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Question - How Many Families Hosting Thanksgiving Are Requiring Proof of Negative COVID Test

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posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: carewemust

These people have no critical thought or logic left. Like the biden mandate says if you don't get it you must get tested every week and even with a negative test weekly you must wear a mask. The vaxxed , who can still get and spread, don't need to be tested or wear a mask. And in the osha mandate they say the masks are to protect the unvaxxed worker, yet this whole time we have been told the mask does not protect the wearer it protects others from us. ZERO LOGIC

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: faloson
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Exactly, the people I hang with are responsible enough to not show up if they are sick, and were that way pre-covid.

Amazing how that works, yeah? You have friends that you care about that also care about you. When they are sick, they stay away from everyone. When you are sick, YOU stay away from everyone. What an amazing concept.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: argentus

And I do not expect everyone else to be inconvenienced because of my wants.. Yet they tell people like me I am being selfish

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 08:34 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 09:02 PM
Well, the wife tested covid positive with both the rapid instant test and the PCR test, so we are in quarantine. I don't have hardly any symptoms, just making some extra muccous. She is not bad, she has a fever just over a hundred and is tired and lost her sense of taste pretty much. She is now eating some of my antiviral chemistries after she got sick and I didn't. I can't take the vaccine like she did so to protect myself I utilize known chemistries that protect me. She is finally seeing my method works, and her vaccine doesn't. So she is now consuming some of stuff, but it is a little late to start doing it although it has reduced the symptoms somewhat.

Before we go to the daughters for thanksgiving dinner, I am going to say she has to get a negative quick test because her lack of inaction has dragged this virus out for longer. It kind of irks me that she does not listen to me until she gets sick and I just cough once in a while. It is hard for me to drink coffee while laying on the couch though, it seems like I do inhale a little more coffee with this than I usually do.....I know nobody is supposed to be laying on the couch drinking coffee.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 09:03 PM
You know guys, how did you celebrated last year when the pandemic was in his all hype scaremongering?, I did a big cook out for my family and friends and we never even mention the RONA, funny, none of us none vaccinated got sick either.

Funny and the food was to die for it

edit on 11-11-2021 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 09:21 PM

Jackie (Laurie Metcalf) and Becky (Lecy Goranson) are still upset with Darlene (Sara Gilbert) for refusing to let them rent the Lunch Box and start their own restaurant. When Darlene and Jackie argue at Thanksgiving, things go too far.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

The Only Thing that I Require of my Thanksgiving Guests is that they Love My Cooking .

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: faloson
a reply to: carewemust

These people have no critical thought or logic left. Like the biden mandate says if you don't get it you must get tested every week and even with a negative test weekly you must wear a mask. The vaxxed , who can still get and spread, don't need to be tested or wear a mask. And in the osha mandate they say the masks are to protect the unvaxxed worker, yet this whole time we have been told the mask does not protect the wearer it protects others from us. ZERO LOGIC

In a way, all the confusion (thanks Fauci and Walensky) will give the Supreme Cout more reason to slap down these insane vaccine and masks mandates. The sooner they do so, the better. Holidays are coming, and the Justices love their long vacations (just like Congress).

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 10:11 PM
Just in case we have a repeat I'm already stocked up to host my own party.🍺🤣🤪🦃🥂🍾

Pennsylvania Becomes First State to Suspend Alcohol Sales Ahead of Thanksgiving

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Same here

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I read that what the Supreme Court may do is say you can not put the mandate in effect until we rule on it then scuttle this to the bottom of the pile in the hopes the numbers continue to decline and the mandate dies on the vine and never actually rule on it.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: billxam

You ever get cold sores? That's a form of hepatitis, you don't have any right now do you? That's what causes the shingles, so I'm not going to attend because I might get your hepatitis from you.

Actually, cold sores are a form of herpes, not hepatitus. Similar sounding names, I know.

And shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. I had shingles years ago and it was f#cking awful. It runs along the path of a nerve and is painful, itchy and ugly. If you've had chicken pox as a child chances are pretty good that you won't get shingles, but you still could. I didn't get chicken pox as a child but paid for that later on with shingles.

Now with the shingles vaccine you are much better protected.

And as the commercial says "Shingles doesn't care"...

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
I suppose the bigger problem is the $100 turkeys 😃

lol, this sure aged well

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 03:21 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Hosting here for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

Thanksgiving we'll have the five household members, one visiting from SC, two from Michigan, two from the west side of the state, and three or five locals.

Christmas we'll be hosting all the above, plus four from Pittsburgh (with a less than year old) and four from Michigan (two each from two separate households, one of which is pregnant).

New Year's will be somewhere in between the two.

So bigger parties with multiple households. We will not be asking for vaccination status. We will not be asking for a negative test. Someone else's medical information is none of our business. If anyone has a problem with that, they know they're welcome to celebrate elsewhere.

We did the exact same last year. No one got sick, and no one was vaccinated then.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

Weirdo Alternate Universe them:
"Nyiah, I need you to produce a valid negative test result before we can dig into the artery-clogging & largely unhealthy # I cooked up."

Me: "Are you high? Imma just order Chinese or something and have a more relaxed time of it at home, kthxbai,"

We don't do Thanksgiving as it is (too scattered around, & not enough GAF about a food holiday) and haven't for many years, but that's the answer I'd have to give to a stupidity-laced invite like that.

It also really vexes people when you disregard a holiday that really isn't worth much (Colombus Day being a good example for holiday hardliners) Explaining that you don't see a point in rewarding supplies ill-planning & underestimating a new environment with a holiday is also a good way to get mouths to resemble fish -- open & close, the gears just jam right up.

And if everyone says it's the company & traditions that count, well, for people within driving's called Sunday dinner every week. Try it more often without the spotlight date if the act of getting together really means much. It's also a good way to gauge who really means what they yammer about, and who's just in it for the hosting glory.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 07:23 AM
No Thanksgiving again this year, which we did a few weeks beforehand to accommodate an aunt and uncle that winter in Florida. And like the past couple of years it isn’t due to Covid so much as a black sheep uncle that ruins everyone’s mood from all the bridges burnt over the years.

Now if Fauci could come up with an ouchie for that, he might redeem himself.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 07:24 AM
Haha yer joking right? There's zero chance that would ever happen.

posted on Nov, 12 2021 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
You know guys, how did you celebrated last year when the pandemic was in his all hype scaremongering?, I did a big cook out for my family and friends and we never even mention the RONA, funny, none of us none vaccinated got sick either.

Funny and the food was to die for it

This is a very astute obervation. (sarc) How did we manage our holidays last year at this time, when the testing apparatus/availability of kits was not what it is now, and when the vaccine was just starting to rollout?

That's what baffles me. If families held events like Thanksgiving last year without taking heavy precautions, and now a year later, we've learned quite a bit more about the virus (i.e. how it spreads, what segments of the population are most vulnerable), more people are vaccinated or have natural immunity, then why is there a need this year to test everyone?


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