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ALERT - Covid-19 Booster Shots Begin Waning in Protection After Only 10 WEEKS.

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posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Think there was an anti-vax crowd before this...

Most vaccines are fine, and do their job well the terrible messaging involved with covid, and the rapidly changing message from wont catch it, to will prevent serious illness, to you can catch it, you can spread it, but the worst of it will be blunted .

That doesnt even touch on the rapid hiding of data and promises that its 100% safe, only to find its not quite as safe as promised.

They have seriously F'd us moving forward.

If you'd watched Faucis briefings you'd know that he discussed this in advance and told people how things would go.

He was always very open about the vax not being a magic tonic, he said from the start that it wasn't 100 percent effective which is why he continued to push masks and social distancing.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 03:43 AM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Well, is your dad now willing to at least accept the possibility that he could be experiencing an adverse reaction to the vaccine?

Well before today he basically mocked me for even suggesting the vaccines could be dangerous. Now I very much doubt he'll be getting another shot. Much like that comedian who fainted right after joking about how much she loves vaccines, I just saw an interview with her saying she wont be getting the 4th jab. My dad can't deny a possible connection since it happened the last 2 times he got the vaccine, and both times it was a week after getting the vaccine. It takes a week or two before the vaccine takes full effect, which is why some places don't consider a person vaccinated until 2 weeks after getting the vaccine.

One of the paramedics tried to tell me it probably wasn't the vaccine since he had the shot a week before getting sick, but that's a load of crap. Even the list of adverse reactions which they gave dad after his last shot says side-effect symptoms can happen days or weeks later. What sucks is there's no real way to prove it was the vaccine, so he might not be able to get an exemption for the vaccine, and he needs it to work... he might be forced into a situation where he has to get another shot to work even though his body clearly doesn't react well to it, and it seems to get worse with every additional shot.

Here's a conversation me and my dad had on the day he got the booster shot about a week ago. It went something like this:

Me: So you got the booster shot today?
Dad: Yes why?
Me: I don't know why you would get it after what happened last time.
Dad: *scoffs* You read too many conspiracy theories.
Me: This is one big experiment and we'll know the result soon enough.
edit on 18/2/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Think there was an anti-vax crowd before this...

Most vaccines are fine, and do their job well the terrible messaging involved with covid, and the rapidly changing message from wont catch it, to will prevent serious illness, to you can catch it, you can spread it, but the worst of it will be blunted .

That doesnt even touch on the rapid hiding of data and promises that its 100% safe, only to find its not quite as safe as promised.

They have seriously F'd us moving forward.

which is why he continued to push masks and social distancing.

There is no point in taking a vaccine that allegedly becomes a coin flip @ 12 weeks out and doesn't prevent transmission at any stage of "immunity". If it is that ineffective it clearly is not working as intended. People aren't going to do 3 or 4 boosters a year. Which means, now that COVID is globally endemic, there is no point in continuing the vaccine push and destruction of lives.

Social distancing and masking in general public have no basis in science.

Fauci kept pushing the social distancing guidelines when there is no scientific basis for the recommendation in preventing COVID transmission. It's completely fabricated. It's kabuki for people too dumb to do anything but blindly follow incompetent bureaucrats or too panicked to think straight.

He pushed masks when we have no evidence they have an impact except under specific circumstances and DO NOT, nor have they ever, prevented the transmission of airborne diseases. Even in close quarters, with a cloth mask, your level of protection drops to near zero in a very short time. In open spaces the risk reduction in too small to even quantify, likely even increasing risk to users through improper use and constant touching around the mucus membranes.

Feel free to type either topic into a journal database and get back to us with all the science that supports either of these being mandated to the general public.

The guy is a complete scumbag that told a national audience looking for some hope that they should cut off the unvaccinated. He encouraged families to estrange anybody that doesn't get his crappy, 3 month, low efficacy, money-grubbing, child-killing, experimental vaccine. I hope he is publicly kicked to the curb and stripped of his pension, if not his freedom. He's been in the sack with pharma for a long time and was very cozy with NGO scumbags.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

Me: So you got the booster shot today?
Dad: Yes why?
Me: I don't know why you would get it after what happened last time.
Dad: *scoffs* You read too many conspiracy theories.
Me: This is one big experiment and we'll know the result soon enough.

I suppose that would fall into the category of:
'Times when you wouldn't mind being wrong'.

edit on 2/18/22 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles

originally posted by: carewemust

FOUR injections gets you just 10 months of 80% protection against severe illness,...

I've been wondering how accurate that↑ really is. I know that's what they've been saying the whole time, but I personally do not know whether or not it is true.

For all I know, the vaccine might not be providing any benefit at all for most people.

I mean, if the vaccine wasn't reducing the severity of the disease, then what would they say?
Would they come out and say, "Sorry, it's not working at all. We were wrong." ? No. Probably not.

or would they come out and say, "Well, if you weren't vaccinated, then the disease would've been much much worse. Yeah, that's it. Trust us. We know what we're talking about. It's working and we're saving lives."

