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The Filthy Un-vaxxed.

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posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 03:49 AM
to the people on here that think getting vaxxed is the answer to all the problems with covid or has already been vaxxed u need to be reminded that every mainstream media person and every government face that keep telling u to get vaxxed are ithemselves not vaxxed .they have just played this game against humanity and totally brainwashed the gen public into thinking that the vax the booster and whatever else comes down the stream is the plan .basically u all have been played and they wont quit until we stand up for whats right and remove them from their position. i am so tired of reading about how the unvaxxed should be deleted from the planet and we r such a threat to the vaxxed .all i can say is wake the f*** up and stop pointing fingers at the unvaxxed all the people in DC r exempt the congress the wh staff the president and vice president all got saline shots.with all the info available to everyone now if u get vaxxed now u r just plain stupid .even the guy who invented the MNRA vax is completely open about what big pharma has added to this experiment to harm u and is against it .im sorry but if i didnt care i would not be posting stuff like this so if u read this post i really hope u do some research before u take ur kids to get any vax and i dont mean google or msn if not from here try

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 04:51 AM
Post Removed By Staff
edit on 12/8/2021 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 06:26 AM
Look at all the idiots who took my post seriously.

Don't be scared little ones, no one is coming for you yet.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 06:39 AM
As long as Americans are divided and their attention is on something other than those impossible laws, they have us right where they want us.

They want us arguing over the vaccine and Covid.
They want our attention on all things race related.
They want us divided on gender issues.
They want us divided on Green Energy.

Easier to conqueror a divided population.
Easier to conqueror a self absorbed population.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: wdkirk
As long as Americans are divided and their attention is on something other than those impossible laws, they have us right where they want us.

They want us arguing over the vaccine and Covid.
They want our attention on all things race related.
They want us divided on gender issues.
They want us divided on Green Energy.

Easier to conqueror a divided population.
Easier to conqueror a self absorbed population.

I used to think the problem we have, is a greedy, corrupt, deceitful, tyrannical government.

The more this plays out, the more it looks like the problem is not so much a failed government, as it is a people that are afraid, insecure, complacent, unsure, incapable of independent thought, that reject personal responsibility, and personal accountability. We are the problem.

The problem is not the system, the problem is the people that allow and accepts the system.

Complaining and posting is not a viable solution. The results of something as simple as just saying "no", can make a huge dent. Even if it doesn't stop the car from moving, it makes it obvious that the car is damaged.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
It's true the un vaxxed as you put it are filthy scum who can't look after themselves and are all likely ridden with God knows how many diseases.

The un vaxxed should have their kids taken away, if they can't look after themselves they can't look after kids.

They should also be stripped of their right to medical insurance permanently.

On top of that they should also be stripped of the right to employment permantley. No one wants to have to work with disease ridden filth.

It time these un vaxxed were driven into the sewers where they belong forever.

People who can't take responsibility and who are quite frankly looney tunes deserve no place on the food chain. In fact maybe a better idea would be to lock all the unvaxxed to be held in secure mental institutions.

some may think this is satire, it's not. This guy really thinks this. No, really.


Are you serious, that was a serious comment!?

I absolutely thought that was sarcasm, as I did not believe this level of delusion and psychopathy existed.

Keep an eye on this one, modern day nazism summed up in a post.

Thank you for pointing out that this was a serious comment.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: elementalgrove

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
It's true the un vaxxed as you put it are filthy scum who can't look after themselves and are all likely ridden with God knows how many diseases.

The un vaxxed should have their kids taken away, if they can't look after themselves they can't look after kids.

They should also be stripped of their right to medical insurance permanently.

On top of that they should also be stripped of the right to employment permantley. No one wants to have to work with disease ridden filth.

It time these un vaxxed were driven into the sewers where they belong forever.

People who can't take responsibility and who are quite frankly looney tunes deserve no place on the food chain. In fact maybe a better idea would be to lock all the unvaxxed to be held in secure mental institutions.

some may think this is satire, it's not. This guy really thinks this. No, really.


