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The Filthy Un-vaxxed.

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posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: XXXN3O

originally posted by: Timely

I am failing to see logic in all of this ...

You are not alone. This is not about logic.

What can you do? What can you not do? Decide.

To be fair, what else can he do? He lives on a huge island surrounded by animals that want to kill him all the time, vicious bears drop out of the trees at any moment without warning and where the flora spontaneously combusts as a protective reaction and they celebrate Christmas on the beach each year with a barbecue to keep the great white sharks at bay. I don't think they need any help a non-functioning vaccine is alleged to offer.

Logic? Possibly...

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Humans have always been susceptible to groupthink and manipulation. Decades of programming (via the television and now social media) has taught the government/elites exactly how the ape mind works.

The new world consists of the controllers and the ape minds. The individual thinkers are the biggest threat.

Really the only way out is to achieve financial freedom and live in your own world and stock up on guns. Let the ape minds enjoy living as batteries in the matrix. There's nothing you can do to save them. Most don't even want to be saved anyway.

If we learned anything from Rome, the human ego is bound to implode and destroy itself because of greed. It's cyclical. The only difference between now and then is that we have biological warfare tactics and instruments of mass manipulation.

As a species, we have not evolved to learn to live in peace and harmony after thousands of years.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 08:41 PM
They'd use any excuse to take your rights and rule over you. Its not about anything you did wrong, its just about power. They think you are below them and they either want to boss you around or murder you. They gain power in places like medicine and they wield that power to deny things like medical treatment, things they once claimed were human rights. They want to use everything they have to make sure you have no rights. They will use any words, any semantic tricks, any logical fallacies, any excuse they need to convince people not to stop them. The typical lackeys you see here or on the streets are too stupid to understand they are being duped. A few understand whats happening and game it to their advantage, sucking up to power and attacking enemies of the power.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: wdkirk

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
It's true the un vaxxed as you put it are filthy scum who can't look after themselves and are all likely ridden with God knows how many diseases.

The un vaxxed should have their kids taken away, if they can't look after themselves they can't look after kids.

They should also be stripped of their right to medical insurance permanently.

On top of that they should also be stripped of the right to employment permantley. No one wants to have to work with disease ridden filth.

It time these un vaxxed were driven into the sewers where they belong forever.

People who can't take responsibility and who are quite frankly looney tunes deserve no place on the food chain. In fact maybe a better idea would be to lock all the unvaxxed to be held in secure mental institutions.

A pathetic response from A true supporter of the progressive democrats and its socialist regime.

If this is the mindset they truly want to go with, then that "food chain" is determined by the laws of nature and that's strength/force.

If I were the weaker side, acknowledged by the fact the entire agenda is based on coercion and not force, I'd be real careful about calling for a reality that throws the weakest "looney tune" out of the food chain.

The ignorance to not truly understand what one is truly calling for is more than enough evidence you aren't on the side you think you are.

I. Cannot. Wait. Until. Push. Comes. To. Shove.

The laws of nature are going to be a brutal reality check for the Soy Boys of America.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Every last one of us unvaxed are our own Tianenamen Square man with a brief case.

edit on 9-12-2021 by FrayedEndsOfSanity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: HawkeyeNation

originally posted by: Timely
I am not offering any light on a dark and confusing subject.
I am however seeking an answer that seems logical, legitimate and worth consindering.

If I choose to not be vaccinated with one of the current mRNA vaccines and instead; hold out for a more traditional and less controversial vaccine ie: annual flu shot, why should I be treated as a leper by society?

I an excluded from many activities which welcome vaxxed people even though they can still catch, spread and die from covid.

And it matters not in most instances that I am not even assymptomatic.

Would it not make more sense just to charge unvaxxed for hospital treatment ? ( the vaxxed should be protected and not end up there )

If I could prove that I am unvaxxed but NOT carrying the disease, should I not be allowed to live as a " normal" person ?

I am failing to see logic in all of this ...

It wouldn't be a problem if most everyone was already vaccinated. The problem is we still have a lot of unvaccinated. Vaccinated do not spread the virus as easily as those unvaccinated. Yes it is still possible but replication rate of the virus itself is greatly reduced in those vaccinated.

As we know, the vaccine wanes in time, thus the need for the booster. Once we get to a point of 85-90% world vaccinated we will see the virus eradicated (it will still exist but if it can't spread anywhere, it goes bye-bye).

