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Parents of Oxford shooter on the run

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posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 11:49 AM

edit on 4-12-2021 by didntasktobeborned because: too sad to comment on without being disrespectful

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Around troubled teen boys, yes, the gun should have been locked up.

Maybe, but who decides who is "troubled"? That's what worries me. In this one specific case, yes, it's easy to see where the kid should have had a physical barrier to the gun, but that is simply not true for most families.

That's the problem with laws... they lack the ability to be enforced with common sense.

I posted the comment before hearing that they bought the gun for him. Once again, the facts are evolving, we dont really know.

That was one of the very first things I heard about the case, but so be it.

Seems like there are smart locks that will allow for as quick an entry as pulling open a drawer to grab your loaded 45 for home protection. Perhaps those can be required in a dwelling where there are children or teens. Fingerprint or voice ID.

And they are also prohibitively expensive.

Gun ownership and self-defense are rights, just like voting. If we cannot ask people to acquire a free ID to exercise that right, how is it we can even consider requiring something that expensive to exercise another?

I dont own a gun, but grew up with my father owning many.

The question would not be how many your father owned, but what did you learn about them? The armorer on the "Rust" movie set, where Alec Baldwin shot and killed the cinematographer, is the daughter of one of the legendary Hollywood armorers... but she has demonstrated a complete and utter lack of knowledge about firearms.

Firearm knowledge is not genetic. You can't inherit it from your parents.


posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: sciencelol
Why are they charging the parents?

IMO Political. 100% Political. 😃

hmmm I'm not sure about that mate .

Innocent people don't run , Guilty people run.

What IF the "fleeing" is part of staged and scripted events? 😃

I smell fake and phony things 😃

They're real people with a verifiable history in the community and on social media, so we know that they aren't crisis actors. People knew them for years before this happened.

Proof as far away as possible from an MSM onslaught is the best way to know 😃

How would YOU "verify" 😃

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

What I learned from my fathers gun collection, and from the annecdote about the stupid kid coming upclose to one of daddy’s favs, is this:

Guns are dangerous in irresponsible hands and accidents happen. Its why I dont personally own one. I dont want that huge responsibility. I have a good dog, good deadbolts and a monitored security system with a really loud alarm and strobe. I dont hunt.

I didnt worry about troubled teens and keeping my non-existant guns out of their hands, and its safe to assume they all are now days unless youve kept them homeschooled and offline.

The world isnt the same as it once was. We ARE in dangerous, shocking times.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Guns are dangerous in irresponsible hands and accidents happen. Its why I dont personally own one. I dont want that huge responsibility. I have a good dog, good deadbolts and a monitored security system with a really loud alarm and strobe. I dont hunt.

That's fair enough. If you are not comfortable with having a gun and don't feel you need one, I have no issue with that.

But my question was pointed more to: do you understand gun safety? Could you, if the need arose, handle a firearm and be safe with it?

The world isnt the same as it once was. We ARE in dangerous, shocking times.

If one moves into a dangerous area, what would you suggest one do? Panic and scream and run deeper in, or go back to where it is not dangerous?

I say the latter, and I firmly believe the reason we have so much gun violence today as opposed to my childhood is that children, and even many adults, do not understand gun safety. That is the change; in my day, every kid was taught how to handle a weapon as soon as they were able to be taught safely. Today, very few children are; this boy certainly wasn't. Instead, we have made guns a taboo, and there has never been a generation of kids that were not attracted to taboo subjects. So kids want guns but have no idea of how they work, the consequences of firing one, or how to be safe with one.

What would we think would happen?

We need to return to education about firearms. Not blanket attempts to somehow eliminate them, whether completely or just in functionality like your earlier suggestion. That's just going deeper into danger.


posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:14 PM
The parents were irresponsible, they ignored what was going on with their son. They should of locked up all firearms in the home and got their son some help. In this case the parents should be charged with negligence.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

Says who?

You aren’t required to respond to claims officials make in the media. They’re only fugitives when they’ve been formally charge and then flee to avoid prosecution.

Nothing but grandstanding from the DA

Additionally, charging them with any crime someone else committed is ridiculous. My girls both had guns at half his age, THEIR own guns. They weren’t mine but they get to use them. No I purchased with my money and gifted them. Long guns, handguns and added them to my 12 person NFA trust

Also, giving your kid advice not to get caught using his cellular phone or researching ammo is also not a crime. It’s good advice. No one needs those uppity teachers yapping at the trap over ammo or guns

Charge the kid. He’s the one that allegedly committed crimes. The parents weren’t there. How come school staff aren’t being prosecuted for failing to remove the child from school….?

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I agree that gun safety is very important, and all kids should be taught what to do if they come across a gun. Baldwin should have had basic gun safety, FFS.

But what would gun safety training do for the cases where the shooters intend to kill people? Only accidents would be prevented.