Allow me to present my (admittedly anecdotal) evidence, if I may;

Previous to rollout of the jabs, I didn't know anybody who had tested positive, let alone got sick

A couple of months before Christmas '21, my paternal Uncle and Aunt (both double-jabbed) caught the 'vid from a triple-jabbed workmate
Both were pretty sick, my Aunt was hospitalised (she's normally what you'd call a very healthy person)

This last fortnight, I started to feel fluey and didn't think much of it until my mother (who tests for work) rang me, said she was unwell and 'p'd off' as she'd tested +, alongside most of her family (they'd all been together earlier the week before as my Nan passed away - not 'vid)

So me, unjabbed, caught it from my double-jabbed mother (only person it could have been) and my two unjabbed sons - the family is a mix of double-jabbed and completely unjabbed

My unjabbed Aunt was the least effected at all...just a mild headache...the rest of us were broadly same symptoms, same duration

My eldest is 22, unjabbed, clinically 'vulnerable' and advised to shield earlier due to severe asthma (he didn't, he worked all through and never wore a mask, either) he's recovered just fine and was no more sick than his double-jabbed cousin

This is just my experience, but its seems to be replicated amongst everyone I speak to

Seems to me that at the very best, these jabs are pretty damn worst, useless AND harmful (and we won't know just how harmful for quite some time yet)

It's nonsensical and not scientifically possible to try and quantify whether these jabs reduce symptoms because the symptoms are so variable in the first place

Luckily, nobody in the family has the dissonance to say "think how much worse it would have been if I'd not been jabbed!" - my mother is looking at her sister, myself and her two Grandsons and saying "seems like the damn things don't make a difference either way" - she definitely won't get boosted - I just pray she remains healthy 😔

And me? More than happy to remain in the 'control group' - despite all the MSM stories that seem to suggest I, my sons, Aunt and a couple of cousins should all be on vents by now, gasping out "oh, how I wish I'd got jabbed!"

I've had worse hangovers, to be fair
edit on 18222 by WraithOfEva777 because: Added paragraphs

edit on 18222 by WraithOfEva777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 06:35 AM
I think "this" must be part of the grieving process.

Which "this"?

"This" thing we do where
we repeat the incredible way we have been deceived
over and over again
hoping that it isn't true
knowing that if it is true
that everything we have known to be a fact
may well be false.

Think of this . . . . It may well be that the earth is flat

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Now, we're learning that the basic Covid-19 Vaccine protection is mostly depleted after 5 months, and the vaccine booster-shot protection wanes just 10 weeks after it is received!

The fact that Pfizer's trial phase of their booster was given to people between 10 - 12 weeks after their original Covid-19 vaccines says that they knew even the original vaccines weren't very effective after that time period either.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Almost everything you said is wrong.

This is how vax normally are, your immunity never hits zero, and even after levels drop they come right back up again next time you are exposed to covid. That's how it is with every vax.

It's also how it is with natural immunity.

We know for 100 percent certain that social distancing and masks wearing protect against airborn virus because they nuked flu season pretty much everywhere in the world that had a mandate, including infections caused by other coronavirus.

Mask wearing and social distancing have been so effective that there are fears that next flu season will be really bad because people will have less immunity to new flu strains because of this.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

We know for 100 percent certain that social distancing and masks wearing protect against airborn virus because they nuked flu season pretty much everywhere in the world that had a mandate, including infections caused by other coronavirus.

Mask wearing and social distancing have been so effective that there are fears that next flu season will be really bad because people will have less immunity to new flu strains because of this.

This is laughably wrong.
These measures didn't work for their purported purpose. COVID still spread, didn't it.
aaand our respiratory and immune systems are now compromised.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Almost everything you said is wrong.

This is how vax normally are, your immunity never hits zero, and even after levels drop they come right back up again next time you are exposed to covid. That's how it is with every vax.

It's also how it is with natural immunity.

We know for 100 percent certain that social distancing and masks wearing protect against airborn virus because they nuked flu season pretty much everywhere in the world that had a mandate, including infections caused by other coronavirus.

Mask wearing and social distancing have been so effective that there are fears that next flu season will be really bad because people will have less immunity to new flu strains because of this.

Well, when you are wrong, you really do a great job of illustrating it.

For example, you said "your immunity never hits zero".
Actually, we would like immunity to be 100% not zero.

However, the vax never attempted to improve immunity.
They were not trying to reduce immunity to zero nor were they trying to enhance immunity to 100%.

The vaxed were expected to continue to acquire the disease.
The benefit was that the "response" to symptoms would be improved.
If you were expected to get the disease anyway, then wearing a mask to prevent the disease would be unnecessary because your new and improved "response" would minimize symptoms.

The vax does not confer immunity.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Pharma zombie to defend the establishment, darn that money is good, covid is a lie and criminal fauci is going to jail very soon.

He is a darn criminal along with all china pharma.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

We know for 100 percent certain that social distancing and masks wearing protect against airborn virus because they nuked flu season pretty much everywhere in the world that had a mandate, including infections caused by other coronavirus.

