or gods actually exist, one could hardly
perceive them, through the fog of the tortured
human psyche that created all of those concepts.

It's the human concepts which are the most toxic
part of the 'ghost in the machine', not misunderstood
aspects of nature.

We have created our own nightmwares, and kill each
other in their names.

Our physical evolution has allowed all this 'software
toxicity' to build up in our species.

Whether non-human intelligence exist or not, whether
non-human intelligence affects us or not, by far,
the largest villain in all of this, is humanity itself
and it gets poisoned by all it's failed thinking.


posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Does ET care to stop the madness, or not? This is the question. The only thing that is certain (from our perspective) is what has already occurred. For thousands of years, life on Earth has been dominated by royal culture and ET did not significantly intervene to stop the excesses and cruelties of that culture, if at all. We were all "owned" by the institution of royalty, directly or indirectly. They pretended to care about "we the subjects", but only so far as we adequately served them. And, when we didn't show pleasant enthusiasm or when there were just plain too many of us, then they thinned the herd or marched it into the wilderness. They were "playing God" and God/gods didn't stop them.

Is the Royal Age now over, or has it simply morphed into something else that is just as oppressive and just as entrenched? If ET didn't care to intervene before, why should they now? In fact, the last notable intervention was the so-called Great Flood that ended the last Ice Age. If that is the precedent, then we should expect something similar to happen again. It could be argued that the traumatic end of the last Ice Age had nothing at all to do with ET (other than perhaps that they knew it was coming), but was a natural and inevitable event. In other words, ET cared enough to not intervene and therefore they allowed a nearly total reset of human existence on the planet by default. And, if they did save anyone, it was a small group that quickly deputized themselves as the new masters of the world.

If a still volatile Planet Earth is such a hostile place for weak, sensitive, quasi-intelligent humanity, then why were we put here in the first place. Exactly. And, if the act of (certain) gods "taking flesh" was a "great sin", then why do they keep doing it again and again? Is obedience really what they are about, or is rebellion the higher virtue? Do the beatings continue until we finally have enough? Is the mantra of "live free or die" the only one that ET respects? It seems extreme.

The Book of Genesis first declares that the creation of mankind was good. It soon thereafter declares the opposite. Strangely, humanity is neither rehabilitated nor allowed to go the way of the dinosaurs. Instead, our lifespans, abilities and intrinsic value is reduced as if to the level of "biological stock." We were placed in a type of biological probation or purgatory and our numbers kept closely in check. But, now as we approach the next expected convulsion of Planet Earth, human population has been allowed to grow exponentially and knowledge permitted to increase just as rapidly. And all this seemingly only to set up another blockbuster disaster movie. ET only cares enough to ensure that nobody panics (before it's time to panic). That might ruin the plot. Sheesh!!

I can't see how any amount of philosophizing can rationalize any of this mess. I was young when I began this quest, and now I'm old. We don't know, but we've been told ...

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

You may think that I'm close-minded about 'extra-terrestrial intelligence'.

Well, I first encountered something most people would take that way
when I was a child, over 50 years ago.

I've encountered this very thing, periodically, a number of times over
the years..

Sometimes with strong physical effects associated.

It took me decades to understand what it was, what it wasn't, and how
to differentiate between human concepts, my own biases, and what
might remain after all that.

So.. far more open-minded than you might expect.

But what you are saying sounds mightily similar to

From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race Kindle Edition
by Andrew Collins

and hundreds of similar books.

I don't find any value in any of those interpretations... but I note that a lot
of people have been 'infected' by this and similar sets of ideas.

I don't see the slightest evidence these sets of theories have ever helped
anyone.. or could possibly help anyone.

Though if nothing else, I certainly concur that human 'nobility' has used
a variet of similar concepts to control their subjects.

I also suspect, when we might get that 'alien contact',
what form it would take, and in general when it might occur.
It's nothing anyone has ever written about..

As I said.. I'm very open minded; pretty versed in mythology, and
understand why someone might create a bread-trail, incorrectly,
in this manner.

But anyway.. nobody died and made me god.. I wish you the very


posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:13 AM
I think those hoping for any intervention will be disappointed. If they were going to step in, why didn't they stop Hiroshima and Nakasaki?

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: ArMaP

I have watched 100's of videos of these "objects" filmed all over earth and one approaching our moon. Their signature seems consistent.

So why are you taking us down the path that ET doesn't exist?

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

ET, by definition, has to exist. But, it takes two to tango (lol). There is a growing interest in ET among humans, so it's frustrating that the interest isn't being reciprocated. Maybe they are interested, but doing things on their own schedule. Not much can be done about that.

