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Google caught scrambling to censor search results related to Dr. Malone interview

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posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 01:35 PM

edit on 3-1-2022 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

You can tell if something is a bombshell against certain authorities, or a bombshell that goes against what they want you to think/believe, by how deeply GOOGLE search hides it.

I just thank God Joe Rogan moved to Spotify , if he was still on YouTube he would be completely shut down.

True, but Spotify messes with his content they dont like. Im an IT Technician, and they are messing with his videos trying to make them unwatchable. They pause the videos repeatedly, sometimes like 5 times in a 20 seconds requiring you to hit play again and again. They will make it so the track bar at the bottom of the video does not show where you are in the video, then while watching it will randomly jump to like the 10 minute mark when you were on 2:04:31.

Listen to music, no problem. Switch to another podcast, no problem. Joe Rogan, no problem. But watch some really controversial stuff, all glitchy. I even download the content so internet cannot be a problem, same exact thing happens. It has happened repeatedly on controversial topics. From my experience I know this is not a glitch. It is not accidental. There is no hardware or software fault that makes controversial content harder to watch. This is to prevent the people who have no idea what they are going to hear that guy say from listening. The ones who have no idea they are about to eat a red pill, it is to stop those people from watching. Statistically they put in less effort and are watching a video to make a friend happy, then wont because they get irritated at the glitches. Its not until you realize you are being lied to everywhere you take the time to keep hitting play, and dealing with the crap the censors are throwing out in sneaky ways.

For the record, this happens all over the internet.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

I have noticed this as well. However, a lot of people have downloaded it and uploaded it to other providers like rumble and bitchute.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 02:58 PM
Members of Congress have made this interview transcript a part of the Congressional record.

They say Google or none of the other sinister social media outlets, will be able to touch it now.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Members of Congress have made this interview transcript a part of the Congressional record.

They say Google or none of the other sinister social media outlets, will be able to touch it now.

What did they make part of the congressional record?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Members of Congress have made this interview transcript a part of the Congressional record.

They say Google or none of the other sinister social media outlets, will be able to touch it now.

Is this perhaps due to the SCOTUS hearings this Friday?

Also, do you have a link?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: carewemust
Members of Congress have made this interview transcript a part of the Congressional record.

They say Google or none of the other sinister social media outlets, will be able to touch it now.

What did they make part of the congressional record?

I'll have to look it up when I get home. I was listening to a congressman on the radio describe how he's made an interview and evidence part of a Congressional record.. out of the reach of Google.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: carewemust
Members of Congress have made this interview transcript a part of the Congressional record.

They say Google or none of the other sinister social media outlets, will be able to touch it now.

What did they make part of the congressional record?

I'll have to look it up when I get home. I was listening to a congressman on the radio describe how he's made an interview and evidence part of a Congressional record.. out of the reach of Google.

See the congressman's tweet statement at the bottom of this news article.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Google caucasian inventors and click on the images if you want to see how disturbing Google is.

the interesting thing about that is that it all comes down to the image the person uploading them and deliberately miss tagging them by labeling somebody who's black, Caucasian but Google could very easily fix it by simply turning on a feature that looks at the image and retags it. They choose not to. The same situation happens with this search for white couples. it basically brings up nothing but mixed families and you can clearly see some of them are professional shots that means that the people taking these images are deliberately miss tagging them, while Google ignores it. The interesting thing is that their AI software is capable of telling the difference of a white man, and a woman, and white children in the image so it's not like they can't detect it. This had been going on for the past couple years. There's been articles and stories written on it Google refusal to fix it as well as people missed tagging them when they upload them to site so not only are professional people miss tagging it but the majority of the bulk of that is coming from image websites like Tumblr.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

I watched it just before it was pulled off YouTube.

After it ended one of his older podcasts came on.

It was the show he did on hallucinogenic drugs.

Pretty obvious that this was intentional and was done to discredit Rogan. This podcast was used as a deflected argument earlier in this thread as well.

The “The info is unreliable cause Joe takes drugs” argument.

ETA My bad, the comment is in the thread about the video being released.
edit on 1 3 2022 by NorthOfStuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:53 PM
Now think… but this is nothing new. Google have been doing this for 6 years

They are just one component or controller of the many elitist owned mass formation psychosis orchestrators & authors

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

The CEO of Google is an extreme radical liberal.

Nuff said. Treat Google accordingly.

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 06:17 AM
That's the thing with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Duck Go, Quant, sites like this here. They are IP Collection Operations beholden to the Global advertising monopolies who are nothing but Darpa Global Spy-ware applications.

They cant function without your attention, which they then use against the masses for their own narrow global control interests. If you are posting anywhere on the internet Darpa spyware, they have your IP and own your mind

(post by James021 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: MDDoxs

originally posted by: Thenail

originally posted by: MDDoxs

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
a reply to: MDDoxs

People are driven by different reasons. Let's say Malone's motivation is ego. That would still be drastically less morally bankrupt that pfizer, who deal in risk management and "acceptable deaths." Not to mention they've paid the largest criminal fine in history are operate much like a legal drug cartel that blackmails countries to use their drugs.

