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Don't start throwing victory parties yet...

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posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: gmx0010110
Exactly. This is just the beginning. People should realize this by now.

They do. The truth is that we are a weak, broken, misguided people. We have heard the lies for so long that the truth can't be found, because it is so deeply buried in the all the illusions we hide ourselves in.

We think we are wise, brave, strong, and gowned.

When we are gullible, frightened, weak, and naked. We are like lemmings or rats following the tune of the Pied Piper.

A few will resist, even though they may believe it to be futile. But to die in the battle for what you believe is right, is a blessing to the few, compared to living under the boot of tyranny, and enslaved to the will of the establishment.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 11:13 PM
I think we are balanced on the razors edge; enough people are waking I think but not enough are moving in the same direction and we are staring down an incredible lockdown in response to the waking of people and the beginning of thinking for themselves.

But if enough organize they will probably back away, but thats like herding cats in a hurricane with a cattle prod.

How will this shake out, no clue scary times we are living in.

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