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Future Russian Tzar 2022 Log

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posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 09:16 PM
I should have added earlier ... Dreams and visions many times need to be interpreted in reverse

They are not literal

You need to mirror everything backwards to understand that they are referring to

For instance ...

If you are talking about a royalty? The reverse of this can be the common people

If you are talking about taking the throne back to make things better? The reverse of this can be going to war

So, "The future Czar" can reverse to "War again"

But ... Just because dreams and visions are never literal. It does not mean they can not/will not manifest in a way that correlates with the literal interpretation later on. But it is almost never a direct correlation, or relation to the thing that is seen. But an opposite, of an opposite

This is how probably works within resonant frequency

Meaning a Czar could very well end up being installed to the throne of Russia

Which, if it happened, would be as result of a return "reversal" of something like the War

But ... It is very, very unlikely that what will return, will be exactly like this, or happen in the way you see

In fact, it is far more likely that it won't, BECAUSE you have seen these things and shared them, than it will

Because the way probably manifests in this world, if it were going to happen as you said, you would have seen things slightly differently

This is what sucks about "prophetic" visions. Lines of probability are subject to the same "interference patterns" that we see within things like the double-slit experiment. Where the visual resonance of an optic device which can interact with light, also interferes with the light being observed

I learned many years ago, that if I shared the dreams or visions I had of events, they did not happen

If I kept them to myself, there was a good chance I would see it happen within the next few days

But the second I told people about it, it would not happen

Even though something similar may/might happen

So, even though it possible that you may/might end up being correct later, as a result of an opposing "reversed" propagating sine wave to war

It is far more likely, that it will be an opposite, of the opposite, to what you see

Such as a new President being put into power, to try end the war

This is what Western newspaper propaganda is trying to push to happen, using "collective perception" amongst their people, with (often completely fake) stories constantly questioning Putin, his health, his sanity. Anything and everything they can. To try make sure it is him, that probability targets to end

The problem with this? Is that probability lines for the return function of manifest probability, for something like "The future Czar" is more likely to be, the assassination (or possibly imprisonment) of the American President

Because opposites manifest more definitively reversed than we can judge

And attempts to "influence" these patterns, such as is done within American media, can only ever work in the short-term

It may/might appear like it has worked perfectly, such as with faking of things like September 11th 2001

But the reality is, that all manipulations like this ever do, is create something I refer to as a "Paralapsis". Where the inbound and outbound pressures within the lines of probability, create recurring sub-frequency resonances

Which, in time, will return the outcome they tried to avoid, exponentially worse than it would have been. Because they actively tied to "fulfill prophecy" using probability, to avoid something they did not want to happen

It can't be done. You can put things off, thinking you have beat them. But all you ever do, is dig yourself a bigger hole, the next time "the wave" returns, exponentially bigger, badder, and more painful, than the last time you sent it away

And if your avoiding caused other people pain or suffering? Well I would say "God help you", but no God will be

Intentionally creating a collective pain within the lines of probability? Such as allowing countries to go to war, to cover up your crimes?

The return on these, I'm guessing would be like putting a pain the weight of a celestial body against your soul. Something you are likely to never return from, as you will be held under by the weight of many generations of pain, things which should not be, and things which will never be, because of you

Good luck to them passing through the eye with that on them

And nobody can save them from it

I think, more likely than a Czar, you will see your visions manifest as Biden being targeted for crimes relating to Ukraine. As a way for the USA to try wash off probability of greater criminal dealings by bigger groups of people in the manipulation and covert fabianist infiltration and take-over of their resources, industries and Government

After which they will try use something like the "Resignation or retirement" ploy, to say "Hey don't worry about it, no need for criminal charges, they are gone. Here is someone else we put in to distract you instead"

It won't work this time though

Because they were trapped in a corner

Only blood will pay their debts now. Blood from all involved

A Czar may come forth who pushes to see this done

But I don't think it is likely

But ... I do agree with you, in the regard that I think you will see the positive outcome you hope for. From wherever does come to be

Because it is not only the people of other countries who are suffering to these types of criminals and need be freed

The American people need be freed as well. They just don't realise it yet

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: Compendium
I should have added earlier ... Dreams and visions many times need to be interpreted in reverse. They are not literal.
I don't know what you're on about all this unnecessarily complicated talk, but by now, I've gathered enough research material which should hopefully put all this vain speculation to rest and invite more meaningful, productive discussion about the planet's future.

Here is tangible corroboration for Russia's Tsar and the necessity for the seer's scenario in the event of Russia's collapse.

Whether the Russians go on to conquer western Europe or suffer collapse and revolution, this is literally their only way out of their mess. All other paths lead to a dead end. Even if Putin manages to peaceably secure his aims in the Ukrainian conflict, the prospect of peace will likely be thrown out of the window, as a result of Western interference/Polish subversion, Ukrainian/Russian revolutionaries, a fiery natural disaster along with war depleting the East's resources, etc.

