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Future Russian Tzar 2022 Log

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posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
It will be this backstab and betrayal plus actions within it that will prompt Putin to go beyond Ukraine, you can thank the Polish government for it later.
What's the likelihood of Putin being betrayed by people close to him? How about the risk of revolution breaking out within Russia? There's been protests in Iran and China recently, but they don't seem foreign-backed. Dare I say, almost organic and natural outburst of pent-up anger, but the Western powers are sure to seize upon the opportunity if given the chance.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Welcome back, you've been M.I.A. for a while.

So, your mystical foresight is predicting that the EU and NATO are more or less going to abandon Ukraine who will have to rely on Poland and The Baltic States for aid and assistance?
Also that NATO and the EU are more or less going to disintegrate and won't be able to withstand Russian advances through Poland etc?

Oh, and lets not forget that the antichrist is going to get split in two by some sort of sacred light sabre.

Meanwhile the much awaited 'Future Tsar' is writing something.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Wherever you're getting your information, I can tell you that you're not being given the full picture. That doesn't necessarily invalidate your premise (that there is a prophesied 'great man' who will be seen as Tsar of Russia & will lead his people into a glorious future where deception is destroyed & the righteous will prevail..) However, by claiming that you have information regarding when & where & how the Antichrist will begin to attack & manifest upon the Earth, you are suggesting that you have specifically Christian insight into the matter of these End Times in which we find ourselves living. Despite this apparent Christian focus, you are missing a large piece of the puzzle regarding how things are set to unfold.

Certainly, there is no doubt that the Antichrist may already be active in the world, it's absolutely possible. But his principal enemy will not be the Russian Tsar figure whom you are discussing at length. As mentioned, there's every chance that your Tsar could indeed be a local/ regional hero in the overarching spiritual/geopolitical narrative - but you have omitted the presence of one character who is assured to be present on the Earth at the time the Antichrist & his servants get busy. I would suggest that the World Economic Forum, and the Bilderberg Group, and the IMF, the Club of Rome, and many other similarly powerful bodies operative on the Earth are currently causing chaos for the masses at this time through engineered food shortages, deliberate inflation, deliberate migration crises & farming crises, and at least some of these are doing this in open service to Lucifer, and the Antichrist - they aren't too shy about revealing their allegiances if you observe them carefully.

The main opposition to these forces, according to scripture & prophecy that I am witness to, will be a people's freedom rebellion, orchestrated by sovereign humans everywhere, who get together & find ways to buck the system, to bring down the corrupted elements of the established order which is manipulating everything for their benefit, and for their spiritual principles of Luciferianism. This naturally arising rebellion of people everywhere who demand their freedom & their rights to exist without oppression in a world & civilisation which they & their ancestors worked hard to build, will gain traction when the WEF & others continue to press ahead with the punitive actions in support of Agenda 2030, and all the woke BULLSNIP by which they trick & manipulate the people into following along ("You vill eat ze bugs!").

Ultimately though, the scales will be tipped in favour of the rebellion, and the human forces who are collaborating to resist the WEF & other elitists who have no care or concern for them. The people will be bolstered & encouraged by the presence of the Archangel Michael, who will appear in public life around the world, engaging with the rebels & supporting their cause. He is a messenger from God, and he has lived as a human in a relatively inconspicuous manner for forty years, listening to God, learning through his dreams, experiencing direct prophetic indicators describing who he is & why he was sent here, at this time, during this crisis. He is here to help, he has abilities that are beyond those of mortal man (at least, they are beyond the reach of most people, because in order to develop them one must live an ascetic life in isolation or in a closed community, practising martial artforms which unlock certain supernatural capabilities..) His abilities are intuitively recollected from former existence in other lifetimes & other missions – it is like 'muscle memory', he is able to recover the lost insights which unlock these operative potentials.

