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Civil Debate Please - Why do you refuse to wear a mask?

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posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 07:05 PM
If the Mask enforcers choose not to wear masks, everyone can feel free to not wear masks.

Most recent example:

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
If the Mask enforcers choose not to wear masks, everyone can feel free to not wear masks.

Most recent example:

Dumb f'ing example, no one is wearing a mask whilst eating or drinking, this is weak sauce and you know it

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: vonclod

There have been plenty of examples of the ones writing the mandates caught not wearing the masks, and you know it.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: carewemust
If the Mask enforcers choose not to wear masks, everyone can feel free to not wear masks.

Most recent example:

Dumb f'ing example, no one is wearing a mask whilst eating or drinking, this is weak sauce and you know it

This is just one set, to get Democrat's blood-pressure and level of jealously ramped up!

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

Several reasons. Number one, cloth masks don't work period, even the "experts" are saying that they don't work, again, again. Even N95 have very minimal effect on an airborne virus. You need at least a P100 filter to be effective.

Number two, you are re-breathing your own exhaled C02 for extended periods, which isn't healthy, causes headaches, fatigue etc.

Number three, nobody is fit tested for their masks. Did you know those "N95" masks are actually respirators as defined by OSHA? If you were to wear that by mandate by your employer, unless they offer to fit test you and have a full blown physical done, and they must have a corporate respiratory protection plan in place. If not, it is totally illegal and violates several OSHA regulations. You could actually report them to OSHA and they could be fined big money.

Number four, did I mention they were just face decoration and don't work?

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: vonclod

There have been plenty of examples of the ones writing the mandates caught not wearing the masks, and you know it.

Oh, I do, believe me, and it pisses me off, as I'm sure it pisses you off..all of us!

But, CWM pointed out as example..a big nothing, I could criticise her for going there, but I'm never in my life, going to criticise people eating/drinking, while not wearing a was a poor example..imo. I don't let my bias get in the way of common sense.

Happy New Year

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: AverageWang
Joe Rogan on his podcast opined the other day that a face mask is the socialists equivalent to a MAGA hat!
I tend to agree with him.
Also if a mask has not been form fitted to you face it does not work.
The masks the vast majority of the people are wearing, cloth, are ineffective against any virus.
So there is that!!
Why are so many of the elites that are demanding that you wear a mask seen so often not wearing a mask?
It's because they know they do not work so there is no real reason to wear one.
Compliance is their only goal!

edit on 2-1-2022 by Bob350 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: carewemust
If the Mask enforcers choose not to wear masks, everyone can feel free to not wear masks.

Most recent example:

Dumb f'ing example, no one is wearing a mask whilst eating or drinking, this is weak sauce and you know it

This is just one set, to get Democrat's blood-pressure and level of jealously ramped up!

I think she is ridiculous most of the time, I have no doubt, she is a hypocrite on many levels, but I'm not going to grill her for eating/drinking.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Type1338

The level of the lab depends on the microorganism being handled. Not all viruses need a level 4. Only the most dangerous do. Where my husband works, they have level 3, and they do have viruses being worked with on-site there. I won't say which ones, just that they have some there.

What qualifies an organism for that level of containment is a variety of factors but easy airborne transmissibility would likely be one of them.

You're literally proving my point so thanks for that. There are 4 levels. You can read about them here:

Based on the mass hysteria perpetrated by the controlled mainstream media one would think the rona killed everyone instantly.

Point being...those face diapers you are wearing do not protect you from transmission or contraction.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: homerJ
I wish some of you cared about the Kurds for example, as much as you cared about wearing a basic but effective filter around your face. 1st world fricken problems aye?

They stabbed us in the back when the president wanted to leave,let them save themselves.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: Type1338

Go argue with someone who actually thinks they make a difference. I already know that.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: AverageWang

But I'm slightly different on the mask situation. We know at the very very least that they are not harmful to use, and regardless of what you believe the benefits of them are, if you know they aren't harmful, why don't you wear one in public places?

Actually, the masks are harmful on one aspect which I will get to in a minute.

I don't wear masks anymore because...