I was originally planning on divulging my research to the public only when I had confirmed the authenticity of every single of my sources (i.e. Rasputin's sayings definitely exist in the Russian, but I haven't uncovered the source for the English translated predictions), but by that time, things might've already played out as predicted. I regard the years provided by seers, both past and present, as superfluous. They usually get the timing wrong, but the details are generally accurate. A few thwarted predictions doesn't discredit the rest.

originally posted by: Compendium
But ... It is very, very unlikely that what will return, will be exactly like this, or happen in the way you see.
That only holds true for highly detailed predictions.

originally posted by: Compendium
In fact, it is far more likely that it won't, BECAUSE you have seen these things and shared them, than it will.
Actually, it increases its likelihood since most people don't want to believe Russia has a historic mission and benign destiny to fulfill.

originally posted by: Compendium
I learned many years ago, that if I shared the dreams or visions I had of events, they did not happen. If I kept them to myself, there was a good chance I would see it happen within the next few days. But the second I told people about it, it would not happen.
This is an individual case situation. Sharing visions with only a handful of people shouldn't impact the outcome, it takes a considerable amount of energy to influence world events. There are plenty of clairvoyants who shared their dreams/visions (on the personal/local level) and subsequently had them confirmed.
edit on 22-1-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 06:00 AM
Who knows ...

Maybe you are right

But I have many years studying this exact thing

I used to "see" visions of things that would take place all the time

Very detailed and accurate "visions" of things, which came to happen exactly as I saw them

Until I tried sharing them

Then I realised the nature of the things I was seeing, goes much deeper

I was not only able to see them. There was some type of effect, linking me directly to the things I see, either happening, or not happening

I have learned since, that when you "see", without effect on what is seen. All you are doing is telling a story which is being dictated to you by another. Or a collective of "others"

A pointless exercise

You neither understand why, nor how you see

And you can neither be said to be working for the good of the collective future of our world, or the destruction

Most "Prophecy" is negative association of probability. Nothing more

Like looking for light on the surface of the water, when you are drowning

When you learn to swim in these waters, you understand that the nature of "prophecy" lies within the ability to correlate and manipulate probability

You are not a "seer"

You are the eye itself

I'll put it to you simply ...

Let us say for a moment that you are correct. And there is a Czar to be installed in Russia in the future ...

What do they bring with them that would legitimise them in any way?

That would give them the ability to do, or change things, that what others could not, or will not do?

What change will it make in a global sense, to the other nations?

What could they possibly bring with them, that would make nations like America and Britain care?

Because even a massive change to Russia, can mean very little to the greater world

What purpose would they serve? Besides becoming another, possibly impotent, figurehead to another country?

Do they bring new understandings of the Universe? Or of physics?

Do they bring new technologies for the advancement of the species?

New types of power? Or ways to help heal the Earth and use less resources?

Because without things such as these to legitimise their installment as royalty, there will be little point to it happening

But more importantly, if you cannot also see these things, then what you are "seeing" is the equivalent of a theory, without a working concept

If what they see will bring about great change ... You should also be able to see and define that change


Whatever you hope for within the things you see, if they are good for the future of everyone in this world (not just the Russians), then I hope you are right and they do come about

Personally, with what I "see", there is only one possible way that a Czar could come to be installed in Russia ....

And that is if he is installed by/with the support of the Roman Catholic Church

Which would mean that they would have likely needed to do something such as reinstall the (non-spiritual) Emperor of Rome, in order for Russia to feel the necessity of installing a Russian counterpart to that Emperor

I do see the Roman Emperor as being a "possibility" in future ...

So who know, maybe you are right

But it is subject to much bigger considerations, I have spent years looking at

Perhaps this is why I, with my own particular alignment, cannot see anything like what WanderingMrM is talking about

Perhaps my alignment is too far removed, due to my considerations on the future of the Roman and Western Roman (British) Empires

Best of luck to you in being right

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: Compendium
Let us say for a moment that you are correct. And there is a Czar to be installed in Russia in the future...
Even if all of these predictions were somehow false or failed to come to pass, that wouldn't discourage me from attempting to search for and bring forth men of his caliber to the public's attention. I had already set my plan in motion long before I chanced upon the prophecy.

What do they bring with them that would legitimise them in any way? That would give them the ability to do, or change things, that what others could not, or will not do?
Certainly not the Romanov lineage, that alone wouldn't be enough to sway all of Russia's people and rally even assimilated Russians living abroad to his side. The Russians appear to be divided on the Romanov legacy. Nobody can deny that Tsar Nicholas II was a vacillating and indecisive ruler. Peter, arguably the greatest of the Romanovs, achieved the same as Gorbachev. Great to the West, detrimental to Russia's development.

What the Tsar brings with him are simply virtues to look for in an idealistic leader: sincerity, honesty/candor, tactfulness, integrity, sympathy, tolerance, reverence, decisive action, steadfastness, modesty before fate, sense of proportion, common sense. A man of principle shows consistency in both word and deed, not only speaking about his principles during times of prosperity, but acting on principle during times of hardship.

What could they possibly bring with them, that would make nations like America and Britain care? Because even a massive change to Russia, can mean very little to the greater world.
You're downplaying how changes in an international power factor like Russia (not to mention it is a gigantic landmass with a vast population, unlike Switzerland) would impact the western societies. That's like saying a massive change in American politics has no bearing on the world, when in actual fact, the world and especially their enemies carefully scrutinize American elections.

The Tsar will introduce a novel system of government synthesizing democracy, dictatorship, and even communism, without ending up in the form of world government. America and Britain have good cause for concern, since it'd mean revolutions in their own countries, the people demanding for the same system of government. Then they could no longer get away with demanding countries to imitate their model and abide by their rules/policies, they'd have to step down from their pedestal.

