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Vaccinated Subject to Illnesses Long-Term - Imperative that the NonVaxxed Control Group be Minimized

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posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
a reply to: booyakasha

What may start to see is this.
1. hearing aid commercials
2. it is well known people with lose of hearing ( not hearing well ) most likely end up suffering with dementia
3. Biden said in 15 years we will see more people with dementia

funny that he and you might just be right

Biden's new Presidential crystal ball told him all the hospital beds in America will be taken by people with advanced Dementia and Alzheimer's.

From 5/31/2021 - Fifteen Years and Boom. All beds taken:

Maybe connected to the Covid-19 vaccines?

posted on Jan, 14 2022 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt
Could be about population control, or perhaps just demographic control.
The demographic of the dying is the unvaxxed and the unmasked. By huge percentage points.

And I see this in real life, not the “anecdotes” I read here.
Unvaxxed are dying, and are sicker at a higher rate.

So, who is attempting depopulation?
I suspect it is those that promote anti vax behavior.

Anti vaxxers promote the death of conservatives, and those mags morons too.

Maybe it’s unintentional? Maybe the anti vax trolls have your health in mind?


It’s just ignorance, selfishness, and in the case of threads like this, attention whoring.

Wow... attention whoring when all the op is trying to achieve is bring up potential corruption, and yes, he does have everyone's best will at heart.
But alas, there's no conspiracy with big Pharma, Biden was right, only the unvaxxed will get the virus, although here in Australia, the story is vastly different, the vaxxed are overwhelming the hospital systems.... but then again, they're Aussies...... we're kinda weird.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: AcrobaticDreams

Yes and we will need Capricorn/Saturn to solidify and stabilize those changes that Sagittarius/Jupiter expands on. I think there are good things to come

Yes indeedily!!!

I have a brand new grandbaby -- a Pluto in Cappy grandbaby -- and of course I had to look at her chart as soon as she was born. It's a glorious chart, with a glorious Cappy stellium, including her Ascendant!

It occurred to me as I looked at her chart, and considered our current Pluto Return, that we are being blessed with some very old and wise souls being born to help us re-build our world and society -- from the foundation up. Sagittarius will provide the vision and Cappy will make it reality.

I doubt I will still be here to see it made manifest -- LOL! -- but it's still a wonder to behold!!!

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Friday, January 14, 2022

We've postulated in another thread** how (in the U.S.) almost everything surrounding the Covid-19 phenomenon appears to be driven by the desire to make money.



A major component of the money-making drive are long-term illnesses/disabilities generated by the Covid-19 vaccines.

Some are already being realized, like blood-clots, for example:

Longer Term, Scientists Expect Vaccine-Induced Illnesses to grow in number;

MIT Scientist Stephanie Seneff says, "There will be long-term damage that won't instantly be linked to the [COVID vaccine]."

She believes that auto-immune and neurodegenerative diseases will "take 10 to 15 years before manifesting themselves" in the bodies of those who chose to be inoculated.

"We are in for a big surprise down the road," she said.
Much more at:



Studies of those who contract certain illnesses would show that they are Covid-19 Vaccinated and Boostered.

Medical scientists would then compare these patients against the millions who successfully resisted all the pressure to be vaccinated.

What would happen if comparison studies show that people who have been vaccinated, have far more illnesses and mysterious deaths, than those who chose not be vaccinated for Covid-19?

I suspect heads will roll...literally.

How do you minimize the odds of connecting the millions of sick individuals to the Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccine injections they've received?


I believe in science circles, they are referred to as a "Control Group"? The Control Group demonstrates that a given drug is having a good or bad effect in the Non-Control group.

In addition to generating additional income for pharmaceutical companies, medical practitioners, and shareholders, getting as many people vaccinated as possible reduces the size of the "control group".

I believe when the un-vaccinated percentage of Americans is reduced to 10%, there is no longer a statistically meaningful control group, and therefore, tracing the many sicknesses and disabilities back to the vaccines, will NOT OCCUR.

