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US tells Putin to choose confrontation or dialogue over Ukraine

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posted on May, 11 2022 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: turretless
Briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine

11.05.2022 (16:30)

It should be noted that the ideologues of US military-biological activities in Ukraine are the leaders of the Democratic Party.

Thus, through the US executive branch, a legislative framework for funding military biomedical research directly from the federal budget was formed. Funds were raised under state guarantees from NGOs controlled by the Democratic Party leadership, including the investment funds of the Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros and Biden.

The scheme involves major pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Moderna, Merck and the US military-affiliated company Gilead. U.S. experts are working to test new medicines that circumvent international safety standards. As a result, Western companies are seriously reducing the cost of research programmes and gaining a significant competitive advantage.

The involvement of controlled nongovernmental and biotechnological organisations, and the increase in their revenues, allows the leaders of the Democratic Party to generate additional campaign finance and hide its distribution.

In addition to US pharmaceutical companies and Pentagon contractors, Ukrainian state agencies are involved in military bioweapons activities, whose main tasks are to conceal illegal activities, conduct field and clinical trials and provide the necessary biomaterial.

Thus, the US Department of Defence, using a virtually internationally uncontrolled test site and the high-tech facilities of multinational companies, has greatly expanded its research capabilities, not only in the field of biological weapons, but also in gaining knowledge about antibiotic resistance and the antibodies to specific diseases in populations in specific regions.

So russia isn't giving up on it's absurd Ukrainian weapons lab lies yet?


posted on May, 12 2022 @ 04:41 AM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

12.05.2022 (11:00)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 4 command posts, 34 areas of concentration of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment, as well as 2 ammunition depots near Novhorod-Siverskyi, Chernigov Region, during the day.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 320 nationalists and up to 72 armoured and motor vehicles.

Operational-tactical and army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Force have hit 120 areas of concentration of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment.

In addition, 1 Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile system radar station near Odessa and 1 missile and artillery weapons depot near Krasnopavlovka, Kharkov Region, have been destroyed.

Missile troops and artillery have hit 405 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, 12 command posts and 26 artillery units at firing positions.

1 S-300 anti-aircraft missile system has been destroyed near Koroych, Kharkov Region. 3 Smerch multiple-launch rocket launchers and 2 ammunition depots of the Ukrainian armed forces have also been destroyed near Razdolie in Kharkov Region and Slavyansk in Donetsk People's Republic.

Air defence means have shot down 13 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Velikie Prokhody, Velikaya Kamyshevakha in Kharkov Region, Panteleimonovka, Avdeevka and Dolya in Donetsk Region, Oknino and Fabrichnoe in Lugansk Region, Glubokoe in Chernigov Region, Barvinok and Vladimirovka in Dnepropetrovsk Region.

1 Bayraktar-TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle has been shot down near Snake Island.

14 Ukrainian Smerch multiple-launch rockets have been intercepted in the air over Zavody, Sukhaya Kamenka, Pimonovka, Izyum, Malaya Kamyshevakha in Kharkov Region, as well as Goncharovka, Topolskoe and Donetsk.

In total, 164 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 821 unmanned aerial vehicles, 303 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,013 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 364 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,471 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,824 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 03:09 PM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

12.05.2022 (19:40)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 4 command posts, 38 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, 4 ammunition depots near Soledar in the Donetsk People's Republic, and 1 US-made counter-battery radar station near Kharkov.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 170 nationalists and up to 41 armoured and motor vehicles.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 45 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration as well as 1 fuel depot for Ukrainian military equipment near Vrubovka, Lugansk People's Republic.

Artillery units have hit 14 command posts, 7 artillery units at firing positions and 358 areas of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment concentration.

In addition, 1 S-300 anti-aircraft missile launcher has been also destroyed near Dolina, Kharkov Region.

During the day, air defence means have shot down 5 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Glubokoe, Liptsy in Kharkov Region, Aleksandrovka and Donetsk, as well as 10 rockets from Smerch MLRS near Polevoe in the Donetsk People's Republic.

In addition, 1 unmanned aerial vehicle has been shot down in the air over Snake Island and 3 Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles have been intercepted.