Yep, we should be focusing on Malone having an ego, and not everything pfizer is doing.

At face value, I want to agree with you that being motivated by one’s ego is less morally defunct than the pursuit of profits by the big corporations. But, I then think that some of the greater atrocities in our history have been driven by individual ego, pride or demented vision. So, we may want to be cautious as man can be driven to extremes solely based on his/her personal motivations like ego.

I am focusing on Dr. Malone to stay on topic of the OP.

No I think in this case that it’s Pfizer that’s morally bankrupt. Let me know if you’re wondering anything else

We should factor in the individual motivation. Why does he do as he does? To completely ignore that would be throwing away a part of a puzzle no?

I still don’t have a clear picture of Dr. Malone’s motivations. My initial impression is that they are not entirely virtuous.

Don’t shoot the messenger buddy . If you can’t handle the truth then go to cnn

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: TritonTaranis

The CEO of Google is an extreme radical liberal.

Nuff said. Treat Google accordingly.

By liberal do you mean communist?

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 04:36 AM

originally posted by: Thenail

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: TritonTaranis

The CEO of Google is an extreme radical liberal.

Nuff said. Treat Google accordingly.

By liberal do you mean communist?

I think the time has come for the Global Serving Class Majority to remove their enforced local Globalist Corporate Propaganda Network's lame manufactured and divisive left-right political paradigm narrative that only serves the narrow survival interests of the Global Ruling Class minority; and has since the Ancient Egyptian Rulers set the future bench-mark of how to profitably f$ck their serving class.

Marine Le Pen said the greatest ideological conflict of our time will not between national states but between Globalism vs Nationalism. Communism and Capitalism (2 wings of the same Ruling Class Parasitic Bird) should now be replaced with The Ruling Few vs the Serving Many,... as it was, is and will be until our sun dies.

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 05:08 AM
My question is why the Globalist Corporate Ruling Minority, and their Globalist Corporate "Shared Narrative" Gate-Keepers, are behaving this way?

They obviously believe that all the world's services and resources will be best managed by a Global, well resourced un-elected fascist Global ruling minority, given our massive population numbers moving forward into the next century and beyond.

I think they may be right from a purely survival perspective. So why do I despise them so? Their rank Hypocrisy?

(post by James021 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: James021

Why the hell are you reposting NAZI LIES, you know I am right, deep down don't you.

Seriously man what the F*** did all those boy's dying fighting that scum not put you off using there propaganda.

What the hell has that got to do with Covid or the NWO, I'll tell you what F*** all.

Sorry but it get's me under the collar when someone posts NAZI crap on a thread that concern's everyone.

Elders of Zion my arse, it's about crooks in power and they have ALWAYS been there, before the Bauer's (AKA Rothschilds) ever made there fortune they were already there doing the dirty and they were NOTHING TO DO WITH NO ELDERS OF ZION.

Back before Bauer AKA Rothschild made his fortune in the Napoleonic wars a little thing called the French Revolution took place if you can recall that, after that the ELITE whom had nothing to do with Jewish bloodlines never mind the Elders of Zion whomever the hell they are supposed to be saw there fellow members toppled by angry peasants they plotted to thin the rank's of the poor, AKA the majority of the population.

Over the successive decades and century's people were shipped off to colonies from nations in Europe in an attempt to thin the Rank's of the poor, the First world war was artificially prolonged even though The Kaiser wanted peace as early as 1916 and it goes on and on and on.

Even Hitler whose propaganda you are spouting that has nothing to do with Covid tried to kill of as many people as he could and was not only targeting Jews and Gypsies but planning to wipe out the Slavic nations to make BREATHING room for his planned German super race, you know what the so called Protocols of Zion are really, disinformation and misdirection accusing someone else of plotting what the NAZI's were planning to do themselves mixed with Anti Jewish propaganda to spice it up even more.

Honestly man if you believe that crap get some help.

Edit, I have left up what I typed about an hour ago but am sorry I got hot and bothered under the collar, it's just that few things get under my skin but people resorting to NAZI propaganda to prove there point is one of them, in fact it is like a red rag to an angry bull.

I mean if it were true do you think they would be oppressing the Jewish people in Israel as they are forcing them to have the bloody vaccine.

I am NOT an Anti Vaccination person let's get that straight but I do believe people have the right to choose and I do believe that this mRNA shot is NOT A vaccination at all as it does not meet the criteria of a vaccine in that it does not provide immunity to the infection or prevent a person that has been injected with the mRNA shot from passing the infection to others, in fact the mRNA shot and those that think they are vaccinated when they are not are most probably the main reason it is still spreading like wildfire because they then stop social distancing, stop wearing there bloody mask's and spread it everyone around them and don't give a S*** about other people.

There ARE bad Jewish people and there are GOOD Jewish people, Jesus was a Jewish man remember and so too were the apostles and the first Christians.

Remember this whomever forget the mistakes of the past is doomed to repeat them, another third or rather fourth Reich, another Holocaust likely this time of some other minority, another episode of race war and mothers grieving for son's that wont come home and all so some prick somewhere can feel important for a couple of years as tin pot dictator of his own banana bloody republic.

edit on 5-1-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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