Indeed, he will have the power of free flight through the atmosphere, unaided by technology. He will possess the ability to transport himself instantly from one place to another, anywhere in the world, in the blink of an eye. He has been sealed with a powerful spiritual symbol of protection issued forth from God, placed on his forehead by a powerful angel as a sort of fusion of spirit & flesh, a 'magical' protective measure (identical to the Biblical 'mark of Cain', in principle) which means he cannot be harmed by mortal men at any time prior to the date & time set by God for his ultimate death & departure from this world. Indeed there have been several incidents in his life since he received the seal (which occurred in 2003) in which he has been supernaturally protected from what otherwise would have had the absolute likelihood of being a literally deadly assault. In this manner God proved to him that he is protected, and that he should not fear the wrath of man, instead he should walk by faith at all times, trusting in that grace of protection, making himself available to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to discern where to go, who to engage with, what to do, which strategy to follow, and so on.

Although he lives a solitary life, he has never been alone.

Members of the British military intelligence community have been stood by, keeping a watchful eye on him, stepping in to protect his & his family's interests on several occasions, because they are aware that the time will come when this nation is attacked by the globalists, when its sovereignty will be undermined, when the world conglomerate corporate controlling powers will attempt to steamroll every single aspect of our history, traditions & culture, infiltrating our legitimate government & disrupting the peace & security of all the peoples who make up this great nation - all in the name of a pseudo-communist/fascist utopian vision which would more accurately be described as a 'Technocratic Hell on Earth'.

The people involved in the secret intelligence operation which has revolved around his life as he developed his mindset, philosophy, religious beliefs & moral code have been extremely patient. Michael could not be told of the secret operation which was in effect. This was a strict condition laid at the hands of the overseers of the operation from the very beginning - he would have to find the truth entirely on his own, in communion with God & with other sincere believers who are faithful to the Lord & His kingdom. At times, decisions were made to drop hints, or to provide urgent information in indirect, symbolic ways - but there never was any overt communication from the intelligence operatives regarding the reality of his identity, or his mission & purpose here on Earth, at this unique & precarious time in world history.

Now, at this exact moment, he is in the phase of final preparations before engaging with those people who will become the leaders of the Resistance. He has received specific guidance regarding activities that he is required to undertake in the very near future, and he is methodically working towards his moment of initiation, when he will openly display his presence & convene with the military intelligence operatives who have been permitted to speak plainly with him once certain milestones are reached & evidences have been accomplished. Michael will then be able to access information from God in a very straightforward & practical manner. It is his duty to share the information he receives with those who are in charge of the defence of these islands. Senior military intelligence officers will have command.

Continued next post...

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

The natural rebellion of the free peoples who desire to stand against the pseudo-communist/fascist powers, the corporatist parasites who drain the life energy from all hard working peoples around the world, will begin to pick up pace. In terms of operative potential, Michael will be able to access locations that nobody else can access. He will be able to evade & resist the forces which seek to kill him. He will be able to share true information which has not been corrupted by handling under the authority of people suspected to be traitors. He will be able to discern within a nanosecond the truth regarding each person's loyalty & will be able to discern the presence of treacherous or treasonous activity which they may have been involved with. These abilities are gifts which God has given to the rebellion, and in time it will be possible to ameliorate the worst elements of the globalists' plans, to save a remnant of the peoples from the suffering that will come upon the world during the truly terrible End of Days events, the Apocalypse.

The globalist conspirators are likely to want to burn it all down rather than let the free peoples take hold of the territories & assets which they will lose in the ensuing battles which are to come, so it is of paramount importance that cogent, joined-up strategy is followed at all times. Michael respects the minds & abilities of those who are in legitimate authority, who stand on the side of the free peoples.. He does not consider that he can turn his hand to all elements of statecraft.. 'Horses for courses' & all that. His own abilities are specific, for specific purposes, and he is just one part of a much broader, systemic Resistance against the corrupted, diabolical powers which seek to overthrow, murder & enslave Humanity.