Are you serious, that was a serious comment!?

I absolutely thought that was sarcasm, as I did not believe this level of delusion and psychopathy existed.

Keep an eye on this one, modern day nazism summed up in a post.

Thank you for pointing out that this was a serious comment.

The problem with the internet is that you will process whatever you see or read, through you own personal filter. Ten people can read or see something on the internet, and walk away with ten different initial ideas about the message, and none may even be close to what the presenter intended.

There was a time this would have been identified as sarcasm, with no one thinking for a second that it was a true heartfelt response. That is not true anymore.

As much as I hate to say it, because I have such little understanding of what exactly is the cause of the problem, but there are massive numbers of people who have lost the ability to reason. They have become vicious, parroting, angry, minions of some of the most unbelievable insanity.

I am not just talking about the revenue generating videos that pop up over the internet, with the hope of it going viral, looking for a fast, easy, lucrative pay day. I am seeing it bleed over into the minds of family and friends.

We have always been easily influenced by the media, that is why commercials are the life blood of most large businesses. We have to be very cautious of what we consume. Not just what we put in our stomach, but what we let into our minds and our hearts.

What we possess is often the demon that possess us.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
Look at all the idiots who took my post seriously.

Don't be scared little ones, no one is coming for you yet.

And yet they are coming for people in Australia, and you cannot vouch for experiences people have had. Nor can you deny the "get a shot or lose your livelihood " stance being adopted in many places.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

A wise man once said something about how it's not what goes into a person that defiles him it's what comes out.

edit on 8-12-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Timely

I am failing to see logic in all of this ...

You are not alone. This is not about logic.

What can you do? What can you not do? Decide.

Pick where you stand on a personal level with your own personal beliefs and draw the invisible line in the sand (everyone does this, even unconciously) do it consciously and commit to yourself, with regards to how far you are willing to go to stand up for your individual right as a person to decide, how you wish to live and ultimately die being that person.

Are you willing to die for what you wish to have the right to be? You are going to die. Everyone dies. Accepting this will give you a head start in finding where you stand consciously. If you want to play ego games with yourself at that point then go ahead, that is your choice. All of this, everything is all everyones choice! Do it consciously!

Thats the start, then you go from there

That's the best ive got from my heart and head (we can all debate forever on topics like this) as a person that consciously is aware as much as possible

Also, to anyone who reads this, don't think im condoning violence or anything even remotely like that here to make it clear! I am saying, if you see something like that in what I say, thats about you, not me. Look inside! See why you see it the way you do, be honest with yourself is part of the whole idea of how to even remotely see some truth in anything ,when there is not a definitive tangible truth out there.

PS: came across your post in the shed
edit on 8-12-2021 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: Timely

Here is a fun fact: I recovered from Covid and was able to donate my blood to hospitals to help aid sick patients. Was able to make $2000 off of it. So my blood is worth is $2000 because it has natural antibodies but if you are vaccinated, they don't want your blood even though you are supposed to have antibodies too.

And even though my blood is worth $2000, I don't get any special exemptions or a special card like vaccinated people.

Nick Saban, head coach of the Alabama Crimson Tide, had Covid and recovered within a week and went on to publicly say "Blood plasma therapy, if you can get your hands on it, is really good stuff. I feel better than ever." The guy is 70 years old and only needed a week to get back to work.

I wonder how long they are going to push the narrative that it's either a vaccine from one of the big Pharmas or bust. Granted, there isn't enough blood plasma to go around, but noone seems to be talking about recovered people who already have antibodies saved from a few studies that got swept under the rug. And recovered people don't get any special privileges when it comes to mandatory vaccination.
edit on 8-12-2021 by donscorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: Timely

First, there will never be a "traditional vaccine" because this is not and never has been about the health or saving you getting a disease. So get that idea out of your head.

Second, the rules you speak of are all about control. It's not about protecting anyone's health. It is and has always been about conditioning people to obey, breaking down interpersonal bonds and weakening society.

Doing this by ethnicity (like in WWII Germany and many other places) is no longer politically correct, so they are creating a new class of the despised.

