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2022 Proposed New restrictions for the vaccinated

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posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: carewemust

The senile communist in the white house will be put in the baseman by the big pharma handlers until the supreme court does their ruling on the mandates.

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: interupt42

I think we are witnessing the death throws of the power hungry. Omicron appears to be the true Colvid killer. Once this wave passes, most will have the immunity from the virus, or whatever is left from the vaccine.

That's not how it works, I'm afraid. Remember the annual waves of flu? Anytime there's a large number of cases of a disease, there's opportunity for mutations. As we've seen with reinfections (people who had Covid and then got it again) immunity doesn't protect you from the variants.

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
in reply to: tanstaafl

I just post, based on what I glean from what our #s show, and from our health authority, without bias(I try) I'm more than done with this. I semi bought in at first, not out of fear, but concern. That wore off long ago, when it became apparent we were just chasing our tails. And this is being pushed even harder for Omicron, which presents as a cold for 499 out of 500..the math is there for all to see, but they keep pushing worse case scenario's that have yet to materialise..especially maddening for Omicron.

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: interupt42

I think we are witnessing the death throws of the power hungry. Omicron appears to be the true Colvid killer. Once this wave passes, most will have the immunity from the virus, or whatever is left from the vaccine. I'm over the boneheads who want to argue over which immunity is better, we didn't do studies on that on purpose, so believe whatever makes you feel good.

But once this is over, some discussion needs to be had over how far we should be willing to go for peace of mind and security. I propose those who wish to give up their freedoms for the good of the collective should be separated and placed in special housing for their own protection. The rest can "fend for themselves", or as we used to call it, do normal things.

Jobs would be created as a service industry for the group in camps protective housing. And the one's who want to feel superior for being super woke can all be together, away from the unwashed. Sounds like a win for everyone.

While I wish I could be that optimistic, they've already set the ground rules for any future outbreaks. With COVID being basically as deadly as the flu, literally any new virus that comes out will allow them to just continue the draconian measures. I'm sure they've get 1,000 viruses waiting in a lab that would all do the trick.

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: Byrd
in reply to: network dude

Remember the annual waves of flu? Anytime there's a large number of cases of a disease, there's opportunity for mutations.

Yep - just like there are far more opportunity for far worse mutations (due to ADE) when mass jabs are imposed that not only do not prevent anything, but are in fact - like these ridiculous COVID jabs - almost useless.

As we've seen with reinfections (people who had Covid and then got it again) immunity doesn't protect you from the variants.

Reinfection is extremely rare with respect to natural immunity, but seems to happen all the time in the jabbed.

Also, natural immunity is almost certainly going to be lifetime, based on the fact that natural immunity with respect to SARS-Cov-1 is apparently lifetime, since it is still very robust almost years later.

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Reinfection is extremely rare with respect to natural immunity, but seems to happen all the time in the jabbed.

Natural immunity doesnt give you an invisible bubble shield around you the virus bounces off... even with natural immunity you still get reinfected if you come into contact with the virus, your bodies just prepared to recognize, attack and neutralist the virus very early before it starts causing noticeable issues thanks to having antibodies floating around your blood stream.

ie Exactly the same way with the vaccine.

All immunity natural or otherwise degrades... its never life time. Especially since the Immune system itself degrades and breaks down with age (looking at you Thymus)
edit on 5-1-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2022 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: BigfootNZ
in reply to: tanstaafl

Natural immunity doesnt give you an invisible bubble shield around you the virus bounces off.

No one has suggested it did... have they?

even with natural immunity you still get reinfected if you come into contact with the virus, your bodies just prepared to recognize, attack and neutralist the virus very early before it starts causing noticeable issues thanks to having antibodies floating around your blood stream.


ie Exactly the same way with the vaccine.

Nope. These jabs target only one aspect - the one spike protein. That is precisely why they are so ineffective against the variants these jabs are causing (ADE).

All immunity natural or otherwise degrades. .. its never life time.

Sometimes - but in the case of SARS-Cov-1, you are apparently mistaken - or did you miss the recent study that tested a bunch of people who had it, and they still showed an extremely robust immune response 18+ years later - which can be argued essentially means it is very likely lifelong immunity.

You are also wrong when it comes to other things Measles, Mumps and Chickenpox. Kids who get those naturally and develop natural immunity absolutely almost always do have lifelong immunity. There are rare exceptions of course, - if the child got it extremely early (prior to 6 months old), had an extremely mild case of it, or developed immune system problems...

Especially since the Immune system itself degrades and breaks down with age (looking at you Thymus)

Only if you live an unhealthy lifestyle. Looking at you, carbs and especially junk food...
edit on 6-1-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2022 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: Byrd

immunity doesn't protect you from the variants.

and neither does the jab unless you win at roulette . Unlike with covid with the Flu we have gotten better at playing roulette due to it being around longer and using traditional vaccines.

Also with the flu people aren't threatened to lose their livelihood or freedoms with a govt mandated drug. I believe you will find that most people aren't against vaccination. What they are against is being coerced by entities that have conflict of interest (govt and corps.) forcing people to take a drug.

Especially for the majority who don't fall into the high risk category and the jab showing it doesn't stop the spread of the virus or prevent you from getting the virus.

edit on 04131America/ChicagoFri, 07 Jan 2022 09:04:40 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

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