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Jonny hacker has deleted the Brazilian vax data base

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+6 more 
posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 01:15 AM
I was suggesting that this would happen, the hackers will wait until it is worth hacking and then scramble the databases. They probably will not stop there, in the digital age will the governments admit it. This will be interesting as there are too many pissed-off people that know how to do it.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 01:56 AM
Was bound to happen... and good!

Although it would be better they hack emails of key politicians, experts, officials and pharma ceos.
And ofcours research databases to leak all content about this vaccine scam

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: flice

I think the censorship is too tight, they are making sure we don't get the real data. But watch this space. this will get more interesting if we ever get to know about it. I am picking that the people that die of vax injuries will be the hackers because they cant be arrested.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 02:26 AM
Japan no deaths today

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I’m sorry brother but I can’t keep clicking your bit chute links everytime I do the comment section is always filled with either tons of racist bs or straight up political sniping bs, gives very little to no understanding to what it is your trying to have me watch.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: Brotherman
a reply to: anonentity

I’m sorry brother but I can’t keep clicking your bit chute links everytime I do the comment section is always filled with either tons of racist bs or straight up political sniping bs, gives very little to no understanding to what it is your trying to have me watch.

This is ridiculous. Its called free speech. You need everything curated for you and sanitized, or do you want to see what people have to say uncensored?

I hope your comment is the stupidest thing I read today, but its still early.

Dismiss the arguments. Dont try to slander the source. You act like the sites owners are on there making racist comments. I cannot understand what your comment is about, except to complain you got your feelings hurt.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

They are certainly not much up for preventing the racist comments or any other sort of real moderation.

The place is well known for accommodating far-right individuals and for hosting hate speech.

+4 more 
posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: TrollMagnet

They are certainly not much up for preventing the racist comments or any other sort of real moderation.

The place is well known for accommodating far-right individuals and for hosting hate speech.

At least they aren't looting and burning businesses like some far-left groups I've heard of.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: Klassified

My understanding was that the troubles in your nation had somewhat calmed down.

Certainly the division is still apparent in spades but im not seeing much looting, rioting or businesses being burned now.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Brotherman

Try these MSM reports.

COVID Databse copied and deleted

Covid database vanishes

Speaking personally, I would hope this will happen worldwide. Resist, disobey, deny knowledge.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 08:38 AM
I'm shure some hackers will do this because they want to

But almost every hacker will do it for $$$$

edit on 12-12-2021 by markovian because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Klassified

My understanding was that the troubles in your nation had somewhat calmed down.

Certainly the division is still apparent in spades but im not seeing much looting, rioting or businesses being burned now.

I don't think you are getting the full scoop then.

This is just more proof it was never about anything but greed and racism. But when the world is viewed through the prism of rose colored glasses, who would know?

+6 more 
posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: TrollMagnet

They are certainly not much up for preventing the racist comments or any other sort of real moderation.

The place is well known for accommodating far-right individuals and for hosting hate speech.

Yeah, I can't handle Bitchute, either. When I go there I'm forced to actually think for myself and filter content on my own! That's just too hard. It makes me use my own brain and that is dangerous!

I'm so thankful for places like YouTube where they only let me see safe stuff and don't make my head hurt. It would be a terrible a world if people were allowed to express opinions that I don't like and expose those nasty and inconvenient hard facts.

edit on 2021 12 12 by incoserv because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Klassified

My understanding was that the troubles in your nation had somewhat calmed down.

Certainly the division is still apparent in spades but im not seeing much looting, rioting or businesses being burned now.

I don't think you are getting the full scoop then.

This is just more proof it was never about anything but greed and racism. But when the world is viewed through the prism of rose colored glasses, who would know?

Those links don't count because that same information was on Bitchute, so that fact nullifies it. If it's on Bitchute then it's wrong because ... racists.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Facts really.

More like racism hyperbole and hatred in spades.

BitChute is on par with the likes of if in doubt check out the same to very similar content.

Then again if that's the kind of Qanonacrap that floats your boat your perfectly free to choose to believe as you wish.
edit on 12-12-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 09:59 AM
i don't know what it means but i thought it said wax data.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: incoserv

Facts really.

More like racism hyperbole and hatred in spades.

BitChute is on par with the likes of if in doubt check out the same to very similar content.

Then again if that's the kind of Qanonacrap that floats your boat your perfectly free to choose to believe as you wish.

Wow, 2 for 2. Bitchute is just a site to upload videos that isn't censored like youtube. Because it's not censored, there can be wild outrageous things there that aren't true. But that isn't to say that all of it is that way. Much like ATS isn't censored and there has been wild outrageous lies here as well. Should we assume everything you post here is wild lies since it's on ATS?

With bitchute, you have to decide on your own if it's true. Factcheck on your own, or be lazy and wait for others to do it. But to dismiss it all out of hand because you would rather have factbook factcheckers clear your information is quite weak.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 10:45 AM
To all the soyboys its also on Youtube, not just that mean ole Bitchute.

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: network dude

Sunday Sport was a bit like that and of similar calibre

posted on Dec, 12 2021 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Brotherman

Or maybe you could try ignoring the childish comment section altogether, watching the content, and you know, formulating your own opinion?

Worth a shot, no?

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