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Don't start throwing victory parties yet...

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posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: incoserv

well 'they' not stopped me

here is my reasoning, I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about covid on the news/radio/internet, hearing people moan about each other

My wife started with a brain tumour about 6 weeks prior to covid starting, I had to watch, cry and suffer as she was in a coma for 2 weeks, then I had to sit with her and be told she had cancer, i had to watch her bravely face up to that fact after waking from her coma, i watched her go through brain surgery, i watched her struggle with radio therapy, i watched her be physically ill with chemotherapy and do you know what she still smiles and laughs and makes my life worth living

Failing a loved one with brain cancer (thread i made at the time)

The worst part of all this covid nonsense is people who think its been hard, oh woe is me attitude, covid is going away and their lives will end up going back to normal, we meanwhile are still waiting for a cure to cancer, so if I want to be happy and spend time with my family aint no one gonna stop me or bring me down with negativity.

So pour me a beer, get your dancing shoes on as me and my wife are going to see the live strictly come dancing tour at the end of the month, with no need for face masks with no need for a passport, so excuse me while we get on with enjoying the precious few moments we have left
edit on 000000p3112America/Chicago120202241 by UpThenDown because: typo, although i bet there are more

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Nobody should look to Britain for the way forward.

Boris Johnson has his balls nailed to the wall and more people are coming at him with more nails. He has three options: resign, start a war or remove COVID restrictions. The first is not an option. The third is the easier remaining option.

The second is the back up.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: incoserv

It's nothing but a distraction by Boris Johnson whom is extremely unpopular at the moment so that he can try to win back the hearts of the sheep.

Truth be told it will probably lead to a massive surge in cases real or otherwise and the NHS buckling under the strain leading to yet another raft of restriction in a month or three by which time he will either be out and replaced by yet another Tory or he won't, either way most won't vote for them at the next election after this string of cock up's and the way they have treated the public with sneering disdain telling them to isolate while having bloody big party's in No' 10.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
they may be preparing to release the Marburg virus

Best doom porn evah!!

Green Monkey Disease

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: incoserv

In my opinion, everything that has happened over the past decade, two decades, maybe even longer, is by design. The goal is a One World Government. They artificially create a problem and then react with their 'solution'. I don't think it was meant to happen so soon though which is why the last 2 years just seems like a whirlwind. It was spurred on when the masses started opening their eyes to the pedo rings around the world and the high level folks who take part in them.

So over the years we've got white v black, gay v straight, poor v rich and the latest, vaxxed v unvaxxed... the list goes on. This is all by design because if we're fighting each other, we're not thinking 'hold on a minute, THESE (Gubbmint) guys are the real villains'. So now, it's at a boiling point, especially with vax v unvaxx, the keg is primed and ready to blow. The current news cycle is starting to gradually show that the vax is not safe at all (duh) and could potentially be pulled. How do you think people who took it are going to react to this news? I'll tell you. With TPTB stirring the pot for god knows how long, people are going to explode. People all over the world are going to be calling for the heads of Governments and then in swoop the heroes with their talk of One Government to rule all. NWO agenda complete.

Mark my words.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Good point. As soon Boris is out i am sure the other WEF "supporter" will come with a full reversal. These people in power want our lives to be miserable.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: incoserv

On Twitter, I am seeing references to other countries cutting back on the mask mandates and vaccine passports.
Spain, Sweden and others were mentioned.... notably absent were Germany and France.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: Whodathunkdatcheese
a reply to: incoserv

Nobody should look to Britain for the way forward.

Boris Johnson has his balls nailed to the wall and more people are coming at him with more nails. He has three options: resign, start a war or remove COVID restrictions. The first is not an option. The third is the easier remaining option.

The second is the back up.

WHAT?! Boris Johnson had balls? Are you certain it's not just an empty sack?

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: incoserv

On Twitter, I am seeing references to other countries cutting back on the mask mandates and vaccine passports.
Spain, Sweden and others were mentioned.... notably absent were Germany and France.

And Dear Leader Beijing Joe.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: incoserv

well 'they' not stopped me

here is my reasoning, I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about covid on the news/radio/internet, hearing people moan about each other

My wife started with a brain tumour about 6 weeks prior to covid starting, I had to watch, cry and suffer as she was in a coma for 2 weeks, then I had to sit with her and be told she had cancer, i had to watch her bravely face up to that fact after waking from her coma, i watched her go through brain surgery, i watched her struggle with radio therapy, i watched her be physically ill with chemotherapy and do you know what she still smiles and laughs and makes my life worth living

Failing a loved one with brain cancer (thread i made at the time)

The worst part of all this covid nonsense is people who think its been hard, oh woe is me attitude, covid is going away and their lives will end up going back to normal, we meanwhile are still waiting for a cure to cancer, so if I want to be happy and spend time with my family aint no one gonna stop me or bring me down with negativity.

