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ALERT - Covid-19 Booster Shots Begin Waning in Protection After Only 10 WEEKS.

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posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: carewemust

It will never be like canada, lets thank our republic for that, but the democrat rat holes the people are in big trouble.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 11:44 AM
If birth control pills worked like the vaccine,
there would be a whole lot more single mothers.

If birth control pills worked like the vaccine,
you would also have to wear a mask, a condom, social distance, and keep an aspirin between your knees at all times,
and you would still get pregnant.
edit on 18-2-2022 by sraven because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

LOL and so you are saying its not a vaccine, its a flu shot under a different name.

Also part of his job was to tell the president to stop saying those lies.

their terrible job of messaging is part of the reason in the future we will have a hell of a time getting people to vaccinate, a large part of that falls on Fauci.

Also if mask and distancing was so fricking important why were we allowed to crowd into big box stores, why is florida not one big graveyard, why are the places that had the strictest lockdowns at or near the top of the list for infections and death.

Why does his holiness saint fauci still push masking in elementary school, a demographic that runs minimal risk of infection and hospitalization.

No I wont pay much attention to that clown, I will listen to the doctors on the ground in the state I live in that can give me accurate information about the risks I face on a daily basis. Not some lab monkey that only comes out of his studies to bask in the praise of his acolytes.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: WraithOfEva777

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

We know for 100 percent certain that social distancing and masks wearing protect against airborn virus because they nuked flu season pretty much everywhere in the world that had a mandate, including infections caused by other coronavirus.

Mask wearing and social distancing have been so effective that there are fears that next flu season will be really bad because people will have less immunity to new flu strains because of this.

Dear God, how can you write this with a straight face?

Heres how it actually went:

Sane person: "Funny how flu has all but vanished since covid, isn't it?"

Unthinking parrot: "Yes, well that's because we had masks and social distancing and we sanitised our trollies"

Sane person: "But cases of covid are through the roof....."

You seem to be making the insane assumption that seasonal flu and Covid are equal in infectivity. They are not.

Historically, on the average, every person infected with seasonal flu passes it on to about 1.25 other individuals. Every person with the Delta variant of Covid passed it on to about 8 other individuals. If simple measures like mask wearing and distancing cut the transmission of communicable airborne diseases by only 25%, then people with flu would pass it on to less than one other person, on the average, and the flu outbreak would die out. Which it did.

Those same measures would mean that someone with the delta variant of Covid would pass it on to "only" 6 other people, on the average, and the Covid outbreak would continue to grow rather quickly. Which it did.

Basic mathematics of epidemic growth. You probably wouldn't understand.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 01:05 PM
There have been 78 million cases of covid in the US.
Using simple math, if each passed the disease to 8 people
then 624 million people have received covid.

That is twice the population of the US.

Hoorah. We have all been exposed and have natural immunity.

Pandemic over
take off your mask and party like it is 1999

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: sraven

Yep, see this logic is what makes pharma, CDC and criminal FDA upset, they do not want people think and add two and two.

They have an agenda to fulfill and by God they will get their profits going.

Covid is done, gone we all have been exposed variants are crap nothing but colds to pester us for now on.

But hey money was good, having all that power over people was good, making billionaires on the scaremongering was good.

Darn I am glad all that nonsense is all done with, in my state we have been normal for a year already, well beside hell hole democrat Atlanta.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: sraven

Yep, see this logic is what makes pharma, CDC and criminal FDA upset, they do not want people think and add two and two.

They have an agenda to fulfill and by God they will get their profits going.

Covid is done, gone we all have been exposed variants are crap nothing but colds to pester us for now on.

But hey money was good, having all that power over people was good, making billionaires on the scaremongering was good.

Darn I am glad all that nonsense is all done with, in my state we have been normal for a year already, well beside hell hole democrat Atlanta.

If each victim, transmitted the disease to eight other victims over the fourteen day incubation period,
then in 23 weeks (less than six months) 9,817,068,105 would have contracted the disease.
That is about a billion over the population of the planet.
And if it started in Wuhan in Oct 2019, then it spread to every person on the planet by April 2020
which coincidentally is when Fauci first recommended wearing masks.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: carewemust

This is NORMAL. It happens exactly this way with natural immunity as well, and exactly this was with all other vaxes.