If you understand this, it makes sense. Well, s twisted, sick kind of sense, but that's all I can give you.

Achtung! My thoughts exactly. No logic. It's all about your submission. I think great difficulty that the vast majority of Americans have is the absolute false belief these sick psychopaths from the past 150 years are actually the same people and will do whatever it takes (including killing millions as history has proven irrefutably time & time again) to win their global revolution over us, the peasants, sheeple, citizens for world domination.

A clear and concise message is being sent to everyone. Do NOT take this to mean that it is the total end of the world OR man; it is simply the end of this world as you and I know it, and the type of man and woman that we currently are, which is destined by the rulers to both be changed during this "pause" between the ages that we currently find ourselves in. There will be a NEW world, and a NEW type of mankind for that world because the current version of what we are will not be allowed into the "new age." Denial will do absolutely nothing to stop it. In fact denial simply ensures that everyone stays out of the way from those carrying out their orders for this agenda AND installing the new system.

“Auschwitz didn’t just fall from the sky…”

Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski, 94:
"And that's how it is done, step by step, slowly."
2 min vid clip

“Ironically enough, the only people who can hold up indefinitely under the stress of modern war are psychotics. Individual insanity is immune to the consequences of collective insanity.”
― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

"Journalism possesses in itself the potentiality of becoming one of the most frightful monstrosities and delusions that have ever cursed mankind. This horrible transformation will occur at the exact instant at which journalists realise that they can become an aristocracy. In theory they are the popular voices, the very quintessence, as it were, of the common point of view. But do not let us forget that this was in an even greater degree true of the priests."
— G. K. Chesterton "The New Priests" (1901)

New class, you betcha...
Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class

A project of the multilateral development banking system, the Rockefeller Foundation and the New York Stock Exchange recently created a new asset class that will put, not just the natural world, but the processes underpinning all life, up for sale under the guise of promoting “sustainability.”

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Timely
I am not offering any light on a dark and confusing subject.
I am however seeking an answer that seems logical, legitimate and worth consindering.

If I choose to not be vaccinated with one of the current mRNA vaccines and instead; hold out for a more traditional and less controversial vaccine ie: annual flu shot, why should I be treated as a leper by society?

I an excluded from many activities which welcome vaxxed people even though they can still catch, spread and die from covid.

And it matters not in most instances that I am not even assymptomatic.

Would it not make more sense just to charge unvaxxed for hospital treatment ? ( the vaxxed should be protected and not end up there )

If I could prove that I am unvaxxed but NOT carrying the disease, should I not be allowed to live as a " normal" person ?

I am failing to see logic in all of this ...

It wouldn't be a problem if most everyone was already vaccinated. The problem is we still have a lot of unvaccinated. Vaccinated do not spread the virus as easily as those unvaccinated. Yes it is still possible but replication rate of the virus itself is greatly reduced in those vaccinated.

As we know, the vaccine wanes in time, thus the need for the booster. Once we get to a point of 85-90% world vaccinated we will see the virus eradicated (it will still exist but if it can't spread anywhere, it goes bye-bye).

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: donscorpio
a reply to: Timely

Here is a fun fact: I recovered from Covid and was able to donate my blood to hospitals to help aid sick patients. Was able to make $2000 off of it. So my blood is worth is $2000 because it has natural antibodies but if you are vaccinated, they don't want your blood even though you are supposed to have antibodies too.

And even though my blood is worth $2000, I don't get any special exemptions or a special card like vaccinated people.

Nick Saban, head coach of the Alabama Crimson Tide, had Covid and recovered within a week and went on to publicly say "Blood plasma therapy, if you can get your hands on it, is really good stuff. I feel better than ever." The guy is 70 years old and only needed a week to get back to work.

I wonder how long they are going to push the narrative that it's either a vaccine from one of the big Pharmas or bust. Granted, there isn't enough blood plasma to go around, but noone seems to be talking about recovered people who already have antibodies saved from a few studies that got swept under the rug. And recovered people don't get any special privileges when it comes to mandatory vaccination.