The reason for school shootings now as opposed to back in the olden times is much more complex. Lots of small factors come together into a perfect storm.
edit on 12/4/2021 by BrujaRebooted because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:40 PM
This Karen prosecutor is a typical grandstanding Liberal.
The sheriff was right, nobody goes on TV to announce charges unless they have those persons in custody.
If the defense attorneys are worth anything, they should have those charges thrown out.
At the very least, anything to do with being a fugitive should be thrown out.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Echo007

If you have kids you know they hide it well when they want to

And if they seem off and you keep pushing it just pushes them farther and farther away. They sometimes need space to process things

Don’t blame his parents in today’s world thanks to taxes and Inflation both parents have to work full time jobs. No, if anyone messes these kids up it’s those darn public schools. Just like Con College, institutionalization is detrimental and here’s the proof

His actions are his fault. Now who or why he learned to be that way who knows

It’s like picking up a wild snake. If you reach out and grab him it’s liable to bite you. If you let IT come to you, it means it doesn’t see you as a threat and you’re less likely to get bit. Sometimes give them space and let them come to you

Shame he couldn’t get help. But we do not know the whole story, was he a mass shooter or did he target them for a reason? And since there’s no evidence this happened to advance political goals, how can they call it terrorism? Terrorism has a meaning. It’s not just things you don’t like happening.
edit on 12/4/2021 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: JBurns

The parents bought him a gun. They knew he was disturbed.

Are you aware of these 2 facts?

My youngest has issues as well. Im familiar with this subject matter.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: TXRabbit


posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Thats the thing.
Its not an elaborate tale of negligence if the mother told her son to not get caught using his cell phone in class.
So the media is trying to spin it so it sounds like the mother was complacent in the shooting, telling him to not get caught, by twisting the timeline a bit.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I wasn’t aware they were aware of the emotional state he was in, figured they probably chalked it up to being a teenager and were probably too busy involved in their own lives and work to see it. Just my own assumption though!

I was aware they gifted him the 9MM

And I am sorry to hear about your youngest BFFT, it was tough for me when my girls were teenagers to know what was normal vs “lady problems” or just plain old upset or depressed. I don’t question your experience here. I tried giving mine space, when they want to talk I am here but every time I tried to force the issue it seemed to make it worse

Sometimes it seems they end up…I hate to put it this way because it’s not accurate at all..but it seems they kind of “grow out of it” when they get a little older. I’m sure his parents wanted to see the best in their son, I don’t blame them for that, but of course if there was an indication he needed help they should’ve got him help. And certainly not give him a gun

I was curious why after the meeting at school over the sketches they weren’t more concerned where the gun was located though

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

It’s a shame my friend. Always a rush to judgement these days.

How are any of them supposed to get a fair trial with the media coverage, the release of key evidence the public has no need for, and the implication the parents were fugitives merely because they failed to respond to the grandstanding DA’s media-drivel pseudo-indictments

It doesn’t make sense to say someone is fleeing before they are charged with a crime

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Salander

You said the SH word!

You know, the only event in human history that is immune to objective evidence driven analysis vs accepting official narratives. Worst yet, anyone who dares to speak out against them will be targeted by the media, sued into bankruptcy and if you’re REALLY astute, the families will make a web page dedicated to tearing your character down.

The same families who…all…forgave the shooter within days 🙄

Apparently the violence itself isn’t the problem, to them, it’s all those annoying people who won’t stop asking questions. Who’d have thought questions could be so threatening

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: JBurns

If the Rittenhouse trial taught us anything, it’s to reserve judgement until the facts come out.

I’m happy the defence lawyer spoke up and told the judge that they tried to get ahold of the prosecutor 4 times, with no response. Had she responded then she would had known that they weren’t fleeing.

The court of public opinion has already deemed them guilty.
And I take back my previous comment saying that the gun was unlocked.
Turns out it was locked up. I was just parroting what the prosecutor said to the media.
What a $h!t show already…. Some are even saying it’s grounds for a mistrial.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

May I ask? The defense lawyer stated yesterday before they missed the 4pm arraignment that she was not able to reach them, then a bit later after 4pm said she spoke with them, they were out of town returning to turn themselves in. So, why was the couple 10 miles away taking 4 grand out of an ATM, then drove in the opposite direction 40 miles away to an industrial building in Detroit, abandoned the car, and then hid in a room within that building?

They most certainly were fleeing as they went away from the area they were to turn themselves in and were not "returning from out of town".

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 06:20 PM
Was the gun locked up?
The gun they bought for him? For Xmas ?
So Tuesday they buy him a gun, Wednesday he’s writing in a notebook life’s meaningless , guns, n blood,
school calls in the parents and they say aye he’s grand?
Any other parent would take a serious look at that child, … that’s why their guilty.
It is odd tho, that’s insane, there’s no way any parent would be called in to that info that ur kid is drawing murder porn and u know he has access to a gun And u ignore it… once again , something doesn’t sit right… once again it’s a weird USA thing?!? … rest o the world does eye rolls

a reply to: Macenroe82

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

Ain’t that the truth!! The Rittenhouse trial was a rare one too, so many new facts came out and old beliefs were supplanted by compelling testimony and physical evidence. Heck we even got to see the 1 in a million mistrial with prejudice declared, that really shocked me

I just think people are charged up, and I guess having the shooter in custody is no longer good enough for the media 😔 Now it’s the parents (who may have liability in the end, we don’t know those facts yet) what’s next they will demand past and future generations bare the punishment just like North Korea

It does at least sound like they have retained competent counsel! A really really good move on their part. These days it seems prosecutors care more about standing in front of cameras (bonus points if they insert the phrase “fluid situation” in) than actual pursuit of alleged criminals through the legal system

I appreciate your reply, would help us all of more people reserved judgement til the facts came out at trial


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