#1) I am asthmatic. And wearing a mask makes it more difficult to breathe at times.

#2) I live in Arizona where the summertime temperature soars above 110 degrees for 30 or more days in 2021. Wearing a mask in those temperatures is gross. The mask gets covered in sweat while you wear it outside. And when you go into stores, you are forced to smell your own sweaty mask while shopping.

#3) I realized that the reason I survived Covid in March 2020 was BECAUSE there were no mask mandates at the time. Mask mandates began at the end of April 2020. I was gasping for air as it was when sick with the original Covid strain. If I had been forced to wear a mask, I would have probably died or ended up on a ventilator. And perhaps that's why so many died in hospitals in March 2020, because they were forced to wear dirty Covid-germ masks for hours on end inside hospitals.

#4) My eyes were being damaged by wearing a mask. At first I thought Covid somehow damaged my eyes, yet, my vision was still good after recovering from Covid in 2020. Yet, after my vision got worse. And then I saw this video...

Mask Tests

That video demonstrated that in all the masks, the air you exhale goes directly into your eyes. All the bacteria from your mouth ends up in your eyes and it effects your eyesite. When you quit wearing masks, your eyes heal and eyesite returns. Bacteria from your mouth is not supposed to cover your eyes like that. It is supposed to be exhaled away from your face. So the tradeoff everyone did in wearing masks to "protect" others, was to harm their own eyes.

#5) I had to prove that either I was immune to Covid or not. So I quit wearing a mask for the Delta surge. Probably repeated exposed myself to Delta by not wearing a mask and subsequently exposed myself to Delta Plus strains. But DEFINITELY PROVED THAT I AM IMMUNE.

#6) Wearing a mask won't stop anyone from catching Omicron. It only takes a whiff in passing someone elses exhaled Omicron breath to catch it.

Omicron transmitted by a "whiff of infected breath" - scientist's stark warning

Doctors Offices and the Mayo Clinic admit that masks won't protect against Omicron. Obviously airline staff was all wearing masks when they caught it. Now there's thousands of cancelled flights around the world. A mask won't stop anyone from catching Omicron.

#7) Final reason is to prove that I am immune to Omicron. My Omicron case lasted longer than others which might mean that I was co-infected, after all I caught it 3rd-hand from dumpster divers who gave it to a coworker.

In fact today, I re-exposed myself 3 times to Omicron not wearing a mask. Spoke to 3 different Omicron neighbors not wearing a mask. Take that back, one neighbor, back from the hospital again (the one-lung Omicron recovering woman), she was wearing a mask at first, but I told her it was Ok to take off the mask while talking to me. For criss-sakes, the poor woman only has one lung, COPD, and could barely breathe while speaking to me. So I told her to take off the mask with me. It's OK, I'm immune.

And the only way to prove immunity is to not wear a mask.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: AverageWang

Happy New Year!

I dont wear a mask for a couple reasons. For starters we don't actually know at the very very least that they are safe. A study paid for by school parents a little while back found that their childrens masks contained absurd amounts of bacteria. This is not true of a fresh paper mask but is true of cloth masks that are incredibly common and invariably under-washed.

Additionally, depending on the mask, your airflow is somewhat restricted. The long term effects of reduced oxygen in this way are under investigated and under reported. I know personally that when wearing a thick cloth mask, I dont feel good. I dont believe its wise to dismiss the facts of your own senses in favor of information presented with bias.

Finally I am not often sick and sometimes I do wear a mask. I wear a mask when I go to hospitals and if I believe that I have any symptoms of being sick. With all the mandates it's easy to forget that you cannot give an illness if you dont have one. Two healthy people cannot spontaneously create an illness by not wearing masks.

I think the largest problem in tackling this issue is that we live in a post-truth world. The points I've made here are based on my own experience as well as studies that I've read. It's just as easy to find studies and articles that disprove what I've said. Studies and articles are written and played for for a variety of reasons, there is no such thing as fact without bias at this point. This is why I also tend to lean away from tyranny.

