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Fact Checkers Misinformation? CDC says C19 Vaxs Cant Transmissions Anymore.

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posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Oh god, you just "went there" with that one lol.

If the smallpox vaccine was as effective for smallpox as the covid is covid

literally almost everyone would have smallpox a few times a year...

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: LocalGenius
a reply to: chr0naut

Oh god, you just "went there" with that one lol.

If the smallpox vaccine was as effective for smallpox as the covid is covid

literally almost everyone would have smallpox a few times a year...

After 200 years of smallpox vaccinations, it is no longer considered to be a disease threat anymore.

We have only had about a year of COVID-19 vaccines.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 07:06 PM
Funny how so many just keep riding the wave , no matter what way the wind blows...

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

That was 90% efficacy from lab studies, not effectiveness which is based on human trials or what's happening to the vaccinated public. The words they use are part of the deception. Let's not forget that early on they claimed that these percentages were "prevented from COVID infection" that later changed to "prevented from symptomatic COVID infection". Yet we are also told it only lowers the risk of serious symptoms, hospitalization and death, not actually prevent infection. So what is it really?

From the beginning of Omicron in South Africs, symptoms were mild and less hospitalizations in the UNVACCINATED.

72% of South Africa is Unvaccinated.

Yet, Pfizer, Moderna J&J all claim that it their vaccines which cause mild symptoms. That simply cannot be. Because none of the unvaccinated were jabbed with their vaccines. Yet, the unvaxxed had mild symptoms and few hospitalizations. So Pfizer, Moderna J&J are all lying about their vaccine efficiency. Their vaccines have nothing to do with mild symptoms in Omicron.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland concluded that the risk of hospitalization with Omicron was two-thirds lower than with earlier variants. Separately, South African researchers said they estimate the risk of hospitalization at around 70% to 80% lower.

Omicron Shows Signs of Milder Disease as Cases Rise

So among the 72% unvaccinated South Africans, Omicron's hospitalization rate was 70%-80% lower than for Delta.

Pfizer vax has nothing to do with mild symptoms nor less hospitalizations of Omicron. Moderna vax has nothing to do with mild symptoms nor less hospitalizations of Omicron. J&J vax has nothing to do with mild symptoms nor less hospitalizations of Omicron.

BECAUSE those people were UNVACCINATED who had mild Omicron symptoms and 70%-80% less hospitalizations with Omicron.

posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: MapMistress

Would you say that the vaccine's effectiveness is in a negative range then?

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