In total, 164 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 827 unmanned aerial vehicles, 304 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,022 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 366 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,479 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,832 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following his visit to the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Algiers, May 10, 2022

10 May 2022 18:51


What do you think of Josep Borrell's initiative to give Ukraine frozen Russian assets as “reparations?” Can we say that the masks have come off and the West is moving on to open robbery?

Sergey Lavrov:

You could say it is theft, which they are not trying to hide.

This is becoming a habit for the West: they have frozen the money in the United States that belongs to Afghanistan (its Central Bank). They don’t intend to use it for the needs of Afghanistan's citizens who have suffered from the consequences of NATO’s 20-year presence, but for some other purposes not related to the economic reconstruction of Afghanistan.

It is not only this statement and ideas about confiscation of other parties’ property that Josep Borrell is known for. Not so long ago, he said that the Ukrainian crisis must be resolved exclusively by military means. He would do well to remember what his job title is. He is the chief diplomat, not a military leader in the EU.

We may soon see the post of the EU chief diplomat abolished because the EU has virtually no foreign policy of its own andacts entirely in solidarity with the approaches imposed by the United States.

We will consistently oppose any attempts to establish a unipolar world order and destroy the principles used to found the UN.

posted on May, 12 2022 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: turretless

So lavrov, who is currently in the process of destroying and stealing everything in Ukraine that he can, has feelz about russia's frozen accounts?

He may self combust when he finds out that every penny of that, along with much of russia's future oil revenue, will be used to help rebuild the damage that russia did to Ukraine.

Possibly more than an entire year of russia's GDP by the time russian troops are beaten back to russian territory.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 05:14 AM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

13.05.2022 (11:19)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision, long-range sea- and air-based weapons on the northern outskirts Kremenchug, Poltava region, have destroyed the production facilities of an oil refinery and tanks with petrol and diesel fuel intended to supply Ukrainian forces' military equipment.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 153 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment.

2 Ukrainian Grad multiple-launch rocket launchers and a US-made air defence warning and indication radar have also been destroyed near Kharkov.

Missile troops and artillery units have hit 15 command posts, 520 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, 6 artillery units at firing positions, and 1 missile weapons depot near Shebelinka, Kharkov Region.

Russian air defence means have shot down 1 Su-27 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force near Lozovaya, Kharkov Region.

Additionally, 15 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down in the air near Balakleya, Malaya Kamyshevakha, Bolshie Prokhody, Borovskoe, Prudyanka and Volokhov Yar in Kharkov Region, Topolynoe and Pavlovka in Zaporozhye Region, Yevgenovka, Yasinovataya, Yegorovka, Puteprovod, Avdeevka, Panteleimonovka and Krutaya Balka in Donetsk Region.

2 Ukrainian Smerch multiple-launch rockets whave been also shot down over Topolskoe, Kharkov Region.

In total, 165 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 842 unmanned aerial vehicles, 304 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,032 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 368 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,491 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,869 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions during a joint news conference following talks with Foreign Minister of the Sultanate of Oman Badr Albusaidi, Oman, May 11, 2022

11 May 2022 17:36

Question (translated from Arabic):

During your visit to Algeria, you said your country is doing all it can to put an end to the unipolar world. What is the strategy for reaching this goal? Don’t you see a risk of a large-scale armed conflict in Europe on the way towards this goal?

Sergey Lavrov:

The strategy is simple: to fulfil the commitments under the UN Charter, including respect for the sovereign equality of states, forget colonial ways, renounce neo-colonial ambitions and faithfully abide by international obligations. This is the bottom line.

Our goals in Ukraine are abundantly clear: not to permit violations of the rights of the Russian and Russian-speaking population in Donbass, which was threatened with extinction by the Kiev regime, and to prevent the West from building in Ukraine a bridgehead posing a military threat to the Russian Federation.

If you are concerned by the prospect of war in Europe, I will tell you that we don’t want it at all. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the West is constantly announcing that Russia needs to be defeated in this situation. Judge for yourself.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 01:26 PM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

13.05.2022 (20:00)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed the headquarters of the territorial defence and battalion of the 24th Mechanized Brigade near Zolotoe and Vrubovka, Lugansk People's Republic.

In addition, 32 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration and 1 ammunition depot near Krasnopavlovka, Kharkov Region, have been hit.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 300 nationalists and up to 37 armoured and motor vehicles.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 3 AFU command posts, as well as 52 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration.