Another parrot who missed their talking points update. First this isn't true. However, even if it were, you have no right to impose 90% compliance on ANYTHING, it doesn't matter how altruistic you think it may be or how great the utopia it might usher in. That's not how any of this works.

Furthermore if you honestly think you're "saving lives" (while ONLY concerning yourself with one potential cause of death) you're not even committing to it fully.

If "saving lives" is the only measuring stick, the bottomline is all that matters, don't half ass it with leaky vaccines, go all the way. Demand laws that impose personal bubbles for all human interactions. It will not only eliminate the dreaded covid, but many other diseases and causes of deaths as well.

Why stop there (unless only covid lives matter?)-
-A government monitored camera in every home would eliminate domestic violence.
- A microchip implanted in every male could eliminate sexual harassment and assaults
- Making corners illegal could eliminate countless injuries and many more unnecessary deaths.
- We shouldn't stop forcing extreme compliance until death is eliminated all together. Everyone knows death is racist.

You can't possibly say that 100% bubble boy compliance is a ridiculous goal when you justify 90% compliance of far less effective injection than the non intrusive bubble.

So if you're pro-vax instead of pro bubble, you don't actually care about "saving lives" no matter what it takes, you're just an ahole looking for an excuse to wag your finger at some one else.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: YouSir

Because sir ...logic doesn't always stay in proportion.

Sometimes both, a duality of facts, positive and negative.

ATS is extremely one-sided in that respect....and sometimes safer to sit up here on the fence watching everyone argue....

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: XXXN3O
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

I come from a family that on one side is full NHS. One used to be a Chief Exec and another source I have is a director in a pharma company.

I come from a pharma/virology background myself albeit over a decade ago since then but still have the education and experience from then, and people inside that I speak with.

I trust what they are telling me too
Can measure size of balls all day or d**ks but facts are facts.

Crazy days we live in, thats for sure


Ya it's crazy for sure. I've got a retired pediatrician who is now in pharmaceuticals, good friend that I've known for probably 6-7 years now. Maybe our convos aren't deep enough lol. I sure in hell don't get the sense that anything is wrong on a large scale anyways. All I know, is I hope I'm not wrong because if I am, then a lot of people are going to be affected by this. Until then, I'm going to continue to encourage those that need it, to get it.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 09:58 PM
Q: If you have the vaccine, can you still get Covid?
A: Yes.

Q: Does getting the vaccine reduce the % of getting Covid?
A: No.

Q: If you have the vaccine, can you still transmit it to another person?
A: Yes.

Q: Does the vaccine only help the persons body fight off Covid and help prevent serious illness?
A: Yes.

Q: If you have the vaccine, can you still die from Covid?
A: Yes.

This argument about segregation is purly propaganda.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Timely
If I choose to not be vaccinated with one of the current mRNA vaccines and instead; hold out for a more traditional and less controversial vaccine ie: annual flu shot, why should I be treated as a leper by society?

You haven't been paying attention...

It isn't about COVID19, or preventing it.

It is about - and only about - the new mRNA gene therapy disguised as a vaccine.

Haven't you heard? They are rapidly working on replacing all current vaccines with new mRNA versions, especially for the annual flu jabs.

posted on Dec, 11 2021 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: Timely
I am not offering any light on a dark and confusing subject.
I am however seeking an answer that seems logical, legitimate and worth consindering.

If I choose to not be vaccinated with one of the current mRNA vaccines and instead; hold out for a more traditional and less controversial vaccine ie: annual flu shot, why should I be treated as a leper by society?

I an excluded from many activities which welcome vaxxed people even though they can still catch, spread and die from covid.

And it matters not in most instances that I am not even assymptomatic.

Would it not make more sense just to charge unvaxxed for hospital treatment ? ( the vaxxed should be protected and not end up there )

If I could prove that I am unvaxxed but NOT carrying the disease, should I not be allowed to live as a " normal" person ?

I am failing to see logic in all of this ...
Imagine your government was a cat and the people of your country a mouse. Now don't think 'cat and mouse game', think 'cat caught mouse and is now having fun with it'. That's about as much sense as things are gonna make.

posted on Dec, 13 2021 @ 06:56 PM
It's never been about safety.
It's always been about control.

If this is what they call a civilized society I want no part of it. At this point you'd have to kill me to take this vaccination out of principle alone.

All the people saying us unvaccinated are just afraid of the vaccine have gone silent. Takes more bravery to live free than live secure.

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