Recently, the seer divulged to me a possible scenario in which Zelensky was ousted as a charlatan, after which the West pays Russia hush money to keep quiet about the circumstances of his death.

What purpose would they serve? Besides becoming another, possibly impotent, figurehead to another country?
Realistically considered, his purpose is two-fold: universal enlightenment (in the religious sphere?), and to emphasize Russian culture (the cultivation of ennobling arts and sciences, with an eye to beauty) as the basis of Russia's greatness.

Idealistically, he will be a voice for the voiceless, a magnet for the independent minority, a champion for the masses, a symbol for the nations, giving expression to their collective aspirations, longings, and thwarted spiritual desires.

Figureheads become devoid of power when they are devoid of ideas. Especially when they no longer serve an ideal, but elevate power as an end in itself. In England and Japan, the office is reduced to strictly ceremonial functions.

Do they bring new understandings of the Universe? Or of physics?
Yes. Particularly shedding light on the laws of thermodynamics, Einstein's theory of relativity, and Newton's absolute space and time.

According to Francis Bacon, the Platonist philosophers paved the way for simplistic reductions of natural phenomena to final/universal causes (i.e. heat, electricity, gravity), suspending the exact inquiry for physical causes. Descartes authored a host of great errors which have become foundational to contemporary science: 1. the mechanical philosophy in science (all natural phenomena can be explained by the laws of physics and chemistry) and 2. the radically false division between matter/body and consciousness/spirit.

Francis Bacon found a successor in Robert Boyle. Incidentally, almost all of Boyle's conceptual ideas have been invented by now. Descartes was exceeded in his folly by George Berkeley.

For all the idle talk about WEF and sophist Graham Hancock, nobody seems to understand that the real battlefield for influencing society is the stronghold of contemporary Science. For scientific institutions have largely superseded religion's role as a legislating sovereign. In the past, religion alone curtailed the excesses of tyrants and politicians since they had to pay lip service. If establishment scientists are compelled to admit that something is true, then all must submit to their authority, including TPTB/the 1%.

This was the underlying struggle of the American politician Lyndon B. LaRouche, not his forays into politics. Russian historian Andrei Fursov had some interesting things to say about him, namely, that establishment educators oppose LaRouche on political grounds. The LaRouche movement drew attention to how energy was ill-defined. Plato's intended meaning was covered up by dishonest translators and conflated with Aristotle's usage of the word. LaRouche appears to have misrepresented Aristotle's departure from Plato's presentation as antagonistic.

Do they bring new technologies for the advancement of the species?
Yes. Powerful telescopes and microscopes eclipsing the feats of James Webb Deep Space. Photographing something hitherto overlooked in the process of death (can't get into specifics). Oscillators for measuring the benign or detrimental effect produced in a person by music. Rendering what is currently imperceptible to organic life visible, this will accompany a cosmic event which sheds light on the underlying realities of physical life.

These discoveries will be guided along with the help of persons endowed with a rare penetrating sight, developed from the senses of observation in the organic eye, a sort of visual expansion more properly clear-seeing than clairvoyance is said to be. Similar to how some animals are able to perceive from great distances in great detail and perceive different spectrums of color. These individuals will be able to give an account for the exact components found in a material, as well as the exact diagnosis of diseases and discerning their root causes.

Nobody can dispute that inventors are indispensable for the preservation of the human species. Well, it turns out that many inventors obtained epiphanies for their discoveries, not arrived at by their own painstaking labours and human reasoning. After fruitlessly occupying their attention with a life problem, being reduced to the verge of despair, they unexpectedly received a clarification while they were in a relaxed state of mind, which they then work up while in a state of ecstatic expectancy.

(This creative process must be differentiated from the insights afforded to Theophanes of Polvata: "Thanks to the prayers of the saints, the Lord sent me rapid, light thought and I finished my work astonishingly quickly, in half an hour.")
edit on 23-1-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: Compendium
Do they bring new understandings of the Universe? Or of physics?

Historical cases (mostly by dreams): Elias Howe (sewing machine), August Kekule (structure of benzene), Dmitri Mendeleev (periodic table). Famous cases (by meditation): Kepler, Nikola Tesla. Obscure cases (observations from nature): Viktor Schauberger, Hanns Hoerbiger, Itzhak Bentov. Public contemporary figures: Rupert Sheldrake, Arthur Young. Similarly artists: Richard Wagner, Gustav Mahler (Eight Symphony).

It's worth noting that, unlike Descartes, pioneers such as Carl Friedrich Gauss (Gauss sum) and Selig Slonimsky (telegraph), either did not commit their insights to writing or filed away their discoveries, in order to not obstruct their younger peers from chancing upon it. Quite often, two contemporary inventors arrive at the same realization independently (simultaneous invention).

Thus, a great host of visionary inventors have established a historical precedent for the religious and scientific discoveries bequeathed to the Tsar.

Here is a contemporary intuition of a religious nature, which pertains to the perennial problem of god and evil: When this piece of knowledge, properly understood and appreciated, is inserted into a system conforming to the one objective reality, it'll radically change the idea of god as we know it, and the whole course of the world along with it!

New types of power? Or ways to help heal the Earth and use less resources?
Yes. There is untapped potential for renewable resources in plants and water. The search for alternate resources after depleting fossil fuels is not only unrealistic, but condemns the entire course of contemporary science. Case in point:

Ivan Michurin and the Soviet scientists who came after him paved the way for rescuciating dying plant matter and reconfiguring their genetic structure. Viktor Schauberger intuited water as a "carrier of consciousness", which makes him a forerunner of Copernican proportions. Some critics may draw attention to his repeated failed experiments. The possible explanation for this may be insufficient equipment/technology. What scientist hasn't failed many times over in their quest for discovery?