Missile troops and artillery have hit 17 command posts, as well as 370 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration and 5 artillery units at firing positions.

Russian air defence means have shot down 3 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Krasnopolie, Malaya Kamyshevakha, Kharkov Region, and Gorlovka, Donetsk People's Republic.

In total, 165 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 845 unmanned aerial vehicles, 304 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,039 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 369 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,498 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,882 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

posted on May, 13 2022 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: turretless

Nothing about the 7 BTGs pushed all the way back past russia's border?

Nothing about Ukraine now being within easy artillery range of one of russia's supply hubs inside of russia?

Nothing about that artillery unit shelling that russian town?

Nothing about russia loosing yet another pontoon bridge along with all the soldiers and vehicles nearby?

Still no proof that makarov still exists?


posted on May, 14 2022 @ 06:25 AM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

14.05.2022 (11:00)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit five command posts and two ammunition depots near Spornoe and Berestovoe in the Donetsk People''s Republic.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 100 nationalists and up to 23 armoured and motor vehicles.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 43 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration.

Missile troops and artillery have hit 18 command posts, 543 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, 1 ammunition depot near Lubomirovka, Kherson Region, as well as 23 AFU artillery units at firing positions near Verkhnekamenskoe, Krasnyi Liman, Drobyshevo, Yarovaya, Korobochkino and Gusarovka throughout the night.

Russian air defence means overnight have shot down 13 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Chkalovskoe, Demetievka, Klinsk, Glubokoe, Balakleya, Goptovka in Kharkov Region, Staromikhailovka, Spartak, Elenovka in Donetsk People's Republic, Petrovenki and Severodonetsk in Lugansk People's Republic, including 1 Bayraktar-TB2 over Mankovka in Kharkov Region.

In addition, 3 rockets of Smerch multiple-launch rocket system have been intercepted Izyum, Semenovka and Snezhkovka in Kharkov Region.

In total, 165 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 858 unmanned aerial vehicles, 304 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,051 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 372 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,507 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,898 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions following the CIS Foreign Ministers Council meeting, Dushanbe, May 13, 2022

13 May 2022 14:07


Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said that Russia’s approach to Ukraine’s accession to the EU was now similar to its approach to Ukraine’s NATO membership. Would you please clarify this approach? Has it really changed as drastically as this? What exactly is our country’s perspective on Ukraine’s likely accession to the EU?

Sergey Lavrov:

Issues relating to the negotiations on Ukraine are not resolved in New York. They are considered at the meetings of the delegations authorised by Russia and Ukraine to do the job.

Indeed, our Ukrainian colleagues say in public they are ready to have a non-aligned and nuclear-weapon-free status, although last January, speaking at the Munich Conference, their President Vladimir Zelensky noted that his country’s decision to forgo nuclear weapons had been a mistake. Now, nonetheless, they are ready to accept a neutral non-aligned status provided they are given guarantees outside NATO and other military-political blocs. At the same time, they are emphasising, as much as possible, their aspiration to join the European Union.

Recently, Dmitry Kuleba said the EU had to say “yes” or “no” “not later than today”. This was his response to President Emmanuel Macron’s well-known initiative to create, at the current stage, some kind of “external circle” around the EU and call it a European political community. For a start, Ukraine could be invited to join it. Kiev has turned down this initiative. Most importantly, this is an aspect of relations between Kiev and the EU. There are serious doubts about the inoffensive nature of this hope of Kiev, considering the EU’s transformation from a constructive economic platform as it was conceived into an aggressive belligerent player that announces it has ambitions far beyond Europe.

The other day, speaking in her trademark aggressive style, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said that the EU had to play an active role in ensuring security in the Indo-Pacific. That is, they are following the same path that is being trodden by NATO, thereby reinforcing the trend of merging with the North-Atlantic Treaty Organisation to act in a supplementary role.

posted on May, 14 2022 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: turretless

You seem to have missed out the bit about getting your sorry arses kicked out of Kharkiv and the whole retreating thing. I wonder why?

posted on May, 14 2022 @ 01:00 PM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

14.05.2022 (20:00)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 28 company strongholds of AFU and 2 ammunition depots near Petrovskoe and Zhovtnevoe during the day.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 33 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 90 nationalists and up to 18 armoured and motor vehicles.