Mask wearing and social distancing have been so effective that there are fears that next flu season will be really bad because people will have less immunity to new flu strains because of this.

Dear God, how can you write this with a straight face?

Heres how it actually went:

Sane person: "Funny how flu has all but vanished since covid, isn't it?"

Unthinking parrot: "Yes, well that's because we had masks and social distancing and we sanitised our trollies"

Sane person: "But cases of covid are through the roof....."


posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: WraithOfEva777

You are soo funny, but hey he is a bot, he does not listen, Pharma zombie is here to protect pharma, fauci, CDC and FDA, just looks how he shows in every thread that bash pharma.

He have one job, protect pharma anyway you can.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: WraithOfEva777

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

We know for 100 percent certain that social distancing and masks wearing protect against airborn virus because they nuked flu season pretty much everywhere in the world that had a mandate, including infections caused by other coronavirus.

Mask wearing and social distancing have been so effective that there are fears that next flu season will be really bad because people will have less immunity to new flu strains because of this.

Dear God, how can you write this with a straight face?

Heres how it actually went:

Sane person: "Funny how flu has all but vanished since covid, isn't it?"

Unthinking parrot: "Yes, well that's because we had masks and social distancing and we sanitised our trollies"

Sane person: "But cases of covid are through the roof....."


And lets not forget, the vax was supposed to return freedom . . . freedom from social distancing and freedom from masks and return to normal.
That failed as well.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Thank you for defending my pfizer stock, it's starting to get rough out there.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: WraithOfEva777

You are soo funny, but hey he is a bot, he does not listen, Pharma zombie is here to protect pharma, fauci, CDC and FDA, just looks how he shows in every thread that bash pharma.

He have one job, protect pharma anyway you can.

Oh yea it's pretty apparent at this point!

I'm almost penniless and have wondered what the pay is like to sell your soul, but I couldn't be paid enough to write the drivel they do and defend Big Pharma...I may not have the newest things but I sleep at night with a clear conscience, lol

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: sraven

originally posted by: WraithOfEva777

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

We know for 100 percent certain that social distancing and masks wearing protect against airborn virus because they nuked flu season pretty much everywhere in the world that had a mandate, including infections caused by other coronavirus.

Mask wearing and social distancing have been so effective that there are fears that next flu season will be really bad because people will have less immunity to new flu strains because of this.

Dear God, how can you write this with a straight face?

Heres how it actually went:

Sane person: "Funny how flu has all but vanished since covid, isn't it?"

Unthinking parrot: "Yes, well that's because we had masks and social distancing and we sanitised our trollies"

Sane person: "But cases of covid are through the roof....."


And lets not forget, the vax was supposed to return freedom . . . freedom from social distancing and freedom from masks and return to normal.
That failed as well.

Oh definitely - just a carrot and a stick, you get plenty of the stick but not even a nibble of the carrot!

It finally dawned on my mother that, after caving in to the jabs she'd insisted she'd never have, she was no further forward or in any better position than I was... arguably a far worse position because we can both catch and spread whatever, both get sick, the only real difference being that she has an untested unknown substance injected with no idea of what it could do to her in the future and I don't!

Not something I'm willing to risk...

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: carewemust


posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: carewemust


Wholly owned and controlled by.

If there are not major changes occurring by this time next year, we will have to take things into our own hands otherwise we will end up like canada.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 10:41 AM
I suppose I am simply getting tired of all the quibbling.

Like making a distinction between having the virus Sars-CoV-2 and having covid.
Who really cares? You are not going to get genital warts from Sars-CoV-2, you are going to get covid.
And you aren't going to get covid from Herpes virus.

Or the distinction between immunity from covid and X percent immunity.
You are either going to be immune or you aren't,
and saying that protection wanes after 10 weeks - what the "f" does that mean?
It means you are no longer immune - but you weren't immune to start with because you could still get covid and still spread covid even if you were "immune" under the new definition.

Imagine if the measles vaccine was described in the way. Would you take it?

Of course, the Mumps vaccine has always been described this way even though it never was. You knew that, right? You were supposed to get the Mumps vaccine in childhood. And then you were supposed to get another one before starting grade school because the Mumps vaccine was never better than about 70%.

And then there is the flu vaccine which has been given every year for the last 30 years and we never got rid of the flu. And that is because, the CDC could never quite figure out which variant of the flu was going to be predominant. So they included four different strains of the flu in the shot. And yet, not once in 30 years did they guess correctly.

And then there is the concept of herd immunity which sounds really good except it is not medicine, it is economics. It uses an economic model to reduce the risk of loss of the herd to a disease. Which does not work because we have open borders which negates the value of having a controlled herd.

And the "flatten the curve" model is not medicine. It too is an economic model designed to economically save the healthcare system. It does not save lives, it is designed to enhance the revenue of the healthcare system by providing a "just in time" model of delivery of patients to the hospital. And it did not work either.

In the simplest of terms, the vax does not confer immunity.
If the new coffee pot you bought at Wal-Mart
- brewed coffee as badly
as the vax
- provides immunity
you would either throw it in the trash or take it back and demand your money back.

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