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I guess we get to see if they are real and care .

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posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: ArMaP

I have my opinion. You have yours. I also know that God exists and that we live on as pure energy after we pass. Thanks for your time.

The Real Story Behind "21 Grams"

……” The April 1907 issue of American Medicine featured a paper by Dr. Duncan Macdougall describing his experiment whereby the beds of dying patients were placed on a sensitive balance. Believe it or not, he was trying to weigh the human soul! The paper was titled “Hypothesis Concerning Soul Substance Together with Experimental Evidence of The Existence of Such Substance.” Macdougall of Haverhill, Massachusetts placed six dying patients on the specially constructed balance and concluded that at the moment of death there was a loss in weight of about three quarters of an ounce, or 21 grams. He had previously determined the weight loss attributed to evaporation of moisture form the skin, and by comparison this was sudden and much larger. He even controlled for weight loss due to urine and fecal eliminations and concluded that these could not account for the change in weight. Air loss from the lungs was not the answer either, as he determined by lying on the scale himself and noting that breathing had no effect on weight. After weighing his six patients, Macdougall went to work on dogs. How he got his hands on 15 dying dogs is not clear, but he found no weight loss at the moment they expired. He wasn’t surprised of course because he didn’t think dogs had souls. No one since has confirmed Macdougall’s findings but the movie “21 Grams” was based on this idea.”…..

And then there’s this…..on the flip side

…..” Does energy have weight?
No, energy doesn't have weight. It can have momentum but it does not have weight. However, if you use Einstien's theory of relativity E = mc^2, energy can be translated into mass equivalent.”…..

The question is, I guess…..Is the spirit Energy or something else?


posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

I posted this thread on this.

"Aliens or Second coming? Its gotta be one of them. Please."

edit on 02223328America/ChicagoSun, 27 Feb 2022 14:04:33 -060004202200000033 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Using that theory did they ET possibly develop us from Apes and now they see in us as people the apes have an angry gene so here we are. So with all things cattle mutilation are they developing an new man hybrid with a cow?

Think about it. Cows are vegans [check] Cows are docile [check] Cows outgass CO2 [oh oh]

You ever been chased across a field by a herd of angry cows?

Lol...yes, I have.

I'm speculating that any ET civilization...capable of interstellar travel, has a long list of human civilizations, from various star systems, that have perished in the past because of nuclear armageddon.

So I'm sure that they (ET's that travel here) are quite concerned about any planet that has achieved nuclear capabilities.

Even though I forewarned Putin last week (because I had to pull out all the stops) --- here on an ATS thread, because I know Putin is a UFO buff --- about the threat possibility of a ET alien invasion to fight for Ukrainian national independence. We really don't need any type of violent invasion of sorts from ET.

What NATO really a visual non-violent threat from ET, that will scare the bejesus out of the Russian conquerors; so much that they'll sh#t there pants, before turning tail and hightailing themselves back to Russia.

A visual threat display...that would entail just a single foo fighter --- all decked-out in it's invincible, fiery plasma glory --- would probably be sufficient in convincing the Russkies not to tread where foo fighters have been seen. And I might add...having ET turn-off every nation's nuclear weapon capabilities ---- Would be greatly appreciated!!!

Just my .02


posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: Erno86

I'm speculating that any ET civilization...capable of interstellar travel, has a long list of human civilizations, from various star systems, that have perished in the past because of nuclear Armageddon.

So could it be Mars 2.0 ?
edit on 27-2-2022 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: ArMaP

I have my opinion. You have yours.

I couldn't agree more, I just don't like when people present their opinions as if they are confirmed facts.

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Ravenwatcher
How do we tell the difference between aliens/UFO's and secret, undisclosed Black-Ops technology?

One way would be for them to fly in a way that defies the laws of physics as we know them.

Perhaps we have been told we haven't figured out yet. Some people believe the government keeps secrets....

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

If there is any credence in Scott Creighton's work, a pole flip is in our foreseeable future and will basically become the "Great Reboot". If any humans survive, they will effectively be starting from scratch. I suppose civilization could restart more easily if mankind is a "multi-planet" species at the time of such a catastrophe. But, only if we plan for the eventuality of having no functioning infrastructure on the ground to assist. And even if it isn't a pole flip, there are many other world-ending scenarios of human, earthly and extraterrestrial causes. We have more potential assassins that JFK and Tupac put together! Who shot ya??

