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Czech Anti Vaxxer Dies After Deliberately Getting Covid

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posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Let’s follow the threads…

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Hana Horka: Czech singer dies after catching Covid intentionally

On Sunday morning, the day she died, Ms Horka said she was feeling better and dressed to go for a walk. But then her back started hurting, so she went to lie down in her bedroom.
"In about 10 minutes it was all over," her son said. "She choked to death".
Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines.

People have been choking to death long before covid.

Choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional injury death in the United States.[3] Many episodes go unreported because they are brief and resolve without needing medical attention.[7] Of the reported events, 80% occur in children younger than 15 years, and 20% occur in children older than 15 years.[3] Choking on a foreign object resulted in 162,000 deaths (2.5 per 100,000) in 2013, compared with 140,000 deaths (2.9 per 100,000) in 1990.[49]

I am guessing she took something for her back pain. A little self medicating? Somehow choked. A little vomit and being a little incapacitated? Wouldn’t be the first time a singer went that way.

Or the back pain was a symptom of something in her body going horrible physically wrong.

Can you quote anyone stating Covid actually killed her?

…. Now. How does not taking a vaccine lead to wanting to go for a walk, then back pain that makes a person rest, to choking to death?

Have patience with me, Sir.

You'll have full report on your desk on Monday.

Jeez.....seems if you post anything on here that doesn't sit with some folk's beliefs they just shoot the messenger and squeal about the source.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
You could explain what is so personal instead of using that much sentence marks.

Yeah rape. I told you to stop it and you powered through and told me you would do it anyways. Abuse might not be intentional all the time but the former is. To make clear you are the first person I deny this, I actually like the short handle Ducky and it is well received from everyone else. Just not from you.

Also I do not derail your thread, I keep asking, just like others about some evidence and prove behind your claims. But all you do is cry wolf and how everyone attacks you personal. Whenever this happens in a thread with you it will be filled with one line responses from you defending constantly. Seen it twice in the last weeks.

So I guess you are not willing to back up your claims and instead the idea of this thread was to mock unvaccinated. You leave no other conclusion.
edit on 21.1.2022 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

What claims? I. Have. Made. NO. Claims. Stop quacking on about made up stuff.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

So. The narrative as told makes no sense to blame the sudden back pain then choking to death when left alone for 10 minutes on lack of a vaccine.

So. What was your purpose of posting the story in the first place. You really did hope covid killed her?

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I’ll give you a little true tale. An Individual I know was vaccinated, caught covid, young, no serious health problems, was a little sick, then caught pneumonia while in quarantine recovering, had to be ventilated from being found unconscious. Thankful the person’s number was not up. But. Sometimes, when your numbers up. It’s up. Despite trying to live paranoid under a rock like some mandatory unreasonably hardcore vaccers would have us live.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

So. The narrative as told makes no sense to blame the sudden back pain then choking to death when left alone for 10 minutes on lack of a vaccine.

So. What was your purpose of posting the story in the first place. You really did hope covid killed her?

Whereas you hope it was an overdose?

You making up a narrative to suit your purpose makes no sense.

As I have repeatedly stated, I just posted the story.

What's your purpose on here?

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

"Despite trying to live paranoid under a rock like some mandatory unreasonably hardcore vaccers would have us live."

Do you think that describes me? I have never supported mandatory vaccines.

Why do you and your fellow travellers have to resort to making stuff up?

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I am guessing she took something for her back pain. A little self medicating? Somehow choked. A little vomit and being a little incapacitated? Wouldn’t be the first time a singer went that way.

Or the back pain was a symptom of something in her body going horrible physically wrong.

Yes of course. She was a singer so you guess from that she took an overdose.

Wonder if that other poster will be jumping all over you accusing you of insulting her memory?

You demand all sorts of proof from me and then you come up with this unsubstantiated guesswork?!!!!!!

No offense but your whole op is guesswork . You came and told us half the story so we’re trying to get down to brass tax and figure this out.

I kept reading , it sounds like there is no evidence at all . Hoax bin here we come

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2


Whereas you hope it was an overdose?

Quote where I said I did. But how does well enough to want to go from a walk to back pain to choking to death in 10 minutes left alone lead choking to death.

And the actual post…

I am guessing she took something for her back pain. A little self medicating? Somehow choked. A little vomit and being a little incapacitated? Wouldn’t be the first time a singer went that way.

Or the back pain was a symptom of something in her body going horrible physically wrong.

It’s called spitballing and trying to make actual sense of the facts. More than you have done.

By the why. Stop changing the subject..

So. The narrative as told makes no sense to blame the sudden back pain then choking to death when left alone for 10 minutes on lack of a vaccine.

So. What was your purpose of posting the story in the first place. You really did hope covid killed her?

Now. How does not taking a vaccine lead to wanting to go for a walk, then back pain that makes a person rest, to choking to death?

Can you quote anyone stating Covid actually killed her?

——your bad as a flat earther.
edit on 21-1-2022 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Thenail

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I am guessing she took something for her back pain. A little self medicating? Somehow choked. A little vomit and being a little incapacitated? Wouldn’t be the first time a singer went that way.

Or the back pain was a symptom of something in her body going horrible physically wrong.

Yes of course. She was a singer so you guess from that she took an overdose.

Wonder if that other poster will be jumping all over you accusing you of insulting her memory?

You demand all sorts of proof from me and then you come up with this unsubstantiated guesswork?!!!!!!

No offense but your whole op is guesswork . You came and told us half the story so we’re trying to get down to brass tax and figure this out.

I kept reading , it sounds like there is no evidence at all . Hoax bin here we come

So, her family's evidence is a "hoax" then, is it?

Jeez, I just posted the story.

So, sue me.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Quote a cited source she died of covid.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:38 PM
Her families evidence is just that: anecdotal. It adds zero value to the discussion.

Since when do we rely on family members for death causes?

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

You just posted where you said that. Oh, I suppose by saying that "wouldn't be the first time a singer went that way" you were not insinuating that it was an overdose? Please.

Flat Earthers have a set of beliefs based on nonsense. Quite ironic you should make the comparison, really.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Quote a cited source she died of covid.

OK. How about her son?

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Hello.. the original post.

I am guessing she took something for her back pain. A little self medicating? Somehow choked. A little vomit and being a little incapacitated? Wouldn’t be the first time a singer went that way.

Or the back pain was a symptom of something in her body going horrible physically wrong.

Funny your changing the subject, and ignoring the post in its entirety.


Quote a cited source she died of covid.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:43 PM

edit on 21-1-2022 by ScepticScot because: reply to wrong post

edit on 21-1-2022 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
Her families evidence is just that: anecdotal. It adds zero value to the discussion.

Since when do we rely on family members for death causes?

Well, I m pretty sure that my Dad died of Motor Neurone Disease but hey, what do I know?

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Quote a cited source she died of covid.

Just as long as you apply the same standard of evidence to supposed vaccine deaths.

I mean if you posted something like

No evidence. I agree. But I also don’t believe in coincidence.

It would look like double standards with maybe a trace of hypocrisy.
edit on 21-1-2022 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I am sorry for that.

You are not the one filling out the death certificate though. You are not a coroner and I did not check but I am certain that nobody in that close family is a coroner. You can bring some evidence if someone is any time though.

It's kind of obvious that the coroner report counts and not what some grieving family members grasp at in their moment of despair.

So since when do we rely on hearsay?

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: ScepticScot

Context matters.

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