Those who manufactured and pushed the vaccines will be off-the-hook and the medical establishment, pharmaceuticals, and shareholders, will continue to rake in huge sums of money for treating families devastated by illnesses and diseases.

The overall Covid-19 phenomenon is straight out of Satan's playbook, imo. Worse than what the vast majority of the U.S. population will ever accept as reality. Especially if most (90%+) can be classified as "fully vaccinated" over the next year.


I have been predicting that very same thing. They need a very high amount of the population vaccinated in order to deflect and dismiss any links to the major issues that will start manifesting.

Great OP as usual CareWeMust.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: AcrobaticDreams

Yes and we will need Capricorn/Saturn to solidify and stabilize those changes that Sagittarius/Jupiter expands on. I think there are good things to come

I have a brand new grandbaby -- a Pluto in Cappy grandbaby -- and of course I had to look at her chart as soon as she was born. It's a glorious chart, with a glorious Cappy stellium, including her Ascendant!

I doubt I will still be here to see it made manifest -- LOL! -- but it's still a wonder to behold!!!

Congratulations Boadicea! Lucky Lucky grand-daughter.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: Imperator2

originally posted by: carewemust
Friday, January 14, 2022

We've postulated in another thread** how (in the U.S.) almost everything surrounding the Covid-19 phenomenon appears to be driven by the desire to make money.



A major component of the money-making drive are long-term illnesses/disabilities generated by the Covid-19 vaccines.

Some are already being realized, like blood-clots, for example:

Longer Term, Scientists Expect Vaccine-Induced Illnesses to grow in number;

MIT Scientist Stephanie Seneff says, "There will be long-term damage that won't instantly be linked to the [COVID vaccine]."

She believes that auto-immune and neurodegenerative diseases will "take 10 to 15 years before manifesting themselves" in the bodies of those who chose to be inoculated.

"We are in for a big surprise down the road," she said.
Much more at:



Studies of those who contract certain illnesses would show that they are Covid-19 Vaccinated and Boostered.

Medical scientists would then compare these patients against the millions who successfully resisted all the pressure to be vaccinated.

What would happen if comparison studies show that people who have been vaccinated, have far more illnesses and mysterious deaths, than those who chose not be vaccinated for Covid-19?

I suspect heads will roll...literally.

How do you minimize the odds of connecting the millions of sick individuals to the Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccine injections they've received?


I believe in science circles, they are referred to as a "Control Group"? The Control Group demonstrates that a given drug is having a good or bad effect in the Non-Control group.

In addition to generating additional income for pharmaceutical companies, medical practitioners, and shareholders, getting as many people vaccinated as possible reduces the size of the "control group".

I believe when the un-vaccinated percentage of Americans is reduced to 10%, there is no longer a statistically meaningful control group, and therefore, tracing the many sicknesses and disabilities back to the vaccines, will NOT OCCUR.

Those who manufactured and pushed the vaccines will be off-the-hook and the medical establishment, pharmaceuticals, and shareholders, will continue to rake in huge sums of money for treating families devastated by illnesses and diseases.

The overall Covid-19 phenomenon is straight out of Satan's playbook, imo. Worse than what the vast majority of the U.S. population will ever accept as reality. Especially if most (90%+) can be classified as "fully vaccinated" over the next year.


I have been predicting that very same thing. They need a very high amount of the population vaccinated in order to deflect and dismiss any links to the major issues that will start manifesting.

Great OP as usual CareWeMust.

The immediate revenue generation aspect is still present, but the Medical establishment is starting to watch VAERS and lick their chops over the long-term physical and mental illnesses that will result from the vaccines.

It's sick, but that cold-hearted greed has been present in top-tier medical officials since I started setting up health insurance plans in the late 1980's.

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 09:33 PM
Holy Smokes!


Unfortunately, I think we're going to find that a great many diseases "favor the vaccinated", as time passes.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:17 AM
It's becoming increasingly obvious how dangerous these so-called vaccines can be.

