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The pro-vax mob gloating over anti-vaxxer deaths

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posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

The vast majority of people that actually died from covid not with covid had a slew of problems from obesity to diabetes, to cancer and a long list of others.

Those co-morbidities had far more to do with the deaths than vaxed or unvaxed, the virus was just the tipping point.

Why do I feel comfortable stating that, the growing list of countries dumping mandates, or vax cards.

Also come on you are smarter than that, maybe the fact you are a small island with a limited number of people coming through from outside plays a much bigger part in the low numbers than the vax.
edit on 20-1-2022 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

No, the anti-vax lobby are luddite kooks.

Please explain how NOT taking simple and reasonable safety precautions saves anyone?

Not sure how a Covid "vaccine" (if that's what you call it) is a safety precaution. Omicron infecting the vaccinated by the millions. How does that make it safety at all?

The premise to natural immunity is that natural immunity is stronger than a vaccination. Therefore natural immunity kills off Covid faster than a vax.

Those that are vaccinated are constantly coerced into getting boosters because their immunity wanes.

With regards to mutation of Covid, thousands of articles and plenty of research states that Covid mutates more and has more mutations the longer that it lives inside a human body. That's why researchers find so many mutations in the immunocompromised, such as those with HIV. The longer Covid lives in someone with HIV, the more times it replicates. The more replications, the more errors in the replication which is how it mutates.

Since those who are vaccinated have waning immunity, during the periods of waning immunity Covid will live longer, replicate more, and have more chances to make errors in its replication causing mutations.

But in those who have built up immunity to several different Covid strains (Alpha, Beta, Lamda, Omicron), Covid has very little chance to mutate. In fact the opposite occurs. The naturally immune build up immunity to each little mutation they encounter WITHOUT incident (no sickness) or asymptomatic.

The vaccinated don't have that luxury. The vaccinated are on a course to require constant boosters with waning immunity every few months with their immune systems being weaker causing more mutations each time a waning vaxxer catches it.

So lives are saved by less mutation in the naturally immune who don't have waning immunity every few months and their immune systems kill off Covid before it has a chance to mutate any further.

Any weakened immune system gives Covid more time to mutate. The more mutations the LESS protected the vaccinated are. (Waning immunity from vaccination counts as a weakened immune system, for which the vaxxed have to get boosters for).

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

Guess what... the people that point out that the uinvaccinated are dying, (including me) are also doing it because we care.. We care about you misguided individuals that ignore the obvious statistics that the vaccines are working, they are actively protecting people... And we hope that by pointing this out you will eventually realise and get the vaccine to protect yourself...

Btu you all claim we are celebrating it...

Quite the opposite... We hope you will realise one day that the science works...


posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: chr0naut

The vast majority of people that actually died from covid not with covid had a slew of problems from obesity to diabetes, to cancer and a long list of others.

Those co-morbidities had far more to do with the deaths than vaxed or unvaxed, the virus was just the tipping point.

Why do I feel comfortable stating that, the growing list of countries dumping mandates, or vax cards.

Also come on you are smarter than that, maybe the fact you are a small island with a limited number of people coming through from outside plays a much bigger part in the low numbers than the vax.

Actually, I believe the real reason is that we took action within hours of the confirmation of each outbreak. We didn't futz around for weeks or months, politically, before doing anything at a national and coordinated level. The authorities here also had clear and definite contingency plans to follow ahead of time, too - the difference between proactivity and reactivity. The majority of New Zealand's effective responses happened prior to the existence of vaccines against COVID-19.

Delta and Omicron are more infectious, so it is taking longer to eliminate the outbreaks, but recent community daily new infection numbers are falling and indicate that once again we will beat the latest outbreak.

Regardless of the excuses, we are a country of 5 million people, with multiple cultures, ethnic origins, and the usual differences and divisions of any modern country.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger

They are making great efforts to cherry pick these deaths, but ignoring the prevailing trend which can be easily be seen.

Since the success of the mass vaccination campaign, this disease has gotten worse in its spread, not better.

You can always find some counter indicator to the prevailing trend, but that doesn't falsify the prevailing trend. It is a cheap debate tactic. Lying with statistics.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: InachMarbank

There may be pro vaxxers who are certain they can rebut my post which I'm replying to myself on.

Here is a link to a letter written to Joe Rogan / Spotify from 270 scientists and medical professionals.

The letter has a link to data from Washington State showing fully vaccinated people are much more likely to suffer, be hospitalized, and die from COVID 19.

The numbers don't show much from the latest Omicron wave, so they may already be irrelevant.

But allow me to dispute them anyway.

What I think these numbers show is the difference between people who care about their health, and people who don't care about their health.

Most people getting vaccinated probably believe it is good for their health to do so.

Most people not getting vaccinated probably are making that decision, because they don't care about their health.

So there's the reason for the difference, not the vaccine, but the patients will to survive.

Now there is another indicator in the Washington State data to indicate a patient's concern about their health. It shows data on the partially vaccinated.

People who are partially vaccinated also probably have a lot of concern for their health. These are people got 1 shot, felt its effects, and then declined another.

By the end of the study, there was no significant difference between partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 12:10 PM

edit on 23-1-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 12:57 PM
Interesting you see it as a “right vs left” issue. Product of your party much?

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
They do it on both sides. The Right rejoices when a vaccinated person dies. Or any Dem dying for that matter. Oh, how soon we forget the lovely things said about RBG. The left rejoices in the deaths of the non vaxed. Probably because they know that's one less Trump vote.

If BOTH sides do it, OH WELL. Pointing the finger looks a bit hypocritical, because, guess what, it is.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 01:42 PM
A local Pastor made the argument that we have become a culture obsessed with death worship. Can't say he is wrong.

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