There has been a lot of excellent research into ancient history, mythology, etc., etc. I don't discount prior work. What I've provided is simply an improved framework to piece all of that prior work together. When I started with this I truly believed that it mattered. And now that I've done something useful, I'm no longer sure that it does matter (haha). Anyway, I put that out there for everyone and especially for a new generation that deserves a chance.

I came to ATS because of Mark Creighton's forum:

He graciously put up a thread to allow me to express some ideas related to his work.

If someone would like to do that on this forum, we could have a "meet and greet" here too! My bio is posted on Amazon:

This is not a marketing venture. I do very little of that. I take the ET approach. If you aren't interested, that's your prerogative. All my books are hosted on Google and are set with a very high review percentage. I would set it at 100%, but that would likely cause an issue with both Google and Amazon.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

Advanced life-forms will save us, if we as a species deserves a second chance.

The Director of National Intelligence (2020) says the military and governments of the world are afraid and perplexed by these visitors, because their intent is unknown, and technology is far beyond ours.

Maybe that's a GOOD thing. If mankind believes we're on our own, we won't get too crazy. Or maybe not, lol. Time will tell!

edit on 2/28/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: vlawde
I think those hoping for any intervention will be disappointed. If they were going to step in, why didn't they stop Hiroshima and Nakasaki?

Perhaps there aren’t enough Benevolent Aliens and Craft to prevent all the possible launches in the Northern Hemisphere? Perhaps all that’s possible is a massive Alien generated EMP or based on their technologies, that will disable all Nuclear weapons in the Northern Hemisphere at the same time…..or a total Northern Hemisphere electric grids Black Out.

Your correct…Aliens were No Shows for Hiroshima and Nagasaki…and that was when there may have been a low number of unused Atomic weapons in the beginning’s of producing a Nuclear stockpile. Now there are many more….more than Aliens can handle…I assume.

And then, what of Malevolent Aliens? Who are sitting back eating human popcorn just watching this all play out to their enjoyment?

Here is a simulation scenario of an all out Nuclear War…..

Source: Getting Back on Track to Zero Nuclear Weapons

Note……The Chinese and lessor Nuclear powers aren’t factored in…in this particular Simulation…..imagine adding them in…

edit on 28-2-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I'm sure that the ET presence must be quite disturbing to the control freaks of the world. This also appears to be why even the elites attempt to justify their actions (when they can't hide them). There is at least the possibility that our actions have accountability to something.

Yet, the "doctrine of original sin" (born in sin, etc.) seems to take the concept too far. Why the guilt trip? Why is humanity being held guilty until proven innocent? Is this just a psychological ploy for control purposes? Or, are we the "creation" being blamed for the work of our own "creator"? According to the Gnostics, at least, the problem lies with the creator/"demiurge". Which, then, begs the question, do we really want to know our true origins? Do we really want to go looking for demons under every rock? Eventually, we find one!

Just how much creative baggage is there on this planet? If the "good guys/gals" aren't really in charge, but more like "influencers", then who is?

I feel like we're living in the long-awaited sequel to the movie Kung Pow. "We were trained wrong as a joke!"
edit on 28-2-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

When I started with this I truly believed that it mattered. And now that I've done something useful, I'm no longer sure that it does matter (haha). Anyway, I put that out there for everyone and especially for a new generation that deserves a chance.

I love honesty.

When I was young, I burned to 'make a difference', but when i became older
and various wounds within me healed, I realized that my 'burning' was due to
personal issues, and that in fact it was (nearly) irrelevant whehter I passed
on my research or not.

People need the next step from where THEY are, not from where YOU
are.. that's what most 'mana personalities' miss.

but yes.. I'm thinking of participating in a university archive system for
post grad student research on such topics.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: carewemust

In Star Trek, a species has to invent warp drive, before they are
considered stable enough to 'meet the neighbors', or at least
they will be out there and making trouble, so it rather forces
the issue.

It's an interesting concept.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

Is this just a psychological ploy for control purposes?

Blame 'Saint' Augustine for the most evil invention of the
human race, worse than the atomic bomb.

convice billions of humans that they are pure garbage
from birth, before they had ever done 'good or evil'
and only you can save them,

and you own them. That's humans owning humans..
it's a form of psychological rape.

Now... all that said.. despite the fact I harp on human
factors as being enough of an explanation..

One could postulate that any 'aliens' that contacted
humanity would likely be criminals,

as humans are busy desttroying themseles, they don't
need any help.. we are always on the brink..

It' almost like space aliens (if any.. mind you I'm leaving
Much unsaid.. just having fun with the concept here)

are rather like Alien Democrats.. lots of rules about
protecteing us in our zoo.. but won't step in due to
'let evolution play out.. it's not our place'..

while the criminals don't care about 'the good guys'
pretty morals at all.

