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The pro-vax mob gloating over anti-vaxxer deaths

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posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: ColeYounger

Those who are vaccinated and gloating don't realize what the vaccine has in store for them. Poor bastards.

I hope you're wrong. All my immediate family is vaccinated.

Mine too...

2 weeks ago a brother-in-law had a stroke after getting his booster.

7 weeks ago another brother-in-law developed sudden onset arthritis and blood clot, that caused him to use a walker after getting his booster.

My wife did not follow my advice and went and got her booster 3 weeks ago. Last week she had to go get an injection in her ankle because of extremely painful sudden onset arthritis.

I don't gloat, but I tell everyone of them as I tell everyone here, you should have listened to the warnings coming out months ago from myself and other people who watch these things, and even a year ago from anti-trumpers. They were correct.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:10 PM
Nor that the vax isn't working for everyone in preventing infection and transmission.

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
Not only are they gloating over those who die unvaxxed they are in total denial that the vax is causing injury and death.

They weren't so cocky before they got the vax.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

No, people who try and encourage others to avoid medicine in a time of epidemic disease are not caring. They will cause a greater number of unnecessary and preventable deaths.

There are people on both sides of the argument that are not particularly moral and ethical, but in terms of volume of online vindictive, the anti-vaxxers clearly trump the pro-vax.

At this point we really have to question if there is a pandemic anymore. Omicron is mild. Hospitals overwhelmed but where I live they always were and now they're firing staff for no shots in some areas but asking others with symptoms to come into work in other areas. So it really doesn't seem like the medical industry itself is taking it seriously.

Yes, of course there are outliers on both sides. To me the problem is the media fueling the hate in the pro vax crowd. It started small initially but it definitely started with the media. Most of the anti vax voice is backlash from the way the media censored them and their concerns.

One big problem, maybe just here in canada, is that our media and medical system hasn't given any leeway to people with genuine anaphylactic reactions to the vaccine or allergies to ingredients. I myself, won't get it as I've had inverse reactions to medications which is why I avoid all but one that I need. Our media/medical has had such lack of compassion and the hordes have jumped on board. Most anti vax people can understand a persons reason for getting the vax but it doesn't seem to work the other way.

I honestly think that most anti vax people wouldn't have pitched a fit if the mandates hadn't come into play here. That's the thing that crossed the line, that they are angry about most.

In Australia, where the predominant strain is Omicron, the deaths per day from COVID-19 are hitting new highs every day for the last week or so. Don't tell me how mild it is, because the facts say otherwise to your opinion.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

I'm reporting what I see. I don't see an anti-vaxxer mob that's out to crucify any one who disagrees with them.
I've acknowledged that there are some crazy people on the anti-vaxxer side. The "Bill Gates is tracking you", and the
"5G triggers the graphene" people. That group represents a tiny fraction of the citizenry.
The left is different. It's undeniable. There is a vicious mob out there. Those people are evil. That's why i use hyberbole like 'satanic'.

The MSM is in cahoots with them. Totally. Question Fauci? The mob attacks. Ask what ingredients are in the vaccine?
The mob attacks. Question the narrative in any way, shape, or form, and you're "spreading disinformation". You're censored!

FFS, there are libtards who have suggested the unvaxxed should be put in isolation. Internment camps. It's no surprise to see them celebrating people dying.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

No, people who try and encourage others to avoid medicine in a time of epidemic disease are not caring. They will cause a greater number of unnecessary and preventable deaths.

There are people on both sides of the argument that are not particularly moral and ethical, but in terms of volume of online vindictive, the anti-vaxxers clearly trump the pro-vax.

At this point we really have to question if there is a pandemic anymore. Omicron is mild. Hospitals overwhelmed but where I live they always were and now they're firing staff for no shots in some areas but asking others with symptoms to come into work in other areas. So it really doesn't seem like the medical industry itself is taking it seriously.

Yes, of course there are outliers on both sides. To me the problem is the media fueling the hate in the pro vax crowd. It started small initially but it definitely started with the media. Most of the anti vax voice is backlash from the way the media censored them and their concerns.

