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Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps

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posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: sciencelol
I bet Australians thought their police and army would never do anything like what they are doing to the people .

We better get our s### together in the states because the cops and military here will do the same eventually.

I never thought such things. I've had many interactions with the police, and they 'just follow orders'...

Guess I better start checking my inch bag.

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 09:22 PM
Is there anywhere here on ATS, that is in Australia that this is happening to? Any first hand accounts?
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2021 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: shaemac

Guys I'm in the southern state of Victoria. This seems to be happening only in very remote aboriginal communities and this is the first I've heard of it. Things are pretty much normal here.
They won't try it anywhere else because people would be outraged. Absolutely disgusting from the NT government.
The aborigines in remote communities will cop this under the cover of "keeping them safe". But no one else would put up with rubbish like this. Not sure if it's voluntary or by force.

About 20 Australian Defence Force Personnel and army trucks are expected to be on the ground today, helping deliver emergency food packages to the residents of Binjari and Rockhole, and to coordinate the removal of close contacts.

edit on 22-11-2021 by JimTSpock because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: sciencelol

We better get our s### together in the states because the cops and military here will do the same eventually.

No. You don't have to worry about the cops doing this in the U.S. The cops in every major city are the unvaxxed fighting against the mandates. Most major cities have about a 40% rate of unvaccinated cops refusing the jab. Cops unions are joining federal lawsuits against the mandate.

Unions representing Phoenix police and firefighters have joined a lawsuit filed by Arizona’s attorney general seeking to invalidate federal vaccine rules affecting millions of workers.
Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who is running in a crowded Republican primary for U.S. Senate, has for weeks drawn attention to his court filings opposing Biden’s vaccine requirements, which he says are an abuse of the president’s power.

That continued Nov. 22 as Brnovich called a news conference with leaders of Phoenix police and firefighter unions.

The vaccine mandate will drive people out of the profession and leave the remaining firefighters overworked, said Bryan Willingham, a Phoenix firefighter and executive vice president of the United Phoenix Firefighters Association.
When a reporter asked Brnovich if he was vaccinated, his press secretary stepped in to call the question "inappropriate." Brnovich waved her off and asked the reporter, "Have you had an STD?"

Phoenix police, firefighters join lawsuit against COVID-19 vaccine rule

You'll find cops refusing the jab and fighting the mandate in every major U.S. city. Also opposed are firefighters and EMTs and they are the first called out to every residence of people having adverse effects to the vaccines. So of course they oppose the vaccines and mandates.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: putnam6
Sounds like they are going to use the Aboriginies' vaccine hesitation against them, into a pseudo-2021 JIm Crow law? does it not.

Actually it sounds more like the beginnings of Apartheid. I'm surprised that the Aussie government can do this. Don't the aborigines have their own tribal land with their own tribal governments?

In Arizona, out tribes have their own land. They elect their own president or leaders. It's like little nations inside the United States. The tribes don't have to adhere to Arizona laws. And if you are on tribal land, you have to adhere to the tribe's laws. The tribes have their own cops.

So I am puzzled that the Aussie military is able to go into aborigines towns and just pluck them out and put them in concentration camps...whoops..I mean alleged quarantine.

Seems racially motivated, like they intend to inject aborigines with unknown substances against their will and study them. And if the aborigines die from whatever they get injected with...then they blame it on unvaxxed.

Hope the aborigines sue, because obviously it's a racial issue.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: dandandat2

originally posted by: sciencelol
We cant just sit back and say well we have guns so we are gonna be OK

The people who planned all of this knew we had guns and I guarantee they have the same plans for us as for the rest of the world guns or no guns.

Guns just means more blood shed. They have more Guns.

Except, Afghanistan just occurred.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: sciencelol
I bet Australians thought their police and army would never do anything like what they are doing to the people .

We better get our s### together in the states because the cops and military here will do the same eventually.

Yea and Americans have guns.. LOTS OF THEM. Try that #e here and see what happens.

I know a few Aussies from here and I am shocked at how easily they fell for this garbage. It amazes me to be honest.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: MapMistress

originally posted by: putnam6
Sounds like they are going to use the Aboriginies' vaccine hesitation against them, into a pseudo-2021 JIm Crow law? does it not.