Lastly: I'd like to amend another purpose for the Tsar and other similar messiahs: to renew a long neglected teaching, this teaching is meant to be continually renewed throughout the ages. It lies in the contradistinction between struggle and cooperation, the principle can be rediscovered in Giordano Bruno and Goethe.
edit on 23-1-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: hjesterium

OK, I'll be straight forward here about why I am "interested" in this thread

I am on of many initiates of light, currently going through their rites of ascension worldwide

We have gained very specific understanding about things which are going to happen

We have gained very specific understanding about the things each of us will need to offer this world in the future

I'm not talking about precedence of people and things which "can be done", if people are given the power to do so. Nor vague theories on what "could be done", if people are given the power to do so

I am talking about very detailed and specific principles, diagrams and schematics, for things that will collapse entire global industries and markets overnight

Things that will make the power of Kings, Czars, world leaders, or the elite, irrelevant

Stocks and companies made worthless in seconds

It wont matter who is King. It wont matter who is leading a country

Because many like me worldwide have very specific understanding and technology, which is 50-100 years ahead of anything that the "leaders of industry" in this world today can offer

More than just this, we have very specific understanding and technology which is even further advanced to this

The idea being, that if, somehow, they manage to use all the last of their resources to fight us and come out with a similar, or slightly more advanced version of our technology? We have other even more advanced technologies we can release, which are 100+ years ahead of their times

We are talking things like anti-inertia and anti-gravity. Achieved through mechanical principles. Not electronically

My point is, that unless this Czar is one of us. They will not be allowed to take the throne

As far as I am aware, for the future of this world. There will be no "Royal" families allowed in any country in the years to come

Unless very particular people and bloodlines (who have been through rites of ascension) are the ones be installed to the throne

If the current "Royals" do not hand the thrones over, this world will simply exterminate them, and their thrones will be ended

But, as I said in my last post ...

There is one possible path within the future, where the "Royal" concept will be allowed to continue

So, you may well end up being right. There may/might be a Russian Czar put on the throne in future

But if he is not one of the emerging root race, who has gone through the rites of ascension. Then it will not be him who takes the throne

It does not matter how legitimate a claim he has. There are powers within the source of the creation of this world itself at play, who will not allow it to happen

But, having said that ...

If the person you are speaking of, is of the most legitimate ORIGINAL Royal bloodline for the Russian people. Then it is highly likely that he is of the emerging root race, and would currently being going through his initiation rites

But when I say "original", I mean the oldest direct male, first born son to first born son, Russian bloodline in existence today

Dating back to the beginning of the Russian people

The oldest D.N.A lineage and bloodline, of any Russian family that exists today

I am talking about roots which predate recorded history

Meaning, the "legitimate" heir, is very unlikely to be within any of the archives or records you could conventionally use

They would also carry a very particular variation of family name. Something which directly correlates, or translates to very particular words

If you wish to message me a list of potential "family names", I would be happy to compare their spelling and meaning for you

But first, I would suggest to you ...

The easiest way to determine straight away if they are legitimate or not, is to search for heirs to bloodlines, who have an unbroken direct-male lineage

If there is a break in the lineage, where a daughter takes the throne, then it ceases to be legitimate

It is no longer the same bloodline. As the daughter carries on the bloodline of whatever man she marries. Not the male lineage of her Father

Even cousins, are deemed a break in the legitimate bloodline

To be legitimate, they need to have a continuous line of "First born son, of the first born son, of the first born son, of the first born son .. etc"

Even a second-born son, can call the legitimacy into question. Unless the first born son, does not produce a son heir. But even then, it is only the first born son, of the second born son, who takes the throne

The second born, never sits on the throne

If you find a circumstance where a second born sits on the throne, the bloodline is no longer legitimate

It needs to pass directly from the second born sons first born son, from his older brother

He does not get to sit on the throne. Only act as a vessel of its passing. And only when his older first born brother, has no son as heir

If you can find that line, historically ... You may very well have found your Czar

With the British throne, they have no such legitimate line

When "Queen" Elizabeth II had "Prince" Philips children, the bloodline ceased to be the bloodline of her father, and became Prince Philips

This is the exact reason that "Royal" families adopted "House" names, over "Family" names long ago

Because when Royal families were carried by the "Family" name, which was passed down from Father to Son, it was impossible for someone outside of the direct bloodline to claim that they were a legitimate heir to the throne

If they did not carry the family name, then they could not be legitimate

The second a daughter of the legitimate King married another man, she would take his family name. Which would show, that her children were no longer of the same legitimate bloodline

The way pretenders to the throne got around this, was the adoption of "House" names

This way, they could install any bloodline they wanted to the throne. Without having a legitimate lineage

And the "House" name made it look legitimate, when it is not

Find the first born son, to first born son lineage .... Find your legitimate heir

But honestly ... If your seer is seeing a legitimate heir? It is very unlikely he would have any connection to any of the historically documented Royal lines

He would far more likely be of a completely unknown, and possible poor, or middle class, bloodline

So your search will be very difficult

Best of luck to you

I hope you are right, if it brings the right person to be in the right position, to make this world a better place