Missile troops and artillery have hit 6 command posts, 178 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, 3 fortified bunkers, and 28 artillery units at firing positions, including 1 Smerch multiple-launch rocket system launcher near Berezovka during the day.

Russian air defence means have shot down 6 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles during the day near Russkaya Lozovaya, Pitomnik, and Izyum in Kharkov Region, including one over Snake Island.

In addition, 1 Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missile was intercepted near Khleborob and 3 Smerch multiple-launch rocket launchers were intercepted near the village of Kamenka, Kharkov Region.

In total, 165 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 864 unmanned aerial vehicles, 304 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,067 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 372 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,514 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,913 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

Russian Ministry of Defence releases footage of destroying pontoon installed by AFU units for crossing Seversky Donets river

14.05.2022 (17:30)

While mechanised infantry units of the Russian Armed Forces were carrying out reconnaissance activity, an unmanned aviation crew detected a unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) with infantry combat vehicles trying to cross an installed pontoon.

The pontoon has been completely destroyed by artillery fire. The enemy's vehicles that had succeeded in crossing the pontoons were destroyed by Russian artillery and infantry combat vehicle crews during the combat. Some vehicles of the AFU has been captured by the Russian servicemen.

posted on May, 14 2022 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: turretless


posted on May, 15 2022 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: turretless
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

14.05.2022 (20:00)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 28 company strongholds of AFU and 2 ammunition depots near Petrovskoe and Zhovtnevoe during the day.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 33 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 90 nationalists and up to 18 armoured and motor vehicles.

Missile troops and artillery have hit 6 command posts, 178 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, 3 fortified bunkers, and 28 artillery units at firing positions, including 1 Smerch multiple-launch rocket system launcher near Berezovka during the day.

Russian air defence means have shot down 6 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles during the day near Russkaya Lozovaya, Pitomnik, and Izyum in Kharkov Region, including one over Snake Island.

In addition, 1 Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missile was intercepted near Khleborob and 3 Smerch multiple-launch rocket launchers were intercepted near the village of Kamenka, Kharkov Region.

In total, 165 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 864 unmanned aerial vehicles, 304 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,067 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 372 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,514 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,913 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

Russian Ministry of Defence releases footage of destroying pontoon installed by AFU units for crossing Seversky Donets river

14.05.2022 (17:30)

While mechanised infantry units of the Russian Armed Forces were carrying out reconnaissance activity, an unmanned aviation crew detected a unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) with infantry combat vehicles trying to cross an installed pontoon.

The pontoon has been completely destroyed by artillery fire. The enemy's vehicles that had succeeded in crossing the pontoons were destroyed by Russian artillery and infantry combat vehicle crews during the combat. Some vehicles of the AFU has been captured by the Russian servicemen.

That last part is absolutely hilarious!

It was a russian pontoon, deployed by russians, over 1500 of which were killed during that failed russian river crossing attempt.

Ukrainian troops are already on both sides of the river, and they hold several key bridges that russia failed to destroy early in the war, so they can cross whenever they want with no need for pontoon bridges.

There is drone video available of this event in several of the regular sources used in the Update thread.

Is russia suddenly even more desperate to make up fake stuff?

I didn't think that was possible until recently, now it seems obvious.

edit on 15-5-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2022 @ 04:59 AM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

15.05.2022 (10:45)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 2 command posts, 11 company strongpoints and 4 ammunition depots of AFU near Zaporozhye, Paraskovievka, Kostantinovka and Novomikhailovka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 32 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration.

2 S-300 anti-aircraft missile launchers and 1 radar post near Shpilevka, Sumy Region, have been destroyed.

Missile troops and artillery have hit 6 command posts, 123 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, and 13 AFU artillery batteries at firing positions.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 150 nationalists and up to 26 armoured and motor vehicles.

Russian air defence mean overnight shot down 15 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Novotroitskoe, Vladimirovka, Petrovskoe, Luganskoe of the Donetsk People's Republic, Yepifanovka, Kudryashovka, Verkhnyaya Duvanka of the Lugansk People's Republic, Chkalovskoe, Velykie Prokhody, Vyshee Solenoe in Kharkov Region and over Snake Island.