This is literally World War 3, and we must fight our way through It, if we are to emerge victorious against the powers which have committed treason against the very soul of Humanity. There will be no peace in our times.. When the globalists push too hard the powder keg will explode, and all bets are off. These are the birth pains of the New Creation, which will ultimately be what we are fighting for - a new world, a new heaven, the ending of the old ways of decay & terror, the beginning of a truly magnificent dream for the colective Soul of Humanity - which will evolve into Paradise in time.

God bless, FITO.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Wherever you're getting your information, I can tell you that you're not being given the full picture... Despite this apparent Christian focus, you are missing a large piece of the puzzle regarding how things are set to unfold.
I concur with this piece of advice, but couldn't you also say the same about your visions? May I ask what prompted you to counsel your brother? It seems very timely.

Regarding the Antichrist;

Lucifer (Venus) has nothing to do with "Satan". The idea conveyed through this symbol is similar to Prometheus and Jesus (Luke 12:49), originally it meant fire-bringer, before there is light, fire must be discovered. In other words, Jesus was an archetype of Lucifer. Except this time around, the fire and subsequent illumination will come from planet Jupiter (refer to Johannes Friede & Lady of Fatima).

But his principal enemy will not be the Russian Tsar figure whom you are discussing at length... you have omitted the presence of one character who is assured to be present on the Earth at the time the Antichrist & his servants get busy.
Actually, he was right on the money about the Tsar's role!

A French-German monarch in the West precedes Russia's Tsar, but will offer up his life before the Antichrist is unveiled. Since Europeans weren't ripe for the emperor's purified democracy (strikingly similar to the Tsar's system of government), which was only maintained by the strength of his personality and sheer force of will, they'll be susceptible to complacency and relapse into barbarism.

Whereas the Russian people, on account of their stubborn adherence to their yet unrealized "historical mission", their centuries of living under tyranny, and the suffering they inflicted and equally received during ww3 will have changed sufficiently by then. Finding Russia in ruins, they'll be reduced to the nomadic life in the Balkans, from which a new Russia will eventually be renewed, by the Tsar's arrival. The Russians who assimilated into foreign countries will rediscover their identification with Russia and will return to their ancestral lands to contribute.

Please refer to Nostradamus quatrain 1:32, which is corroborated by St. Theosodius of Minvody, Christopher of Tula, and Western seers Mitar Tarabich & Muehlhiasl of Apoig. Then the Tsar will take up the struggle from where the emperor left off, he'll be incomparably stronger. It's an understatement to call him a local/regional hero.

According to Rasputin and Tarabich, the Tsar will be preceded by a wise men from the East, specifically a woman who is identified as an incarnation of Mary, the mother of god. Now I know that there are posts on ATS about Tarabich's unreliability, but I'd like to bring people's attention to the fact there exists a considerable overlap between Rasputin and the predictions attributed to Tarabich.

The main opposition to these forces, according to scripture & prophecy that I am witness to, will be a people's freedom rebellion, orchestrated by sovereign humans everywhere...
True, but are you implying that these naturally arising rebellions can come about without leaders? What is indicated by "sovereign humans"? A world minority? Without leaders, a democratic uprising can only lead to mob rule.

Regarding the Archangel Michael;

Actually, the Tsar is the incarnation of Michael, or will have his name changed to it upon his coronation. From a numerological pov, if the Tsar's full name provided by seer WanderingMrM is changed from Kirill to Michael, then it acquires a whole new spiritual meaning.

The Tsar's identification with Michael is intimated by Vasily Vasilyev and Rasputin. It's also worth noting that the prophetic collections of Emperor Leo VI mention that there would be a king "emanating from the East" who is equal to or greater than Europe's emperor and that Michael would seek out Europe's emperor. He didn't say it was the Pope (the one who coronates the emperor).