If a different "bloodline" than the "House" of Windsor take over the British throne in years to come, then I would suggest there is a good chance a Russian Czar may emerge

But it will most likely only be after the Emperor of Rome is reinstalled

And the reason for this will be, that a new, more correct version of the Bible has been translated. That makes it impossible for them to keep the Church, without installing an Emperor

A person who will likely be, the exact same person to take the British throne

I have not seen anything past this involving Russia

But if this happens, I would not be surprise if you are right. Because original royal bloodlines will likely be installed in most countries

The probability of this is low

It is more likely the current Royals will refuse to give up their thrones, so they will be exterminated in some way, and their thrones ended

But it could happen. It is not impossible
edit on 23 1 23 by Compendium because: Corrections

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 05:26 AM

originally posted by: Compendium
a reply to: hjesterium

OK, I'll be straight forward here about why I am "interested" in this thread. I am on of many initiates of light, currently going through their rites of ascension worldwide...
That's all I needed to know to disengage from this unproductive talk.

Never in the history of mankind have the wise given themselves out to the public as ascended masters. Those who do are either self-deceived or were never initiated. In fact, with all their self-witnessing, they routinely bring discredit upon genuine systems and treatises dealing with esoteric matters.

If the person you are speaking of, is of the most legitimate ORIGINAL Royal bloodline for the Russian people.
You're derailing the thread by stirring up ruinous controversies over genealogies (Titus 3:9). I already indicated that the Tsar coming from the Romanov bloodline wouldn't be a decisive factor in winning over the Russian people. It doesn't matter whether he is of legitimate birth or not.

Jesus (or rather one of the historical figures he was based on. He wasn't entirely derived from the mythical figures of other religions, i.e. Mithras) was said to be of illegitimate birth, the bastard son of a Roman soldier. Even if he were also of royal Jewish lineage, he couldn't possibly be traced beyond Abraham and back to the mythical progenitors of the Hebrew race (Noah and Adam). Clearly, the gospel propagandists, in order to win over the Jewish element to their cause, custom tailored their narrative for them by making avail of extant myths and prophecies.

Many great men of action, and their artistic counterparts, were usually outliers, they came from outside the nation they led. I.e. Alexander the Macedonian, Napoleon the Corsican, Stalin the Georgian.

Also, I don't subscribe to race-root theory... Regarding the so-called sixth root-race, it was widely believed and naively hoped that it would one day emerge from America. Judging by the sterile predominance of the Anglo-Saxon & Irish stock in its ruling caste, that does not appear to be viable anymore. And the idea that the Mediterranean (Greek & Italian) stock could replenish it is just ridiculous. Most of the Mediterranean & Baltic countries are shadows of their glorious past. It is more likely to appear from a combination of the Teutonic & Slavic stock.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: hjesterium

I did not say I am an ascended "master". You are conflating

I said I have been through rites of ascension. Very different

"Ascended Master" teachings were written by people who have not been through initiation. They only knew about them

I am an initiate of light. A "Sinian", which means "fire". A solar order

We are not sworn to secrecy. We can openly share whatever we want. No one cares

I am not "derailing" anything

You are proposing the installation of a legitimate crown, and I am telling you very definitively, what will be needed for them to legitimate

I'm assuming by the way you keep mentioning "The Romanov bloodline" that you believe they are connected to a legitimate claim to the Roman Empire and throne

I can assure you that whoever these "Romanovs" are, they are nothing to do with the throne of Rome

You are arguing the same point as I am. That the legitimate lines are not of any lines to have sat on the thrones in recent history

I said very clearly, they need be of continuous unbroken male lineages, who are likely from poor, or middle class families


Hence why they are referred to as the crown. They are the oldest link to the light of our collective consciousness

What happens within the cycles, is that every time the stars come around to align in a particular way, the legitimate crown emerges from where it has been hiding, or oppressed within this Earth

Then generations later in the cycle, as we move away from this alignment, illegitimate families are able to take over, and the legitimate families are usually pushed back into hiding for many more generations

Usually, these illegitimate families will then take steps to ensure that the real bloodlines cannot return

Such as with the current British Royal family writing very particular legislation designed to ensure that nobody can take the throne back from them

Including very particular laws relating to the Roman Catholic Church

Because they know exactly whereabouts the "threat to their reign" is likely to emerge from

The "root race" does not change between different races and locations. Just like the roots of a tree do not change

They are constant. Hence the name "root"

They are the same, consistent, and unbroken lines of male lineage

Like the Freemasons and their "unbroken chain". Except legitimate

If you are referring to a genuine legitimate Czar, then they will be one of the root race

All that means, is that they need to have come from a direct unbroken lineage of male-to-male bloodline, that is older than any others on Earth

And once again ...

These bloodlines also carry a very particular, unchanged name

If you Czar doesn't carry a variation of this name and unbroken lineage, then they are not legislate

And they will not be allowed to rule

For the Jewish, and in the Old Testament, this family name is Kohen. For India, this name is Khan. The Egyptian variation is Khons/Khonsu. In the New Testament, the family name is Christou

All the names mean "Conscience"

It boils down to the undeniable genetics of their line

If they are not a first born male, or a first born male, etc ... With a very particular family name ... Who has been through initiation ... They will not be taking the throne for at least 5-10 generations. Because we are coming into alignment

I'm sorry if this blows holes in your theories about who someone is, because they aren't from an unbroken lineage ...