We knew that this was going to happen, its what is supposed to happen. Its why you get your flu shots at the start of flu season and not months before hand.

The import thing is that if your body encounters covid again after your immunity wanes your body can pushyour immunity back up again. Making any covid infection milder and shorter because your body knows how to counteract it.

No. This is NOT NORMAL. What you are saying is not how the human immune system works.

For those in China who caught SARS 2002 when their bodies fought off the infection, the ability to fight it off later was retained in their memory T-Cells. When those people who were immune to SARS 2002 were exposed to SARS2 (Covid) some 17 years later, their memory T-cells released the antibodies used to fight off SARS 2002 on new Covid 2019 (SARS 2). AND they had immunity 17 years later. THAT'S HOW NATURAL IMMUNITY WORKS.

When someone gets the MMR vaccine as a kid, the human body retains how to fight off measles, mumps and rubella in its memory t-cells. And when they are exposed to measles or mumps or rubella 20 or 30 or 40 years later, their memory t-cells release the antibodies they had to the vaccine they got as a child.

But these m-RNA vaccines don't do that because they are not real vaccines. For some reason when those who have received these experimental Covid Vaxes catch the real virus, there is NOTHING RETAINED IN THEIR MEMORY T-CELLS. Which means they aren't vaccines, they are gene therapy. And to fight off Covid at a later date, they have to have 3-4 boosters per year as immunity wanes every 3-4 months or in some cases after 10 weeks.

So the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, etc. offer no long term immunity to Covid. The gene therapy from their "vaccines" is not retained in memory t-cells. And therefore those who got the jab will have zero immunity to Covid in 6 months, no immunity in 1 year, no immunity in 10 years.

Meanwhile those with natural immunity will be like those who caught SARS2002 and still have the ability to fight off later strains 17 years from now thanks to memory t-cells.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 09:53 AM

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: carewemust

It will never be like canada, lets thank our republic for that, but the democrat rat holes the people are in big trouble.

The Democrat-run rat holes will be the first to adopt this new FOUR shot/injection vaccine regime. The Fourth Injection (second booster) is being readied for imposing on the U.S. population later this year.

Now, the US Food and Drug Administration “is indeed continually looking at the emerging data on the pandemic and variants in the United States and overseas in order to evaluate the potential utility and composition of booster doses,” FDA spokesperson Alison Hunt wrote in an email to CNN on Friday.

She confirmed that Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, has said it is possible that a fourth dose might be recommended as we move into fall.

A fall timeline coincides with the administration of flu shots, which could be convenient for people and makes sense scientifically because respiratory viruses – like the coronavirus and influenza – tend to peak in the winter months that follow.

We're going to be in REAL TROUBLE if Democrat areas of the country begin "following the science". Right now, you're "fully vaccinated", and can go into restaurants, sports stadiums, etc, with just the basic booster.

The science says your vaccine is barely functioning after 6 months. Without a booster every 10 weeks, you're not fully vaccinated, according to SCIENCE.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: MrNewWorldOrder

Well Pfizer is ready to roll out their 4th booster, for the fall, yep they are pushing for this crap to become a mandated jabs no only once but several times a year.

I guess now they are working on how to get away with it,

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: carewemust

God bless Republican states, let me tell you, legislation have to be pass to stop the jabbing madness.

This criminals wants to use us humans as darn pin cushions and more soo our littler babies.

edit on 19-2-2022 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Almost everything you said is wrong.

This is how vax normally are, your immunity never hits zero, and even after levels drop they come right back up again next time you are exposed to covid. That's how it is with every vax.

Let's revisit almost exactly two years ago so everybody knows that you haven't always been an expert, but had humble beginnings not knowing if there even was a filter media that would protect against COVID:

Does anybody know if 3M make a filter that would be good against Corona Virus?