So pour me a beer, get your dancing shoes on as me and my wife are going to see the live strictly come dancing tour at the end of the month, with no need for face masks with no need for a passport, so excuse me while we get on with enjoying the precious few moments we have left

Hey, I'm with you!

My point is not to put everybody down or make you mully-grubby. Yours is the exact attitude that we need, independent of what the the gummint says.

My point is that celebrating this as some kind of supposed "victory" is a mistake.

Like you, i have continued to live my life and not let the narrative dictate me. I, too, fill my own glass. Many don't, but drink whatever TPTB den then worthy of ... and they are happy with it. I'm seeing many who seem excited about the UK's supposed "reversal." If anyone is excited about that, their eggs are in the wrong basket.

You, my friend, carry on!

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: TheMadTitan

The job is done you are all vaxed, to push laws for the few remaining people would be counterproductive, as the rulers wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. Austria and Germany must have lower vax rates and haven't fulfilled their quota yet so have to force people to be jabbed.I hope I am wrong but it is time to watch the average death rate.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:05 PM
Of course, it isn't over, it likely won't be over for everybody worldwide ever. Not gonna name countries as some members can get a bit patriotic, but we know which ones have clamped down hard and which ones are still trying to wiggle out of this BS.

If this was planned it isn't gonna fall apart completely, but mostly like any huge change, there is always a snapback. We got pulled too far in one direction now here comes the swing the other way.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:10 PM
" I'll believe it when I see it" comes to mind.
I don't trust anyone in UK Government ATM, not one of them. The minute one breaks ranks and starts calling this last 2 years for what it was, that person I will listen to.
I could go further back, but first we had Brexit rolling on for 3 years, and no sooner we were out, along came the dreaded lurgy to create more fear and hysteria.
They come in three's as they say. I'm prepping for the worst and hoping for the best.
That's all I've got.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: incoserv

I had wondered why they would set themselves up for a 'boy who cried wolf' scenario and the only thing that made logical sense to me was they intended to have a jaded populace who wouldn't believe that there was ever going to be a real threat, so that when they released a truly deadly virus, no one would really be prepared or willing to take the necessary precautions to avoid infection.


posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: incoserv

I had wondered why they would set themselves up for a 'boy who cried wolf' scenario and the only thing that made logical sense to me was they intended to have a jaded populace who wouldn't believe that there was ever going to be a real threat, so that when they released a truly deadly virus, no one would really be prepared or willing to take the necessary precautions to avoid infection.


I would not put just such a scenario past them.

The whole "I didn't know it was against the rules" thing was just ... unbelievable. As my dearly departed step-father used to say, NOBODY'S THAT STUPID!

Though they clearly think that we all are.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: incoserv

They're already trying to scare the US with a wild rabbit disease outbreak (supposedly two cases, in FL & NY state) of... Rabbit Hemorrhagic Fever, I think it was.

The news made damn sure to rub in the 80-100% bunny fatality rate, though.

Granted, this is something for our hunters to watch out for this year, but it sure stank like fanning fear flames unnecessarily (unless our resident hunters say otherwise, i dont lnow all that much about this one)

I'm a rabbit breeder in canada near Washington state. We had the first outbreak in 2018 and it really is close to 100% mortality. I know two people whose rabbitries got wiped out. We got vaccine brought in under emergency use authorization from europe to try to save key breeding stock as we have a lot of rare breeds here.

What was odd was we had virtually entire losses of huge feral rabbit populations in areas like airports, community works yards, fairgrounds, universities... all places that were actively struggling with an exploding rabbit population and have a history of people dumping unwanted pets.

Common sense says it should have travelled in a wave rather than hit these big populations hours drive apart while leaving small populations untouched. Even the head veterinarian of bc said the same. That is the conspiracy to my mind and also why when covid hit I found it laughable compared to RHD. We went to extreme lengths to keep our animals safe, including fly screening all buildings as flying insects are a main vector, bleaching shoes, tires etc., no visitors, no travel to infected areas, freezing meat for over two weeks to kill the virus.

They may use the RHD to fan the flames as people love disaster but it is a serious disease especially now that the virus is now infecting cottontails and jackrabbits which are part of the basis off the food chain for larger wild predators.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: anonentity

In Canada the data shows that everyone has already gotten their first dose and few a their second not everyone has jumped to the third or fourth booster interesting.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Britain's leaders have come to the realization of how horrible these vaccines are for the human body.

They are trying to save face by canceling the pandemic in that country.

It's a public relations gamble that may or may not work, depending on how astute the population is.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Totally agree.

My first response when I first saw the video of his announcement was, "Now, that is how you make chicken salad out of chicken sh!t."

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: incoserv

So pour me a beer, get your dancing shoes on as me and my wife are going to see the live strictly come dancing tour at the end of the month, with no need for face masks with no need for a passport, so excuse me while we get on with enjoying the precious few moments we have left

You Sir are a beautiful man!! Enjoy your time together!!

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