In addition, 1 Tochka-U tactical missile was intercepted near Stepnoe, Kherson Region, and 11 Smerch multiple-launch rockets were intercepted near Kamenka, Malaya Kamyshevakha, Brazhkovka, Kharkov Region, and Chernobayevka, Kherson Region.

In total, 165 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 879 unmanned aerial vehicles, 306 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,098 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 381 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,525 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,934 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

Congratulations to the 155th anniversary of the Russian Red Cross Society

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the Russian Red Cross Society national public organisation, its staff, members and volunteers on the Society’s 155th anniversary.

May 15, 2022 09:00

The message reads, in part:

“A member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the Russian Red Cross Society is by right considered the country’s oldest charity organisation that has always united honest and caring people and throughout its history adhered to the principles of humanism, mercy and compassion, eternal moral and human values.

Importantly, the current generation of the RRC staff and volunteers cherish and develop these great traditions, implementing charity and medical programmes and supporting those who have suffered in humanitarian crises and disasters. Naturally, I would like to emphasise the active and freely given assistance to the people from Ukraine and Donbass who have been forced to leave their homes behind. Thanks in great part to your selfless efforts, these people get food and essential products, counselling, empathy and help in restoring family links.”

posted on May, 16 2022 @ 05:21 AM
Briefing by the Russian Defence Ministry

16.05.2022 (11:00)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace forces have neutralised two command posts, including a command post of the 72nd mechanised brigade near Tsapovka, Kharkov region, 16 manpower and military equipment concentration areas, eight long-term firing positions and five missile and artillery armament depots near Krasny Liman (Kharkov region), Vladimirovka and Konstantinovka (Donetsk People's Republic), as well as near Berestovoye (Lugansk People's Republic) over the past 24 hours.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 360 nationalists and the neutralisation of 78 units of military equipment.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have neutralised three command posts, 104 manpower and military equipment concentration areas, as well as two fuel depots.

Missile troops and artillery have neutralised 325 manpower and military equipment concentration areas, 14 command posts and 24 artillery batteries at their firing positions.

Russian air defence systems have shot down two Su-25 of the Ukrainian Air Force near Yevgenovka (Nikolayev region) and Kamyshevakha.

In addition, one Su-24 has been shot down near the Snake Island.

10 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, including two Soviet-manufactured Tu-143 Reys have been destroyed over Novosvetlovka (Lugansk People's Republic), Dementiyevka, Izyum and Maliye Prokhody (Kharkov region), Donetsk, Vysokoye and Kalinovskoye (Donetsk People's Republic).

In addition, 18 projectiles of Smerch multiple rocket-launchers have been intercepted near Malaya Kamyshevakha, Snezhkovka, Shpakovka, Ivanovka (Kharkov region) and Chernobayevka (Kherson region).

In total, 168 aircraft and 125 helicopters, 889 unmanned aerial vehicles, 307 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,108 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 381 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,529 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,949 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 05:59 AM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

17.05.2022 (11:50)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

The surrender of fighters from the Azov nationalist unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol began yesterday.

Over the past 24 hours, 265 militants have laid down arms and surrendered, including 51 seriously wounded. All those in need of medical assistance were sent for treatment to a hospital in Novoazovsk, Donetsk People's Republic.

High-precision long-range sea-based Kalibr missiles near Starichi railway station in Lvov Region have destroyed the personnel of Ukrainian reserve formations, as well as shipments of foreign weapons and military equipment from the United States and European countries, prepared for shipment to Donbass.

In addition, high-precision air- and ground-based long-range missiles have destroyed enemy reserves that were completing their combat coordination at the training centers near Akhtyrka, Sumy Region, and Desna, Chernigov Region.

High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 2 command posts and 1 communications centre, including those of the 30th Mechanized Brigade near Bakhmut, 28 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, and 2 missile-artillery weapons and ammunition depots near Ugledar and Konstantinovka in Donetsk People's Republic.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 470 nationalists and up to 68 armoured and motor vehicles.

In addition, 1 traction power substation have been destroyed near Merefa railway station in Kharkov region, which was delivering weapons and military equipment from the United States and Western countries to Donbass.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 9 command posts, 93 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 3 ammunition depots near Luparevo and Shevchenkovo in Nikolaev region.