One big problem, maybe just here in canada, is that our media and medical system hasn't given any leeway to people with genuine anaphylactic reactions to the vaccine or allergies to ingredients. I myself, won't get it as I've had inverse reactions to medications which is why I avoid all but one that I need. Our media/medical has had such lack of compassion and the hordes have jumped on board. Most anti vax people can understand a persons reason for getting the vax but it doesn't seem to work the other way.

I honestly think that most anti vax people wouldn't have pitched a fit if the mandates hadn't come into play here. That's the thing that crossed the line, that they are angry about most.

In Australia, where the predominant strain is Omicron, the deaths per day from COVID-19 are hitting new highs every day for the last week or so. Don't tell me how mild it is, because the facts say otherwise to your opinion.

the fact that the vaccinated are getting sick should scare the sh!t out of you then. Take vitamins, and you may want to revisit ivermectin. Pride isn't worth your life. You irritate the crap out of me, and you lick boots like a pro, but I don't wish death on you.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Masterjaden
This isn't turn about.Anti-vaxxers aren't CELEBRATING the deaths of the vaxxers.

They're not? r/VaccineMemorialWall

An absolute tragedy and criminal they are getting away with this.

The real reason they are getting away with it is that those who have taken this vaccine and lived, (so far) are behind the vaccine, the vaccine manufacturers, and Governments worldwide 100%.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:20 PM
They do it on both sides. The Right rejoices when a vaccinated person dies. Or any Dem dying for that matter. Oh, how soon we forget the lovely things said about RBG. The left rejoices in the deaths of the non vaxed. Probably because they know that's one less Trump vote.

If BOTH sides do it, OH WELL. Pointing the finger looks a bit hypocritical, because, guess what, it is.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
The left rejoices in the deaths of the non vaxed. Probably because they know that's one less Trump vote.

You know Trump is 100% pro vax, right?

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Where are you getting 2% case mortality??? it's less than 1%. Less than that considering comorbidities. We also aren't getting a clear picture of how many deaths are due to the shots. It' not like with covid deaths where all you have to do is die with a positive test to have covid labeled as the cause.


posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

both sides DON'T do it. I haven't seen people who are freedom loving rejoicing at the deaths of others. I HAVE seen freedom haters and fear mongers doing so.


posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

No, people who try and encourage others to avoid medicine in a time of epidemic disease are not caring.

Emphasis mine. Thank you tor affirming that it's a medicine after all, like TheraFlu.

Now kindly put that pointy cap on, and go sit in the corner.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden

Where are you getting 2% case mortality???

Math. It's 1.6% overall. The alpha and beta strains were higher. Some countries saw 10% at the beginning.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: chr0naut

This isn't turn about.Anti-vaxxers aren't CELEBRATING the deaths of the vaxxers. They're attempting to warn others of the dangers that are being ignored.



Just look at the ATS posts for an example. For every post of someone who died from COVID-19 unvaccinated, there are literally hundreds of posts referring to deaths from the vaccines.

Yet the 2% case mortality of COVID-19 is way higher than the roughly one in 5 million that die of adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Duh! We're trying to save your ass and warn you to wake TF up. The vax crowd on the other hand, is on a treadmill heading into spinning blades, yet laughing at the misfortune of others who chose not to get on board.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: chr0naut

Where are you getting 2% case mortality??? it's less than 1%. Less than that considering comorbidities. We also aren't getting a clear picture of how many deaths are due to the shots. It' not like with covid deaths where all you have to do is die with a positive test to have covid labeled as the cause.


My data was sourced from COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
, but only using cumulative values up to 1 December 2020 (before the vaccines began to have an impact on numbers anywhere in the world) - a worldwide overall CFR at the time of 2.265%.

However, meta-analyses have revealed a wide range of CFR values in various situations, most of them significantly higher: Case fatality rate of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis - NCBI

Where did your source your data from?

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

No, people who try and encourage others to avoid medicine in a time of epidemic disease are not caring.

Emphasis mine. Thank you tor affirming that it's a medicine after all, like TheraFlu.

Now kindly put that pointy cap on, and go sit in the corner.

TheraFlu products are symptomatic relief only.

I was referring to medicines in general, things with positive outcomes that reduce severity, duration, chronic damage, and lethality of diseases.

And, regarding sitting wearing a pointy hat, look at your avatar.


posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: chr0naut

This isn't turn about.Anti-vaxxers aren't CELEBRATING the deaths of the vaxxers. They're attempting to warn others of the dangers that are being ignored.