Or if interferes with WanderingMrM's personal aspirations to become the new Czar ... As I get the feeling the Czar he is referring to, is himself

But you cannot alter the source of the ancient roots

No matter how wonderful you think the person is, or what good you think they can do for this world

The ancient lines will come again, as they did before. As they will again

It is likely they will not even take the throne

But if they don't, nobody will be allowed to

So, if your are right that there is a Czae/Caesar coming. They will need fulfill these requirements

Also, worth pointing out, that the word "Caesar", from which "Czar/Tzar" comes, is used because it is another variation of the "name" I spoke of earlier

Caesar, means "Conscience". It is a word which is cognate with Christ/Christou, Khan, Kohen, Khons/Khonsu as well as many others

The names "Julius Caesar" and "Jesus Christ" have the same meaning

They use the name of Caesar for a very particular reason. Because you cannot be deemed a legitimate heir to the thrones without carrying the name

So they used Tzar/Czar in order to try legitimise, illegitimate people installed to the throne

If they are of "Houses" or bloodlines which do not carry one of the variations of the original names, the title of Caesar will not help them

You cannot supersede the ancient bloodlines, as one who originated. No matter how much you want to. It is that simple

Anyways. I'm done with this thread

Best of luck to you tracking down the legitimate Russian lineage
edit on 24 1 23 by Compendium because: Added someone and made corrections

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: Compendium
We are not sworn to secrecy. We can openly share whatever we want.
The increased visibility of hierophants usually signifies an order's decline. It seems your organization has fallen into unscrupulous hands. The ancient mysteries, orders, & offices (i.e. Oracle of Delphi) too died out when they lowered their qualifications. Members being "sworn to secrecy" ensures that a doctrine, a word, a symbol, etc. doesn't lose its original meaning. As soon as something's picked up by the masses, it's brought down to their level and loses its quality. If an order left the discretion of sharing knowledge to individual members, it wouldn't be fit for anything but idle games. Freemasonry, actually a highly respectable social order, owes its longevity to the fact that it hasn't divulged everything to the public.

Since I won't be hearing back from you, I think I'll stop there. I leave readers with the following insight, coupled with a prophecy.

"I wanted, in a time when there was no end to games and abuses in secret societies, for this human weakness to be used to further more real and more dignified aims, to the benefit of mankind... That here, too, humanity's passions would play their well-known game can surprise us the less because it is precisely these passions that are unashamed enough to disfigure institutions, despite the fact that these institutions have received support from all sides..." - Weishaupt's Diogenes Lamp

Das Lied von der Linde: "Wird das Herrschen Spiel und Leidenschaft," (Governance will turn to game and passion)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 08:37 PM
I'm just sipping tea and watching things unfold as it is intended...

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
Tzar Log; Entry #33 - November 2022

The rumors and reports we will see coming out of Ukraine in 2023 - 2024 will be the stuff of nightmares, and most of it will be done by the Ukrainian government in an attempt to rally more support.

So how are them Chemical Weapon reports coming kids, that's just the start of the nightmare.

Wait until you realize what else the U.S, U.K and NATO gave the green light for Ukraine to use!

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 08:53 PM
Tzar Log; Entry #34 - February 2023

I will use a popular song to describe at what stage America and Europe is right now...

"Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death's construction

In the fields, the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord, yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!"


Now part two of the song is gonna hit really hard for the boys in Washington and Brussels if they don't stop this lie and attempt, because remember this is part two of the song that will unfold:

"Now in darkness, world stops turning
Ashes where their bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour

Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing, spreads his wings
Oh lord, yeah!"
edit on 10-2-2023 by WanderingMrM because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Part one highlights for me how generals and politicians since the 19th century were too one-sided, one is hard-pressed to find someone who can adequately fulfill both posts. No man can serve two vocations, war and politics is for exceptional masters, not incompetents. The lyrics also deliver a powerful indictment against bureaucracies (and ties in quite nicely with my "games and passion" references), all that's missing is a mention of the third group of the unholy trinity, the new priesthood - establishment scientists.

I'm reminded of an analogy I read from Rasputin, in which he condemns Russia's generals:

Our strength is only in our talent. Why is there no warrior and no victor nowadays. Because that beauty is missing, the beauty in their hearts is not for victories but for slipping someone the knife so he doesn’t get a promotion or a medal... Why didn’t you put victory into the generals’ heads and not knives.

edit on 10-2-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
Tzar Log; Entry #21 - July 2022

3 Possible Outcomes...

1. Russia beats Ukrain via mobilization at the last minute, thermobaric strikes on multiple Ukrainian cities occur or carpet bombings on a scale unline ever seen before. Then with the mobilized millions, Russia will carve off Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova and maybe Poland next...

2. Ukrain amasses 1-4 million conscripts and takes back all territories and goes into Russia next, then it's bad for all because Putin will consider pushing the button more than likely...

3. Smuta (Revolution) within Russia, however this will allow the West and China (that will instantly turn on Russia) to carve up Russia into nothing and completely obliterate its existence. Most likely will again make Putin push the button as well...

The Tzar was notified of these dark timeline possibilities and whatever one plays out will definitely affect us all globally, no matter how much you guys want to think about it not occurring.

So the coming mega earthquakes, famine, and other stuff will not be the only thing for us to worry about...

Ladies and gentlemen, Options 2 & 3 have failed.

