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Future Russian Tzar 2022 Log

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posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 06:23 PM
Tzar Log; Entry #1 - January 2022

I have finally decided to update all entries about the future Russian ruler into 1 thread and keep it here, so here we go!

The future ruler will come unknown traveling over a vast body of water and much land to get to Russia, there are 2 variants when he will emerge it will either be sooner than later or when Russia will again collapse and become small to a size it once was. I am not sure what will cause this collapse or downsizing but much of the cities seemed dark, without power, water and a bit torn up... Maybe a war or a revolution?

However, I would prefer the 1st option where he shows up sooner than later and emerges to the people.

Recently the Tzar was given the location of the buried Romanovs it is an interesting location indeed and it seems when I observed this situation I was shown a few men being paid off in silver. It is rather peculiar as it reminded me of the Judas betrayal of Jesus not sure if this has any significance or symbolism but I would not point too much attention to it. I apologize in advance I am not permitted to disclose this location nor 100% hint at it and it will be for the Tzar to reveal to the world.

Much has changed his hair is slowly growing out and he is developing facial hair, I think he is growing a beard but what I noticed is that for his age his facial hair has a lot of grey or better yet more interestingly pure white strands. Furthermore, his facial hair grows oddly same goes for his head and at times it reminded me for some reason of tiny receptors as if his hair is becoming like antennas tuning into the creation.

A lot of people are asking about his political view and how he will rule, I heard this word when I observed him speak to the people I apologize if I am butchering the Russian he said "Kopskoe/Kopnoe". It looked seemed very Democratic but yet it was not because it was too pure and not able to be corrupted, he also acted as the final word where he assessed and thought about things presented before making a decision final. It was really really interesting because for example if the people around him voted let's say 7 for yes and 6 for no on a matter, he would reassess all things presented at least 7 times and ask of those he appointed as I guess elders or ministers of regions to do the same. So to sum it up, no stone was left unturned and no decision was rushed - EVER!

In addition, he did live appointments of leaders where people of each region only put the best man by gathering, there were no ballets, and was no voting system electronically. People would gather in a mass of an entire region at a place and with a direct translation of a live broadcast would vote on a candidate by raise of a hand.

It cause a lot of backlash from leaders around the world because people in other countries demanded the same set of government and rule. A lot of people also began moving to Russia even from overseas however the moving part was done in such a way that only the best of the best can get in (there was no handout visas and super thorough assessments were made of each family member wanting to move to Russia), Russia became what I can only describe as a new Rome but less of a killing machine and more of a blossoming pillar of humanity.

The flag of Russia will change and it will bare huge spiritual significance and ooze real unification type of symbolism, I can not draw it for a specific reason ( I SUCK AT ART) but I can tell you somewhat how it will look like. It will be white or possibly green as the nation grows, there will either be vines or branches to symbolize nature or rebirth, in the middle it will have two intersecting V to form a symbolism for the divine feminine and divine masculine. Where they intercept within it will look as if the inner outline forms a seed or what looks like a spark of sort. I do not know why but it felt very pure when I looked at it, it felt almost as if divine or represented something holy...

The Tzar also seems to be eating a lot more living food, I've been observing him eating glowing food and when I looked up what this means it is the representation of Kirlian or whatever is called photography. So he seems to have switched to eating raw food more and he is not eating barely anything such as meat or heat-treated food (cooked) as we call it. Even though I saw him eat meat before I do not know why the sudden change, is there something to it?

Anyway, this is the January update so far, I will do a February update once I learn or observe more!
edit on 25-1-2022 by WanderingMrM because: tiny update

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 06:36 PM
Tzar Log; Entry #2 - January 2022

He seems to be meditating more than usual now, he does at times seem frustrated because I don't think he is getting any answers. I am observing him taking notes in Russian and English something like a diary possibly a dream diary, he is also dipping his mind into Japanese for some reason not sure why!

I also observed him doing odd breathing, he was breaking in through his nose and filling his stomach with air which I assume is a deep breathing technique, then breathing out and he seems to be doing only 29 of these breaths. Once finally breathing out on the final breath he doesn't breathe in anymore but sits there without breathing after a couple of minutes he takes a deep breath in and holds it in also pushing it somehow through his entire body. His body also seems to begin to vibrate when he does this, I have no clue why he is doing this and also the significance of 29 although last year I saw him do something similar but with 28 breaths... Could this have something to do with his age? and each breath resembles 1 year of his life?