Or against anything that the government might spray on us trying to kill of Corona virus (I've seen all kinds of pictures of spraying in Asia and I have no idea what they might try to do here)?

So, two years ago you literally didn't even know what kind of filter to get. You were in fact so ill-informed on the topic you couldn't even sort it out via search engine. You were also asking people to recommend a filter for "whatever the government might spray" which sounds like maybe you have no idea wtf you're talking about and don't understand how it all works.

Everything I said is the opinion of a public health professional and based on science. Nothing I said is wrong. Measles and chickenpox and pertussis do NOT drop to 60% efficacy in 3 months and it's very rare for anybody to develop the disease after vaccination. Aside from the flu there is no widely used vaccine with such a tiny window of efficacy and poor long-term disease prevention, because prior to the population becoming insane nobody would have supported a vaccine this crappy.

You completely ignore the mortality demographics, which is the only way to maintain this absurd and dangerous support for vaccinating children. You also have to ignore and deny any evidence that there are serious adverse effects, because the more ineffective a vaccine is the less likely the public is to accept increased risks. Israel alone is sufficient to disprove your assertion that immunity comes right back. Add Sweden and it pretty much obliterates the masking, distancing, and lockdown arguments too. Add Africa and things really start to fall apart. You're presenting a complete fabrication that isn't supported by any preponderance of peer-reviewed studies nor is it supported by even the raw government data.

COVID is endemic. Even California has acknowledged this, it's not a pandemic and it's no longer novel. A coin flip vaccine doesn't stop an endemic disease, period. No highly transmissible endemic disease can be effectively mitigated with a vaccine that doesn't prevent you from transmitting or becoming ill, both at a much higher rate than any of the current offerings. We do not have the technological means to effectively vaccinate against COVID and the billions upon billions spent buying these ineffective vaccines would have been better spent developing a better and safer mRNA delivery for future applications.

We know for 100 percent certain that social distancing and masks wearing protect against airborn virus because they nuked flu season pretty much everywhere in the world that had a mandate, including infections caused by other coronavirus.

Mask wearing and social distancing have been so effective that there are fears that next flu season will be really bad because people will have less immunity to new flu strains because of this.

The next flu season will be bad because 80-90% of the first world risked trashing their immune system with an experimental vaccine and government forced them to remain home rather than out in the world exposed to immune boosting pathogens. They have no data for what happens tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. It's an experiment. Enjoy the fruit of your labors, prostrate before the pharma gods and Fauci, whatever those strange fruit may end up being.

We are certain? No, but I am certain you have no idea what you're talking about. Flu is almost exclusively transmitted via direct physical contact and droplets. You're using incompatible data from an entirely different virus with different transmission pathways as evidence that a widely held professional opinion, that any old cloth mask does not prevent airborne transmission, isn't valid. This shows, for the umpteenth time, people should not consider anything you post as being based on science or think the data you offer has been vetted in any meaningful way.

You're a political mouthpiece, not a scientist. There is no such certainty in science. Not even my heavily researched statements backed by years of practical experience are 100%, even on subjects widely agreed upon by scientists. Air and droplets are not the same. The masking and social distancing would reduce transmission for the flu, though it's hard to say how much and handwashing or sanitizer is still far more effective for the general public. COVID is airborne and neither a piece of cotton over your face or 6 ft of space is going to stop it.

Mask wearing, social distancing, and lockdowns have been so effective that there is virtually no difference between those places that enacted all measures and those with none. It also worked so well that two weeks to stop the spread has turned into two years of completely out of control government mandates based on the unproven opinions of administrators and bureaucrats.

Show me the studies where they derived that social distancing and cloth masks work in general public. Bonus points for showing lockdowns worked and were worth destroying somewhere around 1/3 of all small business and exacerbating what will become the largest financial collapse in history, eventually resulting in millions of deaths and ruined lives all over the globe. Super special bonus points if you can link me a study that concludes 6ft reduces air transmission. I'll make it easier, find me a study that concludes ANY distance is sufficient.