It means Option 1 aka Scenario 1 is definitely in effect, the conscription happened the scale is small roughly an estimated 1.2 million but more will most likely follow in preparation for Europe.

The carpet bombings of infrastructure occurred, all that is left is thermobaric strikes and the way things are unfolding in Ukraine I would not be surprised if they come.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 05:55 AM
Tzar Log; Entry #35 - February 2023

And I heard many voices, laughter and songs, I saw dances and foods.

People gathered in masses and suddenly I heard a pop, I got spooked and looked to the rough area it was coming from thankfully what I saw gave me the calm thought to myself "Oh good it's just some firecrackers going off".

That's when I felt it... a force rag dolling me to the side as I came to the laughter, the songs and dances were over.

I heard many voices, screams and panic, there were kids and women crying.

Smoke filled the once happy area and when I barely stood up, past all the ringing and chaos I managed to see and realize it was some sort of bomb that went off.

I do not know where I was as there were many people of many nationalities, the weather was warm and yet cool...

Was this some sort of holiday celebration? Was I in Europe or Russia?

Yet I heard some English being spoken, so maybe Europe and yet I hear some Russian dialect...

I was taken to a European-looking hospital and yet I still heard Russian, English, and other languages being spoken there.

On the news, it showed that there were multiple attacks, but each time I tried to figure out what places were being mentioned on the TV I kept being distracted by a doctor and a nurse trying to check on me.

So, ladies and gentlemen, we got multiple terrorist attacks it seems planned either on Russian territory or European.

The time placement I would say was between April - July based on the sort of weather I was experiencing, but the masses of people gathered definitely reminds me of some sort of European festival or market, a Russian festival or as they call Yarmarka, or an American-like festival.

In regards to those who were involved all I can say is that the multiple channels the TV was cycling through said they had ties to ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

I then sat there and thought why specifically "ISIS and Al-Qaeda" didn't those guys fall off the radar? and No longer really did anything?

And that is when it happened, everything around me went silent as I sat there looking through the corridor with people being treated, some screaming, some covered in blood and have their leg/legs or arm/arms missing... I said to myself "Wait... Did Americans do this?" and my body instantly became cold from the shock of the realization.

At the end of the hallway, I saw the Tsar standing there observing and taking notes as if he was investigating this event, he looked at me and I looked at him. He tilted his head as if in confusion and wrote something down on the small notepad he had.

I then looked at the TV it was a different station a woman with broken English started talking which made me think she was Russian, what is interesting the Tsar then came to an area where he could see the TV too.

The woman then said "There's been a shocking development, the attackers have been traced back to" and as she said "to" I got yanked by what felt like a bungee cord and woke up in my bed.

My ears were ringing and also I felt my body was covered in what felt like a field of static. I kept shocking everyone around me which was kind of cool, but at the same time the thought that could not leave my mind was the mention of ISIS and Al-Qaeda specifically because we know Americans funded them against Russia or any government they've despised.

So will the American government be behind this coming attack by utilizing old ISIS and Al-Qaeda members? or Will they use some sort of sleepers?

Anyway, it seems the Tsar was made aware of this situation as well, and it was the first time me and him had this sort of encounter/interaction.
edit on 13-2-2023 by WanderingMrM because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 07:00 AM
Tzar Log; Entry #36 - February 2023

And I saw a woman sitting on a hydra-like beast, trampling everything, she was in a rage and her beast was devouring all rich and poor alike.

I saw the Tsar on the other side of the street with a notebook or a notepad, I could not quite tell through the burning rubber, and cars being set ablaze, and people running around as if in an extreme hurry dropping clothing, food, and other things.

Some people were being attacked openly for the bunch of clothing they were running with, which I assume many people were stealing clothes, there was police but most of them were running/driving away rather than doing anything, and people had their trollies of food snatched from them while threatened with bats, knives and even guns.

A lot of them were pleading saying they have kids to feed and to please not do this, and in most cases the attackers said "I do too I'm sorry" as they'd run off.

It was total chaos on the streets of what seemed like some sort of American city, I could not place myself where in America exactly.

I also saw a lot of people drop from the sky, I assume they had offices in some of the tall buildings.

I witnessed some of the people that were robbing those with food, run up to the bodies of men and women who dropped from the buildings. These individuals who fell were well dressed, and while their bodies were being looted I saw the looters take what looked like giant diamond rings, earrings, Rolex-like watches, wallets and clips filled with cash were ravaged through.

However, the looters would throw away the money and any credit cards in the wallets, but they kept the golden clips that held some of the wads of cash they found on the bodies.

Some even took the suit jackets and shoes of the dead males, and when I looked at the money it looked like any regular USD currency they looked like the current variants of 100s.

I then saw the Tsar come up to the bodies of the female jumpers and take their suit jacket or sweater off, he'd cross their hands and place the jacket or thin sweater over their heads and part of their chest as if like some veil.

After that I saw him walk up to a homeless woman and he started speaking to the lady that was on the street amongst this entire chaos, he told her it was not safe here and he tried to help her stand up to take her to a shelter and also asked if there is a place she knows she'd be safe.

The homeless lady then said something interesting she said "Oh don't worry about me sweety, I'll be just fine. This day reminds me of all the stories my grandmama told me about a similar event that happened when she was just a girl". Unfortunately, as the distance got greater I could not hear anything else, and I decided it was best not to follow them.