Our "alien overlords" appear to be comfortable with danger, conflict and even warfare. That is their own culture and legacy. So, we shouldn't necessarily expect an intervention. They somehow survived Galactic Armageddons and require that we somehow also "do or die".

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: AcrobaticDreams

When I finished the 'spiritual path' I was on, it utterly broke me...
functionally killed me. When I finsihed my 'ufo research' it utterly
broke me... it did turn out that both were actually the same thing..
It's actually as you say.. people don't want 'real disclosure'.. they
would claw their eyes out. They want sky daddies to swoop down
and rescue them from 2 million years of iffy evolution to become
a relatively insane apex predator, bent on destruction.

It's not easy to reprogram 2 million years of evolution with
social conditioning.

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yes, there seems to be an "ugly compromise" between "good and evil" in our galactic neck-of-the-woods.

edit on 27-2-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: CharlesNPope
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yes, there seems to be an "ugly compromise" between "good and evil" in our galactic neck-of-the-woods.

Apparently true enough. Glad you used quotes.

Of course the human capacity for self-deception is infinite,
which colors everything that we do.

Probably 99% of 'good' and 'evil' is nothing of the sort,
due to the biases and coloring we add to the edge

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

"Good and Evil" is a very much a loaded expression. I was pretty much "broken" already when I started my spiritual and ET research. Here's one of the ten books I wrote in the process of sorting it all out. Just updated it late last year (3rd Edition), and you can read most of it on-line:

We are not alone, but maybe we would rather be (lol).
edit on 27-2-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 07:07 PM
While very real and previously much more active, they have been largely eliminated and the only few left are the ones stuck here on earth (soon to be eliminated). I doubt they would intervene as in the past. They are struggling for their own survival and can no longer return to where they came from.

The reasoning is coming to pass, but in a nutshell they were responsible for much of the degeneracy and societal dysfunction, but also much of the technological advancement -- some of that is hand in hand. It will all be clear in the not too distant future, but this is the reason activity has appeared to drop off considerably over the last 20 years.

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Halfswede

I would tend to agree that the ET's that targeted Earth in its most recent past were refugees of sorts. More specifically, renewed interest in Earth seems to be associated with a catastrophe in nearby Orion, which had been dominated by Arcturus, Taurus (Pleiades) and Ares. Orion was only "delivered from evil" when one or more supernovae forced an evacuation. (“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” Job 38:31 KJV). It was an archetypal Exodus scenario in which a remnant made it to the "Promised Land" of Earth, but were faced with the task of driving out existing powers first. The initial attempt at "Conquest" ended in failure (like the defeat of Joshua at Ai). The second attempt was a limited success, but itself nearly extinguished by the Younger Dryas impacts and cataclysmic end of the last Ice Age. The Enochic literature actually contains the memory of two "rebellions". Only the second one is endowed with any redeeming qualities.

Most intelligence in the galaxy is now non-biological. I don't know if AI is really an appropriate term, because our AI is nothing in comparison to what exists now in the cosmos. And, even before intelligence transcended biology, the predominant biology was that which originated around brown dwarf stars rather than main sequence stars such as our own. Life on Planet Earth is interesting but not of highest regard among the ET races. So, why did the gods desire to "take flesh"? I suppose it is still up for debate, even among ET's. It could be that the entire project will be shut permanently this time around. Would the knowledge of that cause a panic? It might.
edit on 27-2-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

WELL. At least you wrote up your thoughts..
so congrats on that.

Now very cursorily, There's a huge debate that no domesticated camels
even existed in Abraham's time and palce, so anything written about
Abraham would probably be pure nonsense. Of course there are many
other reasons to view that Abraham was either conflated or entirely

But this isn't a thread about higher textual criticism, so I will leave
things right there.

Now the thing about being 'broken' is an interested phenomenon.
In something like Zen, being 'broken' might be considered to be
something approaching Zen Satori.

Or you might just be broken.

In general, anything 'picked out of the void' is just plain

This is why we need science.

But anyway..we are off topic.

Again.. good job on writing.. it's not the easiest thing.


posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

There is more-or-less full disclosure of the ET presence on Earth and its evolution within the Milky Way Galaxy. World Mythologies and the Bible have preserved it in fairly extensive detail. We just haven't recognized it as such!