Here's a new ATS thread on the global findings:

These increasingly obvious horrific vaccine side-effects, make it even more urgent that everyone be vaccinated, in order to shrink the healthier un-vaccinated control group to the smallest size possible, ASAP.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 12:01 AM

The overall #1 goal is to get as many people injected with the fake vaccines as possible.

Headline: Omicron's child variant, named BA.2, spreads faster than Omicron!


posted on Feb, 1 2022 @ 05:58 PM
February 1, 2022

U.S. Senator Ben Ray Lujan

Received Dangerous Covid-19 Vaccine in December:

Suffers Severe Stroke in January:

Somebody forgot to tell him why Pelosi/Schumer exempted Congress from the vaccines.

That's too bad.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 07:30 PM

They're feeling bold enough to begin telling the truth at the very top now.

The Queen of New Zeeland says Vaccine complications means the drugs are doing what they're designed to do.

She tells the truth in a way that small minds feel reassured.

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

They're feeling bold enough to begin telling the truth at the very top now.

The Queen of New Zeeland says Vaccine complications means the drugs are doing what they're designed to do.

She tells the truth in a way that small minds feel reassured.

You do realize shes talking about the general side effects you get from taking pretty much all vaccines right? Pain at site of injection, swelling or redness in the area, joint aches, muscle aches, headaches, fatigue and fever etc... right? You do know that? Or is taking something out of complete context is considered telling the truth?.. not surprised at that looking at the rest of your sources twitter page. Interesting you dont hear the question the journalist asked in that clip she gave the answer too, wouldn't mind hearing it.

My booster was alot less compared to the primary jab in terms of side effects, pain and swelling and fatigue ended in a matter of days instead of lasting over a week... just as my Prime Minister explained, i expect my 2nd booster when i get it in the next few weeks to be even less of an issue with the side effects.

And yeah those side effects indicate your body is reacting to the vaccine, ie its doing what its supposed to do in getting your body to do its thing. Also, Complications are different from side effects... nice putting words into her mouth she never said there, very honest of you, especially given your regular use of the word 'truth'.
edit on 7-2-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

Thanks for supporting her. I'm sure she appreciates you clarifying things!

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: booyakasha
a reply to: MapMistress

no its really not hard to track. If you don't think they have everyones name in a database that took the jab and which batch you are very mistaken.

Also, you just ask someone, did you take the covid vaccine? Yes = they took it.

In 15 years people will remember if they took the vaccine. They will eventually realize everyone with auto-immune and neurodegenerative diseases were jabbed and the ones without those problems weren't jabbed.

It won't even take 15 years though. It'll probably be less than 5 in my opinion.

People who have been vaccinated should find out what batch they were injected from, and then look it up at: is information from HHS/CDC/FDA that's been compiled by a very smart empathic person.

Thanks, well for adverse effects mine isnt to bad probably well within normal statistical models, what pisses me off is that if the expiration dates on this site is correct I was injected with a "vaccine" that expired 9 months before I was jabbed.

Mother trucker...

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: booyakasha
a reply to: MapMistress

no its really not hard to track. If you don't think they have everyones name in a database that took the jab and which batch you are very mistaken.

Also, you just ask someone, did you take the covid vaccine? Yes = they took it.

In 15 years people will remember if they took the vaccine. They will eventually realize everyone with auto-immune and neurodegenerative diseases were jabbed and the ones without those problems weren't jabbed.

It won't even take 15 years though. It'll probably be less than 5 in my opinion.

People who have been vaccinated should find out what batch they were injected from, and then look it up at: is information from HHS/CDC/FDA that's been compiled by a very smart empathic person.

Thanks, well for adverse effects mine isnt to bad probably well within normal statistical models, what pisses me off is that if the expiration dates on this site is correct I was injected with a "vaccine" that expired 9 months before I was jabbed.

Mother trucker...

Even if your vaccine batch had expired, you were obviously not infected by a bad strain of Covid-19, if any, after being "vaccinated".

What is still unclear is exactly what is in the vaccines that cause illness in some people many months after injection(s) have occurred.

Unfortunately, the currently corrupt CDC and FDA will be no help in determining this.

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