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Jonny hacker has deleted the Brazilian vax data base

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posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: loveguy

The thing is and it might be a cliche, that not one plan when carried out goes smoothly, simply because there are so many variables and changing conditions lurking to affect its timing. The more globalist and far-reaching the plan is, the bigger the cock ups if it goes wrong. This could cause a fatal error, this fatal error is embedded in the structure of said plan whose removal, just leaves an operating structure in place with no ultimate reason or conclusion. That's probably what we are seeing now, which is leading to a general collapse until it is halted.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: anonentity

 That's probably what we are seeing now, which is leading to a general collapse until it is halted.

Mainstream media is beholden to their shareholders. Are they subhuman?



posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: TrollMagnet

originally posted by: Brotherman
a reply to: anonentity

I’m sorry brother but I can’t keep clicking your bit chute links everytime I do the comment section is always filled with either tons of racist bs or straight up political sniping bs, gives very little to no understanding to what it is your trying to have me watch.

This is ridiculous. Its called free speech. You need everything curated for you and sanitized, or do you want to see what people have to say uncensored?

I hope your comment is the stupidest thing I read today, but its still early.

Dismiss the arguments. Dont try to slander the source. You act like the sites owners are on there making racist comments. I cannot understand what your comment is about, except to complain you got your feelings hurt.


It’s not like the Fox News comment sections are filled with brilliance either. Just don’t read it.

posted on Dec, 17 2021 @ 01:24 PM
I have to say, the hack was nothing short of a public service! Deleted vax passport information? Government hamstrung by the attack? Huzzah!

Someone needs to try this in Australia, give them a bit of good news for the first time in a year.

HACK-MASTER is lurking. Could your fascistic police state be next?


New Zealand?


I believe in the power of paying it forward. The hackers will reap some very good karma for their actions.


NB - this post is for entertainment only. FlyInTheOintment is not a real person, he or she is an entertainment performer, a character in the show that is ATS. He or she is commenting to make people chuckle, and never to incite freedom-boosting actions which go against the wishes of the fascists in charge of rogue police states which oppress & unjustly persecute their own people.

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