Tyranny might seem like an exaggeration for the mask debate but it's not far off. Allowing those that rule you to dictate any method in which you live your life will only give them more power to come back with further dictates. I would advocate that you personally choose to wear a mask when you feel sick, but I will never support a government of flawed and human men requiring that you take part in certain kowtows to participate in "their" society.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: AverageWang

Honestly I've had a sense, long before covid, that we were headed in this direction already. In some places around the world they've been wearing masks for a couple decades now. Either on public transit in Japan since SARS or due to the smog in urban China.

It has been an inevibility that the USA (and the rest of the world) gets into wearing masks.

This is an objective observation ^^^^^


My personal feelings are that I hate masks, but i accept the timeline that we are in. I work in the medical field, so we're all vaxxed AND we have to wear masks, which sucka and feels completely unnecessary, but a girl's gotta eat.

I dont view masks as "tyranny", however i do feel like mandates are a path to tyranny. I think people on both sides are being f-cking idiots about masks, and, as usual, a middle path is necessary to keep the population from completely dividing.

Remember, when you start antagonizing one group for wearing masks, or the other group for not wearing them, you are playing into the hands of the elite, regardless of what political party they pretend to be a part of.

We need to unite against the oligarchy, not fight each other while their offshore bank accounts get fatter.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:34 PM
I don't wear a mask because masks don't work against COVID-19. They work great against tuberculosis, but a virus that is 1/4 the wavelength of light will not even be slowed down by a mask with pores 300 times its size. If the COVID-19 virus were two meters tall, the pores in your mask are taller than the Empire State Building.

Those who have religious faith in masks, in which country has COVID-19 been stopped by masks? Certainly not aboard ships even with 100% vaccination. Masks are exactly as effective against COVID-19 as bloodletting or filling your pockets with posies.

Let's suppose public health officials are smart (they aren't). Why have they made no accommodation to safely dispose of the mountain of biohazard waste created by all these virus-saturated masks? I've been through biohazard and infectious disease training during my time as an Emergency Medical Technician. If you even suspect a biohazard risk, the waste is either incinerated or at least placed in a biohazard bag, sealed, and properly disposed of. Did public health officials forget this critical element of reducing the spread of diseases, or is it more likely they know perfectly well that masks don't collect viral load because respiratory viruses don't stop for anything less than closed positive pressure ventilation systems?

It may be selfish of me to not go in for the theater to make my neighbors feel safer, but I don't lie to my neighbors about anything else, I'm not going to lie to them that they are somehow being protected.
edit on 3-1-2022 by SentientBunnySuit because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-1-2022 by SentientBunnySuit because: Typing with paws difficult.

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

It’s got nothing to do with submission? Masks are cheap and risk free?

If its not a submission tactic, then why don’t the people mandating masks bother to wear them, when the cameras aren’t rolling? Don’t you think that they would want to do their part? But, no. They huddle closely, go out to clubs and have large gatherings, in areas where they demand everyone else SUBMIT, maskless. AOC’s dress should have read “MASK THE POOR”.

Masks are NOT cheap, when you consider the overall cost, not to mention the environmental impact. And risk-free? The risk of viral pneumonia, constant CO2 inhalation that far exceeds any standards for indoor occupation, and lastly, the developmental impact on children(including the above risks).

You have to properly conduct cost to benefit.

Further, in response to your original post, particularly your rationale for why you choose to wear masks, its a farce. You wear masks because you were told to, and they continue to tell you to. If your reasoning was actually valid, all things considered, at this point in a dead horse pandemic, you’d have been wearing a mask before this whole thing started. But you didn’t want to look like a paranoid weirdo, did you? Do ever think about how many immunocompromised people you’ve killed with the flu? No, you didn’t.

You wear a mask because you are broken.

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 06:34 PM

Why do you refuse to wear a mask?

Don't mind wearing a mask at Halloween.

Why : is there a problem with masks ?

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 09:07 PM
Masks are not designed to be worn for hours at a time. Doing so will seriously damage the eyes.

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: jeremysun4444

It is rumoured that Zorro had poor eyesight, caused by wearing his mask.

So there's that, you know, rumour...

posted on Jan, 4 2022 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: Nothin

he didn't wear a mask OVER his eyes.

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