Actually it sounds more like the beginnings of Apartheid. I'm surprised that the Aussie government can do this. Don't the aborigines have their own tribal land with their own tribal governments?

In Arizona, out tribes have their own land. They elect their own president or leaders. It's like little nations inside the United States. The tribes don't have to adhere to Arizona laws. And if you are on tribal land, you have to adhere to the tribe's laws. The tribes have their own cops.

So I am puzzled that the Aussie military is able to go into aborigines towns and just pluck them out and put them in concentration camps...whoops..I mean alleged quarantine.

Seems racially motivated, like they intend to inject aborigines with unknown substances against their will and study them. And if the aborigines die from whatever they get injected with...then they blame it on unvaxxed.

Hope the aborigines sue, because obviously it's a racial issue.

I found myself thinking along similar lines, like the beginning of an ethnic cleansing process. Those in power that are behind this may believe that their native tribal people are inferior and a drag on the system since the time they were subjugated and had their land stolen.

The main tribal organization of Binjari thinks this is great according to some of the Aussie propaganda I read. I tend to disbelieve that although the Aboriginal tribes have likely gotten used to the government support and actually do trust them. Perhaps this is not a prelude to ethnic cleansing. Maybe these communities are the testing grounds for the great reset, a small practice run for the one soon to appear on the world stage.

Binjari Community Aboriginal Corporation (BCAC) Binjari Community Aboriginal Corporation (BCAC) endeavors to empower the lives of Aboriginal people through cultural initiatives. BCAC make efforts to reaffirm Aboriginal people’s identity, their pride and spirituality and the services it provides targets the emotional, cultural, social, and physical wellbeing of Aboriginal people.

OUR VISION Binjari Community Aboriginal Corporation (BCAC) aim to lead in the delivery of innovative, professional and culturally competent services to enhance the physical, emotional, mental, cultural, financial and spiritual wellbeing of its community and all Aboriginal people.

Nothing in their news section mentions any of this . . .

Binjari News
edit on 23-11-2021 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 08:19 AM
Well it’s a good thing the Australians will not actually fight or else their final solution might not work.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
I want to know when Aussies decide they have had enough.

Appears they are much more "flexible" than the bravado spewed here.
I always thought they were a braver people, guess not.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 08:57 AM
When they came for the Aboriginals, I said nothing because I'm not an Aboriginal.

That fits like a glove, unless your OJ Simpson on trail for a double homicide.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: shooterbrody

originally posted by: ketsuko
I want to know when Aussies decide they have had enough.

Appears they are much more "flexible" than the bravado spewed here.
I always thought they were a braver people, guess not.

Steve Irwin died & so did Oz's nads. Turns out, the whole country's testosterone was supplied by Irwin himself, just from walking around.

He was basically, in hindsight, the Chuck Norris of Australia, but animals, not martial arts.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:07 AM
Sorry to burst the "concentration camp" bubble. The Binjari Community Corporation in consultation with the Northern Territory health department would be providing best possible care in a dire situation. The unfortunate reality of lower socio-economic families in remote first nations communities is some living with extended multi generational families in over crowded sometimes dilapidated accomadation. Elders with health issues exposed to other illneses stand no chance in these crowded environments, where provision of regional healthcare is also limited. Whilst "covid camps" sound Orwellian or akin to "eugenic death camps" to people with a lack of demographic understanding. People should realise the issues first nations communities are up against, a communal disease that other populations may overcome would decimate large portions of their community.

The Binjari Corporation have their communities best interests at heart and are not just some sell outs to "white man's dystopian agenda". I will get called a third Reich genetic engineering, big-pharma global population controlling shill. And I should wake up whip out my riffle and stand up to the "dystopian Australian government".

The threat of disease spreading in these communities is a lot worse than a stay at Howard Spring's. Please Deny Ignorance and get some understanding of the dire situation before posting a pile of kangaroo s#*t. Now I will drop my mic so y'all can pile on this "covid sell out, government agenda pushing idiot". Peace and love from down under.

edit on 23-11-2021 by aliensanonymous because: Always was, always will be.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: shooterbrody

originally posted by: ketsuko
I want to know when Aussies decide they have had enough.

Appears they are much more "flexible" than the bravado spewed here.
I always thought they were a braver people, guess not.