Just a way to view this...

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I suppose that having your "eyes opened" and becoming "as the gods" might suggest a transcendence over the binary thinking of "good and evil" and toward the state of no longer being accountable to anything other than one's own self. Uh, yeah, we aren't quite there yet (lol). In the Enuma Elish, the command is given for the plebs to merely recite their "Creation Story". They aren't expected to actually understand it, but they are required to memorize it just the same.

In my research I've tried to avoid too much philosophizing and imposing personal judgments. I'm really only beginning to process the significance of the new framework. Again, the point was not to invalidate the efforts of others, but to achieve a much more coherent picture of what is currently just a jumble of myths and bible stories, and which generally allows people (and especially rulers) to spin things however they wish. There is a discernible consistency across time, locations and cultures. It's a good starting place. Science may eventually confirm or deny the validity of ancient knowledge, but science has also become a problem in itself. This Covid thing has demonstrated how beholden science is to the Deep State.

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 01:19 PM
Let's put it this way: If a nuke hits Nato Brussels.... feel free to delete my account here afterwards.

So if they are out there I sincerely hope they will intervene in time! (but I doubt it....)

Thanks for this thread, I was waiting for one like this but just now came across it. Where do you track ufo sightings online? Is there some sort of almost-live map out there?

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

Well, in the tradition I came from originally, the 'gods'
where considered to be fools, who had learned to
unnaturally prolong their lives, and to gain a certain
mastery over illusion.

It was the brave 'yoga master', sage or rishi, depending
on the term you wish to use, who was 'enlightened'
not the gods.

In fact the 'gods' are the ones in need of 'salvation'
and can only do so, through their adventures in
the entropic realms.. and generally only if they
are fortune enough to meet an actual 'sage'.

One might take this sort of story, and put it in terms
similar to say, Star Trek the motion picutre if one
wished.. or 'digitial' or 'quantum' computitng systems
seeking the creativity of an organic (retro) analog
computing system.

Just another way to tell a story..

Who knows if there is any truth in such fanciful


And if it were true.. would it be helpful to humans
to be aware of such a scenario?

Probaby not.

Look at the book / movie series, "Childhood's End".

Meeting such an intelligence would destroy the
human race, UNLESS one were close to being
peers of such an intelligence.



posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

I've tried to avoid too much philosophizing and imposing personal judgments.

Do you acknowledge, that most, if not all 'fringe researchers' first decide
what they want to be true, then 'reverse engineer it', mangling facts to
fit the theory post facto?

I'm not saying you are doing that, but what' your opinion on my statement

Let's look at a similar issue.

I had a buddy who was convinced that an alien AI had crashed on Earth,
and was behind all the tom foolery, and also the 'explosion of human
intelligence' about 70,000 years ago.

Ok.. so fair enough.. it's a theory.

But if he hadn't already had huge sympathies about Alienz,
would he truly have looked at the evidence and come up
with that as the MOST LIKELY explanation?

I think not.

For example increased nutrition through the horticulturist
phase.. and lots of meat.. plus nomadic humans now
living in villages...

the brain had both the fuel and the necessity to gain
more complexity (to keep track of the social pecking

that sort of thing..

EASILY is a better, less fantastic explanation..

(not saying it's right.. just a good stab at it).

But you can't make a living at UFO conferences
with that.. and that sort of theory does not
feed the ache inside of yourself to know
the great mysteries and to conquer them.

What are your thoughts?


edit on 28-2-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: typo

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I had a major stroke in 2009 from sports concussions. Not knowing what I had felt as crazy energy inside me when I was in three hospitals for 32 consecutive days in 2009 I witnessed over 12 people die. I also could tell who was next up deck as they made a choice and you could see it in their eyes and face. I simply thought the crazy energy that I felt now and then was just part of the stroke.

So my father in law dies in 2011 and the crazy energy was felt that morning of his death at lunch approximately 10 hours after he passed. It was also in the exact same location in my body

My opinion I felt his soul. My sister in law also felt it and the Catholic Diocese of Charleston also supports my statement. I have not felt it since. However, I can sense the energy in buildings now and then. It is infrequent but the last was in 2021.

In a live person I felt it last May 2021, the only time in my life. We still communicate. She said that she can feel a persons energy. Well so can I but its limited as in only her. I saw an MD and the Church. They both mentioned a past life.

This stuff gets super interesting

edit on 28-2-2022 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Stories similar to yours, existed a thousand years
before the Abrahamic faiths began.

I'm not disputing that there is 'something' to
such stories. I've had similar stories of my

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Too many are way more than a coincidence.

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