What does he do or see when he does this? How is this helping him?

I am very curious now!
edit on 25-1-2022 by WanderingMrM because: tiny update...

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 06:40 PM
I'm not understanding; is this a dream, something you're channeling, information received from meditation, or ???

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
I'm not understanding; is this a dream, something you're channeling, information received from meditation, or ???

It is dreams and information received during certain what I can only explain as flashes or instant OOBEs.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 08:16 PM
Thank you for clarifying; that helps me understand -sort of.
a reply to: WanderingMrM

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 09:02 PM
I'm glad you've started this thread - I get the sense that there is a clear signal line, data which is being driven through you & your dream experiences, your psychic impressions & so forth, but I'm also fairly certain that there is some 'noise' in there with the signal line. There is no reason to thinK this is a bad thing - I actually believe that God is taking your commitment to the ideals presented, which you possess a natural affinity for, as an opportunity to work through you, to convey information which is greatly needed by this person at this exact time in his life, encoding the data in a cipher which disguises the target individual sufficiently so he cannot be apprehended by his enemies before the time of his rise to power.

I will ask that you continue to express as much as you can, because remarkably this data is tallying with information I receive in dreams, about exactly the same type of person, with the exact same sort of mission expected of him, in exactly the same aura of gravitas - this is a serious matter, so please do continue. I will probably message you privately to disclose what I myself have seen & heard regarding this person, because I think we have an obligation to work to support him as he begins to emerge on the world stage. I echo your sentiment - sooner rather than later if possible, because the conspirators are working overtime to bring the whole house of cards crashing down before this person has a chance to do what he needs to do. It seems his work will be in part instrumental in preventing the worst sort of widespread catastrophe which might otherwise occur, if he is late to step up & fight for the cause.

Thanks again, keep the good words flowing.


posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
I'm glad you've started this thread - I get the sense that there is a clear signal line, data which is being driven through you & your dream experiences, your psychic impressions & so forth, but I'm also fairly certain that there is some 'noise' in there with the signal line. There is no reason to thinK this is a bad thing - I actually believe that God is taking your commitment to the ideals presented, which you possess a natural affinity for, as an opportunity to work through you, to convey information which is greatly needed by this person at this exact time in his life, encoding the data in a cipher which disguises the target individual sufficiently so he cannot be apprehended by his enemies before the time of his rise to power.

I will ask that you continue to express as much as you can, because remarkably this data is tallying with information I receive in dreams, about exactly the same type of person, with the exact same sort of mission expected of him, in exactly the same aura of gravitas - this is a serious matter, so please do continue. I will probably message you privately to disclose what I myself have seen & heard regarding this person, because I think we have an obligation to work to support him as he begins to emerge on the world stage. I echo your sentiment - sooner rather than later if possible, because the conspirators are working overtime to bring the whole house of cards crashing down before this person has a chance to do what he needs to do. It seems his work will be in part instrumental in preventing the worst sort of widespread catastrophe which might otherwise occur, if he is late to step up & fight for the cause.

Thanks again, keep the good words flowing.


I have been also aware that his counterpart is also here already and they are both roughly the same age which is very interesting.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 05:39 AM
Tzar Log; Entry #3 - January 2022

He will also create a prestigious military service where men and women will shine their best, and people will flock to it not by force or a mandate but voluntarily. It will also include many amazing benefits!

A lot of art will also be returned to Russia and he will establish cultural & historical hubs in all cities. Furthermore, he will shed light on the truth of how the dark forces have conspired against Russia and will restore many churches some of which are not even yet built.

From what I was shown and I can gather is that Russia will go through a Spiritual, Historical and Cultural Renesounce period, leaders will flock to him, certain political families will propose unions through marriage but he won't be interested in that.

His response in most situations will be put God, Love & Family first, above all else be truthful in your ways and your deeds. It is interesting to see the development of the future Tzar and I am looking forward to seeing how it all plays out!

However, we must not forget the dark side is plotting and scheming to make sure Russia fails and does not get a chance to receive the so called blessing. What they are not realizing he will show up to a Russia before a fall or after, it does not matter because this is Divine Law so to speak and is mandated by heaven.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 07:30 AM
Forgive me if I missed it but will this Czar be happily accepted by the Russian people and the existing establishment?