Both the emperor and Tsar are probably around their thirties. That's the ideal age for monarchs (i.e. Frederick the Great) to assume their thrones. According to Western prophetic tradition, the emperor wages war until age 40, so it's untrue that he has been hidden for 40 years.
edit on 30-11-2022 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

In order to develop them one must live an ascetic life in isolation or in a closed community, practising martial artforms which unlock certain supernatural capabilities.
It's quite untrue that one lead an ascetic life in isolation to develop these abilities. Asceticism doesn't say anything about a person's alignment. There are monks and priests who abide by an unworldly, principled life for gain.

Nostradamus relied in part on the brazen tripod. The ancient Germanic seeresses couldn't prophesy but in the midst of lakes and rivers. Reportedly, the epiphany for Nietzsche's "eternal return" came by him while he was walking by the lakeside. He also affirmed that only ideas which come by walking have any value while condemning philosophers who spent all their time sitting as sinning "against the Holy Spirit".

And even all that may not be enough. In order to display the rare gift of unerring prophecy, one must also come from a bloodline of seers (according to Roman emperor Julian) and possess the latent understanding to "unlock" and utilize the brain potential.

Also, there are consecrated places in nature where these faculties can be developed in a short amount of time. A historical anecdote can be read in Diogenes Laertius' account of Epimenides, who allegedly awakened as a sage during his time spent asleep in a cave.

Indeed, he will have the power of free flight through the atmosphere, unaided by technology. He will possess the ability to transport himself instantly from one place to another, anywhere in the world, in the blink of an eye.
Levitation, bilocation, dematerialization, etc. are hardly impressive feats. When you've done nearly as much research as I have, you'll end up unfazed by what grips people's imagination and fancies.

Levitation was documented in the middle ages, but nobody at that time would've considered it miraculous. Lung-gom-pa was extensively documented in Tibet.

The Tsar's real power will be the ability to call down birds of prey upon his enemies. He will also resurrect the lost art of augury. There is an excellent study on the matter from one Karin Johansson.

Members of the British military intelligence community have been stood by, keeping a watchful eye on him, stepping in to protect his & his family's interests on several occasions,
That's just preposterous. Why on earth would the British rally around a future Russian leader? Their particular interests have always been cosmopolitan, putting the world's needs before Europe.

Generally, the intelligence agencies have always worked against mankind's best interests. It sounds like they just want to prop up a figurehead to regain their empire's lost prestige.

Besides, the British will be mostly relegated to the background during the war, they won't be able to contribute much to the European front. Just as impotent as the Catholic Church was during ww2. There is a possibility that the British resent America for usurping their power and will be embroiled in a war with them. In the prophecies, they just make deals with Russia behind America's back, which cause them to turn against each other, but absolutely nothing is said about them guaranteeing the appointment of Russia's Tsar.
edit on 30-11-2022 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Good information, however I'd suggest two things:

First, this person operates in two separate planes, astral (spiritual) and physical, displaying different respective abilities and memories in the said planes. In the physical he is completely regular, no special abilities and memory locked. In the astral he has much higher faculties and memory free.

Second, I'm not sure the british intel has anything to do with his safety, it could be. In any case, he resides in the USA, so it's more logical that the US intel community is more involved with his case, including his well-being, at least part of them. According to what I know, it was around 2017 that his case (i.e. his actual physical persona) became known to these agencies.

As a side note - ATS has fallen behind in regards to this sensitive topic. These types of threads in a different forum are very active and the tptb have been deleting them left and right.
edit on 30-11-2022 by miri2019 because: 2017

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: miri2019

First, this person operates in two separate planes, astral (spiritual) and physical, displaying different respective abilities and memories in the said planes. In the physical he is completely regular, no special abilities and memory locked. In the astral he has much higher faculties and memory free.
That's not how it works.

First, all worlds should be conceived as spherical and should be imagined as overlapping each other. There are no boundaries between the worlds of the living and the deceased, no specific months or days where the supposed boundary weakens.

Rather, the hereafter (the other side, the beyond, world of deceased spirits, world of dreams, etc.) is divided between lower and higher regions. The beings from the lower regions are more attached to physical interests. It follows that they have an easier time interacting with the physical world.