Just look at the ATS posts for an example. For every post of someone who died from COVID-19 unvaccinated, there are literally hundreds of posts referring to deaths from the vaccines.

Yet the 2% case mortality of COVID-19 is way higher than the roughly one in 5 million that die of adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Duh! We're trying to save your ass and warn you to wake TF up. The vax crowd on the other hand, is on a treadmill heading into spinning blades, yet laughing at the misfortune of others who chose not to get on board.

No, the anti-vax lobby are luddite kooks.

Please explain how NOT taking simple and reasonable safety precautions saves anyone?

There has been no economic reset, no significant regime change, no cull of people, no death camps, no greater government control than existed previously.

But there have been massed close-together groupings of unprotected people 'protesting' futilely against these things that haven't happened, and aren't likely to happen, in a time of an infectious disease that is killing people.

You figure it out.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

No, people who try and encourage others to avoid medicine in a time of epidemic disease are not caring. They will cause a greater number of unnecessary and preventable deaths.

There are people on both sides of the argument that are not particularly moral and ethical, but in terms of volume of online vindictive, the anti-vaxxers clearly trump the pro-vax.

At this point we really have to question if there is a pandemic anymore. Omicron is mild. Hospitals overwhelmed but where I live they always were and now they're firing staff for no shots in some areas but asking others with symptoms to come into work in other areas. So it really doesn't seem like the medical industry itself is taking it seriously.

Yes, of course there are outliers on both sides. To me the problem is the media fueling the hate in the pro vax crowd. It started small initially but it definitely started with the media. Most of the anti vax voice is backlash from the way the media censored them and their concerns.

One big problem, maybe just here in canada, is that our media and medical system hasn't given any leeway to people with genuine anaphylactic reactions to the vaccine or allergies to ingredients. I myself, won't get it as I've had inverse reactions to medications which is why I avoid all but one that I need. Our media/medical has had such lack of compassion and the hordes have jumped on board. Most anti vax people can understand a persons reason for getting the vax but it doesn't seem to work the other way.

I honestly think that most anti vax people wouldn't have pitched a fit if the mandates hadn't come into play here. That's the thing that crossed the line, that they are angry about most.

In Australia, where the predominant strain is Omicron, the deaths per day from COVID-19 are hitting new highs every day for the last week or so. Don't tell me how mild it is, because the facts say otherwise to your opinion.

the fact that the vaccinated are getting sick should scare the sh!t out of you then. Take vitamins, and you may want to revisit ivermectin. Pride isn't worth your life. You irritate the crap out of me, and you lick boots like a pro, but I don't wish death on you.

The fact that the vaccinated aren't mostly the ones dying seems to have eluded you.

I am less likely to die of COVID-19 because I am fully vaccinated. No adverse reactions in myself or in anyone I know.

Statistically, 92.9% of the 5 million New Zealanders are now vaccinated. There has been a single vaccine attributed death. There have been 52 deaths in New Zealand from the disease the vaccine protects against (and we only use the Pfizer one here, at the moment). The reason that number is so low is that we are following protocols of isolating and eliminating each outbreak, and it appears to have been successful in almost every instance so far.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I see immediate problems and I see long term problems. I agree that this ''woke''(and I use that term only until I find a better one, I'm using it because lots of people are using it) population are expressing their ''wokeness'' in ways that alienate much of our society. '' Wokeness should only be expressed as inspiration and not condemnation. It's not ''woke''.

Yet I see this ''wokeness'' also within the conservative community. Conservatives express their own ''wokeness all the time on these boards. They do it in terms of considering vast portions of society as ''asleep'' and exhort with terms like ''wake up'' and WAKE UP. They are often politely called as ''sleepers'' and more impolitely as sheep and, ah, you know the list.

I think that what we are seeing is not, as you aptly suggest not a right or left issue but an across the board expansion of modern human awareness. It's inexorable. Access to media (information access)has reached levels never even dreamed of fifty years ago. And fifty years ago was hardly dreamed of 150 years ago. That's a lot of change for a species as old as ours.

The process of becoming woke is not like a switch that flips within us, it's more a process of self development based on this vastly increased access to not only local information but information that floods our consciousness on a world wide spectrum.