It doesn't exist because cloth masks and social distancing have a very small window of efficacy for airborne diseases, after just a short time the risk reduction goes to almost zero. It's difficult to study and, most would agree, it's not terribly helpful to spend time and resources trying to "prove" something that nobody believes is true. Until Fauci did a 180 there was widespread acceptance for decades that masking the general public doesn't work even with N95 masks. N95 wouldn't even be effective because none of them are fit tested or trained to use them properly. Cloth masks don't work because they never have and nobody has ever claimed they did, until COVID. I've told you this for two years, it's easy to find historical data showing it, and you still refuse to acknowledge it.

You have presented more factually inaccurate and misleading information in this one thread than I have in the past two years of discussing COVID, quite possibly in my entire ATS history. You seem the perfect tool for authoritarians. It's the useful idiot Venn diagram. The intersection of scared by a virus that kills .1% of those that acquire it, supportive of authoritarian governments that violate their own laws, and unable to follow science that doesn't give binary conclusions.

posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: sraven
There have been 78 million cases of covid in the US.
Using simple math, if each passed the disease to 8 people
then 624 million people have received covid.

That is twice the population of the US.

Hoorah. We have all been exposed and have natural immunity.

Pandemic over
take off your mask and party like it is 1999

It's not over for those in the medical and pharma professions who are cashing in on the huge sums of money the Federal Government is still throwing at the "Pandemic".

For instance, the worst week this year saw approx. 7,000 people hospitalized for Covid-19 treatment.

See the graph here:


But over 11,000 weekly USA deaths this year, are labeled as Covid-19 deaths.

See the graph here:

There is NO WAY to get 11,000 weekly Covid-19 deaths out of the 7,000 individuals admitted to the hospital for Covid-19 treatment during the worst weeks this year. (Unless thousands are dying at home.)

There is more than enough CLEAR EVIDENCE for Congressional members and other high-profile Americans to point out the medical and political fraud that's being pulled on the American people.

No need to complain and whine, using general terms like "Unfair", "Oppressed", etc.. The statistics PROVE those in charge are off their rocker, and medical people are ripping off the Federal Government (the taxpayers). They either adapt to reality, or we remove them. It's as simple as that.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: WraithOfEva777

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

We know for 100 percent certain that social distancing and masks wearing protect against airborn virus because they nuked flu season pretty much everywhere in the world that had a mandate, including infections caused by other coronavirus.

Mask wearing and social distancing have been so effective that there are fears that next flu season will be really bad because people will have less immunity to new flu strains because of this.

Dear God, how can you write this with a straight face?

Heres how it actually went:

Sane person: "Funny how flu has all but vanished since covid, isn't it?"

Unthinking parrot: "Yes, well that's because we had masks and social distancing and we sanitised our trollies"

Sane person: "But cases of covid are through the roof....."

You seem to be making the insane assumption that seasonal flu and Covid are equal in infectivity. They are not.

Historically, on the average, every person infected with seasonal flu passes it on to about 1.25 other individuals. Every person with the Delta variant of Covid passed it on to about 8 other individuals. If simple measures like mask wearing and distancing cut the transmission of communicable airborne diseases by only 25%, then people with flu would pass it on to less than one other person, on the average, and the flu outbreak would die out. Which it did.

Those same measures would mean that someone with the delta variant of Covid would pass it on to "only" 6 other people, on the average, and the Covid outbreak would continue to grow rather quickly. Which it did.

Basic mathematics of epidemic growth. You probably wouldn't understand.

In my prior post I pointed out that this is apples and oranges. Airborne and droplet are not interchangeable for PPE or social distancing, even different diseases within the same class aren't always comparable. Cloth masks and N95 are also not comparable. Transmission frequency is irrelevant when you're using PPE that doesn't prevent transmission, has no evidence of preventing transmission, and has been widely accepted as not providing protection from airborne viruses. If you add the high percent of vaccinated to these numbers there is another problem. If masks and social distancing work, AND vaccines work, there should be a synergistic effect at work increasing total efficacy even more. Basic mathematics, right?