Missile troops and artillery have hit 6 command posts, 224 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, 12 artillery and mortar batteries at firing positions, 4 BM-21 Grad MLRS batteries and 2 air target detection radar stations.

Russian air defence means have shot down 23 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over Pitomnik, Izyum, Snezhkovka, Olkhovatka, Dementievka, Russkaya Lozovaya, Bolshie Prokhody and Petrovskoe in Kharkov Region, Staromikhailovka, Novotamarovka, Novotroitskoe, Nevelskoe, Sverdlovo, Avdeevka and Vladimirovka in Donetsk People's Republic.

8 Smerch rockets have been intercepted near Chernobaevka, Kherson Region.

Yesterday between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. Ukrainian nationalists used Smerch multiple rocket launchers to hit residential areas of Kherson. Russian air defence means have intercepted all 10 Ukrainian rockets.

I would like to stress that there are no units of Russian troops in Kherson. The Kiev regime is well informed about this. The strike was deliberately targeted at civilians in Kherson in retaliation for supporting the Russian Federation.

In total, 168 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 912 unmanned aerial vehicles, 309 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,134 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 385 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,542 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,983 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 04:18 AM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

18.05.2022 (11:05)

In Mariupol, militants of Azov nationalist unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant continue to surrender.

Over the past 24 hours, 694 militants have laid down arms and surrendered, including 29 wounded.

A total of 959 militants have surrendered since 16 May, including 80 wounded, of whom 51 need hospital treatment have been admitted to Novoazovsk hospital in the Donetsk People's Republic.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

Over a day, high-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 2 command posts, including the territorial defence headquarters near Soledar in the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as 31 areas of concentration of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment, including locations of foreign mercenary units from European countries in Nikolaev and Krasnogorovka.

In addition, 2 Ukrainian Su-24 aircraft have been destroyed at a military airfield near Dnepropetrovsk, 1 division of Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems near Nikolaev, as well as 4 ammunition depots for missile and artillery weapons and ammunition of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Ugledar, Pokrovskoe, Soledar and Bakhmut, Donetsk People's Republic.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 3 command posts, 41 areas of concentration of AFU manpower and military equipment, as well as 1 ammunition depot near Ugledar, Donetsk People's Republic.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 270 nationalists and up to 54 armoured and motor vehicles.

Missile troops and artillery have hit 76 command posts, 421 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 147 artillery and mortar units at firing positions, including 1 Ukrainian battery of US-made 155mm M777 howitzers near Pogornoe.

A pontoon crossing point equipped by Ukrainian Armed Forces to cross the Severskyi Donets River has been destroyed near Protopopovka, Kharkov Region.

Russian air defence means have shot down 1 Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft over Tripolie, Donetsk people's republic.

In addition, 1 Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29 has been shot down near Kamennaya Yaruga, Kharkov Region.

15 Ukrainian UAVs have been shot down near Semenovka, Velikie Prokhody, Balakleya, Malye Prokhody, Velikaya Kamyshevakha in Kharkov Region, Rudnichnyi, Grabskoe, Staromikhailovka, Volnoe in Donetsk People's Republic, Belyaevka, Chernobaevka in Kherson Region.

8 Ukrainian Smerch multiple-launch rockets have been also intercepted near Kamenka and Malaya Kamyshevakha, Kharkov Region.

In total, 172 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 927 unmanned aerial vehicles, 311 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,139 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 389 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,548 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,997 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

The Foreign Ministry’s statement on Sweden’s NATO membership

16 May 2022 19:43

On May 16, the Government of Sweden made the decision to apply for NATO membership.

Russia has repeatedly stated that the choice of ways to ensure national security is an internal affair of any country.

Stockholm’s foreign policy has been based on neutrality for over 200 years and for decades remained an important factor in ensuring stability and trust in the Baltic Sea region.

Sweden’s accession to NATO will inflict considerable damage to the security of Northern Europe and Europe as a whole. The Russian Federation will have to take response measures, both military-technical and others, to curb the threats to its national security which arise in this context. In this respect, much will depend on the specific conditions of Sweden’s integration into the North Atlantic Alliance, including the potential deployment of strike systems of this military bloc on its territory.