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Granitebones
Forgive me if I missed it but will this Czar be happily accepted by the Russian people and the existing establishment?

Not at first, many will doubt him and many will scheme to throw him off the seat not to mention even result to blackmail tactics. However, he will know of all the plots and twists the snakes near him will have in mind, so he won't even care to deal with them because the people will love him.

The people will see the good he does and resonates with his deeds they will literally call him a living saint.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

the last post sure paint the future Czar-Tsar as a 'chosen -one' or an 'Ascended Master Saintly entity'

is this scenario the calm before the storm ?

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 12:01 PM
How the quality of prophets and clairvoyants has decreased in our days!

Back in the last century, they could unfold a whole metahistorical concept of the earth -

but now they only peep what their chosen characters eat.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: turretless

Signal & Noise - a cipher to aid in understanding what is to come, to be interpreted, not taken literally, aimed specifically at the person concerned. That's what seems to be unfolding - a disguised pathway, truth to be uncovered.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

And how much did you manage to decipher from what WanderingMrM wrote?

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 02:27 PM
Welcome children to the comedy true, twisted and spangled to daring to be true, the Russian Tsar is Putin, as holy war is declared, boom there goes your soul, for in this comedy I am to laden to be removed, I side with Christ, so I will ask, God, what is the truth, that the winds will scowl with a message, the end comes when we die, but what about the living, are you happy or angry, most people are angry, and rightly so, InShAlla they cried, and their prayers were answered, now lies the bear ready to fight the lion, and the snake 🐍 shakes its rattle dont tread on me, wake up u fools, it is Satan, that is pulling the strings with his tool. His lying deceitful tongue 👅 which many lick with glee. But with my own eyes I clearly see, how would you rather die, as painlessly and loved as possible, so be ready for war, as it ends here, not passed onto our young ones, pleaing for peace, taken by an app, lost in the void, yay, God it’s your go.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: Randomname2
Welcome children to the comedy true, twisted and spangled to daring to be true, the Russian Tsar is Putin, as holy war is declared, boom there goes your soul, for in this comedy I am to laden to be removed, I side with Christ, so I will ask, God, what is the truth, that the winds will scowl with a message, the end comes when we die, but what about the living, are you happy or angry, most people are angry, and rightly so, InShAlla they cried, and their prayers were answered, now lies the bear ready to fight the lion, and the snake 🐍 shakes its rattle dont tread on me, wake up u fools, it is Satan, that is pulling the strings with his tool. His lying deceitful tongue 👅 which many lick with glee. But with my own eyes I clearly see, how would you rather die, as painlessly and loved as possible, so be ready for war, as it ends here, not passed onto our young ones, pleaing for peace, taken by an app, lost in the void, yay, God it’s your go.

Actually, Putin is not the future Russian Tzar, I did see him and the man who is to be stand side by side. This man will forgive Putin in front of all the people and when they will judge him for it he will speak out certain things, which will turn the crowd to ask to forgive Putin too.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: St Udio
a reply to: WanderingMrM

the last post sure paint the future Czar-Tsar as a 'chosen -one' or an 'Ascended Master Saintly entity'

is this scenario the calm before the storm ?

I suspect that he will be the one that will help deal with the storm and steer humanity out of it.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 05:41 PM

Smarter than the average US President

Think about it, Putin parked a few tanks and trucks 186 miles from the Ukraine border in November gave his boys a few days off to enjoy the local saunas.

Then he waited for Kiev & Brussels to work themselves into a lather with hysteria. As soon as NATO began issuing threats of sanctions, Russia began turning down the gas valves supplying Europe. energy prices across Europe began soaring.

One by one, Germany, then France & Hungary changed their minds about supporting Ukraine.

Now US Secretary of State Blinken, reports submissively to diplomatic talks with USA's tail between its legs, under pressure from Europe to get the gas supply restored.

I give you former Taxi driver Vladimir Putin, Smarter than the average US President and Tzar of Europe!

Now Russia is going to get every security guarantee from NATO on its wish list without a single shot being fired.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: RIPMH370

Smarter than the average US President

Think about it, Putin parked a few tanks and trucks 186 miles from the Ukraine border in November gave his boys a few days off to enjoy the local saunas.

