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Lockdowns in U.S. Europe had little impact in reducing deaths from COVID-19

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posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 04:48 PM
Yup, not just extensive economic destruction the impacts of which will likely be felt for 5-10 years. Destruction of millions of jobs and many small businesses. Transfer of wealth to billionaires and these large corporations such as Blackrock and Amazon.

Also: massive negative impact on child learning and development from school lockdowns and mask mandates
Also: Empowering transnational corporations and their political allies to seize power, including Big Tech and Big Pharma.
Also: Loss of freedoms
Also: Forced medical procedures in many locations such as vaccine mandates

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: ScepticScot

You can of course show this extensive cost benefit analysis.

Its late I am tired and maybe misreading things...

BUT are you really implying the worlds economy didnt get flushed down the loo?

Heading to bed so wont have a reply till tomorrow.

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