The ET's are "Cosmology Freaks and Geeks". Why should we be surprised, right?

The cosmological basis of the Abraham story is on three different levels. In the solar system, Abram/Abraham ("Exalted Father"/"Father of Multitude") is the planet Uranus ("Kingu") that once dominated the orbital milieu, but was essentially "beheaded" by an impact event and "buried" in the back of the solar system, but not without leaving behind a multitude of asteroids. In the Zodiacal (Olympian) realm of the Milky Way Galaxy, Abraham represents Orion, who was majestic in form but pussy-whipped by Sarah, i.e., the Pleiades. In the realm of the Northern (Titan) Constellations, Abraham represents Ursa Major, a large and handsome region that was reduced to servitude by the militancy of Cepheus and Draco.

Everything about the story of Abraham is dramatized mythology/cosmology. He is made out to be an Osiris figure who is sexually dead and has to have an heir (Horus) sired for him. But, rather than monopolizing his wife/queen, he actually submits to escorting her to the courts of eligible suitors. Despite the humiliation he persists until Sarah gets pregnant.

Historical Abraham belongs to the early 18th Dynasty in Egypt, which is rather late, so camels might not be totally out of the question. But, this is beside the point. All of the Biblical stories are full of anachronisms, or at least appear to be. That's because these stories were recycled over-and-over in the pharaonic age. The role that Abraham played was played at the beginning of each major kingdom (Old, Middle, New). It represents the phasing out of a tired, sterile kingly line and its replacement by a more potent one. It is the stock role of a gentle, learned and patronizing prince that gets rudely "checked into the boards" by an aggressive rival in order to found a new dynasty.

TPTB have always been committed to replaying the same old scripts that we find in the Bible and Mythology. It's all they know and it has served them well. As long as the various "players" stay in character (Trump as "Moses"/Ra, Biden as "Eliezer"/Osiris, etc.), the desired result is achieved, which generally means renewal of elite control. Have they lost the bubble? Time will tell, but the playbook looks the same to me. And, until such a time that ET gives us a new game plan, we might as well be a big fan. The next "Joshua"/Horus is coming folks. Most of us are goners, but, hey, let's hold a pep rally. Or, would the TPBP care to stop this "Ground Hog Day" charade and find another way to San Jose?
edit on 27-2-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope

You spin a respectable yarn

edit on 27-2-2022 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: CharlesNPope


Mythology is said to be 'realer than real'.

That said.

Building an exotic magic system by collating common
mythological threads as they have evolved,

is a pretty common thing these days. I've met somewhere
between dozens and hundreds of folks who have done this,
and all of them, for the most part, strongly disagree with
all the others.

You may gain value from understanding your particular
canvas you have painted, but few others may understand
it, or find value from it.

That's the thing.

If you wish to serve others, you need to create something
that strikes others in that mythological center, but at
the same time has positive utility for the best welfare
of the human species.

Most folks I have seen 'go up to the mountain' and only
benefit themselves, then rail against others, that they
don't understand.

I see it all over ATS forums and elsewhere. It's such a
common thing.

Now, I'm not judging your work per se.. I'm just
giving cursory feedback based upon being an old
man who has been around the block a whole buncha

Write whatever you want.

But what stokes the fire within you? What hole
do you seek to fill? Does it matter if you convince
others? if so, what does that say about you?

Just friendly conversation.

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: Halfswede

We've been trapped in a bad play from before the days of yarn (lol).

The stage is all set for the biggest and baddest production of them all, and there's been legion. We've got a new Israel. We've got a reconstituted Europe. We've got "Gog and Magog" stirring in the north. We've got a massive army rising in the East.

I know that this is how the TV Evangelists want it to go down. But, is this really how ET wants it to go down? And, is the Deep State committed to directing the show as usual?

Those that are about to die salute them!!
edit on 27-2-2022 by CharlesNPope because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 09:05 PM
Oh please, if they helped, we wouldn't take them or life seriously anymore. Plus, what usually happens when someone does to much for someone...they own them.
edit on 27-2-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 09:14 PM

originally posted by: Proto88
Oh please, if they helped, we wouldn't take them or life seriously anymore. Plus, what usually happens when someone does to much for someone...they own them.

Nicely said.

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