It shouldn't be ''woke'' but rather ''waking up''. And even then, the waking up is dangerous as you know from my own history. I thought that I had woken 55 years ago before I was enticed into that cult. My vulnerable state allowed my process of development to be swayed and moved in a direction I would not have personally taken. It was a fight to get away from that belief system.

What I see today is simply that. What is it that invades most of us to one degree or another. Popular culture. Ages ago popular culture was basically the same as it had been to the previous generation and that generation to the one before it and the one before that and so on. The notion of 'freedom of choice expressing the freedom and value of individualism has been turned into the choice of Coke or Pepsi, this or that music and what are our favorite movies. Yep. That popular culture that conservatives rail about all the time. I"m all for tearing up popular culture but it seems to me that conservatives had allowed a popular culture to develop for themselves and for so many it's Trump at the center.

So yes, the battle is how will popular culture turn in the future. Will it follow those liberals who are so enmeshed within the entertainment industry or will it turn else where. Given the state of citizens being so inclined toward being entertained I would say that this is a high probability. But just one note on that comment? Isn't that exactly what Trump offers his fans at his rally, entertainment? This first synthesized for me as I put together this thread

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ColeYounger

Anti-vaxxers keep telling us about all the purported deaths and issues from vaccinations.

Turn-about is fair play.

You really think this is the same?
Anti vaxxers have been giving a warning because they care. Some might be blowing the percentages out of proportion with the vaccine injuries but there are official figures to support that there are injuries, albeit rare. Really, who wouldn't want to be warned, it's the basis of informed consent.

What these pro vaxxers are is hateful and dangerous. I've seen it growing everywhere around me, online and in real life which is why some people have hinted at a slippery slope like past events.

You are pro vax but have at least held civil disputes with us, without gloating at anyone getting ill. That's honorable. These others are beyond irrational.

No, people who try and encourage others to avoid medicine in a time of epidemic disease are not caring. They will cause a greater number of unnecessary and preventable deaths.

There are people on both sides of the argument that are not particularly moral and ethical, but in terms of volume of online vindictive, the anti-vaxxers clearly trump the pro-vax.

At this point we really have to question if there is a pandemic anymore. Omicron is mild. Hospitals overwhelmed but where I live they always were and now they're firing staff for no shots in some areas but asking others with symptoms to come into work in other areas. So it really doesn't seem like the medical industry itself is taking it seriously.

Yes, of course there are outliers on both sides. To me the problem is the media fueling the hate in the pro vax crowd. It started small initially but it definitely started with the media. Most of the anti vax voice is backlash from the way the media censored them and their concerns.

One big problem, maybe just here in canada, is that our media and medical system hasn't given any leeway to people with genuine anaphylactic reactions to the vaccine or allergies to ingredients. I myself, won't get it as I've had inverse reactions to medications which is why I avoid all but one that I need. Our media/medical has had such lack of compassion and the hordes have jumped on board. Most anti vax people can understand a persons reason for getting the vax but it doesn't seem to work the other way.

I honestly think that most anti vax people wouldn't have pitched a fit if the mandates hadn't come into play here. That's the thing that crossed the line, that they are angry about most.

In Australia, where the predominant strain is Omicron, the deaths per day from COVID-19 are hitting new highs every day for the last week or so. Don't tell me how mild it is, because the facts say otherwise to your opinion.

the fact that the vaccinated are getting sick should scare the sh!t out of you then. Take vitamins, and you may want to revisit ivermectin. Pride isn't worth your life. You irritate the crap out of me, and you lick boots like a pro, but I don't wish death on you.

The fact that the vaccinated aren't mostly the ones dying seems to have eluded you.

I am less likely to die of COVID-19 because I am fully vaccinated. No adverse reactions in myself or in anyone I know.

Statistically, 92.9% of the 5 million New Zealanders are now vaccinated. There has been a single vaccine attributed death. There have been 52 deaths in New Zealand from the disease the vaccine protects against (and we only use the Pfizer one here, at the moment). The reason that number is so low is that we are following protocols of isolating and eliminating each outbreak, and it appears to have been successful in almost every instance so far.

I hope that winning streak continues. I really do.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 10:31 PM

edit on 1/20/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

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