Go figure.

Screams to me, that something else all together is going on.

It also screams to me, just how ignorant, gullible, and predictable we have become.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: HawkeyeNation

It wouldn't be a problem if most everyone was already vaccinated.

Ahem... wouldn't be a problem for who?

What if something goes wrong?

What's left to compare it with?

Have you actually even read the latest studies? About the issues with control groups being accidentally messed up because of people being so scared they are getting jabbed again (they are accidentally finding out because so many are not double blind studies among other things) which is interfering with placebo studies!?

Do some research, its all still even on google if you search for it

Don't mean in anyway rude, facts are facts. Many folks in the pharmaceutical industry are questioning this now on paper and off.
Nothing wrong with being correct or not being correct but please don't pull the wool over other peoples eyes just because your own personal decision is that you wanted a jab

edit on 8-12-2021 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: XXXN3O

originally posted by: HawkeyeNation

It wouldn't be a problem if most everyone was already vaccinated.

Ahem... wouldn't be a problem for who?

What if something goes wrong?

What's left to compare it with?

Have you actually even read the latest studies? About the issues with control groups being accidentally messed up because of people being so scared they are getting jabbed again (they are accidentally finding out because so many are not double blind studies among other things) which is interfering with placebo studies!?

Do some research, its all still even on google if you search for it

Don't mean in anyway rude, facts are facts. Many folks in the pharmaceutical industry are questioning this now on paper and off.
Nothing wrong with being correct or not being correct but please don't pull the wool over other peoples eyes just because your own personal decision is that you wanted a jab

I have no problems with being wrong because I truly don't know because this is not my expertise. I have built many relationships with colleagues and friends through-out my now 16 years in Healthcare profession, who do have more experience with this stuff than I do, and I trust their word for it.

I was hesitant as much as anyone else but I am lucky to work with people who I have a great deal of respect and trust for. Of course, they don't know everything surrounding this but I trust them and they trust the details that they've seen as well.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

I come from a family that on one side is full NHS. One used to be a Chief Exec and another source I have is a director in a pharma company.

I come from a pharma/virology background myself albeit over a decade ago since then but still have the education and experience from then, and people inside that I speak with.

I trust what they are telling me too
Can measure size of balls all day or d**ks but facts are facts.

Crazy days we live in, thats for sure

edit on 8-12-2021 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 03:36 PM
heres some news i heard today dont know how true it may be but if it is true then i guess even with all the news available to the public this is gonna continue because people r just that dum...there is no common sense left on this planet. the news is that they r vaxxing or boosting approx 1 million people a day in the USA. presently not the past but today the thing to remember is once u get this kill shot as its called u cant un get it and God help u if u do ..nobody knows what will happen in the years to come but i pretty much can tell u the virus will have nothing to do with how healthy u are moving forward..

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: dunn00
heres some news i heard today dont know how true it may be but if it is true then i guess even with all the news available to the public this is gonna continue because people r just that dum...there is no common sense left on this planet. the news is that they r vaxxing or boosting approx 1 million people a day in the USA. presently not the past but today the thing to remember is once u get this kill shot as its called u cant un get it and God help u if u do ..nobody knows what will happen in the years to come but i pretty much can tell u the virus will have nothing to do with how healthy u are moving forward..

They have already vaccinated nearly everyone in the US. They even got almost all of those with known natural immunity.

There is only a tiny fraction of the US population that has not recovered from the virus and has not received the vaccine.

There is no need for the continued aggressive approach towards the those that opted out of getting the vaccine. The only reason is to cover up the inefficiencies in the vaccines. They cannot have anyone around that is healthy and unvaccinated, that just might prove that they are lying.

If the unvaccinated were dying in the streets and flooding the ERs, they would love that. There would be nonstop, I told you so, news segments, memes, and Twitter reports.

This is not happening, so they have to make the unvaccinated the enemy.

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: XXXN3O

Nice to hear your thoughts!
The shed is not the place for such serious and divisive discussion .... 🙂

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