Second, regarding the artificial division between a spiritual and physical world, by professing this belief, you're admitting that spirits are but non-entities, including god. In reality, there exist no "immaterial beings", the very phrase is a contradiction. Etymologically, being, substance, entity, etc. is just another word for matter.

Thomas Jefferson embraced the Epicurean philosophy and sought to reconcile it with Christian ethics/virtues. Originally, the Founding Fathers' Deism said nothing about god making the world and abandoning it to observe impassively, rather it was conceived as a system of contemplation and reverence towards the cosmos. Thomas Paine found fault with the Quakers for omitting god's active involvement from their system.

Christians and atheists aren't materialists proper, Epicureans are; for the latter embraced the idea of infinite worlds. For this, Bruno was singled out at a time when the enemies of Catholicism, Lutherans and Calvinists, were running rampant. It's unjust to brand Giordano Bruno as a mystic, he was a scientist no different from Copernicus, Galileo, etc.

Then what are spirits? Consciousnesses must have a material basis for their existence. The spirits are merely imperceptible to organic sight yet they draw their power from the air, to render themselves visibly or audibly to the living, to interact with physical matter.

Third, the term "astral" is too vague and invites ridicule from scientists. It should be stricken from the dictionaries. The nature of the hereafter is typically illusory, adapted to the animal/human imagination. What one sees and believes is automatically confirmed to the observer, the matter of that world conforms to their perceptions.

The beings from that world influence the living through emotion. The deceased still receive prayers, feelings and thoughts. Therefore it's more appropriate to use the label "emotional world" and address its denizens as "emotional beings".

There are also good grounds to the "intercession of the saints" upheld by the Orthodox and Catholics, they played a crucial role in thwarting Hitler's designs. Tsar Nicholas II achieved a position similar to Mary. According to the American seer Cheiro, there were also post-ww1 warnings delivered about Germany's aggression through seances.

originally posted by: miri2019

Second, In any case, he resides in the USA, so it's more logical that the US intel community is more involved with his case, including his well-being, at least part of them.
That's even more absurd!

The US government would surely regard him with the deepest suspicion, as a potential enemy of the state. Hell, it'd probably throw the Biden administration into panic. I have read at least one dream specifically mentioning a man in a wheelchair upsetting people in an oval building.

Should the Tsar's democratic model spread abroad, everybody else would demand for it. Then the ruling authorities would have to step down from their pedestal. That'd be their worst nightmare.

Even more unlikely: the US government announcing him to the world to discredit Putin's authority, then installing him as a figurehead. That'd be a pointless gesture, as his power would only be symbolic. Stalin once remarked to FDR that general De Gaulle symbolized France's spiritual aspect, but remained impotent. Whereas Petain represented the material aspect and was more representative.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: hjesterium

Well that's some seriously specific information, and it seems timely - where was this information previously? I don't recall seeing it in this thread in such specific manner. I disagree with several of your points, but it's not for me to dig into the sayings of Rasputin et al in order to gauge whether you are correct - I can only stand by what I have learned personally. I suppose we will have to wait & see what happens? Either way we are all on the same side, we desire the same ends - freedom for Mankind & the downfall of the Satanic agenda.

Incidentally, I very much disagree that Jesus represents Lucifer, I think quite a lot of that sort of belief is down to occult spin doctors. But I do agree that the movement will require leaders. I see it as a naturally libertarian movement & 'sovereign humans' simply means those who refuse to comply with the false authority of the Antichrist & the treasonous world powers. That is what I was getting at by saying that Michael will engage with the movement, and I specifically mentioned senior military intelligence officers as being the ones to whom he defers. Clearly he won't be wandering around with a bullhorn chattering to all & sundry.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: hjesterium

You have fully misunderstood my point, the British will not rally around a Russian leader, they will rally around the archangel Michael, who is NOT, I am convinced, your so-called Russian Tsar.

