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The pro-vax mob gloating over anti-vaxxer deaths

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posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

This isn't turn about.Anti-vaxxers aren't CELEBRATING the deaths of the vaxxers. They're attempting to warn others of the dangers that are being ignored.


posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You never dissappoint.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: chr0naut

This isn't turn about.Anti-vaxxers aren't CELEBRATING the deaths of the vaxxers. They're attempting to warn others of the dangers that are being ignored.



Just look at the ATS posts for an example. For every post of someone who died from COVID-19 unvaccinated, there are literally hundreds of posts referring to deaths from the vaccines.

Yet the 2% case mortality of COVID-19 is way higher than the roughly one in 5 million that die of adverse reactions to the vaccines.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:26 PM
That leash on the junkyard dog was taken off like 5 years ago, so they need something to hate even if it is their own people. They hate and hate and hate always looking for the next thing that they can hate. It is a never ending cycle for them, so this week its the unvacced, next will be MSMBC anchors just as they did CNN and people like Cuomo all these darlings of the left in the recent past.

It must be rough when OMB still lives in your head, but with nothing new to hate on.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:28 PM
I dislike anyone who tries to shove their beliefs down someone else's throat. That includes their belief that this vaccine is safe and effective...they are not smart enough to look at the evidence themselves which excludes those who have intolerances to vaccines and the ingredients in the vaccines. Those kind of people need to be put in concentration camps to teach them how to concentrate on truth before they speak their mind.

This vaccine is not safe for some people and there is no benefit for others from taking is all in the real evidence.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:31 PM
We knew most people were sheep.

But Covid narratives, as near monolithic wall-to-wall propaganda pushes, have rendered millions of people into fiendish slaves to the powerful. They have internalized the selected targets of demonization, which in this case are anti-lockdown, anti-mask, and Covid vaccine skeptical or hesitant or even anti-mandate folks.

It is deeply sad, and alienating. Many of us are surrounded by normie contacts who have been initiated into this new wave of Covid brainwashing.

a reply to: ColeYounger

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

No, people who try and encourage others to avoid medicine in a time of epidemic disease are not caring. They will cause a greater number of unnecessary and preventable deaths.

There are people on both sides of the argument that are not particularly moral and ethical, but in terms of volume of online vindictive, the anti-vaxxers clearly trump the pro-vax.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

This vaccine is not safe for some people and there is no benefit for others from taking is all in the real evidence.

We can agree on that...

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

If you believe that you can make your own health decisions concerning a questionable vaccine, then your death should be celebrated.

Plus, added bonus, you probably support the truth too, like some kind of hideous, death-worthy monster...

The ovens will need pipefitters...

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:40 PM
Liberals love to gloat and throw proverbial parties when someone they don't like or someone who doesn't think in lockstep with them dies.

Compassion only extends to those who march in lockstep with liberal ideology, and it has to be the ideology of the day and morals of the day.

Dissenters or people who question their compassion are told it is compassionate to be happy, gleeful, and throw proverbial parties when someone who doesn't think like them dies because it is one less person standing in their way to get their own way.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:45 PM
Not only are they gloating over those who die unvaxxed they are in total denial that the vax is causing injury and death.

They weren't so cocky before they got the vax.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

Those who are vaccinated and gloating don't realize what the vaccine has in store for them. Poor bastards.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: ColeYounger

Those who are vaccinated and gloating don't realize what the vaccine has in store for them. Poor bastards.

I hope you're wrong. All my immediate family is vaccinated.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Why is it "so called"? It's a not the vaccinia immunization, but it does fit the current definitions of a vaccine. Also, you do realize that you are apeing the same exact words used over and over by those who decry the vaccines?

Because it is intellectually dishonest and factually misleading to call this a "vaccine" when there is an established and universally accepted definition for "vaccine" -- and this ain't it. It gives recipients a false sense of security, and it completely violates the letter and spirit of "informed consent." It does not perform or function in the same way, nor at the same level of efficacy and effectiveness, much less safety, and should not be falsely associated with a true vaccine, which does provide lifelong immunity.

Seriously, the anti-vaxxers keep saying that it is just a flu and is mild in healthy people.

Lots of people are saying lots of things, and people who oppose mandated Covid vaxxes say lots of different things, are coming at this from lots of different perspectives, and have lots of reasons to think the way they do.

But for the most part, yet, the statistics bear out that Covid is most dangerous for those with multiple pre-existing conditions.

The truth is, it has killed about 2 out of every hundred identified as infected (worldwide).

In large part due to government mishandling (nursing homes for example), medical malpractice ( particularly intubation and ventilators vs less invasive methods) and refusing potentially lifesaving medications...

We will never know what the true death count would have been without gross (almost) universal mismanagement of the "crisis."

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

No, people who try and encourage others to avoid medicine in a time of epidemic disease are not caring. They will cause a greater number of unnecessary and preventable deaths.

Is canceling others, taking their livelihood away, preventing them from traveling so on and so forth encouragement? Its not about what you think people should or should not do, its about mandatory requirements being pushed on people. BTW I'm pro vaccs, but who are to tell me what I should put in my body? What happen to my body my choice? Add in the Goverment has changed their official statements weekly, so who do we trust now?

WHO has just come out and stated that there is zero reason to booster kids, while Biden is saying the same day 5 and older need it, who should we believe? England just came out and said no more mandates, no more masks, no more isolation of kids etc, so are they wrong too?

How about you do you and don't worry about me....

There are people on both sides of the argument that are not particularly moral and ethical, but in terms of volume of online vindictive, the anti-vaxxers clearly trump the pro-vax.

Antivaccers are not trying to hurt people into not taking it...

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
This isn't turn about.Anti-vaxxers aren't CELEBRATING the deaths of the vaxxers.

They're not? r/VaccineMemorialWall

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:58 PM

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posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

No, people who try and encourage others to avoid medicine in a time of epidemic disease are not caring. They will cause a greater number of unnecessary and preventable deaths.

There are people on both sides of the argument that are not particularly moral and ethical, but in terms of volume of online vindictive, the anti-vaxxers clearly trump the pro-vax.

At this point we really have to question if there is a pandemic anymore. Omicron is mild. Hospitals overwhelmed but where I live they always were and now they're firing staff for no shots in some areas but asking others with symptoms to come into work in other areas. So it really doesn't seem like the medical industry itself is taking it seriously.

Yes, of course there are outliers on both sides. To me the problem is the media fueling the hate in the pro vax crowd. It started small initially but it definitely started with the media. Most of the anti vax voice is backlash from the way the media censored them and their concerns.

One big problem, maybe just here in canada, is that our media and medical system hasn't given any leeway to people with genuine anaphylactic reactions to the vaccine or allergies to ingredients. I myself, won't get it as I've had inverse reactions to medications which is why I avoid all but one that I need. Our media/medical has had such lack of compassion and the hordes have jumped on board. Most anti vax people can understand a persons reason for getting the vax but it doesn't seem to work the other way.

I honestly think that most anti vax people wouldn't have pitched a fit if the mandates hadn't come into play here. That's the thing that crossed the line, that they are angry about most.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:05 PM
Given the amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth to come from the vaxers once the enormity of their disastrous VAERS gets a good head of steam throughout the general poplulation, perhaps the surviving anti's can get some payback...but I would assume they won't given the fact that loved ones will be impacted by their choice.

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