I then looked at the side of the street the Tsar was on and I saw he left a page from his notebook/notepad, on it there was something written in Russian I can't recall what it said but in English next to it was written:

- 1 of 3
- date and time unknown
- location an american city
- the probability of transpiring 75%
- most likely the chosen outcome by the Q.C
- it can not be the only way we'd get the variants to become a singularity?
- event needs to transpire to achieve/reach the best possible future for humanity.
- the second time I'm seeing this guy is he shadowing me?!? he seems passive and not hostile a second observer to the event maybe?!?

Is this the coming financial collapse and complete collapse of America as a nation?

Surely not? Unless it is and it would explain why the looters wouldn't take the money or credit cards of the rich individuals involved...
edit on 13-2-2023 by WanderingMrM because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 07:23 AM
Tzar Log; Entry #37 - February 2023

I was seeing the Tsar looking at multiple TV screens and many of them were covering nothing but mega earthquakes all over the globe.

Then someone behind me said: "These are the last breaths of the Things and Ones that lead and control America, they're trying to crumble the world and turn it to dust as this once promising nation is plummeting into the void with them. They choose not to go silently into the night but instead see the world suffer with them, just like Babylon and Rome before America when they ruled them".

I then saw the Tsar point back toward the location of the voice with a pen he was holding he said "So these are the mega earthquakes you told me would happen that will be manmade". And the voice said "Yes young one but this is only the beginning of what is to come", and then I felt the presence shift instantly from behind me to then be behind the Tsar as if standing there looking over him, protecting him and guiding him.

I could not see the being physically, but the presence I felt was overwhelming it was as if I was standing on a hill looking in awe at a mountain.

That is the sort of presence I felt coming from this being it was as if a mountain was before me, the energy I felt terrified me and yet I did not feel in any kind of danger.

I then felt the being behind me again and it said "You saw enough it is time to go", and I felt a human-like hand placed on my left shoulder and I woke up in my bed staring at the ceiling.

I know I wrote about the coming mega earthquakes last year and also a famine, and a few other things coming that I saw while stuff was shown to the Tsar.

But are we to consider that whoever these "Things" are or the "Ones" that run America will actually flip the switch on weapons that can cause earthquakes - Just to see the world suffer as their American empire crumbles?

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
Tzar Log; Entry #30 - September 2022

Personal Note: I also have an unsettling feeling about Europe that the European Union will eat itself by pressuring its own members, which will result in many abandoning their membership and siding with Russia. That will result in many countries having NATO troops try to overthrow such rogue governments, etc.

It is beginning in France and Hungary already, won't be long before the abandonment of membership happens and NATO is told to stomp out the rebelling nations!

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 01:55 AM
Scenario #1:

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
In regards to those who were involved all I can say is that the multiple channels the TV was cycling through said they had ties to ISIS and Al-Qaeda... So will the American government be behind this coming attack by utilizing old ISIS and Al-Qaeda members? or Will they use some sort of sleepers?
Incidentally, the warning in this article parallels the Ukrainian government's predictions of a renewed Russian offensive.

Have you heard about a prophecy from Nostradamus regarding an Arabic/African leader wearing a blue/green "cerulean" turban (distinguished from the white and black turbans worn by Taliban, Al-Queda, and ISIL leaders), which implies the rise of yet another Islamist sect. Is that the "Dragon" who will ally with Russia? The leader is juxtaposed against an idealistic French leader wearing a white turban.

Scenario #2:

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
I also saw a lot of people drop from the sky, I assume they had offices in some of the tall buildings.
Mass-suicides? Is this a world the wealthy cannot afford to live in any longer, seeing as how their money and their assets lost all value? Or is this their way of refusing responsibility for the mess they contributed to?

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
I then looked at the side of the street the Tsar was on and I saw he left a page from his notebook/notepad,
Please clarify, are you implying that the Tsar is physically present in the US while these events unfold or only in the shared vision?

Is he mentally jotting down these notes? What's the difference between him sensing your presence in his room and perceiving you in a shared vision?

Scenario #3:

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
I then saw the Tsar point back toward the location of the voice with a pen he was holding he said "So these are the mega earthquakes you told me would happen that will be manmade".
Are the earthquakes man-made in the sense of, the consequences for excavating the earth finally catching up to mankind? Or man-made as in, malevolent people wielding the forces of nature through a monopolization of knowledge?

I was under the impression that there'd be a naturally occurring cataclysmic earthquake. So these artificial tremors lead up to that event?
edit on 14-2-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: hjesterium

The Turban guys that Nostradamus predicts are the two leaders of the Islamic nations in the future that will do battle.

So basically at times Nostradamus confused localised prediction to a specific region or group, with global predictions.

The Dragon is China, and it will start action in SEA and Pacific in due time.


The mass suicide I think will be to do with the loss of their wealth and also the guilt of causing the financial situation that leads up to this chaos.

The Tsar is not present in the U.S while they unfold I think only in the shared vision.

I believe he is jotting these things down mentally but also utilizing the things available in the shared vision. Like using a notepad or a notebook to write things down, etc.

Share vision is more of an interaction, him sensing me is merely him looking into the direction or him acting in a way that would suggest he's noticed something odd.


Yes, there will be earthquakes that are natural, but also apparently manmade ones too. However, the mega quakes coming like the one in Turkey/Syria is apparently a manmade one.
edit on 14-2-2023 by WanderingMrM because: (no reason given)

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