Your 'vast research' has done nothing but give you a thousand unrelated occultic ideas & the delusion that somehow they represent the good which we seek in order to be near to God & righteousness in our times. To suggest that Nietzche's eternal return is anything but brazen Satanic mischief is absurd. To be quite frank, the suggestion that Rasputin had anything to do with righteousness is absurd. The suggestion that one must come from a bloodline to be a genuine prophet is also absurd - prophecy which is accurate, from God, is a gift of God, and it is given to those who submit to God in Christ, who seek the good of the Kingdom of Heaven & all Mankind.

So much of what you have written is baseless occult gossip, it's pretty much unnecessary examining it all line by line.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: miri2019

It's interesting to hear your point of view on the subject. I'd be keen to read up on some of the other threads you mentioned in other forums - would you mind please sending me a U2U explaining where they can be found? Thanks in advance.

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
Well that's some seriously specific information, and it seems timely - where was this information previously? I don't recall seeing it in this thread in such specific manner.
Why should I divulge my research with people too lazy to investigate the matter for themselves? Or why should I ruin their sense of discovery and wonder?

I only bring it out when needed, on behalf of a trustworthy friend. Besides, most of the ATS members I messaged declined my gestures, that's on them.

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
Your 'vast research' has done nothing but give you a thousand unrelated occultic ideas... So much of what you have written is baseless occult gossip, it's pretty much unnecessary examining it all line by line.
Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we have another G. K. Chesterton in our midst! What exactly is your definition for "occult"? Apostate Christians deride whatever is beyond their grasp as delusions of the devil. Your whole argument consists of nothing but unfounded accusations and blatant dismissals. How typically priest-like! The qualifications for priesthood must be really lacking, all that's demanded of priests is to wave away anything that doesn't sound familiar and shy away from controversy.

I sent my research your way, you should already know that the bulk of my research come from Christian saints (both Catholic and Orthodox), Christian seers, Christian traditions (i.e. Methodius), and medieval Christian literature. I already regret sharing it with you...

The only occultists I invoked were Cheiro, Cayce, and Bailey. I gave indication that I regarded such occultists as dubious, but it's extraordinary how each affirmed in their own way that the religious renovation would begin with Russia. This was specifically prophesied in Matthew 24:27-28, which affirms that illumination would come from the east to the west, and Christ will also come from the east. Rasputin advised not to take one's eyes off the east, for new prophets would hail from there, and that Christ would also come from the east. I can confirm that the sayings attributed to him in his book Pious Reflections exist in the Russian language.

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
Incidentally, I very much disagree that Jesus represents Lucifer, I think quite a lot of that sort of belief is down to occult spin doctors.
That wasn't just my interpretation, the identification with Jesus is clearly implied in 2 Peter 1:19. Therefore, Lucifer should be reclaimed by Christians.

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
To be quite frank, the suggestion that Rasputin had anything to do with righteousness is absurd.
Rasputin championed religious equality for all races. The court jew Aron Simanovich attested that Rasputin had actively intervened on the behalf of persecuted Jews and stayed the heavy hand of Tsar Nicholas & Alexandra (both anti-Semites) in this matter.

Look up any biography on Rasputin and you'll read sympathetic remarks from Marxists (the most atheistic of all people!), about his innocence. God is praised when even atheists acknowledge a godsent man's piety (1 Peter 2:12). The Bolshevik Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich, who would later be Lenin's personal secretary, mentions Rasputin's favorite saying: “One must live for the common people, one must think about them.”

Whereas the priest Illiodor, who later turned against Rasputin, was a vicious, fanatical anti-Semitic demagogue. He was the one who spun "occult" gossip about Rasputin. By all accounts, he had a habit of regaling his hearers with old wives' tales. He delighted in being deliberately provocative, like Nietzsche, claiming to have made the acquaintance of Lenin, much like Lanz von Liebenfels. Actually, Lenin and even Stalin found Illiodor contemptible, despite his treacherous services, never bothering to respond to any of his letters.