There are decades of historical precedent on my side and no studies to support putting a bandana over your face or standing 6ft away. It's very simple. It's just more incomplete science, without any critical analysis, that gets thrown out on this forum about COVID. Almost every time somebody argues with me about COVID it's riddled with misunderstandings of basic science, uses incompatible data sets, or completely ignores important data that blows holes in their claims. It's time to cut your losses, take your Trumpvax and wear your mask if you want, and stop embarrassing yourselves defending this nonsense. Nobody is telling you that you have to follow the science. Get as many ineffective vaccines and wear as much fake costume PPE as you want, enjoy your pandemic. Those of us that haven't descended into madness would like to stop playing pretend and get on with our lives now.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: MapMistress

But these m-RNA vaccines don't do that because they are not real vaccines. For some reason when those who have received these experimental Covid Vaxes catch the real virus, there is NOTHING RETAINED IN THEIR MEMORY T-CELLS. Which means they aren't vaccines, they are gene therapy. And to fight off Covid at a later date, they have to have 3-4 boosters per year as immunity wanes every 3-4 months or in some cases after 10 weeks.

So the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, etc. offer no long term immunity to Covid. The gene therapy from their "vaccines" is not retained in memory t-cells. And therefore those who got the jab will have zero immunity to Covid in 6 months, no immunity in 1 year, no immunity in 10 years.

Meanwhile those with natural immunity will be like those who caught SARS2002 and still have the ability to fight off later strains 17 years from now thanks to memory t-cells.

These statements lead me to believe that the vaccine does not represent SARS Covid-19 accurately to our immune system. Lets be honest with ourselves, this vaccine was rushed out. There was testing done, small samples of people, which is usual in a clinical phase 1 trial. You can't have people dropping dead of this thing.

We now know that there are side effects, although rare, to this vaccine. After seeing the effectiveness of these vaccines wane after such short periods of time leads me to believe the spike protien that was targetted isn't the smoking gun to this virus. They guessed and got it wrong. Just like the annual flu shot, they get it wrong every year.

I'm fairly certain everyone has had Covid by now, unless you've been working from home the past 2 years and have been vigilant while being out getting groceries.

This vaccine needs to go away, the sooner the better. I believe at this point the risks out weigh the benefits.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: sraven
There have been 78 million cases of covid in the US.
Using simple math, if each passed the disease to 8 people
then 624 million people have received covid.

That is twice the population of the US.

Hoorah. We have all been exposed and have natural immunity.

Pandemic over
take off your mask and party like it is 1999

It's not over for those in the medical and pharma professions who are cashing in on the huge sums of money the Federal Government is still throwing at the "Pandemic".

For instance, the worst week this year saw approx. 7,000 people hospitalized for Covid-19 treatment.

See the graph here:


But over 11,000 weekly USA deaths this year, are labeled as Covid-19 deaths.

See the graph here:

There is NO WAY to get 11,000 weekly Covid-19 deaths out of the 7,000 individuals admitted to the hospital for Covid-19 treatment during the worst weeks this year. (Unless thousands are dying at home.)

There is more than enough CLEAR EVIDENCE for Congressional members and other high-profile Americans to point out the medical and political fraud that's being pulled on the American people.

No need to complain and whine, using general terms like "Unfair", "Oppressed", etc.. The statistics PROVE those in charge are off their rocker, and medical people are ripping off the Federal Government (the taxpayers). They either adapt to reality, or we remove them. It's as simple as that.


posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: MrNewWorldOrder

Well Pfizer is ready to roll out their 4th booster, for the fall, yep they are pushing for this crap to become a mandated jabs no only once but several times a year.

I guess now they are working on how to get away with it,

Justin Time: ate-on-the-continuation-of-the-national-emergency-concerning-the-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-pandemic/

# 1552

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

I guess the pharma bosses are no done with the experiment, they need to get those babies in track with the darn jabs any way they can, they need to establish the babies on this crap from birth and for the rest of their lives, the money gravy train of unlimited jabs and profit making.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: carewemust

When are we going to stop letting them scam us?

We? Not sure who you mean, but I never fell for the first line...

I for one, am really tired of getting scammed.

..., fool me twice, shame on... who?

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