Steve Irwin died & so did Oz's nads. Turns out, the whole country's testosterone was supplied by Irwin himself, just from walking around.

He was basically, in hindsight, the Chuck Norris of Australia, but animals, not martial arts.

Seems I underestimated that loss. We all loved him, heck he was ALMOST crocodile dundee, almost.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: aliensanonymous
Thanks for the perspective!
It is appreciated.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:20 AM
Now that we all are coming up on 2 years of COVID we understand a good deal more about the virus that in the beginning we could only speculate. We also have vaccines and even a pill in the near future to something that at first looked like 4% death rate and it turned out to be about 2x or 3x times a bad flu season, still not good, BUT not the dire outlook we did have at first that drove much of the decisions.

The virus is no joke, but its not doom and gloom even if we opened up with zero masks, social distancing, lock down etc. With that said I keep wondering what is it that the Governments doing this fear now, what is it that they think would happen if they didn't do it. I don't believe in a 50 or 100 year plan outside of the Chinese because we just do not think that way in the west. It could be a medical system overhaul where sick and old are now the undesirables that cost too much...

edit on 23-11-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: aliensanonymous
Sorry to burst the "concentration camp" bubble. The Binjari Community Corporation in consultation with the Northern
The threat of disease spreading in these communities is a lot worse than a stay at Howard Spring's. Please Deny Ignorance and get some understanding of the dire situation before posting a pile of kangaroo s#*t. Now I will drop my mic so y'all can pile on this "covid sell out, government agenda pushing idiot". Peace and love from down under.

Though we can all agree with the fact it is much more contagious than the common flu it isn't much worst than the common flu now with the vaccines and better healthcare with two years of practice. I have seen a number of prominent people say that lockdowns and isolation will not stop the spread, just slows it down with paying the piper will come no matter what we do. So, we can spend trillions lock everyone down, go to draconian efforts as we see in Australia and in the end the virus will still do it thing no matter what. It is not an if, its a when of getting it many times over.

I could see an argument before the vaccines, but now I just do not see it as in getting it now is not the end of the world for 99%+ and those under 30 its pretty much nothing as they represent .2% of the death rate. So what is it that they fear? Does Australia really have the dense populations we see in many parts of the world where people basically live on top of people in small quarters? I just do not see it, and if there is in some areas it is still rather isolated in comparison.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: shooterbrody

Sorry about the sarcastic toungue in cheek bits just having some fun. Personally have worked with and cared for first nations people that have to reside thousands of kilometres away from community to receive renal dialysis, respite or end of life care. Unfortunatley for some the city is a foreign place to recieve health care and a foreign place to die. Even though this was originally their land, the reality is services only stretch so far and are concentrated in metropolitan areas.

Some really remote small towns have a small shop and expensive petrol bowser that opens at certain times, and minimal to no services, maybe a small medical outpost. Services tend to be run by the corporation's funding dependent on population etc. Sadly still today most not all first nations communities do not have the annonymity or combined business community of America's first nation people's.

The Australian Government will use the police against the populace when need be, our Prime Minister is a pentecostal fool and the politicians are right up the mining and corporates arses. Bad eggs come in all forms and there are plenty in the police and government. First Nations leaders state we have a long way to go on First Nations reconciliation and on regional policy.
edit on 23-11-2021 by aliensanonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: MapMistress

You'll find cops refusing the jab and fighting the mandate in every major U.S. city. Also opposed are firefighters and EMTs and they are the first called out to every residence of people having adverse effects to the vaccines. So of course they oppose the vaccines and mandates.

The cops that dont comply will lose their job and they will hire cops that will do their bidding.

It is gonna take a little while but they want the good cops to quit thats why they want to defund them and mandate them

and make them the bad guys.

posted on Nov, 23 2021 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: aliensanonymous

Thanks for the perspective and I agree with it. It is the most likely reasoning behind these measures, but the way this seems to fit into the bigger picture makes it look pretty bad from over here.

The Amish and Mennonite communities here in the States are isolated vaccination resisting communities, but they aren't getting an army escort to a quarantine camp. The first nations tribal communities here in the States aren't getting that treatment either.

But I can see the concerns for the health of these communities as the main reason given for such measures.
edit on 23-11-2021 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Typo

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