To Alexandra, Rasputin offered advice fitting for a king: “The path is narrow, but one must walk along it straight, in the manner of God and not of man.” This is precisely how Tsar Nicholas II, Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, Frederick the Great, etc. conducted themselves in their sorrow.

Rasputin once visited an orphange and was moved by the sight of abandoned infants. He more or less predicted that they would one day become the foundation of the Russian state, which ties in with WanderingMrM's report of the Tsar's wife becoming renowned for taking care of orphans.

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
To suggest that Nietzche's eternal return is anything but brazen Satanic mischief is absurd.
Then you must also admit that verses like Ecclesiastes 6:6 are steeped in error. At times, Nietzsche erroneously believed things would play out exactly the same. In any case, every genuine Christian seer affirmed that human development occurred in cycles, periods of growth and decay, especially the great Holzhauser.

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
The suggestion that one must come from a bloodline to be a genuine prophet is also absurd...
Two of the gospels devote a whole chapter to establishing Jesus' priest-king lineage! John the Baptist, whose status as a prophet is indisputable, came from the priestly lineage of Aaron on his mother's side.

The prophetess Anna came from the lineage of Asher, who Moses esteemed as most blessed of his brothers, saying, "May he dip his foot in olive oil". This is typically interpreted to mean that he was promised great material abundance and fertility. Olive oil was also used to annoint kings and priests. In the Genesis commentary, Rabbis Levi and Simon affirmed that the daughters from the tribe of Asher were married to priests and kings who had been anointed with the anointing oil of olive oil. The fact that she never left the temple premises (Luke 2:37) indicates that she occupied an important political position similar to the Roman Vestals.

Nostradamus indicated in his letter to King Henry II that he had inherited his natural gift for prophesying from his forebears. Julian acknowledged the Jews as Chaldeans, belonging to a sacred race, "skilled in theurgy"; and not even Iamblichos draws a distinction between Chaldeans and Jews when he mentions Pythagoras spending time with them during his visit. Thus, when the occultist Cheiro affirms the Chaldean astrological and numerological interpretation in his work, he has his basis in the Bible, not paganism. In fact, his work is studded with biblical references.

Julian drew attention to how Abraham practiced the augury in Genesis 15. There was a similar practice mentioned in 1 Kings 18, involving oxen. Also see Joshua 10:12-14 as a proof of theurgy.
edit on 3-12-2022 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
You have fully misunderstood my point, the British will not rally around a Russian leader, they will rally around the archangel Michael, who is NOT, I am convinced, your so-called Russian Tsar.
Perhaps we got off on the wrong track. I was under the impression that you were describing either the German or Russian ruler.

I revisited your posting history and read your topic on Queen Elizabeth's passing. You claimed to feel a connection to the British royalty from an early age. In Hymn to King Helios, Julian mentions that from a young age, he felt drawn to the Sun before he was ripe for philosophy, before he had read or heard anything about astronomy.

Please confirm: Was the king in your vision British?

It might interest you to know that the contemporary Russian astrologer Pavsekakiy Bogdanov predicted that Prince George of Wales would be the last king of Great Britain.

Anyhow, is it possible that archangel Michael will somehow overshadow two or three kings simultaneously? Russia's Tsar is clearly identified with Michael, yet there are also mentions of Michael seeking out and assisting a French-German king. Also, Michael was reported to have intervened on behalf of French and British soldiers during ww1 in the battle of Mons, in the form of cavalrymen riding on horseback.

How is it fair that the British/French receive a representative leader, but not the Germans and Russians who sacrificed the most in the world wars? The British and French bear the greatest responsibility for the world wars.
edit on 3-12-2022 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: Ove38
Tsarevich Alexei was often ill and spent a lot of time in wheelchair.

originally posted by: Ove38
The golden feathered bird is the phoenix. A phoenix obtains new life by rising from the ashes of its predecessor.

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
Interesting... so could he be a reincarnation with some remaining past trauma and obvious genetics from the Romanov side?