Then he waited for Kiev & Brussels to work themselves into a lather with hysteria. As soon as NATO began issuing threats of sanctions, Russia began turning down the gas valves supplying Europe. energy prices across Europe began soaring.

One by one, Germany, then France & Hungary changed their minds about supporting Ukraine.

Now US Secretary of State Blinken, reports submissively to diplomatic talks with USA's tail between its legs, under pressure from Europe to get the gas supply restored.

I give you former Taxi driver Vladimir Putin, Smarter than the average US President and Tzar of Europe!

Now Russia is going to get every security guarantee from NATO on its wish list without a single shot being fired.

Putin is merely preparing Russia for the Tzar, and I believe he will be an advisor to him as the Tzar is still rather young.

Furthermore, believe it or not a lot of Ukrainians I have spoken to all want to reunite with Russia again. A lot of them hate the current government and especially for the fact that they are preaching Bandera doctrine which was fully pushed and supported by Nazis. So you can see the huge dilemma and the issues not just about NATO in the region!

A lot of Ukrainians are currently also protesting against the current government due to mass tax increases and push for nazi supporters to be labeled national heroes who actually helped in the genocide of Ukrainians and Jews during ww2. However, this is not being covered by the media because they know if they do then the world will be saying "You know what maybe Ukraine deserves what's coming and actually Russia should take Ukraine back". Don't even get me started on what the Nazi Ukrainian boys did in Donbass and Donetzk...

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 05:46 AM
Czar and Tsar comes from "Caesar"

"Julius Caesar" is/was a phonetic variant of "Jesus Christ"

Jesus Christ
Julius Caesar

The names both have a undisclosed meaning, known to very few people

But the meaning of both names is the same and refers to the "Emotional Conscience"

Julius Caesar used this as a bloodline by name

The idea of the named bloodline, was that it ascended the male lineage. Making it impossible for imposters, or usurpers to assume a throne which belonged to that name and its male lineage

If they were not a son born of that name and bloodline, they were illegitimate

At some stage, people of power decided that they did not like this system, as it prevented them from being put on that families throne illegitimately

So "Houses" were adopted to circumvent legitimate bloodlines

A house name, made it possible for them to put whoever they wanted on the throne, without that person being a male born of a particular bloodline, carrying a particular name necessary to hold that throne

The problem with this is, no matter what they do, they are not legitimate descendants of that bloodline

Even if they sat on the throne, they did not hold the bloodline, or the genetic abilities and inheritance of that bloodline

Meaning, they were/are nothing more than a worthless ornament on a mantle, which serves no purpose

The more they corrupted this, the further away from the legitimate bloodlines they became

This is not to say that Julius Caesars bloodline was even legitimate to begin with ...

It is just to explain the origin of the Czar/Tsar


This means that only someone carrying a variant of a very, very particular last name, could possibly name themselves a legitimate Caesar/Czar/Tzar

This name would need to be a name which has a very direct correlation with the meaning of the word "Christ"

I am not talking about the proposed person from the Bible named "Christ"

I am talking about the true meaning of the word itself

The oldest known male bloodline names which fit, are names like Cohen, Kohen, Coen, Kahn, Cahn, Kohn, Korn

If this person does not have a last name that directly links to the root bloodline of these names, they are not a legitimate root

The important distinction of legitimacy, lays within the genetic gifts afforded to that bloodline

This is the ability to understand, know and learn things, that those without this bloodline "connection" cannot

Meaning, you can name a false house and place them upon the throne, but they are never going to be able to bring the people the types of advancements, gifts and understanding, that the legitimate bloodline would/could, if that bloodline were upon the throne and given the resources to do so

The illegitimate bloodline has all the resources in the world ... But no idea

This is how you can tell that the current royal bloodlines are illegitimate. Because they do little to nothing in this world of note, to advance the species and help their people

They are just "there"

Like ornaments that serve no purpose

So, what will this Czar bring with them? What technology or understanding?


Not "they will unite people with understanding" .... What is the understanding?

What technology or advancements?

Because this, along with their birthname, is what will prove their legitimacy

Without these things, they are just another idealist, no different from our current aristocracy
edit on 27 1 22 by Compendium because: Added something

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