In any event, NATO membership will not enhance Sweden’s security if only because nobody is threatening the country. However, it will definitely lead to the loss of its sovereignty in foreign policy decision-making.

For our part, we are convinced that this choice by the politicians currently in power in Sweden does not meet the long-term interests of the Swedish people.

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u
Why do I find you and the op on the same page, same thread every time?

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 04:32 AM

originally posted by: mtnshredder
a reply to: PatriotGames4u
Why do I find you and the op on the same page, same thread every time?

Because I refute russian propaganda nonsense, and he is an enthusiastic purveyor of fake russian propaganda nonsense.

I mostly ignore this thread lately because it doesn't appear that the russian propaganda he's been posting here is fooling anyone.

Or do you actually believe that russia has destroyed 10x more S300s than Ukraine ever had, yet Ukraine is still able to shoot down russian planes with those same S300s whenever they dare enter Ukraine?

edit on 18-5-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2022 @ 05:46 AM
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

19.05.2022 (10:00)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

In the past 24 hours, 771 militants of the Azov nationalist unit have surrendered at the blockaded Azovstal plant in Mariupol. A total of 1,730 militants have surrendered since May 16, including 80 wounded. All those in need of inpatient treatment are treated in medical facilities in the Donetsk People's Republic in Novoazovsk and Donetsk.

During the day, high-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit 7 command posts, including the command posts of the 24th AFU motorized infantry brigade in Nikolaevka and the 104th territorial defence brigade in Konstantinovka, as well as 11 missile and artillery weapons and ammunition depots near Bakhmut, Konstantinovka, Il'inka and Minkovka of the Donetsk People's Republic and 26 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration.

1 S-300 anti-aircraft missile system battalion near Bolshye Lomzaki, Nikolaev Region, and 1 Buk-M1 SAM battalion near Slavyanogorsk, Donetsk People's Republic, have been destroyed.

Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 2 command posts, as well as 58 areas of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment concentration.

The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 340 nationalists and up to 62 armoured and motor vehicles.

Missile troops and artillery have hit 6 command posts, 295 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, 43 Ukrainian artillery and mortar units at firing positions and 2 radio-electronic warfare stations.

Russian air defence means have shot down 15 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, including 1 Bayraktar-TB2, near Volchiy Yar, Borshchevka, Velikie Khutora, Malye Prokhody, Snezhkovka and Petrovskoe in Kharkov Region and Chernobaevka and Novaya Kakhovka in Kherson Region.

In addition, 12 Ukrainian Smerch multiple-launch rockets have been intercepted near Topolskoe, Malaya Kamyshevakha, Semenovka, Shpakovka, Glinskoe, Snezhkovka in Kharkov Region and Chernobayevka in Kherson Region.

In total, 172 Ukrainian aircraft and 125 helicopters, 942 unmanned aerial vehicles, 313 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,158 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 395 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,562 field artillery and mortars, as well as 3,026 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s greetings to the participants in the regular meeting of the Russia–Islamic World Strategic Vision Group and the 13th International Economic Summit Russia – Islamic World: KazanSummit 2022

19 May 2022 11:45

Unofficial translation

It is my pleasure to greet the participants and organisers of the international fora taking place these days in the hospitable capital of Tatarstan. For many years, Kazan has provided a platform for dialogue between politicians, businessmen, and experts from Russia and member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

This year’s events mark a memorable date, the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria. This is a good opportunity to look at the current state and future prospects of Russia’s ties with the Islamic world through the prism of their centuries-long history.

It is encouraging that today we are united by so many things. Above all, it is the commitment to the goal of democratisation of international affairs, as well as the unconditional respect for the right of the peoples of the world to independently determine their own destiny. We reject racist prejudices, claims of exceptionalism, and all other manifestations of neo-colonial mentality.

I am pleased to note that the Russian Federation and Muslim states share a common interest in promoting equal and mutually beneficial relations. The fact that this year Kazan holds the status of the OIC youth capital is a vivid illustration thereof.

I wish everyone successful work, fruitful contacts, and all the best.


posted on May, 19 2022 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: turretless

Exactly how many S300s does russia think Ukraine ever had?

Does anyone here believe any of russia's daily reports?

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