I suspect from his father's side he might have Mongolian blood and by what I peaked I would assume ancestor of the Khan lineage.

He could he be a human clone of Tsarevich Alexei. A genetically identical copy of Tsarevich Alexei

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: Ove38

Since when was human cloning a thing in the early 20th century? That's absurd. Did you mean biological twin or body double?

As for the vision of the Tsar taming a golden falcon, that can be explained by animal magnetism.

As for the phoenix symbol, TPTB abuse it to declare that they alone will survive the fallout, the masses regard it as a symbol of resurrection and thereby immortality (ignorant Christians use it to express a contempt for death and a yearning to reset the world; "new heaven and new earth"), but the wise understand it to signify a guarantee of their continued existence, what the common rainbow was intended to be for Noah.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: hjesterium
a reply to: Ove38

Since when was human cloning a thing in the early 20th century? That's absurd. Did you mean biological twin or body double?

As for the vision of the Tsar taming a golden falcon, that can be explained by animal magnetism.

As for the phoenix symbol, TPTB abuse it to declare that they alone will survive the fallout, the masses regard it as a symbol of resurrection and thereby immortality (ignorant Christians use it to express a contempt for death and a yearning to reset the world; "new heaven and new earth"), but the wise understand it to signify a guarantee of their continued existence, what the common rainbow was intended to be for Noah.

Tsesarevich Alexei’s remains was found 15 years ago. His parents were exhumed 1991.

Human cloning

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
Tzar Log; Entry #14 - March 2022

He seems to be reading a lot of strategies, philosophy, psychology books and some old classics by Dostoyevski, Homer, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, etc.

He is a very interesting and odd individual and I am still trying to wrap my mind around why he is in a wheelchair...

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
From what I observed he has been in a wheelchair since the age of 15 but his condition seemed to have started at 10, I witnessed a shadowed hooded figure in his room that did something to his legs during a night which I assume is what triggered the whatever illness that he is plagued by.

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
Tzar Log; Entry #28 - September 2022
.....Additionally, I can not explain his illness, he is in a wheelchair but he still can move his arms and legs. So he is not paralyzed but seems to have some sort of illness or weakness that doesn't permit him to walk...

edit on 14-12-2022 by Ove38 because: text fix

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: Ove38
Tsesarevich Alexei’s remains was found 15 years ago.
Purely coincidental! On March 24, 2022, the seer indicated that the Tsar was about to turn age 30.

I don't know anything about how cloning works, but there's surely no way a clone could've lasted that long without atrophying. I highly doubt the Tsar has inherited a defective body from his ancestors. It's curious how animal infants can walk as soon as they're born, but human infants must crawl and be taught how to walk.

Also, you're overlooking the superphysical aspect of his vision: a visitation from a shadowed hooded figure. Some may be angels, others may be prisoners of sorts employed by angels, and there are also malicious beings appearing in such a guise. But generally hooded beings are neutral observers, as a stark contrast to other shadow beings such as Hat Man (like a lion patiently observing its prey).

I have factored in at least two contemporary accounts of hooded figures laying their hands on people: -

Perhaps the account of Jacob wrestling with god and being touched on the hip, if it's permissible to interpret it as historical, may have been such a paranormal being. Why couldn't the man overcome him when the sun rose? Shortly after witching hour, spirit activity tends to die down.

On July 6, 2022, the seer also mentioned a visit from a being of a similar nature, consistent with Missing411 reports.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 12:02 AM

originally posted by: Ove38

Nah he doesn't look enough to be a clone, except for the eyes a bit and maybe the nose. That's about all there is to it!

So don't think he's a genetic clone or anything of the sort, reincarnated maybe but not a clone.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 07:16 AM
What is the probability (%) of either a terrorist incident on American soil or another attempted invasion of Russia occurring in the month of June?

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: hjesterium
What is the probability (%) of either a terrorist incident on American soil or another attempted invasion of Russia occurring in the month of June?

43% possibility

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